How would I go about reporting someone on xbox live?


I beat someone on NHL07 today and he got made at me since I played keep away with the puck during the last 30 seconds of the game. Anyway he sent me a voice message calling me a little fucking pussy nonstop and finished it off with a nice your a fucking piece of shit you fucking pussy. Normally I would send him a nasty message back but considering I just turned 23 a few weeks back I figure I will do the mature thing and let microsoft take care of it.
[quote name='ruffinra']I beat someone on NHL07 today and he got made at me since I played keep away with the puck during the last 30 seconds of the game. Anyway he sent me a voice message calling me a little fucking pussy nonstop and finished it off with a nice your a fucking piece of shit you fucking pussy. Normally I would send him a nasty message back but considering I just turned 23 a few weeks back I figure I will do the mature thing and let microsoft take care of it.[/QUOTE]

Go to your previously players list and either leave him negative feedback or file a complaint. Or do both.
[quote name='ruffinra']I beat someone on NHL07 today and he got made at me since I played keep away with the puck during the last 30 seconds of the game. Anyway he sent me a voice message calling me a little fucking pussy nonstop and finished it off with a nice your a fucking piece of shit you fucking pussy. Normally I would send him a nasty message back but considering I just turned 23 a few weeks back I figure I will do the mature thing and let microsoft take care of it.[/QUOTE]

Do the mature thing and let it go.

"Playing keep away" kind of sounds like a dick move anyway.
[quote name='chemical']Do the mature thing and let it go.

"Playing keep away" kind of sounds like a dick move anyway.[/QUOTE]

No, at the very least he should give that guy negative feedback. This will prevent the two of them from being matched up in the future and makes it so both players get the kind of game experience that they want.
[quote name='chemical']Do the mature thing and let it go.

"Playing keep away" kind of sounds like a dick move anyway.[/quote]

How is that a dick move? Is he supposed to give him the puck and let him win? Try to run up the score? It's called winning the game, is it a dick move to take a knee at the end of a football game?
[quote name='chemical']Do the mature thing and let it go.
"Playing keep away" kind of sounds like a dick move anyway.[/QUOTE]
I'm not a big sports fan, but I thought keeping the puck away from your opponent was a pretty fundamental part of hockey.
[quote name='chemical']Do the mature thing and let it go.

"Playing keep away" kind of sounds like a dick move anyway.[/QUOTE]

I agree with the others. Keep away happens all the time in REAL hockey.

As for your situation, write negative feedback for language. I don't know if I would file an actual complaint; it would depend how you feel.
Normally I would let it go but recently I have delt with a lot of idiots on live and its getting really annoying. Especially I've had issues with people using racist terms toward me on gears of war (they know I am black since when I use humans Cole is my character). Its not fun when you die in Gears and some 13 yr old keeps saying thats what you get brownie. This is the main reason why I decided that I am gonna start reporting and blocking people now instead of just muting them.

And I can understand if I played keep away for a whole period but it was the last 30 seconds. Its not a dick move, its called a smart move. They do it in real hockey as well.
Yes, if you don't want to play with that type of person, just give them negative feedback. The system works great when people actually use it.
[quote name='ruffinra'] (they know I am black since when I use humans Cole is my character). [/quote]

You would be the first black man I've ever seen use that model. Most use Carmine? (I think thats his name)
[quote name='ruffinra']Normally I would let it go but recently I have delt with a lot of idiots on live and its getting really annoying. Especially I've had issues with people using racist terms toward me on gears of war (they know I am black since when I use humans Cole is my character). Its not fun when you die in Gears and some 13 yr old keeps saying thats what you get brownie. This is the main reason why I decided that I am gonna start reporting and blocking people now instead of just muting them.

And I can understand if I played keep away for a whole period but it was the last 30 seconds. Its not a dick move, its called a smart move. They do it in real hockey as well.[/quote]

You should probably report the guy who sent you the voice message and should definitely report the people being racist.

I'd hope that MS would permanently ban people making racist comments from Live.
Reporting isn't going to do anything. But, you can piss them off by sending a whole voice message of you laughing the whole time. At least, that's what I do for those idiots who call you "cheap" in fighting games. (There is no cheapness, they just suck.)

or you can send him a message saying he sucks since he couldn't steal the puck for a full 30 seconds.

