Humble Bundle Thread

I am still salty about missing Broforce. It's been on my wish list forever, I don't know when we'll see this good a deal again, and I really wanted Titan Souls as well. And it was in my cart!  :censored:  :bomb:

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I am still salty about missing Broforce. It's been on my wish list forever, I don't know when we'll see this good a deal again, and I really wanted Titan Souls as well. And it was in my cart! :angryface
Eh, there'll be better deals for Broforce eventually, just wait until it's out of early access. Even KISS takes a long time to bundle some of their early access stuff.

Eh, there'll be better deals for Broforce eventually, just wait until it's out of early access. Even KISS takes a long time to bundle some of their early access stuff.
It's more the sting of missing a good deal on two titles I really wanted when such deals are so few and far between these days than anything else. At least I got Endless Legend at GG, that was a pretty good one. The Telltale bundle too, although all I needed from that was GoT.
Today's deals:

Build a Paradox Interactive Bundle (up to 90% off for five games)

Build a Daedalic Entertainment Bundle (up to 85% off for five games)

If anyone can help me get Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Deluxier from the Paradox bundle (since those jerks refuse to sell the upgrade on their own) lemme know and I'll pay you back with PayPal.
Might grab the 3 CK2 DLC (don't judge), so if someone has one thing they want from the sale we can get all it for 90% off.

First post, free games if anyone wants them from the last two or three bundles:


Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Multiplayer Beta

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory®
Couple of questions on some of the recent games if anyone knows:
1) Playing Pac-Man CE DX on Steam I decided to go buy a Rock Candy 360 controller to help me out instead of using the keyboard. Only thing is, it's extremely unresponsive and harder than using even the arrow keys to play. Anyone know a way to make this work better?
2) I'm running Windows 10, and can't seem to get the original Rainbow Six to boot - is this a known issue or is there a workaround? It will run in the background in Task Manager and put a drain on resources but won't actually boot. Not sure if there's issues with Windows 10 and some of these games.
First post, free games if anyone wants them from the last two or three bundles:

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Multiplayer Beta

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory®




Couple of questions on some of the recent games if anyone knows:

1) Playing Pac-Man CE DX on Steam I decided to go buy a Rock Candy 360 controller to help me out instead of using the keyboard. Only thing is, it's extremely unresponsive and harder than using even the arrow keys to play. Anyone know a way to make this work better?

2) I'm running Windows 10, and can't seem to get the original Rainbow Six to boot - is this a known issue or is there a workaround? It will run in the background in Task Manager and put a drain on resources but won't actually boot. Not sure if there's issues with Windows 10 and some of these games.

I took the UPlay stuff. Thank you.
Couple of questions on some of the recent games if anyone knows:

1) Playing Pac-Man CE DX on Steam I decided to go buy a Rock Candy 360 controller to help me out instead of using the keyboard. Only thing is, it's extremely unresponsive and harder than using even the arrow keys to play. Anyone know a way to make this work better?
Tried using the DPad instead of the stick? I played the game using the DPad and it worked great, but I use a genuine 360 pad. Some of those third party pads aren't detected properly by the games.

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Tried using the DPad instead of the stick? I played the game using the DPad and it worked great, but I use a genuine 360 pad. Some of those third party pads aren't detected properly by the games.
Yeah, there's definitely a big delay on it. It's odd because I've used Rock Candy plenty of times before with no problems. It works, it just is extremely latent. I will hit a direction and then a second later it will turn at the next corner.

Yeah, there's definitely a big delay on it. It's odd because I've used Rock Candy plenty of times before with no problems. It works, it just is extremely latent. I will hit a direction and then a second later it will turn at the next corner.
Oooh, yeah, I've heard that when the joystick snaps back to (0, 0) it will actually go in the exact opposite direction for a split second. I was looking at getting a cheap PC controller but was warned not to buy Rock Candy due to the improper centering. There also seems to be a problem with the cord fraying. It's got a 2/5 rating on the Microsoft store.

My advice would be to get a different 360 controller, preferably an OEM. They're more expensive, but you get what you pay for.

Anyone know what ck2 dlcs are actually worth buying?
I bought into the game with Amazon's "complete" (at the time) and bought Old Gods after, but have stopped since then since it looked like they were coming out with a new DLC every couple of months or so and had no signs of stopping... i.e. their strategy appears to be to release new DLCs at around $15 and sell old ones at ~$5-10 (depending on popularity).

At this point, when it comes to paradox in-house games, I'll recommend getting the real "complete" version when they're actually done with them (i.e. them announcing CK3 in this case) if you're OCD like me and hates playing a "nerfed" version.

If you must have it now, Old Gods is pretty good and adds a good 200 years timeline to the game along with pagan/norse stuffs.

Look up and cherry-pick what you want from that. Personally, I'll say only the Sword of Islam, Legacy of Rome (for retinues), Republic, Old Gods and Horse Lords are must-have based on the amount of content. Be aware that the game is usually balanced for the latest expansion (i.e. the hordes are strongest/OP now with horse lords) to make you buy it :wall:

The minor DLCs like the sprites/portraits/song packs etc. can all be ignored. Ruler Designer might be desirable if you want to power-game your first character.

