How would you rate RCA TV's


I'm thinking about picking up an RCA 27' Flat screen for my bedroom soon, found quite a deal on it but I've never owned an RCA before. Any feedback would help.
I have had a 27" RCA (although not flat screen) for four years now, and the only problem mine has is there's a few black lines flashing on the left side of my screen. Not a major issue or anything, just an annoyance.

For the record, I think they are pretty reliable TVs, and if you found a sweet deal on one, then it's probably worth picking up.
Umm i think theyve gotten alot better. In the early ninetys they werent that spectacular. In 94 I had a 19" and 27" and they were terrible the picture wasnt aligned right, the 19" was ungodly quiet ant they only had a coax input.

I just bought a 27" rca at walmart for 212$ back in august (not flat) and its great simulater surround, slighty rectangular screen (not wide, not square), 1 front set of av input / headphones, 1 av inback w/ svideo, 1 component in back, and audio out in back, and all the usual time settings/alarms, and sound settings (bass ,treble,balance).

personally id go for it if its cheap
Yeah like the other guys said I think it is a pretty decent brand... not top of the line, but I also don't think it's considered generic. If you found a good deal on one, I'd go for it.
well yea it doesnt compare to a toshiba tv, dont know bout sony tvs because i never had one(did have to replace 4 ps2s but i wont get into that).

but for the price the pca is a good tv. but if you can afford a toshiba tv id go with that
My parents have always bought RCA's . In 1978 my parents bought an RCA 27" floor type model (This was the TV so special we weren't allowed to play our Atari 2600 on it) . In 1994 they finally replaced it with a Proscan [made by RCA], due to a faulty remote . This was an old remote that used high frequency sound instead of infrared , therefore expensive to replace , twice . This 36" TV is still going strong . Who knows their next TV will probably be an RCA . So yeah it's a good brand , alot better than GE .
RCA used to be a reputable brand, however the company that owns RCA sometime in the 80's decided to aim for the lower end electorincs market ..It isn't your parents and certainly not your grandparents RCA they grew up with.
You would be better off with a Sharp 27" flat screen they can be had for about $ 249.00 at Costco. RCA is not a very reliable brand.
I have the RCA 27V530T 27". The sound is great, full rich bass and sound also the virtual surround is great, although on some channels it has the tendency to make the background noise louder than the foreground noise (talking ect.) but over all it's got awesome sound on it's own.

The picture is sharp, colors are vibrant and everything looks like it's supposed to. It has component out(1), composite out (1 back 1 front), S-Video (1) and audio out (1). I have all my consoles connected on S-Video (Monster Cables/RCA Video Selector) and it looks fantastic. I bought it over the summer since it was on sale for 180 bucks (retails at 228-300), and don't regret it. So far I like RCA, i've been more of a zenith fan boy, but this TV hasn't let me down yet (knocks on a huge piece of wood).
[quote name='guyver2077']how about those rca "made for xbox tv's" or w/e they are called[/quote]

The XBOX ready TV's are exactly like my model, except for the VPORT (which my model doesn't have) basically an extra a glorified Component Out that you have to connect with a VPORT cable that RCA makes for XBOX.
I've had a 60 inch RCA tv for about 6 years now and it works fine. The color in my videogames is just a little blurred but the giant screen makes up for it. If you are getting a great deal, jump on it.
I have an xbox ready RCA 27 inch tube television, it works great. Never had any problems with it, except the first one I bought had water spilled on it and the picture was messed up so I had to exchange it for another, but other than that I've had no problems. If you can get it cheap, I'd say definately get it. My friend always compliments me on it, and he has a year old jvc with components/svideo inputs as well.
[quote name='CrimGhost']Blah. American T.V.'s![/quote]
If it makes you feel any better, they're made in Mexico. :)

Personally, when I look at new televisions, I don't even consider RCA.
RCA is Junk. Last time i read the rankings in consumer reports RCA, Magnavox and Zenith fought for dead last of the name brands. They tested at least 10 brands. Sony was #1 and Toshiba was #2 with only a few points difference. I bought a 32 inch toshiba flatscreen with component video a year and a half ago. Its a great TV.
I bought a 52" RCA projection TV a couple of years ago and It has treated me well. It was definitely an economy buy (not everyone can afford a sony or Toshiba), but when you factor in price, it was well worth it....especially for a cheapass like me.
My sister has a 25 inch RCA purchased in 1999 but for some reason has no A/V inputs on it but overall a great TV. Toshiba in my opinion are the best have had a 36in Toshiba sinse 1995 and its still looks great and looks like it was purchased recently. Also had a Toshiba for 22 years and still worked fine but it was ugly so we got rid of it.
Pick up a Sanyo they are always ranked tops by Consumer Reports in their respective catagories and they are very reasonably priced. WalMart offers a one year exchange on all their Sanyo TVs.
Hmm, I'm still thinking on this

Price is a huge factor since I'm currently light in the wallet (Christmas ate all my money), and the TV I used to have a JVC blew out on me (Will never buy JVC TV's again, thing only lasted 3 years). I would be getting the TV for less than $200 and the normal price is $299.99. I will however check into gamegeizer's suggestion about the sharp TV. I've had two sharp TV's before, and both were and still are working in tip top shape (their both 10 years old).
I bought a nice 32" RCA at Wal-Mart 4-5 years ago.. I still love it.. It will probably stick around for quite a bit longer until I can afford a big plasma tv to hang on the wall or it dies :)
Thank God I found this thread so I can complain about how BAD RCA TVs are.

Before Thanksgiving I bought a flat screen RCA 27 inch. I got it home and noticed the geometry on it was terrible. The picture, especially using component cables, was fantastic, especially for video games, but the geometry was so bad it was distracting me.

So...I take the thing back and get a regular curved RCA 27 inch, figuring it would be better. Nope - still the same shitty geometry problems.

That's 2 different RCA TVs I had, both had awful geometry problems.

I suggest either paying for a top of the line Sony or Toshiba and pray they don't have geometry problems or save your money up for an LCD or Plasma.

I didn't buy the RCA. I instead went with a Philips, which I was told by a friend who has better TV knowledge than me that it was much higher quality than the RCA I was looking at. What was even better was the fact that I managed to get for almost the same price as the RCA only $214.99 so I'm happy with it. Not only that but it has (3) A/V inputs (1) component input and (1) S-video, which I really need as I'm using all but the S-video.
Good call on not getting the RCA, my household had two and they were both terrible. After a couple years they developed this problem with the picture flickering and you had to pound on it to get it to work again. Even after getting one repaired it started again a few months later.

I just got a new tv for my game room, a 27" Philips, it's a flat screen with a black cabinet instead of silver like you usually see. It has the same amount of inputs as yours but I only use the standard AV cables so far... I must say the picture quality is pretty awesome on my games.
[quote name='NeueZiel']*update*

I didn't buy the RCA. I instead went with a Philips, which I was told by a friend who has better TV knowledge than me that it was much higher quality than the RCA I was looking at. What was even better was the fact that I managed to get for almost the same price as the RCA only $214.99 so I'm happy with it. Not only that but it has (3) A/V inputs (1) component input and (1) S-video, which I really need as I'm using all but the S-video.[/quote]

where'd you buy the tv from and how big is it? I would love to pick up a smaller set that has component and the price sounds like it's a deal.
bread's done