Pissing them off is really the only good way to handle the situation if you want them to feel some consequences.
[quote name='Apossum']Reporting isn't going to do anything. But, you can piss them off by sending a whole voice message of you laughing the whole time. At least, that's what I do for those idiots who call you "cheap" in fighting games. (There is no cheapness, they just suck.)

or you can send him a message saying he sucks since he couldn't steal the puck for a full 30 seconds.

Pissing them off is really the only good way to handle the situation if you want them to feel some consequences.[/QUOTE]

No, reporting definitely does something. Leaving negative feedback means that you will never be matched with that person again. As far as complaints, if Microsoft gets enough complaints about a particular user, they will be contacted and potentially banned.
I really don't think Microsoft has the time or resources to care about a singular* incident of name-calling, however crude and/or bigoted it may be. They probably only take action when someone has a very poor rating, tons of negative feedback, or when the user is making physical threats or trying to be a "SpecialGuy29" (infamously funny, mildly-'slow' would-be child know, the naked guy with the beer).

No offense, but do you realize how many thousands of times a day this sort of shithead flexes his 'e-biceps' and demonstrates how much of a fucking poster boy for poor sportsmanship he is?

*--Damn! I almost spelled that "cingular"! Must...fight...corporate...brainwashing....
[quote name='shipwreck']No, reporting definitely does something. Leaving negative feedback means that you will never be matched with that person again. As far as complaints, if Microsoft gets enough complaints about a particular user, they will be contacted and potentially banned.[/QUOTE]

oh, I had no idea.

well, report, leave neg feedback and heckle them back. trifecta.
[quote name='pop311']what does filing a complaint do?[/QUOTE]

I'm not 100% on the exact specifics, but the complaint is reviewed by Microsoft and if enough people file complaints on the same user, Microsoft takes some level of action with that user.
[quote name='shipwreck']I'm not 100% on the exact specifics, but the complaint is reviewed by Microsoft and if enough people file complaints on the same user, Microsoft takes some level of action with that user.[/quote]

OXM had a couple of the MS higher ups on their podcast and asked them that in an interview. I can't remember their names off the top of my head, but basically they confirmed they can take it so far as to ban your actual console from being able to log into Live, regardless of IP address or user trying to log in (both of which they can ban as well). I wonder how many complaints it would take for that level of punishment. :bomb:
[quote name='ruffinra']Normally I would let it go but recently I have delt with a lot of idiots on live and its getting really annoying. Especially I've had issues with people using racist terms toward me on gears of war (they know I am black since when I use humans Cole is my character). Its not fun when you die in Gears and some 13 yr old keeps saying thats what you get brownie. This is the main reason why I decided that I am gonna start reporting and blocking people now instead of just muting them.

And I can understand if I played keep away for a whole period but it was the last 30 seconds. Its not a dick move, its called a smart move. They do it in real hockey as well.[/QUOTE]

I used Cole and I am as white as an Alaskan winter. They may be making their assumptions from your voice possibly
[quote name='ruffinra']Normally I would let it go but recently I have delt with a lot of idiots on live and its getting really annoying. Especially I've had issues with people using racist terms toward me on gears of war (they know I am black since when I use humans Cole is my character). Its not fun when you die in Gears and some 13 yr old keeps saying thats what you get brownie. This is the main reason why I decided that I am gonna start reporting and blocking people now instead of just muting them.

And I can understand if I played keep away for a whole period but it was the last 30 seconds. Its not a dick move, its called a smart move. They do it in real hockey as well.[/QUOTE]

It's a good move. I would recommend that you just give them negative feedback. The more negatives these bastards get the better. I don't want matched up with a bunch of fowl mouth 12 year olds.
personally, i wouldnt block the person..there's something called revenge..obviously he takes the game way too seriously if he'd respond with that nonsense.. i'd play him again and give him another beatdown

worst experience ive had on live is mostly with playing mvp baseball games, these idiots switch their router on and off to freeze the game for a couple secs. just a cheap way of playing. ive laid into them, which i had no problem doing.
[quote name='shipwreck']I'm not 100% on the exact specifics, but the complaint is reviewed by Microsoft and if enough people file complaints on the same user, Microsoft takes some level of action with that user.[/QUOTE]

That may be true but I was reading in EGM or Xbox magazine about a guy TRYING to get banned on purpose and he wasn't able to be banned. It was kind of funny but sad that MS doesn't ban people.

