Humble Bundle Thread

Wait, I can't actually tell if you guys are serious about this software bundle or not.
I've used the free versions of Easeus software to move my Windows installs. They're very handy. Daemon Tools is great if you're the kind of person that uses iso images regularly (I do so for some old games.) 3DMark is okay, and it has achievements. Three bucks and change for lifetime licenses for those three? Sure, why not.

I won't be using the online backup nor the System Mechanic thing. I haven't figured out what that AirParrot thing is for.

Wait, I can't actually tell if you guys are serious about this software bundle or not.
I've used the free versions of Easeus software to move my Windows installs. They're very handy. Daemon Tools is great if you're the kind of person that uses iso images regularly (I do so for some old games.) 3DMark is okay, and it has achievements. Three bucks and change for lifetime licenses for those three? Sure, why not.

I won't be using the online backup nor the System Mechanic thing. I haven't figured out what that AirParrot thing is for.

Does it allow cloning? And copying a larger drive to a smaller drive? I was trying to move an OS from a larger HD to a smaller SSD and couldn't find a program to do it. Some claimed to do it, but wouldn't work. Not sure if it was because I was using the free version or what. Even the programs that came with the drives I bought recently wouldn't do it. Had to end up doing fresh install.
Yes, it allows clonings, and it can do a copy to a smaller drive.

HOWEVER. The problem with copying to a smaller drive comes from the partition type on the original drive. My old system had a partition type that was basically uncopyable, so I had to clone the drive to another hard drive (to ensure I didn't lose data), do a partition type change on that using another EASEUS tool, then I cloned it to the smaller SSD.

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Does it allow cloning? And copying a larger drive to a smaller drive? I was trying to move an OS from a larger HD to a smaller SSD and couldn't find a program to do it. Some claimed to do it, but wouldn't work. Not sure if it was because I was using the free version or what. Even the programs that came with the drives I bought recently wouldn't do it. Had to end up doing fresh install.
Assuming your amount used on your HD is small enough to fit on SSD, you could use GParted/QtParted to shrink the drive down to the same size as the SSD, then use Clonezilla to clone the new, smaller partition onto your SDD.

I've used the free versions of Easeus software to move my Windows installs. They're very handy. Daemon Tools is great if you're the kind of person that uses iso images regularly (I do so for some old games.) 3DMark is okay, and it has achievements. Three bucks and change for lifetime licenses for those three? Sure, why not.
Daemon Tools is the only tempting one for me. I used to use Daemon Tools Lite, but I don't even remember what was missing from Lite vs Pro. As for the partitioning tools, I'd just use a Linux Live CD anyways.

To go along with that, easeus has a built SSD migration tool meant to move from a larger drive to an SSD, specifically for OS migration

It also supports alot of the quirkier things that can throw off gparted with windows partitions. Its been a year since I had to use it but I remember nothing could properly read my partition setup, including gparted, except for easeus with let me resize my disks at will.  I think I was trying to do some whacky stuff with ISRT at the time

This is what I love the most about alt-right nuts.

One second its:

And the next its:

"you said white, you are a reverse racist"
It's called forcing you to live by your own rules. I assuredly didn't set up these rules. But I'm not going to give the Left a pass on them.
I've used the free versions of Easeus software to move my Windows installs. They're very handy. Daemon Tools is great if you're the kind of person that uses iso images regularly (I do so for some old games.) 3DMark is okay, and it has achievements. Three bucks and change for lifetime licenses for those three? Sure, why not.

I won't be using the online backup nor the System Mechanic thing. I haven't figured out what that AirParrot thing is for.

Yes, it allows clonings, and it can do a copy to a smaller drive.

HOWEVER. The problem with copying to a smaller drive comes from the partition type on the original drive. My old system had a partition type that was basically uncopyable, so I had to clone the drive to another hard drive (to ensure I didn't lose data), do a partition type change on that using another EASEUS tool, then I cloned it to the smaller SSD.

Assuming your amount used on your HD is small enough to fit on SSD, you could use GParted/QtParted to shrink the drive down to the same size as the SSD, then use Clonezilla to clone the new, smaller partition onto your SDD.

