Humble Bundle Thread

FWIW, the December Bundle also includes a sneak peek for Way of the Passive Fist. Looks like an arcade-style beat 'em up, store page says it's due out early 2018.
Looks like a $1 tier game.

But yeah, if Shadow Tactics was not in this, it would be the worst month ever. I dont think Ive "almost bought" a game more than that one over the last year or however long its been out. Just could never do it as the cheapest Ive seen it is $15 via a trader who was a G2A-type reseller. It probably is the worst month ever just on game quality on whole alone.

Dead Rising 2 has got to be the first game to go from regular bundle to monthly tho I believe and thats awful.

I'm sticking with "it's not worth much." That looks like a game I might have played in an arcade 35 years ago, but now, not so much.

EDIT: I keep forgetting how old I am.
That and there's no co-op, not even local. Singleplayer 2D beatemups.. I don't even think those were popular back in the day.

Re: Dead Rising 2

Apparently, people in Germany are getting RE6 instead. Both Capcom obviously. Not that I cared about which one I got (Id have rather DR1) as I have both, but that may be a first for the Monthly.

Meh on the bundle (Emily is Away too be more interested in if I ever played the first; Shadow Tactics sounds cool; DR2 like only as I've been wanting to try a DR game; and Silence seems alright), but the site redesign is traasshhh, doesn't even scale. I usually run my browser split across my screen and I have to full screen to see anything on the damn site besides the main page. 

Holy shit, Shadow Tactics. Don't even care about the rest.

And seeing RE5 and DR2 there, I wonder if they've given up on only including previously un-bundled titles in the Monthly. So while this month was fantastic, that's not a great sign going forward.
Actually, Humble Bundle had put previously bundled games within months of starting the monthly. The good news is that RE5 is a really good game. Agree that Shadow Tactics (which Steam has been showing me nonstop for the past week) is a good unlock. I also had Silence on wishlist realizing that Daedalic does not mind bundles. H1Z1, I really hope that the headlines are not going to continue like November and December to headline multiplayer only games. Did Humble or IGN even bother looking at the reviews for H1Z1?!

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Everybody droppin Monthly....Humble is now giving out $20 store credit vs. $10 when I bought into the scam...guess I should have waited a few more months and Humble would have given me an annual sub for free!!!!

While the early reveals seemed like ass for November I sold them for $8. Super happy with the unlocks @ $3 since I missed DR2 and RE5 previously. Probably gonna pause this month. Can't see H1Z1 selling for enough for me to chance the unlocks. Terrible choice for a headliner.

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At 33% off in Steam Store, Shadow Tactics is still $27. I hope mine sells for $15 on ebay and pay off this crappy bundle.
I do find it funny that one of the mystery unlocks is selling for almost as much or more than the headliner for next month's bundle. It's weird because people usually sell their monthly leftovers for $2-3, irrespective of the original retail price.

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So if I have RE5 and not the DLC can I still use the code? If so, time to try and refund the DLC I just bought in the Halloween sale!

EDIT - Shadow Tactics was game # 5,000!

EDIT 2 - Reading the thread on reddit it sounds like you can't use the RE5 gold key if you already own the base game.

Ended up working for me! Might depend on where you go your RE5 key from.

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Meh on the bundle (Emily is Away too be more interested in if I ever played the first; Shadow Tactics sounds cool; DR2 like only as I've been wanting to try a DR game; and Silence seems alright), but the site redesign is traasshhh, doesn't even scale. I usually run my browser split across my screen and I have to full screen to see anything on the damn site besides the main page.
The first game is available for free on Steam.

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EDIT 2 - Reading the thread on reddit it sounds like you can't use the RE5 gold key if you already own the base game.
Not true.

I was able to do this myself and already owned the base.



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I've been wanting RE5 for sometime.
The only RE game I need on pc now is the new one.

Along with 2 & 3 if they ever remake them
I would love to see RE2 & RE3 get remade and put on the PC.

I also don't have RE7.

I loved RE4 & 5; really liked Revelations; and liked the flawed but ambitious RE6.

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It may be helpful to detail how you did it as most of us do not see option to reveal the key, but only to send as gift. I think same applied with Goat Simulator GOATY was bundled.
Ahhhh good point, I actually had bought the bundle off of an alternate account that is NOT connected to Steam, I can see exactly how it would block those that already owned it in that respect then.

Try sending it as a gift to a secondary email. I redeemed the key to my regular Steam account.

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I'm just as happy about Shadow Tactics as everyone else. But Dead Rising 2 and Resident Evil 5 -- as good as they are -- are games that we all roll our eyes at when we see them on sale for cheap... again, and again, and again. Not exactly what I'm hoping to find in their premium-priced bundle.

H1Z1 is a game I actively do not want. Wasn't that the hot shit like 3 years ago? Does it not feel like IGN's creepy out-of-touch "we're still cool!, you know" hipster vibe is all over Humble already?

