Humble Bundle Thread

Okay, so figured out Humble purchase limits go by payment methods. So if you have multiple CCs you can use each one for 3 purchases before getting locked out. Was able to get 6 more $1 Tiers for tremor trade in. Think I'm done for now, but hope they do this for future bundles.
Yeah, it's by payment method. I've confirmed this a few times myself. It's similar to free trials by Gamefly/Hulu/Netflix.

Okay, so figured out Humble purchase limits go by payment methods. So if you have multiple CCs you can use each one for 3 purchases before getting locked out. Was able to get 6 more $1 Tiers for tremor trade in. Think I'm done for now, but hope they do this for future bundles.
use virtual credit card. Citicard has it and u can do it 1000 times over if u want to collect Tremor's monopoly money in the future

I got the Ark bundle... and it turns out that's about all I wanted.  Already had Wasteland 2 from the Kickstarter.  Everything else was mopey.  Trashed it all.  Kind of a lame one outside the fact that I was okay with getting Ark for $12. 

I got the Ark bundle... and it turns out that's about all I wanted. Already had Wasteland 2 from the Kickstarter. Everything else was mopey. Trashed it all. Kind of a lame one outside the fact that I was okay with getting Ark for $12.
Blah! Perhaps the monthly isn't for you unless you are willing to pay the price of entry for the games they show. The random games were by far the best in this bundle imo. Also,



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blah best yet!
An early access game, a kickstarter game, a streaming game, one good indie game (that's been on other places/sales?) and 4 indie trash.

Definitely saw other bundles where I felt regret not buying. The one previous was probably better, IMO, but I didn't get it. I already own South Park and This War of Mine, so I cancelled. Won't sub again unless the leading game is something I want, like Ark.

Kbob even if they aren't for you, you could have, you know, sold them instead if feeding them to lurkers.

I would have paid you for a couple of them. :p

Strong monthly. Won Sentinels of the Multiverse on Steamgifts and only other titles I truly want are ARK and Grav. I dunno if I would ever play ARK, but all the cool kids have it in their libraries these days.

Man, I don't even know what to say to that. I think we all agreed that February's was pretty disappointing outside of Alien, Volume and maybe Broken Age. Guess you can't make everyone happy.
I think most people who missed the bundle actually wanted it for Dropsy. Myself Titan Souls was the best game on the bundle last month. This month is by far the best IMO tho, but I haven't thought a bundle was disappointing yet.

I think most people who missed the bundle actually wanted it for Dropsy. Myself Titan Souls was the best game on the bundle last month. This month is by far the best IMO tho, but I haven't thought a bundle was disappointing yet.
It's mostly because Devolver Digital stuff tends to hit the bargain bin/non-monthly bundles, much like Double Fine (but Devolver at least doesn't have a Schafer type or KS nonsense). Dropsy's not a bad pick-up (doesn't hurt that it's the deluxe edition or whatever), but there are better games that could have taken its place. Neither is Titan Souls (which annoyingly didn't include its deluxe edition), but I don't think I'd enjoy it, personally.

Both certainly seem better choices than Penarium though.

It's mostly because Devolver Digital stuff tends to hit the bargain bin/non-monthly bundles, much like Double Fine (but Devolver at least doesn't have a Schafer type or KS nonsense). Dropsy's not a bad pick-up (doesn't hurt that it's the deluxe edition or whatever), but there are better games that could have taken its place. Neither is Titan Souls (which annoyingly didn't include its deluxe edition), but I don't think I'd enjoy it, personally.

Both certainly seem better choices than Penarium though.
Devolver stuffs are much more bundle-resistant than Double Fine. I only see it appear on the premium price HB Monthly and sometimes on higher tier of regular bundle. Double Fine put their shit in bundle left and right. I didn't even bother participate in the Build a DF bundle because I know for sure Schafer will bundle his games in a near future

Grav Reborn was being sold for 499 coins on Tremor, but of course that went flying off the virtual shelves. Then again, they only had 10 copies apparently. Can someone match that price? O:)

Grav Reborn was being sold for 499 coins on Tremor, but of course that went flying off the virtual shelves. Then again, they only had 10 copies apparently. Can someone match that price? O:)
Yeah everything in that bundle sold the hell out in 5 minutes in the middle of the night 'murican time except for Wasteland 2 because they priced it at a bajillion dollars.

