Humble Bundle Thread

KF2 any good as an SP game?

Asking for a friend. . .

No, just trying to figure out whether BTA is worthwhile. Weirdly, I already own most of these soundtracks.
Solo is doable, especially if you like the melee guy, but I imagine you would tire of the game quickly. Multiplayer games are simple to hop into and the lowest difficulty is pretty forgiving. In my 50'ish hours playing I've only been called an autist once so there is that.

If you wanted to do some multiplayer you could hit me up on steam, that's where the game really shines.
I play KF2 alot solo and have a ton of fun, but it's pretty easy to get a full house of bros on it too. Between weekly, daily challenges, leveling up perks, etc. there's definitely enough to keep you entertained solo. Honestly, bro multi is fun, but it's not like we do anything differently. Everybody just chooses their perk and goes at it until someone's like "oh, shit, I died" and everyone else asks "how?" because it's not like we were paying attention. The lone exception is Parallacks. He sometimes plays something called a emdick or something and complains about us.
Sometimes Syntax tries to play the emdick too, but all he does is complain about his emdick pistol being inadequate.

I've played dozens of kf2 hours solo. And it is fun. But is a lot better with more people. And the community is good, so playing with randoms is fun too
No point in playing KF2 solo, that said, the community is fine.  No reason you can't jump into a random game.  Great bundle for the price.  Would buy if I didn't already have KF2 from a monthly.

Top tier monthly headliner is rebundled at a common weekly 2nd tier.. DAMN, how IGN fcuked the early HB customers over  :oldman:

Will re-sub monthly again.. :whistle2:

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Already have everything I’d want except HF Revolution. Will go halfsies on a BTA if someone wants to, you can have the rest, I just need HFR
The new graphic novel bundle is excellent.

$1 tier is worth it for Super Spy alone, but Infinite Kung Fu is great as well.  Haven't read the others, but Bottled recently came out and I've heard great things about Heck.

$8 tier has two of Alan Moore's Nemo books (the other is in $15 tier), which are supposedly better than vol. 3 of LoEG (in $18 tier).  People really like Box Office Poison (I'm pretty lukewarm on it).  Also has The Story of My Tits, which is supposed to be excellent autobio comics.

$15 for Essex County is a great price, and God is Disappointed in You is hilarious.

$18 tier might be the weakest, actually.  Haven't read Apochrypha Now, but that's really the only thing in that tier appealing to me.

The new graphic novel bundle is excellent.

$1 tier is worth it for Super Spy alone, but Infinite Kung Fu is great as well. Haven't read the others, but Bottled recently came out and I've heard great things about Heck.

$8 tier has two of Alan Moore's Nemo books (the other is in $15 tier), which are supposedly better than vol. 3 of LoEG (in $18 tier). People really like Box Office Poison (I'm pretty lukewarm on it). Also has The Story of My Tits, which is supposed to be excellent autobio comics.

$15 for Essex County is a great price, and God is Disappointed in You is hilarious.

$18 tier might be the weakest, actually. Haven't read Apochrypha Now, but that's really the only thing in that tier appealing to me.
How many Steam games are in this graphic novel bundle?
$15 for Essex County is a great price, and God is Disappointed in You is hilarious.
I'm a little bummed that I gilby'd the $1 tier of the Judge Dredd bundle.

I actually found God Is Disappointed in You to be a bit tedious and boring, sort of like reading the actual Bible. I liked what he was trying to do, but given the limitations of the source material, it's tough to make a fun and easy-to-read satire/Cliff's Notes version that actually works.

Humble Store winter sale is going on.

Didn't see any good featured deals, but I got a waitlist alert that The Outsider dlc for Steamworld Heist hit a new low of $1.49.

The new graphic novel bundle is excellent.

$1 tier is worth it for Super Spy alone, but Infinite Kung Fu is great as well. Haven't read the others, but Bottled recently came out and I've heard great things about Heck.

