Humble Bundle Thread

Most of the time the rights are held by companies that have no interest in video games and just have them for variety reasons or something. See the shadow hearts series.
Dont know about video games, but Pressman Toys is still selling card games of Carmen Sandiego "Based on the Classic Computer Game" as highlighted on the box (got a set for Christmas).

(Way to go Tiger!)

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Yeah, the BTA tier is weaker than the $1 tier for me, though Forgotten Anne is high on my wishlist.

At a $6ish BTA it would make more sense to grab the top tier for $6 more, I think. Though I see that Spoder recommends against Tokyo Dark. Why is that, Spoder?

I never really noticed till now, but when did they remove all the extra statistics about the purchases from the bottom? They used to have a pie chart showing purchase by OS and all sorts of stuff, now it's just number of suckers and the total money they've suckered in.
Yeah, the BTA tier is weaker than the $1 tier for me, though Forgotten Anne is high on my wishlist.

At a $6ish BTA it would make more sense to grab the top tier for $6 more, I think. Though I see that Spoder recommends against Tokyo Dark. Why is that, Spoder?
It's been a while since I've played it, but anyone that cares can just read my review. It's a very low budget game despite getting $225k canadian dollar funding. I thought it was crappy that they didn't add full voice acting when voice acting was a stretch goal. They only added a few one liners. But yeah, not something I could suggest playing when there are much better adventure games you can play that have far better puzzles and better dialogue/stories. I don't know why that game is mostly rated positive on Steam. Maybe it's cuz of the japanese art style or something, but it's not a good game.

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Definitely getting Octahedron.

Forgotten Anne would be nice. Already have the others, though.

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Not sure why people think the BPA is weak. Forgotten Anne would sell me on this alone. I also don't have The Turing Test.

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Bah. Bought Goetia for $1.50 back in January so I could finish the Eidos Steam Collection. Had a feeling it'd show up in the next Squeenix HB, but was hoping it at least wouldn't be in the $1-tier.
Not sure why people think the BPA is weak. Forgotten Anne would sell me on this alone. I also don't have The Turing Test.

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Turing Test and Black: The Fall were monthly'd.
Solid $1-tier, wouldn't surprise me if more of the BTA+ was monthly'd, so pass.
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Wandersong added as an early reveal to the Monthly.

And for anyone who would like to give it a try but hasn't committed to the May Monthly yet, a demo was included in the October 2018 Monthly.

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Oh Wandersong is highly wanted....good since I don't really want the revealed main game.
Isn't that bad since now instead of it being an early reveal in a bundle whose headliner was something you also wanted, now you're tempted to get the bundle even though you don't want the headliner?
Wow, you guys are old. Especially weretable. My first PC game was the excellent Rayman 2 and my first console was the PS2. Feels good to not be a "gamer" during the time of this nonsense:

My first adventure game...

:no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:

Wow, you guys are old. Especially weretable. My first PC game was the excellent Rayman 2 and my first console was the PS2.
lol. Definitely several posters here that are older than me. :rofl:

My family had a 2600 or a 7800 5200 or both. The first console that was actually mine was a NES. I'd have to look up when various consoles actually came out but I'd be surprised if my PS2 was any higher than my 7th or 8th console.

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Isn't that bad since now instead of it being an early reveal in a bundle whose headliner was something you also wanted, now you're tempted to get the bundle even though you don't want the headliner?
I'm likely selling it for what I could get. Sadly these are the best bundles coming out. Usually the reveals are high quality.

Wow, you guys are old. Especially weretable. My first PC game was the excellent Rayman 2 and my first console was the PS2. Feels good to not be a "gamer" during the time of this nonsense:

:no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:
My first console was the Atari 7800. Galaga was my first game on that console.

IIRC, first video game I ever played was Pac-Man at the arcades.

My first PC games were both Duke Nukem 3D and Quake 1.

Ahhh, the good old days.

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Although technically released on console first (one week EXCLUUUUUUUUSIVE), I'll concede it was multiplatform. That said, it was clearly designed with consoles in mind. That's not to say it's a bad game. Beyond Good & Evil is a good game but also designed primarily for consoles.
Wait. Did Mooby just admit that a game is good?

Wait. Did Hell just freeze over?

Since Mooby is being positive, can I be extra negative? 

The "Glorious PC Gaming Master Race" is dead, killed by "always on DRM", "Games-as-a-Service" and profusion of rival platforms and launcher. 

Individual launchers are naught but a software abstraction of a hardware console, without the console maker subsidizing hardware costs so you'll walk right into their walled garden. 

Drowned in it's own bile while running to consume the pablum that is iterative looter-shooters and kludgey battle-royales, the once proud "Glorious PC Gaming Master Race" is now a bunch of rubes buying the same "scratchers" as the console plebians, hoping for the rare drop of a cosmetic skin rather than just modding the game to have the asset look however they damn felt like. 

Now get off my lawn. 

Wow... that's cathartic. 

I more or less agree with the gist of what you're saying, but I'll go one step further and say that gamers are the most self-loathing consumers I know to exist.

All the things people have complained about (DLC, season passes, broken/buggy launches, DRM, etc.) have persisted because at the end of the day, many gamers can't overcome the "gotta have it" mentality. They'll continue to support industry practices that go against their interests as consumers so long as they can get a taste of the latest and greatest shiny product.

It's the same cycle over and over:

  • "OMG that trailer was amazing!"
  • "Oooh bonus skin if I pre-order? Done!"
  • "What, I need the season pass to get the full experience? Fine, bought."
  • "This game sucks and is buggy as hell!"
  • "I wasted my money."
  • "I'm never buying another game from this publisher/developer."
  • "Wow, their next game looks awesome!"
Never underestimate the power of marketing.

Wow, you guys are old. Especially weretable. My first PC game was the excellent Rayman 2 and my first console was the PS2. Feels good to not be a "gamer" during the time of this nonsense:

:no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:
It's all relative.

In an era where the pinnacle of electronic gaming was Pong, those text adventures were pretty engrossing. I remember busting out the graph paper to map as I played.

FWIW, I put ~3-4 hours into Wandersong yesterday and am enjoying it a lot. Well-written, charming, wholesome and funny. Exactly the kind of game I needed right now.


Is this some sort of sick blood thinner joke? Because all old people have to do is get a paper cut and they bleed like a geyser from their varicose veins because of their Coumadin? You should be ashamed.

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bread's done