Humble Bundle Thread

Back up to $4.74 now. At 10k sales and no movement, I'm out. I'll just penny in and see what the bonuses end up being.

Edit: Yup, 10k sales and still $4.74. fuck this shit. :bouncy:

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Back up to $4.74 now. At 10k sales and no movement, I'm out. I'll just penny in and see what the bonuses end up being.

Edit: Yup, 10k sales and still $4.74. fuck this shit. :bouncy:
Yup. Looks like $4.74. Humble certainly chose smartly for the BTA tier this time, as compared to the last main Humble.
In real life, I have a hard and fast rule that if I spot money on the ground, I don't even bother bending over to pick it up if it's smaller than a dime. And even a dime is only worth the effort about half the time.

On the internet, I'll wait hours for a bundle BTA to drop 3 cents.

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In real life, I have a hard and fast rule that if I spot money on the ground, I don't even bother bending over to pick up anything smaller than a dime. And even a dime is only worth the effort about half the time.

On the internet, I'll wait hours for a bundle BTA to drop 3 cents.
Why did you pass on so many free Metro Last Lights?

the saddest part about this is how this bundle is better than any of the 14 daily craps humble let rise to the surface of their sewage the past two weeks

the saddest part about this is how this bundle is better than any of the 14 daily craps humble let rise to the surface of their sewage the past two weeks
Nah, there were a number of better dailies.

Humble Daily Bundle: Deep Silver ReBundle

Humble Daily Bundle from Outer Space

Humble Daily Bundle: Flying

Also the current weekly is better.

Suffering from a bundle-induced blackout?

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For those of you getting in on the base tier, Symphony for Android only works on tablets, and a very limited number of them.

Doesn't say anywhere on the main page that it is FOR TABLETS ONLY.

Haven't tried to download on my Note 3 yet, but not getting my hopes up.

Edit: Here is the list of tablets that it works with, from the Humble support page:

Incomplete Supported Android Device List:
Google Nexus 7
Tegra Note
Galaxy Note 10.1 (4G/LTE edition)
LG G Pad 8.3
Kindle Fire HDX
Xperia Tablet Z
Update: Downloading now to my Note 3 through the Humble app, so they don't have it locked specifically to tablets yet. I'll keep you posted.
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Only had Symphony, Stickman, and Breach & Clear...though B&C was only on android from HM4 grumble grumble.

Not a bad deal overall, bought in at $4.73.

You know Humble, just when I thought you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you do something like this...
And totally redeem yourself!

Installed and working on my Note 3, despite Humble support pages telling me it doesn't.
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I've got the book bundle tab-locked at $6.39 right now. For somebody who isn't a fan of Alan Moore or Terry Goodkind, is there any worth in the rest of the pre-bonus BTA?
I've got the book bundle tab-locked at $6.39 right now. For somebody who isn't a fan of Alan Moore or Terry Goodkind, is there any worth in the rest of the pre-bonus BTA?
Goodkind. Ugh. I'll need to make use of custom sliders if I pick up this one.

I've got the book bundle tab-locked at $6.39 right now. For somebody who isn't a fan of Alan Moore or Terry Goodkind, is there any worth in the rest of the pre-bonus BTA?
I know a lot of people who seem to really like Paolo Bacigalupi's stuff. I had trouble getting into The Windup Girl though, which is where I've seen a lot of his praise come from. I haven't tried reading Pump Six yet which is a set of stories of his from an earlier bundle. I might read a few of those to help me decide on this.

