Humble Bundle Thread

I am happy with it. Classic plan and had three of the games wishlisted too though. I sometimes wonder why people do not like the bundle forgetting a lot of people are not on classic. I'd be disappointed with most months if I wasn't.
True. I think the only month I was particularly annoyed with was last month, and that's only because like half of the games were already given away on Twitch Prime or in Fanatical bundles.... and Hellblade was a repeat from Humble itself.

I prefer this adventure bundle to this months humble choice.  I still need the final season of the walking dead and the two telltale batman games look decent, but I don't know if I want to drop $15 on it.  Maybe the cesspool will come through since I have 2 weeks left to decide.

The Wolf Among Us is really good, right up there with the first season of the Walking Dead imo, definitely worth watching playing if you haven't.

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Probably gonna do the dollar tier for Batman and Oxenfree.  Weird that they'd put the Batman sequel in the lower tier and the first game in the highest but whatever, I already have the first one.  I also already have Walking Dead Seasons 1, 2 and 400 Days and still haven't finished Season 2 so i doubt i'll ever get around to the Final Season.  I've heard good things about Wolf Among Us but not enough for me to drop another $7 on it when it's like half that on Steam right now.

I wish the top tier was like $12. I'm missing the final 2 Walking Dead games and the other top game. I think I might only have Batman on console. Not my favorite bundle but it's alright.

if i didn't have any of these games it'd be an easy buy, as is i just want the batman games and the last walking dead season but not sure if i wanna spend 15 for that

If any of you retards want I bought the bundle and forgot I had:

  • Oxenfree
  • The Walking Dead:
  • _s1
  • _s2
  • _400
So I can send you the keys if you ask in a kawaii manner

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Humble Book Bundle: Be The Change

There's a Chuck Tingle book in the new book bundle.  It's Humble exclusive, I guess, so it has an especially dumb name.

Pounded In The Butt By My Reluctance To Buy A Humble Bundle Featuring Stories With Gay Characters As Though That Has Some Kind Of Bearing On My Own Sexuality Or The Quality Of The Product Then Eventually Realizing It's Pretty Good And I'm Fine

It's solid, other than that - despite the fact that one of the authors in a "Be The Change" bundle has been accused of sexual assault multiple times.  It also, oddly, has Farmhand Vol. 1 in the $20 tier despite it being in the $1 tier of the currently running Image bundle.

Humble Book Bundle: Be The Change

Pounded In The Butt By My Reluctance To Buy A Humble Bundle Featuring Stories With Gay Characters As Though That Has Some Kind Of Bearing On My Own Sexuality Or The Quality Of The Product Then Eventually Realizing It's Pretty Good And I'm Fine
Only a douchenozzle would blame poor sales on "gay panic" like that.
More like Saved In The Wallet By My Reluctance To Buy Trashy Smut With Obnoxious Titles.
I'll eventually learn not to buy anything until the last day of a sale.  I bought Batman: The Enemy Within and the Shadows Mode dlc a few days ago.  Oh well.

I'll eventually learn not to buy anything until the last day of a sale. I bought Batman: The Enemy Within and the Shadows Mode dlc a few days ago. Oh well.
I bought TWD franchise games I didn't have (Already completed season 1,2, 400 Days) and have some credit pending for 3 of the games I bought. Couple bucks higher than the 15 dollar tier.

I'll use the wallet eventually (went with that refund instead of CC) and gonna pick up the higher tier bundle...don't suffer, this bundle is lasting for a LONGGG time.

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Yeah, I was thinking about rounding out the games I'm missing by getting the top tier.

But then I realized that I don't really enjoy these linear games with restrictive scripts. The choices presented are rarely things I would do or say in reality, yet I'm playing as the character and have to accept the consequences. I didn't make so many wrong choices in life to not employ that knowledge in your damn games, Telltale!

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I know this is CAG but please don't open a credit card only for this offer.

I activated the small business discount with my AMEX card (you should be able to add this discount on your dashboard if you're eligible). Bought the Summer Adventure bundle and got a surprise email. Humble Bundle=small business?

What this adds up to is 5 dollar rebate credit on your bill + whatever AMEX percentages you got. Credit can be used up to 10 times until 9/20/20 (unsure if same business can be repeated).

Seriously though, this is just my one credit card I happen to have serendipity with. Figured I'd share since this probably applies to their whole site.

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thanks for pointing out the amex bonus!
For sure!

If anyone is able to use it twice at Humble Store/Humble Bundles, I'd love an update. Depending what's offered I won't be making an attempt for a while since I have to spend $10 to see if it works, haha.

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I mean, they have like 60 employees. The cap for small business is what, 500? 

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For sure!

If anyone is able to use it twice at Humble Store/Humble Bundles, I'd love an update. Depending what's offered I won't be making an attempt for a while since I have to spend $10 to see if it works, haha.
Just curious, did you get a credit right away or just the e-mail confirmation? I know the terms say to wait 90 days but in my experience with Amex promotions such as these, it gets applied significantly earlier than that.

And while I haven't personally tested it out, I see nothing in the terms to indicate you couldn't stack it at the same store multiple times.

Just curious, did you get a credit right away or just the e-mail confirmation? I know the terms say to wait 90 days but in my experience with Amex promotions such as these, it gets applied significantly earlier than that.

And while I haven't personally tested it out, I see nothing in the terms to indicate you couldn't stack it at the same store multiple times.
Email confirmation only. You're correct, credit may take up to 90 days to show up. Double checked and haven't seen it reflected in my account as of yet.