$8 tier has two of Alan Moore's Nemo books (the other is in $15 tier), which are supposedly better than vol. 3 of LoEG (in $18 tier). People really like Box Office Poison (I'm pretty lukewarm on it). Also has The Story of My Tits, which is supposed to be excellent autobio comics.

$15 for Essex County is a great price, and God is Disappointed in You is hilarious.

$18 tier might be the weakest, actually. Haven't read Apochrypha Now, but that's really the only thing in that tier appealing to me.
The adaptation of Fear and Loathing is very good if you're an HST fan. I mean, it's just the book illustrated, but I found the art quite pleasing. I do think it could have been a bit more hallucinatory like the film.

I think Infinite Kung Fu and Essex County are easily the best comics in the bundle. Kinda strange that IKF is in the dollar tier, actually, because it's also pretty long.

Why is the cbz for Infinite Kung Fu 1.6GB? I don't even want to download it now since I'll have to unzip it and resize all the pictures just to read it on mobile.

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Why is the cbz for Infinite Kung Fu 1.6GB? I don't even want to download it now since I'll have to unzip it and resize all the pictures just to read it on mobile.
Take it easy MysterD!!!! Bigger is better....that's what Tebow's mom tells me!

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When I saw the bundle with "war" games I thought it was funny, but understood Tripwire was behind the bundle and that's what they make.  But I just knew someone was going to complain about it. This though, was far beyond what even I could imagine.

I love the edit:

EDIT: A very helpful commenter has found the Russian website for this group. It seems that “Fund Pcholka” is the name that the charity operates under in Russia. This clears up a few issues: the employee featured in the video produced by Humble is listed as a staff member with a phone number and email on various pages of the website. Additionally, there are social media accounts with footage of those same people running programs for young children at a building with the same logo as the website (the address for that building is also on the website). This does seem to rule out my fear that this organization was a complete sham.
However, not everything is accounted for. There is no mention of a religious affiliation on the charity’s Russian website, nor is there any mention of Daniel Prox. If the charity is registered with the American government under their Russian name, why did they make up an extremely generic English name and completely redo all their branding and social media without making any connection at all to the main organization? Also, how does Daniel Prox fit into the picture? Now that the charity seems to be real, we need to figure out why Humble and the organization itself is trying to hide itself from the Humble Bundle audience.
Like your whole argument is essentially dead but now you want to keep nitpicking about random stuff.  Get a life. 
When I saw the bundle with "war" games I thought it was funny, but understood Tripwire was behind the bundle and that's what they make. But I just knew someone was going to complain about it. This though, was far beyond what even I could imagine.

I love the edit:

EDIT: A very helpful commenter has found the Russian website for this group. It seems that “Fund Pcholka” is the name that the charity operates under in Russia. This clears up a few issues: the employee featured in the video produced by Humble is listed as a staff member with a phone number and email on various pages of the website. Additionally, there are social media accounts with footage of those same people running programs for young children at a building with the same logo as the website (the address for that building is also on the website). This does seem to rule out my fear that this organization was a complete sham.

However, not everything is accounted for. There is no mention of a religious affiliation on the charity’s Russian website, nor is there any mention of Daniel Prox. If the charity is registered with the American government under their Russian name, why did they make up an extremely generic English name and completely redo all their branding and social media without making any connection at all to the main organization? Also, how does Daniel Prox fit into the picture? Now that the charity seems to be real, we need to figure out why Humble and the organization itself is trying to hide itself from the Humble Bundle audience.

Like your whole argument is essentially dead but now you want to keep nitpicking about random stuff. Get a life.
I AM OUTRAGED... that the top tier of this bundle sucks....
I don't care if the charity is legit or not, but the bundle being full of war games does give off a bad vibe. Not that I care either way, but if I were to make a charity bundle I wouldn't be including those, and if my only option was to include war games I simply wouldn't make the bundle for charity.
When I saw the bundle with "war" games I thought it was funny, but understood Tripwire was behind the bundle and that's what they make. But I just knew someone was going to complain about it. This though, was far beyond what even I could imagine.

