Humble Bundle Thread

I guess im missing something but why would you penny in for a bundle w/a fixed price anyway?
I guess in hopes that by pennying in, you can lock in a key for the limited games, and then be able to wait until everything is revealed to see if the $30 is worth it to you, as opposed to having to make your decision sooner with many titles still to be revealed.

$30 for a bundle of hidden trash and ok-games VERSUS $12 for AAA games + some indie gems.. hell, I can pay $36 for 3 monthlies and certainly will get more quality than this Yogcast mystery bundle.

JohnnyC, you have been dethroned..

$30 for a bundle of hidden trash and ok-games VERSUS $12 for AAA games + some indie gems.. hell, I can pay $36 for 3 monthlies and certainly will get more quality than this Yogcast mystery bundle.

JohnnyC, you have been dethroned..
I'm throwing my money at Gamepump

That'll teach them...

Today's Yogscast game: Frog Climbers ($7) for those who didn't glitch it from or whatever.

Anyone have an unwanted Secret World key from the Nick bundle?  I want to have the game on Steam for achievements.  I have lots of junk great stuff to trade.

This crap isn't going to fly forever Humble.  You skip one week a month to push up sales at the end of your monthly bundle, now you skip a week to drive up sales of your charity bundle even tough it's 1) almost sold out and 2) garbage.  You can't even announce this stuff until 5 minutes before go time?  Truly you live to disappoint.

This crap isn't going to fly forever Humble. You skip one week a month to push up sales at the end of your monthly bundle, now you skip a week to drive up sales of your charity bundle even tough it's 1) almost sold out and 2) garbage. You can't even announce this stuff until 5 minutes before go time? Truly you live to disappoint.
Why would they preannounce? They get a ton of site traffic from people looking for the new bundle every Tuesday. Some of those people probably visit the store or buy other bundles they have going.

Today's Junk: Not the Robots ($10) and some Robocraft bundle specifically for Yogscast bundle so dunno the value.  Gotta be less than the $12 Speed Bundle since it only has 3 days premium instead of 7.

Only 14,xxx copies left!

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This was posted on the steam thread, but suprisingly not here:

The Game Metamorphabet. The steam description describes it as "a interactive alphabet that is fun for all ages." Suprisingly good reviews for a educational game.

It was glitched at 0.01 earlier but it's back to 10 cents now. Still really cheap though.
We never know what Steam thread we're in.

Today's Yogscat offerings are Oozi: Earth Adventure ($5) and Dinocide ($10)

Those cancer war orphans better appreciate their charity wifi :whistle2:x

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The last two days have been bummers i don't have 5 games from this so far and it's looking like a drag i'm not seeing this being worth $30 the closer and closer it comes to the deadline oh well i'll pick up leftovers from buy, sell and traders overtime or in new bundles.

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Next twenty days will be old Digital Homicide keys.
The only good thing out of those games are the cards. At least if you get the game for free you can profit from all of the card sales.

Why would someone pay money for any of those games anyways? Actually, that goes for some other games as well.

I have quite a few giveaway games that serve no purpose in my library other than cards.

But on the other side, i can see some bad games making this bundle. it seems to be focused on Quantity over quality.

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Today's Yogscat offerings are Oozi: Earth Adventure ($5) and Dinocide ($10)

Those cancer war orphans better appreciate their charity wifi :whistle2:x
LOL.. this is exactly why I picked up Yogcast DLC to annoy the hell out of ppl on Sonic Transformed

what a scam this is... this makes Miller's bundle look decent

I keep wanting to talk myself into buying this abomination but it just keeps sucking harder and harder.

Where's Ashes to admonish us all. . . but, but it's for charidee?!
There was a stretch of three days or so when the additions weren't bad. Decent, even. It was such that I was thinking a few more days like those would get me to bite.

That was then.

bread's done