Humble Bundle Thread

Still haven't decided on the Glen Bundle. Guess I'll just get it....and backlog forever.
I tremorbro'd Victor Vran. Have no interest in base-game only Tropico 5 and had everything else. I do kind of want Homeworld, but I'd rather buy it with steam wallet when it hits 75% off or something.
I tremorbro'd Victor Vran. Have no interest in base-game only Tropico 5 and had everything else. I do kind of want Homeworld, but I'd rather buy it with steam wallet when it hits 75% off or something.
Coincidentally, Tremor just dropped the price on Knight Squad and Fahrenheit by 100 coins each.

I tremorbro'd Victor Vran. Have no interest in base-game only Tropico 5 and had everything else. I do kind of want Homeworld, but I'd rather buy it with steam wallet when it hits 75% off or something.
Yea I pretty much only want Homeworld (and I has like 60 on steam funny monies) I might as well wait.

You're all wrong. Telling people they're wrong is only half of the point of the internet. The other half is watching depraved weeaboo incest porn you don't want anyone knowing you get off to.

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The other half is watching depraved weeaboo incest porn you don't want anyone knowing you get off to.
No way. Too many weirdos proudly saying "Haha, you think this is wrong because you haven't played Raping My Sister-Mom Who Is Also A Collie, you loser!!!" Personally, I'd be just as happy if they kept that info to themselves.

You're all wrong. Telling people they're wrong is only half of the point of the internet. The other half is watching depraved weeaboo incest porn you don't want anyone knowing you get off to.
Nope, you forgot cat videos. People always forget cat videos.

Whippersnapper. This is the reference.

Yeah, it pretty much is... I watched all episodes of Tales from the Borderplands. There's maybe one or two choices per episode that actually makes a difference in the storyline. The other 'interactivity' is limited to QTE button mashing or other silly stuff. That they call them Adventure Games is hilarious when they are, at best, digital novels. And Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books had more choice and consequence.

To say watching doesn't equate to playing a Telltale 'game' is a non-starter. There's nothing to play in the first place. It is a passive experience. Now, if you dare to refute me, sirrah, then you're going to have to list concrete examples of:

1) How many times you're actually given a choice per episode;
2) How many times that choice actually results in a different outcome.

That they charge $30-40 retail for these things is hilarious. I will trash AAA games all day e'rday but at least most of them offer gameplay. Real gameplay not, oooo ooo flip to page 12, daddy, 'dat's mAH CHOICE!!!!
Anyway, I think you're wrong too, for the most part. I think Telltale's latter series, which are basically well-illustrated CYOA games, are fine for what they are. The storytelling and characters in the ones I have played have been compelling and interesting. Puzzles are mostly nonexistent and gameplay is mostly QTEs, but I'm okay with that. If you're playing a Telltale game made after 2010 and expecting a conventional, Sierra- or LucasArts-type adventure game, you're doing it wrong. That doesn't mean they're bad games and they're probably better than 99% of the weeaboo stuff that's been pouring onto Steam by the spooge-load of late. As far as the price goes, what person on this site is paying full retail for anything???

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Humble Store Sale on a Bunch of Hack-N-Slash Games - up to 75% off:

Dark Souls 3 (no discount though, full price)

Torchlight 1+2

Lords of the Fallen

All Incredible Adventure of Helsing games + DLC's

Victor Vran

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Humble Store Sale on a Bunch of Hack-N-Slash Games - up to 75% off:

Dark Souls 3 (no discount though, full price)

Torchlight 1+2

Lords of the Fallen

All Incredible Adventure of Helsing games + DLC's

Victor Vran
So in other words, Humble saying, "Ha, ha, suckers, you clearly missed out on the much better sale on Lords of the Fallen and most of these other games when they were in very recent bundles."

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So in other words, Humble saying, "Ha, ha, suckers, you clearly missed out on the much better sale on Lords of the Fallen and most of these other games when they were in very recent bundles."
Victor Vran is in a current HB though, I don't get the point of it being on sale
Humble Devolver Bundle

  • A Fistful of Gun
  • Gods Will Be Watching
BTA (lowest $3.65)

  • Not a Hero
  • Shadow Warrior Special Edition
  • Dropsy
  • [coupon] 50% off The Talos Principle
week two additions:

  • OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
  • Noct (Early Access)

  • Titan Souls
  • Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star
Steam key ...
DRM-free ...
soundtrack ...


Humble Telltale Bundle

week two additions:

  • Jurassic Park: The Game
  • Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People: Season 1
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At this point, a Devolver bundle without Hotline 2 or Broforce just seems like a cruel tease. And both are probably too high-profile to be week 2 additions.

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Think I have passed up about a dozen $3.99 sales on Shadow Warrior on the assumption it would eventually be bundled, making this humble a great success!

Although it's slightly less appealing considering I own everything else in the bundle.  I think every single Build-A-Bundle has come back to haunt me.

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Think I have passed up about a dozen $3.99 sales on Shadow Warrior on the assumption it would eventually be bundled, making this humble a great success!

Although it's slightly less appealing considering I own everything else in the bundle. I think every single Build-A-Bundle has come back to haunt me.
You can have my Shadow Warrior key. PM me on Steam.

Think I have passed up about a dozen $3.99 sales on Shadow Warrior on the assumption it would eventually be bundled, making this humble a great success!
y u no buy for $0.99 on Steam w/ 75% off coupon that stacked with 90% discount during Thanksgiving 2014 sale?

I'm pretty excited to get Ronin and Gods for $1; great bundle.
To add to this, A Fistful of Gun is an excellent game.
Yeah. The $1 tier is a great bundle. I kinda wish I hadn't bought A Fistful of Gun off of someone a few months back, but on the other hand that looks like a good one to have an extra of for multiplayer.

The BTA is alright. Dropsy is disappointing for monthly subscribers, but the other two are nice. Not sure it wouldn't be better to wait for the inevitable rebundling, though.

The top tier is weak. Titan Souls was effectively cheaper in the monthly and the pigeon lover sequel isn't worth that premium.

Ah man, it just dropped lower. That was short lived. 

I have little to no confidence that the BTA games to be added later will be anything good, but maybe I'll penny in for the gamble.

in for a buck, the first tier games look pretty good.  Already have dropsy and titan souls from a humble monthly.  I would expect that BTA to go down a lot in the next week because of dumbasses like me who forgot to cancel the monthly and already own some of the higher tier games.

Victor Vran is in a current HB though, I don't get the point of it being on sale
Yeah, I forgot it was in one that was actually active at the time the sale started. What exactly is the point of these store sales?

Also, could someone concisely explain the point of Strong Bad to me? I watched him in Poker Night 1 or 2 (I can't remember) when I played it many moons ago, and I'm still not sure I understand the appeal.

Yay, one I'm not compelled to BTA+ after doing that for the last several.  Really happy Ronin is $1 tier since that's been on my want list for a while.

Yeah, I forgot it was in one that was actually active at the time the sale started. What exactly is the point of these store sales?

Also, could someone concisely explain the point of Strong Bad to me? I watched him in Poker Night 1 or 2 (I can't remember) when I played it many moons ago, and I'm still not sure I understand the appeal.
You kinda need to be aware of Homestar Runner, and the Strongbad Email series of sketches, to really get the appeal. I was never a big fan of the series but loved the Email segments, so...

bread's done