The writer that was trying this for journalistic purposes refused to use any racial / hate items in his attacks on other players. Which is good. But it makes me believe that hate or racial items is the only way someone will be kicked out. It seems like swearing alone won't do it.
[quote name='Indiana']That may be true but I was reading in EGM or Xbox magazine about a guy TRYING to get banned on purpose and he wasn't able to be banned. It was kind of funny but sad that MS doesn't ban people.

The writer that was trying this for journalistic purposes refused to use any racial / hate items in his attacks on other players. Which is good. But it makes me believe that hate or racial items is the only way someone will be kicked out. It seems like swearing alone won't do it.[/QUOTE]

I remember that article in OXM as well. I thought he was eventually banned though. I think I lost interest in the article about halfway through though, so maybe I'm not remembering the end correctly.
Slurs, used 'jokingly' or not, are based on bigotry, so it's a lot easier to differentiate them from standard-issue profanities, hence making it much easier for Microsoft to justify banning someone for hurling them around. Just being a general foul-mouth is much, much greyer.

While it's usually clear when there's distinct animosity behind your garden variety profanities, where's that line between being malevolent as an agenda and being an R-rated trashtalker who doesn't intend to generate hard feelings? How does a moderating type determine if the complaint-filer is someone who's really 'Nick at Nite' cleancut (I suppose those people actually still exist...even on Live), taking too much offense to a "Holy shit!" or "No fucking way!!"? It's a 'common sense' issue, but this is lost potential revenue Microsoft is dealing with, no just stifling someone on a message board. Tougher for them to pull the trigger, drop the hammer, etc.

P.S. I do wish they'd make better use of the Gamerzones, and could banish those with poor feedback to Underground-only games, or maybe even a sub-Underground warg pit of dipshits. But for my ultimate Xbox Live soundbyte, "The worst part of online gaming is the one they can never patch."
Well, so far maybe I'm lucky, I haven't witnessed too much bad behavior on live (though, most of my time on Live has me on the original Xbox, but still).

First, I'd leave the negative feedback, as Shipwreck said, so that you aren't paired up with him anymore. Outside of that, I'd just drop it. Is it really worth it? So what, he left you a voice message, delete it and move on, or keep it and play it whenever you need a laugh. Messages like that are more of a reflection of the one leaving them than anything (and a nasty one back doesn't solve anything).

Racism, I agree, it's based on bigotry. That being said, idiot kids will use the language, if for no other reason than it makes people mad. Is it right, no. Is it really worth worrying about, no. Once again, I might leave negative feedback, but that would be the extent of it.

Really, short of someone leaving you a message saying that they know where you live, and they are coming to frag you in real life, I wouldn't put too much stock in it.
So I left the guy negative feedback and filed a complaint. Its kinda funny since I just had to do that to someone else today on Gears of War. My own teammate started using racial slurs towards a black opponent we were facing and a british opponent. Then he started saying our team is now known as the lynch mob and he said we are the KKK, so I decided to mute him and do the other mentioned actions to him. The funny thing is I'm sure my whole team will get bad feedback due to one idiot.
In my opinion, the fact that this was actually a voice MESSAGE makes it a complaint-worthy offense. In game-chat is a much greyer area, but if you're actually getting a voice message like that sent to you then it crosses the line IMO. So I think you did the right thing, OP.
[quote name='ruffinra']Then he started saying our team is now known as the lynch mob and he said we are the KKK, so I decided to mute him and do the other mentioned actions to him. The funny thing is I'm sure my whole team will get bad feedback due to one idiot.[/quote]
Please use feedback/complaints on players who use racist and other hate-language comments. Even if they're kids - they have to learn what these words mean somehow.
I was playing UMK3 a couple of weeks ago, and when I picked Subzero, the guy I was playing against when absolutely batshit. It was a string of obscenities to rival the dad from A Christmas Story, and the match hadn't even started.
He must have been getting his ass kicked around all day, so after he mopped the floor with me two rounds in a row, I felt like the mom who brings her boy a box of tissues after daddy comes home from happy hour and busts the kid's lip open. Some people just shouldn't be allowed to have headsets.

Give him negative feedback and move on.
[quote name='shipwreck']I remember that article in OXM as well. I thought he was eventually banned though. I think I lost interest in the article about halfway through though, so maybe I'm not remembering the end correctly.[/QUOTE]

No he was never banned. He did apparently "show up on the radar". I listened to the OXM podcast when they had the MS guys on talking about this and it sounded like its next to impossible to get banned. They pretty much made it sound like you should avoid this player by leaving feedback and move on.
bread's done