I think its hilarious how everyone derides Paradox for their DLC practices when IMHO they have one of the best DLC practices in the industry. They are constantly adding new content, both paid and free, to games that they released years ago (OMG they're actually supporting their product instead of taking your money and running!!1! Get your pitchforks ready!1!) A lot of this new content completely overhauls thr game so it adds a ton of re playability, unlike those AAA titles that have DLC season passes where you get what, a 2 hour side mission, some multiplayer maps, and some extra skins. Yeah, they tend to have some fluff cosmetic DLC too, but its not neccessary and you'd only buy it to support the devs (plus I know you guys have tripped over yourselves buying similarly useless DLCs, like KF/BL/HoTS skins)

But yeah lets keep complaining about companies supporting their titles years after release. What we need more of are early access games where you can just give them all your money upfront and not ever have to worry about them updating, or even finishing, the game.
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Tremor has a few copies of Zombie Kill of the Week left in case that's all you want from this week's weekly.  

Also, I think the main issue bros have with Paradox is that they don't play the games so it's just a quest for the hoard.  The series we actually play we don't mind the DLC buys, but stuff we're just trying to complete for the hell of it it makes it annoying to see a million DLCs to buy.  Thankfully, I've slowly conditioned myself out of that mindset.  

Oooh, yeah, I've heard that when the joystick snaps back to (0, 0) it will actually go in the exact opposite direction for a split second. I was looking at getting a cheap PC controller but was warned not to buy Rock Candy due to the improper centering. There also seems to be a problem with the cord fraying. It's got a 2/5 rating on the Microsoft store.

My advice would be to get a different 360 controller, preferably an OEM. They're more expensive, but you get what you pay for.
Thanks for the info, I usually go 'official' but had good success with these controllers before so I thought it would have worked well.

Also, not going to mess with UPlay anymore, too much work to get 15 year old games working. So if anyone wants the remaining two games they're yours:

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon®

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® 3 Gold (Raven Shield / Athena Sword)
Tremor has a few copies of Zombie Kill of the Week left in case that's all you want from this week's weekly.

Also, I think the main issue bros have with Paradox is that they don't play the games so it's just a quest for the hoard. The series we actually play we don't mind the DLC buys, but stuff we're just trying to complete for the hell of it it makes it annoying to see a million DLCs to buy. Thankfully, I've slowly conditioned myself out of that mindset.
I've conditioned myself out of that mindset too.. by not buying games that have a shitload of DLC. If it's a game I REALLY want, I'll probably buy it, but otherwise I'll wait for a bundle for the base game.

Personally, I'd rather devs focus 100% on creating a new game rather than make a million DLCs for a game that's been out for a few years, but that's me.

Much of the Paradox DLC is plug&play, meaning you really don't need all of them anyway.  That stuff is designed to give more variety to the person who is spending hundreds of hours in those grand strategy games.

The neverending desire to have complete versions of games baffles me, especially on a site populated with people notorious for not playing games.  Personally, I rarely touch the additional content offered by DLC.  Even in games I have spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours in.  Never finished the DLC for any of the Bethesda games (although I did benefit from modding).  Not even Mass Effect, which I have purchased complete versions of on two different platforms.  In fact, the majority of purchases where I hold the most regret are DLCs.  Borderlands 2 season pass (never touched), Bioshock Infinite season pass (never touched), Dino D-Day (fuck, that horde mode is awful), Secret of the Magic Crystals Dress Up (okay, those santa boots were awesome).  Hell, i'm currently debating the Dying Light season pass and the odds of me going back to that are slim to none, even though I absolutely loved that game.

Probably the only game where I actually got decent value from DLC/expansions is The Sims.  I spent a shitton of money on that, but it actually enhanced the gameplay AND kept me playing that franchise for a goddamned decade.

Tremor has a few copies of Zombie Kill of the Week left in case that's all you want from this week's weekly.

Also, I think the main issue bros have with Paradox is that they don't play the games so it's just a quest for the hoard. The series we actually play we don't mind the DLC buys, but stuff we're just trying to complete for the hell of it it makes it annoying to see a million DLCs to buy. Thankfully, I've slowly conditioned myself out of that mindset.
Yeah, with all the fakeybro going on recently, I forgot most people on this site "buy it for the +1".

Personally, I'd rather devs focus 100% on creating a new game rather than make a million DLCs for a game that's been out for a few years, but that's me.
Really? Because there are a ton of companies that do that and fail miserably (double fine comes to mind) as well as tons of games that have come out recently that should have been DLC/expansion as opposed to a "new" game (lookin at you, dead island/sniper elite/saints row) I'd rather devs focus on finishing and making the game they put out the best it can be, rather than rushing out new titles every year because they make more headlines that way, but that's just me. Agree to disagree and all that.

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Borderlands 2 season pass (never touched), Bioshock Infinite season pass (never touched)
I get the fatigue most people get from spending enormous amounts of time in a game. In the case of BL2, it took me longer than most, but I too grew weary. With BioShock Infinite I just flat out got bored with the game towards the end.