To go along with that, easeus has a built SSD migration tool meant to move from a larger drive to an SSD, specifically for OS migration

It also supports alot of the quirkier things that can throw off gparted with windows partitions. Its been a year since I had to use it but I remember nothing could properly read my partition setup, including gparted, except for easeus with let me resize my disks at will. I think I was trying to do some whacky stuff with ISRT at the time
Thanks for the replies. For $1 it doesn't hurt to have the full version though that GParted/QtParted thing sounds promising. This wasn't a superold drive, maybe 3-4 years old, but came with an Acer laptop and heard others with Acers express similar issues.

Daemon Tools... Now there's a name I've not heard in a long time.
Too bad Humble Forgot pirates don't pay and average dropped to shit

Anyone know if VR Mark & PC Mark give Steam redeemable keys like 3D Mark?

Seems like they do not, but you can add to steam account via website.

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Looks like they're already running out of keys for some of the items in the Freedom bundle. Hm. Subnautica was one of the things I was interested in from this one, but I couldn't spring for the $30 until I get paid Friday. Oh well. I'm sure by Friday, all they'll have left is keys for VVVVVVV and World of Goo. 

Not sure if this has been mentioned, but it looks like the Freedom Bundle is now sold out of:
- Subnautica
- Nuclear Throne
- Super Meat Boy
- No Time to Explain Remastered
- Monster Loves You!
- Streamline
Can we kill the political talk? It's enough that nearly everything is politicized these days. Do we really need it here as well?

Someone (totally not JeeTuuEi) stole 1000 codes of Nuclear Throne:

"Rami from Vlambeer said he sent 100k codes of Nuclear Throne and is in the process of sending more."

And is sold less than 99k


(seems like it just went over)


Can we kill the political talk? It's enough that nearly everything is politicized these days. Do we really need it here as well?
This. I have life experiences that lead me to one set of conclusions, others may have different experiences. Ultimately just STFU and talk about game deals.


Any word if they are replacing keys with alternative (possibly better?) games?

Any word if they are replacing keys with alternative (possibly better?) games?
No. The bundle page says that they had more stuff they couldn't get up in time, so they'll probably add some more stuff later in the week.

Better? Who knows? Knowing Humble, the third-day unlocks won't be better than what's already posted.

Allright, I'll cut it out with the political stuff. For now.

I'm surprised they had limited amount of keys for their games... I'm glad I bought in yesterday evening.

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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but it looks like the Freedom Bundle is now sold out of:
- Subnautica
- Nuclear Throne
- Super Meat Boy
- No Time to Explain Remastered
- Monster Loves You!
- Streamline
Darn, I should have penny'd in yesterday, although I'm not sure if that reserves keys for all the games if you bump your purchase later (I'd miss out on Subnautica or Nuclear Throne). The bundle is tempting and a very good value overall, but it's hard to justify with all the repeats and little resale/trade value on them. It'd basically be $30 for The Witness, Stardew Valley, Overgrowth, Invisible Inc., and Song of the Deep.

Most of these will be bundled again, but it may not happen for months or over a year. Risk management in buying bundles is serious business.

Don't think you could penny in on this one. You could only click some set amounts, unless I missed an entry form somewhere that let you specify a different amount.

Regardless, super glad I jumped on this right before bed last night.
Don't think you could penny in on this one. You could only click some set amounts, unless I missed an entry form somewhere that let you specify a different amount.

Regardless, super glad I jumped on this right before bed last night.
I penny'd right before posting, and it shows the option to increase payment. Whether this reserves copies of the games available at time of initial purchase is unknown.

I penny'd right before posting, and it shows the option to increase payment. Whether this reserves copies of the games available at time of initial purchase is unknown.
My mistake then. I've only recently started getting these again, so I'm not overly familiar.
Don't think you could penny in on this one. You could only click some set amounts, unless I missed an entry form somewhere that let you specify a different amount.

Regardless, super glad I jumped on this right before bed last night.
If you clicked on the default $50 one, it would let you enter a custom amount.

also if you clicked any of the other 3 pre set amounts, the $50 one turns to say "Custom Amount"

Can we kill the political talk? It's enough that nearly everything is politicized these days. Do we really need it here as well?