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I know a lot of people who seem to really like Paolo Bacigalupi's stuff. I had trouble getting into The Windup Girl though, which is where I've seen a lot of his praise come from. I haven't tried reading Pump Six yet which is a set of stories of his from an earlier bundle. I might read a few of those to help me decide on this.
Well I went ahead and penny-locked it, so if you do, let me know what you think.
What's the lowest anyone saw for the ebook bundle?
I was reloading rapidly across two tabs to see what the lowest I could tab in for was starting at 2:02 (EDT), at which point it was still falling. It may have been lower in the first few seconds of the bundle, but the lowest I managed to snag was $6.39.
I low tiered the Dr. Who bundle. Can I still raise my amount to get the most expensive $15 tier (in blue font) now that it's over, or just the BTA tier (orange font)?
New Humble Books Bundle - eBook Bundle IV:

  • Wizzywig: Portrait of a Serial Hacker
  • March: Book One
  • The Sword & Sorcery Anthology
Beat the Average for:
  • From Hell
  • Wizard's First Rule
  • The Alchemist
  • The Executioness
Pay $10 or more for:
  • Jam
  • Lovecraft's Monsters: Anthology
March: Book One looks like a powerful tale and is the first of a planned trilogy based on the life of civil rights leader John Lewis, it is also the first graphic novel to win the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award.


March: Book One looks like a powerful tale and is the first of a planned trilogy based on the life of civil rights leader John Lewis, it is also the first graphic novel to win the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award.

Read it this afternoon. I tend to really hate media about (relatively) recent "sensitive" issues (for reasons, not worth getting into), regardless of the take, but I actually thought this was pretty decent, even though I doubt I'll ever read more of it. Didn't really get me thinking about racism or whatever, but about change in general.

I dunno, that was just a personal take.
Yuck will probably get the 10 dollar tier (I hate humble bundles with fixed price tiers)....mainly want the Yahtzee book.....other stuff looks ok too.

So basically, they were experimenting to see how well shitty bundles sell. The experiment was a success, they outsold every other bundle site.
Given every other bundle sites' offerings during that time, that success amounts to taking a crap and saying you found a miracle way to lose weight.

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Given every other bundle sites' offerings during that time, that success amounts to taking a crap and saying you found a miracle way to lose weight.
Considering the nature of Humble's announcement about the daily bundles, wouldn't it be more along the lines of taking a dump, believing you had found a miracle weight loss plan, and telling everybody that it was super awesome because you could use your dump to feed the hungry?
New Humble Books Bundle - eBook Bundle IV:

  • Wizzywig: Portrait of a Serial Hacker
  • March: Book One
  • The Sword & Sorcery Anthology
Beat the Average for:

  • From Hell
  • Wizard's First Rule
  • The Alchemist
  • The Executioness
Pay $10 or more for:

  • Jam
  • Lovecraft's Monsters: Anthology
New Humble Store sales:

Had to BTA for From Hell. I've been wanting an electronic copy of this forever.

So basically, they were experimenting to see how well shitty bundles sell. The experiment was a success, they outsold every other bundle site.
More accurately, experimenting to see what they could do when they don't have a regular sort of bundle lined up. That obviously included trying "bundles" that amounted to a regular sale price on a single item or maybe a publisher bundle.

I get the desire to hate on Humble for this--it is their site, after all. That said, without developers and publishers willing to participate, Humble has nothing to run. I'm going to guess that it's a lot easier to sell a publisher on running a semi-glorified sale over a package of their games for ~$5.50.

Given every other bundle sites' offerings during that time, that success amounts to taking a crap and saying you found a miracle way to lose weight.
Hold on here. You're saying if I do this every day for 90 days, I can get ripped?

That's the miracle of P90Sh*t. The "work-outs" are constructed in such manner that your sphincter gets confused, and will never be able to adapt to the various types of dumps you'll be taking. The weight will just fall off.

More accurately, experimenting to see what they could do when they don't have a regular sort of bundle lined up. That obviously included trying "bundles" that amounted to a regular sale price on a single item or maybe a publisher bundle.

I get the desire to hate on Humble for this--it is their site, after all. That said, without developers and publishers willing to participate, Humble has nothing to run. I'm going to guess that it's a lot easier to sell a publisher on running a semi-glorified sale over a package of their games for ~$5.50.
I agree with this, but I think it would be fair to say that most of us here would prefer that Humble take a vacation rather than run dubious crap bundles. However, I'm sure Humble doesn't give two halves of a rat's ass about what we bundle-snobs prefer, because some money > no money.

bread's done