Having said that, you've, unfortunately, missed out on some of the best parts of both games. BL2 Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon's Keep and B:I's Burial at Sea were both highlights for me. As in, better than the rest of the content by a long shot.

On one hand, it's nice that developers are able to cap off their games with good work. On the other, it's too bad more of that goodness wasn't in the core game so it didn't get overlooked by people who grew tired of the journey.

One of my biggest criticisms of the Borderlands series is the flat-out requirement that you play the game over and over and over and over and over if you want to fully experience the game (skill trees). Then they tack on the ridiculous level upgrades, which seem nice on the surface in that they add playing time, but are really just time-sinks. By the time the final DLC rolls around, you've likely played through the main story a dozen or more times. They REALLY need to embrace the concept of farming in this next game, and make it a viable way to level your characters. Good repeatable boss fights, "season" game play, anything to keep people from having to run through the story mode eighty million times.

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Thanks for the info, I usually go 'official' but had good success with these controllers before so I thought it would have worked well.

Also, not going to mess with UPlay anymore, too much work to get 15 year old games working. So if anyone wants the remaining two games they're yours:

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon®

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® 3 Gold (Raven Shield / Athena Sword)
Thank you!

Took both of them :D

Yeah, with all the fakeybro going on recently, I forgot most people on this site "buy it for the +1".

Really? Because there are a ton of companies that do that and fail miserably (double fine comes to mind) as well as tons of games that have come out recently that should have been DLC/expansion as opposed to a "new" game (lookin at you, dead island/sniper elite/saints row) I'd rather devs focus on finishing and making the game they put out the best it can be, rather than rushing out new titles every year because they make more headlines that way, but that's just me. Agree to disagree and all that.
You mean like Warlock 2? I agree some devs are terrible at it, but it doesn't mean all are. There's a right and wrong way to do it.

I think its hilarious how everyone derides Paradox for their DLC practices when IMHO they have one of the best DLC practices in the industry.
One of the things that bugged me about them was they had 'complete' editions of games like Magicka and CK2 that they sold to multiple stores that those stores kept selling those 'complete' editions long after they had stopped being complete. What's worse is there were multiple complete editions floating around with different DLC packages and it was really confusing.

It does seem like they've gotten a little better more recently. I notice with the EU IV package it's not called complete and the description notes it contains all DLC through July 2014.

Actually Paradox is much better with DLC now then in the past, despite releasing more of it. EU IV shows it the most, you could probably play it without any dlc and not miss much. The dlcs add a couple nice features (randomize new world, province development, marches, nation designer), but the bulk is added through a free patch.

They also are, finally, starting to state what was in the patch and what isn't on the dlc page.

It used to be (and can see it a bit with CK2) the dlc was about necessary to play. CK 2 isn't that bad (EU III was though) but yeah.
Remember to set the Double Dragon Trilogy slider to $0. fuck DotEmu.
Also, fuck Humble for making you pay a minimum of $1 just to get the items in their bundles now. What if I only wanted to pay 50 cents? They take the money, and I get nothing.

I usually go for mobile bundles. It seems most of the BTA would likely control horribly and not be fun.....I don't have a tablet, but still...

Just wait long enough and they'll all be free on Amazon at some point. Then you can fill your Android device to breaking point with games with terrible controls so you can play them for 5 minutes and then give up in disgust.

I think I'm really out-Moobying Mooby today with all this negativity. He really needs to pick up his game.

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New Build sales:

Build a Deep Silver Bundle (up to 85% off, mostly Train crap)

Build a Ubisoft Bundle (up to 75% off, mostly Uplay keys)

The Daedalic and Paradox sales are running for one more day. There's also Sega, Focus Home and Square Enix games on sale, and a bunch of Deep Silver and Ubisoft things too.
I don't think Ubisoft understands how this kind of sale works. 25 out of the 34 games on the page are ALREADY discounted at 75% off. How would you save money by bundling 5 of those games.


Only want Grow Home from the Ubi build a bundle, but I doubt I could find 4 other people to split with, there aren't even more than 3 games worth buying from it.

Ain't no one buying uplay only codes at 75% off.

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I swear Humble sale has hit my wallet bank account harder then the past Steam sales have. Looking at picking up Frozen Cortex now, with it being 66% off (and, from what ITAD showed, the cheapest it's been). 

Damn you Humble!

Yeah, that Ubi Build-a-Bundle is full of fail. What's the point of buying anything from that bundle unless you're buying one of the few higher-priced lower-discounted items?

I can find three games I want that come with Steam keys, but it actually costs MORE in the bundle than buying them separately. :bs:

Only want Grow Home from the Ubi build a bundle, but I doubt I could find 4 other people to split with, there aren't even more than 3 games worth buying from it.

Ain't no one buying uplay only codes at 75% off.
I bought Grow Home from Amazon with Bing Bucks. Back when I still had Bing Bucks. :cry:

It's pretty fun. I need to go back and finish it some time.

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I wonder if someone got fired over that Telltale bundle, because that set-up makes sense, whereas all of these later build-a-bundles seem to be using the same method but saying "Discounts are off regular price". Which of course makes no damn sense when you've got a bunch of things in your bundle that are already 80-90% off.

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bread's done