Yeah everything in that bundle sold the hell out in 5 minutes in the middle of the night 'murican time except for Wasteland 2 because they priced it at a bajillion dollars.
I believe that Grav was cheap because they priced the more popular games very high, just like what's going in the cesspool. But they do seem to be valuing Wasteland 2 higher than the cesspool, which is why it's still available. ARK is nowhere to be found, obviously.

I wanted Shantae really bad and woke up to found all the dirty foreigners stole it while I was sleeping and I was like 


I wanted Shantae really bad and woke up to found all the dirty foreigners stole it while I was sleeping and I was like

Only 599 coins too. Maybe it will end up in the $1 Tier of a Humble Bundle someday. Somewhat interested in Wasteland 2. All I need is a small loan of 5000 Tremor coins.

Devolver stuffs are much more bundle-resistant than Double Fine. I only see it appear on the premium price HB Monthly and sometimes on higher tier of regular bundle. Double Fine put their shit in bundle left and right. I didn't even bother participate in the Build a DF bundle because I know for sure Schafer will bundle his games in a near future
Double Fine definitely bundles more, but Devolver has bundled their stuff plenty of times outside of the monthly, just not their "newer" stuff.

Devolver games in recent $1-tiers:

Breach & Clear


Breach & Clear: Deadline

They used to bundle their stuff more, but I think they're sticking to these Monthlys now.

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I got the Ark bundle... and it turns out that's about all I wanted. Already had Wasteland 2 from the Kickstarter. Everything else was mopey. Trashed it all. Kind of a lame one outside the fact that I was okay with getting Ark for $12.
I am kind of with you on this. Ark and wasteland 2 is awesome for $12, but where I already own wasteland 2 it is decidedly less awesome. Not too interested in the other games, but if I can make $4 or $5 off them and essentially get ark for around $6 I am ok with that.

I am not into the whole +1 nonsense though so if the featured game isn't something I am interested in I find myself better off picking up the one or maybe 2 games I actually want for a few bucks in the cesspool.

Edit: Except master plan... I waited only a few days and all the copies disappeared. Damn you masterplan!
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I picked up the Star Wars Pinball 4 app for android during the last $.10 sale and I liked it so I picked up the $1 tier of the new Weekly bundle. Holy fuck I absolutely love this. I've been playing it like pretty much non-stop since I got it activated. It's so good. I'm especially loving the Darth Vader Table and the Guardians table but I think that might be because they are also somewhat easier tables? I want the other tables but I think my best bet is probably to wait for a steam sale as the cheapest way to get more tables? It's so addicting I'm honestly surprised by how much I love it.

It'll show up in a monthly before that
This. In before Spacebase ends up in a monthly instead. :wall:

Costume Quest 2 would be a nice addition too.

I picked up the Star Wars Pinball 4 app for android during the last $.10 sale and I liked it so I picked up the $1 tier of the new Weekly bundle. Holy fuck I absolutely love this. I've been playing it like pretty much non-stop since I got it activated. It's so good. I'm especially loving the Darth Vader Table and the Guardians table but I think that might be because they are also somewhat easier tables? I want the other tables but I think my best bet is probably to wait for a steam sale as the cheapest way to get more tables? It's so addicting I'm honestly surprised by how much I love it.
Uh oh, sounds like Indef has some competition. :bouncy:

I don't think I'd say I'm good since I just started playing but maybe I'll get good if I keep going the rate I currently going. I broke 17 million last night which I'm sure isn't actually a lot, but it feels like a lot to me. IMA keep working on this. One day Mr. Indef you will have competition!
I don't think I'd say I'm good since I just started playing but maybe I'll get good if I keep going the rate I currently going. I broke 17 million last night which I'm sure isn't actually a lot, but it feels like a lot to me. IMA keep working on this. One day Mr. Indef you will have competition!
FX2 is awesome, and even better with leaderboard friends to chase. Post a link to your steam profile and you'll probably get a bunch of friend requests.

that or BrownDerby. He can put up scores in pinball FX that will make you question yourself worth.

