How to kill a Beta fish


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I got a beta fish to keep at my office at school today because they are supposed to be a hardy pet (i.e., they can survive the weekends without food). So far I have:

1. Given it a rough ride home from the pet store over many pot holes.

2. Put it in water that was not the same tempature than the dish I bought it in.

3. Let my cats see the tank and they promtly knock it over and all the water out.

4. Quickly fill part of the fish tank with COLD tap water and a little declorinator.

The poor guy has had so many traumas today in such a short while. He doesn't look to good but seems to be hanging on for dear life. If I show up at the pet store tomorrow with a dead fish I am sure they will revoke my frequent shoppers card.
In case it wasn't clear, I wasn't trying to kill him, but he was a little off put by the new tank/environment and then the cats knocked everything over and made it worse. So far he is still haning on and I really do want him to make it. The frustrating thing is that there is nothing I can do for him. I am just stuck here waiting and checking in on him every once in a while.

[quote name='Magehart']I never understood why people want fish as pets... they're a bitch to take care of.[/QUOTE]

I think you mean that.
[quote name='umcthomas']In case it wasn't clear, I wasn't trying to kill him, but he was a little off put by the new tank/environment and then the cats knocked everything over and made it worse. So far he is still haning on and I really do want him to make it. The frustrating thing is that there is nothing I can do for him. I am just stuck here waiting and checking in on him every once in a while.


I know that. I was just kidding. ;) I hope everything works out for your pet. I had a beta fish for a long time; they can live for a while if you take good care of them.
My fiancee got me a beta fish soon after we started dating.. it lasted about two weeks. I don't know what it was, but I was incapable of keeping a fish alive. Luckily cats are easier, two years and still alive!
[quote name='Magehart']I never understood why people want fish as pets... they're a bitch to take care of.[/quote]

As an owner of a betta and two goldfish, i'd have to disagree. Unless feeding fish is too much work for you.
[quote name='Gustav Holst']Um, Betta has two Ts. I was wondering what a Beta Fish was.[/quote]


I'm sure it had you terribly puzzled.
Well, it's still alive so I think he survived the worst of it.

As the spelling error was pointed out I guess I could change the topic title to:

How nOTT to kill a Betta fish

It would be more CAG-like

[quote name='umcthomas']Well, it's still alive so I think he survived the worst of it.

As the spelling error was pointed out I guess I could change the topic title to:

How nOTT to kill a Betta fish

It would be more CAG-like

Only if you want your topic locked. Only one OTT is allowed to exist at a time.
[quote name='Magehart']I never understood why people want fish as pets... they're a bitch to take care of.[/QUOTE]

I never understood keeping fish as pets unless you have some badass stuff (sharks, rare fish etc) in a saltwater tank.
[quote name='Full_Throttle']Well, we all know the Alpha model would not have survived that day.


there ya go.
[quote name='epobirs']Kill a Beta?

Report so many insurmountable bugs that the whole project is scrapped.[/quote]


Also, I didn't realize there were rules for the ott topics. I guess I've never read them.
My g/f's been trying to kill off her betta for some time now. He's starved for days at a time and that wouldn't do it. Finally she decided to let the water evaporate. The water was so low the guy was laying down on his side for a few days. I thought he'd be dead, but I felt bad so I filled it up and gave him a few pushes to see if he'd move. Sure enough he did.
[quote name='Supernothing']My g/f's been trying to kill off her betta for some time now. He's starved for days at a time and that wouldn't do it. Finally she decided to let the water evaporate. The water was so low the guy was laying down on his side for a few days. I thought he'd be dead, but I felt bad so I filled it up and gave him a few pushes to see if he'd move. Sure enough he did.[/quote]

Poor guy. The guy at the pet store said the most common ways a betta dies is by have clorinated water or too clean water. Mine survived the night and is looking much better this moring. I think I'll keep him here a couple more days before taking him to school just to make sure.

[quote name='Supernothing']My g/f's been trying to kill off her betta for some time now. He's starved for days at a time and that wouldn't do it. Finally she decided to let the water evaporate. The water was so low the guy was laying down on his side for a few days. I thought he'd be dead, but I felt bad so I filled it up and gave him a few pushes to see if he'd move. Sure enough he did.[/QUOTE]

Wow, your girlfriend is an ass.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Wow, your girlfriend is an ass.[/quote]

My thoughts exactly DoK.
If your GF wants to kill her fish just pull it out and cut it's head off or something at least that is humane.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Wow, your girlfriend is an ass.[/QUOTE]

I'd be worried. GF gets tired of the FISH and wants to kill it... What happens when she gets tired of the BF... :evil:
[quote name='Supernothing']My g/f's been trying to kill off her betta for some time now. He's starved for days at a time and that wouldn't do it. Finally she decided to let the water evaporate. The water was so low the guy was laying down on his side for a few days. I thought he'd be dead, but I felt bad so I filled it up and gave him a few pushes to see if he'd move. Sure enough he did.[/quote]

Your g/f is dumb. Sledgehammer, hello???
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Wow, your girlfriend is an ass.[/QUOTE]

2nded. I'm imagining her giggling as she tells people about her totally awesome attempts at offing her fish.
[quote name='vpr']I'd be worried. GF gets tired of the FISH and wants to kill it... What happens when she gets tired of the BF... :evil:[/QUOTE]
Heaven forbid they have kids.
[quote name='Supernothing']My g/f's been trying to kill off her betta for some time now. He's starved for days at a time and that wouldn't do it. Finally she decided to let the water evaporate. The water was so low the guy was laying down on his side for a few days. I thought he'd be dead, but I felt bad so I filled it up and gave him a few pushes to see if he'd move. Sure enough he did.[/quote]
The bitch deserves to die.

And no, I don't mean the fish.
[quote name='Supernothing']My g/f's been trying to kill off her betta for some time now. He's starved for days at a time and that wouldn't do it. Finally she decided to let the water evaporate. The water was so low the guy was laying down on his side for a few days. I thought he'd be dead, but I felt bad so I filled it up and gave him a few pushes to see if he'd move. Sure enough he did.[/QUOTE] I hope she never has children.
[quote name='Full_Throttle']Thank you. I can't believe I didn't know what that meant... I've made so many :\[/QUOTE]
Every thread you make becomes an OTT.
[quote name='Supernothing']My g/f's been trying to kill off her betta for some time now. He's starved for days at a time and that wouldn't do it. Finally she decided to let the water evaporate. The water was so low the guy was laying down on his side for a few days. I thought he'd be dead, but I felt bad so I filled it up and gave him a few pushes to see if he'd move. Sure enough he did.[/quote]

Wtf? Just give it to a pet store or something, christ.
bread's done