The prepaid amex serve and bluebird cards works too.
Those are still valid? I signed up for that during the beta 9-10 years ago and still had money on the account, but I recall not being able to access anything after about a year. They also sent out multiple emails saying the program was terminated and we couldn't load money into our accounts. Wondering if they retained all of the balances after screwing people over, or if they just wiped us all.

Credit cards are shit btw, don't get one unless the rewards are outstanding.

So long as you pay off the balance in full each month it's basically free money with percentage cash back.  The really dedicated do a bunch of churning, rotating cards for the initial spending reward bonuses but I'm too lazy to bother with that.

Yes, you should. You should also know that taking out too many lines of credit hurts your credit score. Churning and rotating cards might be fine for people in their 40's who settled their families in forever homes, but I'd rather have one good card with great rewards than a bunch of open lines of credit that I'd look to cancel once I've fulfilled the introductory rewards terms and conditions. You might get $750 worth of "points" for spending $4,000 that you can use to travel for a vacation, but you still have to spend that $4,000. And if you use the card to pay bills, you're probably also using a payment processing service, another thing to keep track of. I bought Amazon stocks for $1900 in March and have seen prices hit $3,200 today. Much better usage of my money imo.

$750 is like 3 days of work for some of us. Just make more money and you'll be fine.

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I still have my Serve account that only i use for the offers, just like the small business one now. bluebird is still around too, I only hear about that on slickdeals.

Those are still valid? I signed up for that during the beta 9-10 years ago and still had money on the account, but I recall not being able to access anything after about a year. They also sent out multiple emails saying the program was terminated and we couldn't load money into our accounts. Wondering if they retained all of the balances after screwing people over, or if they just wiped us all.

Credit cards are shit btw, don't get one unless the rewards are outstanding.

Yes, you should. You should also know that taking out too many lines of credit hurts your credit score. Churning and rotating cards might be fine for people in their 40's who settled their families in forever homes, but I'd rather have one good card with great rewards than a bunch of open lines of credit that I'd look to cancel once I've fulfilled the introductory rewards terms and conditions. You might get $750 worth of "points" for spending $4,000 that you can use to travel for a vacation, but you still have to spend that $4,000. And if you use the card to pay bills, you're probably also using a payment processing service, another thing to keep track of. I bought Amazon stocks for $1900 in March and have seen prices hit $3,200 today. Much better usage of my money imo.

$750 is like 3 days of work for some of us. Just make more money and you'll be fine.
You mean 3 hours work

Under Bonuses, is it a free month of Humble Choice for the $1 tier or do you need to buy the $13 tier? It's not clear.

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Was never a huge fan of Warhammer RTS, but that aside this still feels like an underwhelming bundle.  Dawn of War 2 and Space Marine are a decade old.  Space Marine being in the $13 tier = lolwut?

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I've had Deathwatch on my wishlist for awhile now, essentially L4D but in the Warhammer 40k universe.  Glad its in the bta and not top tier.

I assume Space Marine is in the top tier since its the 'collection' that comes with all the dlc of which there is a bunch.  Seems like they were mostly skins so that you can play as different chapters of marines last time I looked.

Dawn of War 1 is pretty old but the campaign is good fun, definitely worth $1 on its own.

Edit: Scratch that the game I'm thinking of is Deathwing not Deathwatch.  If nothing else I have learned these past two days that I apparently have dyslexia.

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Under Bonuses, is it a free month of Humble Choice for the $1 tier or do you need to buy the $13 tier? It's not clear.
Many, many people are saying it's only for the top tier.

Was hoping Blood Bowl Chaos Edition would be in the $1 tier BUT NO! Of course they put Vermintide in there YET AGAIN! SAD!!

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Many, many people are saying it's only for the top tier.

Was hoping Blood Bowl Chaos Edition would be in the $1 tier BUT NO! Of course they put Vermintide in there YET AGAIN! SAD!!
Can you make an Executive Order and have them add Blood Bowl: Chaos to the $1 tier?


I looked at the Raspberry Pi bundle and as far as I can tell all of the books (all the way up to the $15 tier) are available for free on MagPi's website. Digital subscriptions to MagPi and HackSpace are all free. Even the free Raspberry Pi Zero W with 12-month subscription coupon is available to everyone on MagPi's website. 

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I looked at the Raspberry Pi bundle and as far as I can tell all of the books (all the way up to the $15 tier) are available for free on MagPi's website. Digital subscriptions to MagPi and HackSpace are all free. Even the free Raspberry Pi Zero W with 12-month subscription coupon is available to everyone on MagPi's website.
y u h8 donating to charity?

$15 tier is where it's at unfortunately. Fire was in a bad Groupees bundle. Some others been bundled only once or twice like the ones from previous Humble Monthlies. Top tier has all new this year games. I may go for it anyway and just gift/sell most of the rest, since I own most of those.

Iron Dagger and Iratus both look very interesting. Unfortunately, both in the top tier here.

I played State of Mind in Xbox Game Pass and really liked it. Good walking simulator/adventure game. Can't really go wrong w/ Doug Cockle (i.e. Geralt from Witcher games) as your lead voice-acting.

More of my thoughts on that State of Mind game over here:

I already have AER, Cryofall & Pillars of the Earth.

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Iron Danger and Iratus are both on my wish list and I nearly purchased both during recent sales, so I'm in for $15. 

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bread's done