Oh, I broke 4 million! I wonder where that ranks...? *sigh* nevermind.
Yeah, BrownDerby has scores in the billions. I've only cracked 6 figures on a few of the tables, and haven't put up decent numbers on most of them since the leaderboard wipe.

edit: Here's my steam profile if any other new pinball wizards are lurking.

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This. In before Spacebase ends up in a monthly instead. :wall:

Costume Quest 2 would be a nice addition too.

Uh oh, sounds like Indef has some competition. :bouncy:
"Got an alt account for Steam cards? Sick of not getting all your drops before the market crashes? Tired of all the hours spent catching up on all your alt's drops? Send me a PM!"

I got 3 Yes from your signature. So what does PMing you will do for me?

and u still sell Hammerwatch for $1?

Got GRAV via a trade for Luxor Evolved from Tremor. 595 coins in all, so not a bad price, and it's much better than trying to beat the Euro hoarders. This is the first early access survival game in my collection, as Life is Feudal graduated from that club, but with many issues apparently. This leaves ARK, which is the dominant player in the early access survival genre. 

"Got an alt account for Steam cards? Sick of not getting all your drops before the market crashes? Tired of all the hours spent catching up on all your alt's drops? Send me a PM!"

I got 3 Yes from your signature. So what does PMing you will do for me?

and u still sell Hammerwatch for $1?
Yeah, back when I was on top of my idling (and not 400+ cards behind like I am right now), I offered to idle games for people who had extra keys they were just gonna dump on an alt account. You'd hand over your extra key, and I'd do all the idling and give you all the cards (which you could then sell while the market's hot), as long as I didn't have the game on my account already, of course. Problem is most people don't have doubles of games I'm missing, usually.

And yes, I have a few copies of Hammerwatch left.

Three days later the avg has dropped just 5 cents to $5.57. Only two days remain.

I think Foxhack will win this round.
12 hours later its not dropped a copper... I think I'm going to buy out now. I don't see there being much change in the price at this point and with the Division going live tomorrow (tonight really) the chances of my gilbying this bundle if I wait are really strong.

So it seems Motoki finally got his Shantae. I also just got that via some Tremor magic. It feels like the equivalent of Gamestop console magic. 

Tremor just credited me for the other 6 bundles I sent.  They also said Thanks!!!!!!!!!!! with like a million !!!!!! so I think they really wanted them  

Was thinking about getting that Pinball FX 2 humble bundle until I saw those reviews. Anyone know whats up with all this EULA business?
[ edit ] removed wrong stuff for clarity [ edit ] :dunce:

The tables are lots of fun and you shouldn't let something like that keep you from scoring a deal with the bundle and trying them for yourself.

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The EULA nonsense has nothing to do with that. It has to do with this:
This might help further clarify matters:

Just to clarify - this is a standard blanket EULA that covers all platforms, but we are looking into changing it for Steam. The language used in the EULA doesn't really apply here and is more for if we decided to make ad-based games. That being said, we are not putting ads into this version of the game.

If you're super-paranoid about this, okay, skip the game. But you're missing out on a damn good pinball game (something that, a few years ago, I never thought I'd say).

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This might help further clarify matters:

Just to clarify - this is a standard blanket EULA that covers all platforms, but we are looking into changing it for Steam. The language used in the EULA doesn't really apply here and is more for if we decided to make ad-based games. That being said, we are not putting ads into this version of the game.

If you're super-paranoid about this, okay, skip the game. But you're missing out on a damn good pinball game (something that, a few years ago, I never thought I'd say).
Okay, so that makes more sense. Reading through the EULA after Bobby's post I was a little annoyed, though I don't ever use my primary email address or social accounts for game stuff,

After reading the clarification, I see even less reason to worry, unless you are naive enough to give out your primary info to anyone that asks, or if you just love tinfoil hats.

My point stands -- great game. Try it and don't worry about the crybabies.

Whatever. Those paranoid tinfoil hat Europeans at Reddit are ready to call the EU and report someone trying to steal their identity every time there's a free game that asks for a like on Facebook.
bread's done