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I remember trying to play the first Resident Evil and hating how turning the stick simply turned you left instead of moving you left like in Silent Hill and Clock Tower. The horror element shouldn't come from having a shit control scheme.

I remember trying to play the first Resident Evil and hating how turning the stick simply turned you left instead of moving you left like in Silent Hill and Clock Tower. The horror element shouldn't come from having a shit control scheme.
This +1000. I bought a used copy of Resident Evil 5 not long after I got my PS3, mostly because I'd heard good things about the series, but I'd never actually played any of the games. Then I started it up and realized that for some crazy reason, my protagonist was rooted to the ground and my sticks only rotated him in place. That's not an on-rails shooter--that's a "you're stuck in a wooden tub and cement has been poured on your legs" shooter, and I have no idea who asked for that, but whoever it was, I hate that person.

I only hope the rest of the games aren't complete garbage due to a ridiculous control scheme in the way that one was.

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I only hope the rest of the games aren't complete garbage due to a ridiculous control scheme in the way that one was.
I was never a fan of the series but I could sort of understand the old games having such a control scheme... You have to remember the first released before analog sticks where a thing on console controllers and the second and third were released when analog was out but wasn't really a thing yet. (Wouldn't really be the thing till the next gen of gaming came out.)

But allot had happened by the time RE5 came out on the 360/PS3... I never made it through the demo. The control scheme should have been retired and it was such a shock (and a disconnect in my mind) to see one of the best looking games (at that time) moving/responding in such an unrealistic manner.

I was never a fan of the series but I could sort of understand the old games having such a control scheme... You have to remember the first released before analog sticks where a thing on console controllers and the second and third were released when analog was out but wasn't really a thing yet. (Wouldn't really be the thing till the next gen of gaming came out.)

But allot had happened by the time RE5 came out on the 360/PS3... I never made it through the demo. The control scheme should have been retired and it was such a shock (and a disconnect in my mind) to see one of the best looking games (at that time) moving/responding in such an unrealistic manner.
Yeah, I always said the reason I hated RE5 was that they decided to make an action game instead of a survival horror game, but nobody changed the controls to accommodate. That thing is wall-to-wall shooting, and while RE4 was definitely the first step in that direction, it's still recognizable as RE, at least. The Fast and Furious to RE5's Fast Five, if you will.

Also the partner AI was total dogshit and pretty much required that you play it co-op, especially since (iirc) co-op duplicated money between players so each could upgrade weapons, while in single player you would get half of that. Or maybe I'm just misremembering because of that egg duplication glitch. It also had really awful QTEs. Those made what should have been a kickass climax (fighting Wesker in an active volcano is some real Tekken shit) into a frustrating mess.

All that said, I would play RE5 to completion again before I ever go back to RE6. That thing has a stank on it like the walking corpses that it portrays. RE5 is very bad, but RE6 is just an absolutely god-awful abomination.

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I played the Resi1 remaster earlier this year, and it was okay. Not bad, but wasn't really for me. Resident Evil 4 though is great regardless of what Mooby says because let's be real it'd be a surprise if he thought it was a good game

I've never played any single RE game. But played Alone in the dark 2, 3 and 4 (couldn't get aitd 1 on my country by the time, and then it aged really bad)
I was never a fan of the series but I could sort of understand the old games having such a control scheme... You have to remember the first released before analog sticks where a thing on console controllers and the second and third were released when analog was out but wasn't really a thing yet. (Wouldn't really be the thing till the next gen of gaming came out.)

But allot had happened by the time RE5 came out on the 360/PS3... I never made it through the demo. The control scheme should have been retired and it was such a shock (and a disconnect in my mind) to see one of the best looking games (at that time) moving/responding in such an unrealistic manner.
RE5 didn't have tank controls by default. Not being able to move while shooting was a poor decision, but it's an improvement over not being able to move while turning. Pretty sure I played the game at Sears, got fed up at the very first zombie due to the artificial difficulty of a fixed third-person camera with slow first-person controls in a life-or-death situation, went home and played Super Mario on my N64.

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RE5 is very bad, but RE6 is just an absolutely god-awful abomination.
Am I the only person who actually liked RE6?

Yeah, it was ambitious and flawed-as-can-be with probably way too much repetition and overlapping in certain campaigns and areas (without allowing for skipping for any of those annoying crossover/repetitive moments, when the gameplay styles didn't change) - but I still, for a good portion of it, had a good time.

The first campaign and Ada's campaign were the ones that I thought were awesome.

For me, though - still RE4+5 is where it's at.

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I really liked RE 4 and 5. Found nothing wrong with the controls. Not like the first three. I missed them when they first came out. Was a Nintendo boy until GTA III made me buy a PS2 in college. Tried buying and playing the earlier games and could never get into them. Though I recently read an article about how the creator used all those annoying things to make the games so tense. Never enough ammo, shooting mechanics, movement, etc.
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