I love the edit:

EDIT: A very helpful commenter has found the Russian website for this group. It seems that “Fund Pcholka” is the name that the charity operates under in Russia. This clears up a few issues: the employee featured in the video produced by Humble is listed as a staff member with a phone number and email on various pages of the website. Additionally, there are social media accounts with footage of those same people running programs for young children at a building with the same logo as the website (the address for that building is also on the website). This does seem to rule out my fear that this organization was a complete sham.

However, not everything is accounted for. There is no mention of a religious affiliation on the charity’s Russian website, nor is there any mention of Daniel Prox. If the charity is registered with the American government under their Russian name, why did they make up an extremely generic English name and completely redo all their branding and social media without making any connection at all to the main organization? Also, how does Daniel Prox fit into the picture? Now that the charity seems to be real, we need to figure out why Humble and the organization itself is trying to hide itself from the Humble Bundle audience.

Like your whole argument is essentially dead but now you want to keep nitpicking about random stuff. Get a life.

Finally looked at the graphic novel bundle. Lots of pages and story got to get in on that. I really don't like comics as much anymore these days, though I like the comedy ones like Squirrel Girl, so these are nice.

You know what would be nice? If Humble had some kind of Cart system where you could add a few bundles to your Cart and just pay for them all at once instead of going through Paypal/Credit Card several times. I really lose motivation for buying anything from Humble just because of that.

Never played Red Solstice but free is free so why not. I'll add it to the stack of other free games I will never play. 

Correct, you can pay the $12 now which will unlock Civ VI. Once you complete the purchase you can then turn right around and cancel the subscription. This will still net you the remaining games for the Feb bundle when they are released in 17 days. It just gets a little confusion at the start and end of the months when they overlap. Sadly this question is asked daily over at /r/humblebundles and often appears three or more times on the subreddit's front page because people cannot bother to read or search. This is not aimed at you and more a general observation.

Just make sure you double check to verify the sub has been cancelled. I thought I cancelled it the other month and somehow got renewed for 3 months. Now I am just to lazy to uncheck it so whatever, I have been getting at least one game a month that I have wanted. 

What's that you're asking? Did I buy GTA5 in the Steam Sale?

Why yes, yes I did.
I would be surprised if that's in the bundle. It's a top seller in every seasonal sale, I think. They'd make far more money discounting it more on Steam than putting it in a Humble.

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Humble Attack on Titan Universe


Attack on Titan Vol. 1-5


Attack on Titan Vol. 6-15

Attack on Titan: Lost Girls Vol. 1-2

Attack on Titan: No Ragrets Vol. 1-2


Attack on Titan Vol. 16-20

Attack on Titan: Before the Fall Vol. 1 - 11

Attack on Titan: Junior High Vol. 1 - 4


Attack on Titan Guidebook: Inside and Outside

Attack on Titan: Exclusive Artbook

Attack on Titan Vol. 21-22

Spoof on Titan Vol. 1-2

I imagine this is for collectors only, since you can read it all from a dozen different sites and ZingBox...

I would be surprised if that's in the bundle. It's a top seller in every seasonal sale, I think. They'd make far more money discounting it more on Steam than putting it in a Humble.
Unless there's like a $45 tier or so.

And as for the Attack on Titan bundle, main charity is ACLU. We know they need the money nowadays.

I really don't know what Rockstar could bundle. I sincerely doubt GTA V is prime for bundling. Likely will be old games no one wants along with a possible $35 tier or something with GTA V. Now if it had PS4 games....I would love the Rockstar PS4 games. I think i'm only missing the early Max Payne games on PC.

Also not a huge Attack on Titan fan (or Shounen in general), but that's a lot of value. I stopped reading after a bit, so I may get it to catch up and such. Manga is expensive, so this is relatively cheap for what you get.

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bread's done