Humble Bundle Thread

that would be horrible, I have far too much invested in groupee coin futures. I was guaranteed they would be worth a fortune on wall street

U bastids, y did u CAGs move the Humble slider all the way to the left! It's all ur fault!
You're actually right about that. Humble doesn't get a penny from me anymore ever since they started that shit practice of grouping all keys together for some bundles and making it all-around difficult to sell, trade, or give away keys.

You're actually right about that. Humble doesn't get a penny from me anymore ever since they started that shit practice of grouping all keys together for some bundles and making it all-around difficult to sell, trade, or give away keys.
Publishers decide on the single key bundle thing. Humble could maybe suggest it but it's the pubs that actually have to get that done with steam.

How has it been hard to gift keys? That was like one bundle, ages ago and the bundle nerds went on a rampage.

U so sirry u guy with Asian name that not sperred right
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The earliest Humbles had one key. It has some upsides too like they can add games later to the package without having to fuss with getting the developers to give keys and having everyone go fetch them.

Wait, there's more than one bundle site?
[customspoiler=There can be only one.]


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Another AWESOME bundle incoming today. Awesome because that's another $6+ that will go to my purchase of Rebel Galaxy,
BioWare Humble Bundle incoming today.

I'm so ready to BTA just to get all the DLC's for ME2, ME3, and DA2.

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This will be a 'sorry we're saving all the good shit for the first couple of months of our surprise box' bundle.
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nevermind already posted by inm8num2   
Humble Bundle let go 20% of its staff

The main Humble Bundles haven’t been selling as well as they used to. The last main numbered Humble Indie Bundle to get more than 200,000 sales was the Humble Indie Bundle 12 in September 2014. The current one (#15) appears to be the lowest selling out of all of them, currently sat at roughly 140,000 sales. This is a bit of a step down from Humble Indie Bundle 9, which got over 700,000 sales.
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Humble Bundle let go 20% of its staff

The main Humble Bundles haven’t been selling as well as they used to. The last main numbered Humble Indie Bundle to get more than 200,000 sales was the Humble Indie Bundle 12 in September 2014. The current one (#15) appears to be the lowest selling out of all of them, currently sat at roughly 140,000 sales. This is a bit of a step down from Humble Indie Bundle 9, which got over 700,000 sales.
u l8

New Humble Bundle - Capcom:
  • Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Episode 1: Penal Colony
  • Bionic Commando: Rearmed
  • Humble Store Coupon for 50% off Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Beat the Average for the above and:
  • Resident Evil Revelations
  • DmC: Devil May Cry
  • Resident Evil 5
Pay $15 or more for all of the above and:
  • Ultra Street Fighter IV
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The Capcom You Assholes Are Never Getting the Untold Stories DLC for under $10 Bundle.

Or: The Capcom Good Lord, DmC, Re5, and Re:Rev Are Considered Highlights, Now? We Suck Bundle

I own zero of these.  Might have to go stupid tier.

Not really a Resident Evil fan, but I only played the original on the Playstation.  Maybe the franchise has improved since then.

For fuck s sake... I'm only missing Resident Evil Revelations and RE2: EP1, (which doesn't count, since I doubt they'll add the episodes, and it'll be cheaper to buy the complete pack than just the remaining ones.)

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Locked in at $5.67 in the first minute or two. I may BTA on this - don't own anything.
Uh, does locking the BTA amount still work? I also made a $1 purchase when I had the page up for $5.xx, but when I access my bundle page and try to add more to it it's factoring in the current BTA amount, not the amount when I made the purchase.

Uh, does locking the BTA amount still work? I also made a $1 purchase when I had the page up for $5.xx, but when I access my bundle page and try to add more to it it's factoring in the current BTA amount, not the amount when I made the purchase.
It still works - my bundle page shows the correct average at time of purchase. Not sure what happened in your situation.

I have most of them too.. I can understand how Bobby and MysterD don't own these, but how the fuck don't the rest of you own them.
MysterD has been promising me a Capcom Humble for years. So I've avoided buying all of their stuff.

Thanks MysterD.

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Uh, does locking the BTA amount still work? I also made a $1 purchase when I had the page up for $5.xx, but when I access my bundle page and try to add more to it it's factoring in the current BTA amount, not the amount when I made the purchase.
It looks like the BTA might be based on the BTA at the time you buy, not what the BTA is when the page was loaded. The tab I had was at $6.54 and it says I have to add $5.72.

Yeah, I don't know. I had a few different tabs open so maybe I picked the wrong one and wasn't paying attention. Oh well. LOL
I have stupid stuff like this happen to me all the time too. This time around the page hadn't completely loaded on my cheap tab so the "Pay What You Want" button was a click to nowhere; it might end up costing me $0.40.

Strider and Bionic Commando for $1? Yes please!

Already have second tier on other platforms. Great deal if you don't have those yet.

I have stupid stuff like this happen to me all the time too. This time around the page hadn't completely loaded on my cheap tab so the "Pay What You Want" button was a click to nowhere; it might end up costing me $0.40.

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bread's done