This. I have life experiences that lead me to one set of conclusions, others may have different experiences. Ultimately just STFU and talk about game deals.


Any word if they are replacing keys with alternative (possibly better?) games?
I think part of the point of a bundle like this is to promote discussion. Now, whether basic human rights are now a matter of political preference is a different and very sad discussion, but not one being had here. I'll be sure to PM you guys if Humble ever releases the Tyrant Bundle.

I think part of the point of a bundle like this is to promote discussion. Now, whether basic human rights are now a matter of political preference is a different and very sad discussion, but not one being had here. I'll be sure to PM you guys if Humble ever releases the Tyrant Bundle.
Tyranny is a fantastic game as a matter of fact, but I don't think it'll be bundled anytime soon. And I'm sure some people wish they had the option to leave 100% humble tip on this one too. Either way different strokes for different folks.

Humble Bundle presents "Trumpcat's Choice"

Contains Bad Rats & Bad Rats the Show.

Best Bundle ever! And Mexico will pay for it. 🇲🇽
Edit: Looks like they've restocked. Only Subnautica, Monsters Love You, and Super Meat Boy (Steam) are out of stock.

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I think part of the point of a bundle like this is to promote discussion. Now, whether basic human rights are now a matter of political preference is a different and very sad discussion, but not one being had here. I'll be sure to PM you guys if Humble ever releases the Tyrant Bundle.
I think the point of the bundle is to make money based on a political statement. It's no different than that singer who wore a Trump dress to the Grammy's and saw her sales rise by huge amounts overnight. The idea is to make money in both instances by driving a wedge between people's beliefs and drawing attention to themselves. I don't agree with how the ACLU views parts of the constitution and believe they interpret it differently than how the framers intended. However, I would have bought the bundle for the content, not the causes, if I didn't already own a large part of it. It's a good deal.

I think the point of the bundle is to make money based on a political statement. It's no different than that singer who wore a Trump dress to the Grammy's and saw her sales rise by huge amounts overnight. The idea is to make money in both instances by driving a wedge between people's beliefs and drawing attention to themselves. I don't agree with how the ACLU views parts of the constitution and believe they interpret it differently than how the framers intended. However, I would have bought the bundle for the content, not the causes, if I didn't already own a large part of it. It's a good deal.
Oh, then tell me, what did they intend, since you were around when they wrote it up?


Oh, then tell me, what did they intend, since you were around when they wrote it up?

Well, my belief in the 2nd amendment is different than that of the ACLU. I believe the 2nd Amendment is pretty straightforward since I believe in Originalism. To skew the constitution to mean something differently than what the framers intended or wrote based on your particular political belief is to do a great injustice to the country.

I didn't say Humble or the Developers made money on this. I said the intent was to make money. It's fantastic PR for both Humble and the Developers.

"If you make a political statement, you're just in it for the money"

This is what american politics has come to.

The stupid is becoming stupider, even in the information stage.

Inb4 I get called a retard from 5 different political groups

I think part of the point of a bundle like this is to promote discussion. Now, whether basic human rights are now a matter of political preference is a different and very sad discussion, but not one being had here. I'll be sure to PM you guys if Humble ever releases the Tyrant Bundle.
Probably is but the forum has a better place to talk about it... and a proper one too.
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I think that no matter the charity, someone is going to find issue with it. Personally, I don't find an organization that defends the civil liberties of people in this country all that controversial, but that is me.

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Glad I purchased the Freedom Bundle before they ran out of keys - guessed it would at the 100,000 mark.  I only owned 10 or 11 games (I have Guacamelee! Gold Edition, but I guess Super Turbo Championship is a different?), so it's solid value for me.

Isn't the real story here the question of how much the SMB, Subnautica and Monster Loves You devs love freedom?  Do they love freedom only 100k worth?  Or do they love freedom as much as the other devs?  Only time will tell how much they love freedom.

I was tempted by the Freedom bundle but that "more coming soon" made me think "ehhh, I'm gonna wait to see what else gets added", cause the only game I didn't have but could see myself playing anytime soon was Stardew Valley.

Now that I wouldn't be getting Subnautica and extra keys for MLY and SMB, I think I'm just gonna sub to poopees instead.

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bread's done