How Will You and Your Family Be Spending Christmas

omg itz adam

So with all the glum and sadness about christmas and cutting spending how will you guys be shopping ect?

My family I think is cutting it down not because we have to but by choice I personally told my mom all I wanted for christmas was some clothes and for her to pay half of Gears 2. So probably equals out to be about 200 bucks which is more then great to me.

No big things asked for my other family members I just told them I did not want anything.

I plan on spending about 200 dollars for about eight people.
my dad usually gives me Money/gift cards, my mom usually refuses to get me any gift cards or money--- she wants me to open PRESENTS, so i usually ask for something like a DVD set or game.

my girl friend and i, this will be our 5th christmas together, we only exchange fun gifts, cds, dvds, games, toys... no clothing, as a kid my mother would go nuts buying clothes that i'd never wear for Xmas, so now that im all grown up thats my new rule.

Xmas eve--- my mothers house, Xmas Morning my house, Xmas afternoon GF's parents house... and pre Xmas parties the weekend before Xmas... crazy holidays
I know I'm getting some fancy new clothes... some nice dress up stuff, never hurts to be able to look nice... and hopefully Revoltech figures :D

It's sad. I got a suit today, then immediately rush to check for GI Joes... I don't think I'll ever grow up :/
My first Christmas living outside of the USA, so I think I will be dropping the 350 for a ticket to Dulles Airport and then another 200 for a rental car, for the week and 1/2 I am home.

Aside from that, I am more interested in finding out what my family and friend want, because I have to be careful what I bring on the plane. That jar of maple syrup could do some damage.
I know this sounds bad but basically I pick out the clearance games I want my parents get them for me. For my birthday in September, I wanted NiGHTS for the Wii. I wanted it for $5 and only for $5 so I went to KMart with my dad and he bought it for me and saved it for my birthday (along with Starfox DS for $5), I don't want them overpaying on anything and they now know to look for deals (my dad won't buy from a chain store without asking me if there is a coupon first) but I feel that I can ask for a lot of games and not feel bad if most of them are $5 - $10 at the most and in some cases even less. We are going to do the same thing for the holidays. I already went to KMart with my dad again last week and picked out some $5 PS3 and Wii games I wanted. I have already explained to them that I do not want any full price games since I'd rather get $60 worth of $5 games then 1 $60 game.
I came in here thinking I'd see posts about "We won't be getting together, but my family will be in my thoughts." or "We'll get together, eat a big dinner, and enjoy each other's company". :lol:
Yeah, same here. I was planning on putting
"Exactly as I spent my Thanksgiving, completely trashed and having a good time. Not being with my family and telling them all to go fuck themselves."
I had a great Thanksgiving. I loved it! :lol:

I've cut down on the people I have to spend money on, but we are all spending the same amount as we normally do.
I dont really need any games being I usually buy all the ones I want the day they come out which leaves my mom constatnly asking me what I want.

But I have a ton of stuff already ipod hd tv 360 computer ect so what do i ask for clothes
bread's done