Humble Indie Bundle 7 - Offspring Fling, Cave Story+, Basement Collection added!


HIB bundles are pay-what-you-want and all games are DRM free as direct downloads for PC, Mac, and Linux. Steam keys are included with purchases of $1+. HIB is now giving a Steam key for each individual game, but keys are still meant for personal use only.

Soundtracks are included for all except Binding of Isaac.

Remember, you can always add money later if you're not sure that you want to beat the average now. The average when you first pay is the one you have to beat, even if the price is higher when you decide to. Future bonuses should be given to all who purchased the bundle up to that point, regardless of price paid, but people who buy in after any future additions may have to beat the average to get them.

Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC
Shank 2 [Mac version currently in Beta]

Indie Game: The Movie [stream + download]

Beat the Average:
Dungeon Defenders + DLC
Legend of Grimrock
*The Basement Collection
*Offspring Fling
*Cave Story+

* Added to bundle. All bundle purchases before their addition, regardless of price paid, will receive these.
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Arg, already bought most of the dungeon defenders DLC I wanted not sure if it is worth beating the average just for Grimrock, is this key the version of dungeon defenders which comes with a portal gun and TF2 familiars? I bought the original key from amazon so I can't unlock the portal gun MK2.
[quote name='jgiovanni']Can we beat the average later on by increasing our order amount to get the extra games?[/QUOTE]


You could, in theory, buy it for a penny, then increase it to beat the average later. Whatever the BTA price is at the time you initially bought, is what it gets locked in as. So if the average rises a buck after you buy, you only need to worry about the average at the time you bought.
I don't know if I want all the DD DLCs. Played vanilla and the game was a bit "meh"... Maybe because I played alone, since I don't have any friend playing that game.

I want legend of grimrock, but it will be $3.75 during steam winter sale...
Just bought for a buck and will pickup whatever they throw in later I guess (unless its CaveStory+ which everyone already had)

Great bundle though.
I just watched indie game the movie for the first time last night actually and I really didn't care for it. For instance the filmmakers unwillingness to even inquire about the other side of the Phil Fish partnership conflict smacks of shoddy journalism. That Phil Fish's new partner was an executive producer on the documentary also hurts their credibility. Of the game makers profiled, only one of them didn't come across as whiny, over-dramatic, douches. I had a hard time even making through it to the end. Am I alone in this opinion?
Will the average rise from this point on?
Thinking in for a buck and wait and see how I feel on Grimrock and Dungeon. I didn't know you could just add to your initial to unlock. Thats cool.

The Minecraft Docu is out may they will add that? Idk.
No way to tell for sure but it looks like the average is steadily rising. Doubt it drops at all and, if it does, probably not more than fifty cents at most.
[quote name='guardian_owl']I just watched indie game the movie for the first time last night actually and I really didn't care for it. For instance the filmmakers unwillingness to even inquire about the other side of the Phil Fish partnership conflict smacks of shoddy journalism. That Phil Fish's new partner was an executive producer on the documentary also hurts their credibility. Of the game makers profiled, only one of them didn't come across as whiny, over-dramatic, douches. I had a hard time even making through it to the end. Am I alone in this opinion?[/QUOTE]

You probably are. Covering the other side of the phil fish partnership had nothing, really, to do with the development of Fez. That could be another documentary entirely and would have sent the movie on a long tangent that had no relevance to the film which was "development and developers".

You've also got to take into consideration that the previous producer also declined involvement in the documentary. You don't know if they were planning to do a whole segment delving deeper on what happened but he refused to be a part of it which seems incredibly likely since his face was blurred in all of the photos.
[quote name='sleeping_lights_on']Will the average rise from this point on?
Thinking in for a buck and wait and see how I feel on Grimrock and Dungeon. I didn't know you could just add to your initial to unlock. Thats cool.

The Minecraft Docu is out may they will add that? Idk.[/QUOTE]

dunno the answer but is $6 really that bad of a price for what their giving? that you feel the need too save a possible $1-2 dollars don't be too charitable now ....
Think I'll wait on the BTA since I have Dungeon Defenders on steam and consoles and kind of burnt out on it so don't think the dlc will help much.
Went ahead and spent the dollar for Shank 2.
[quote name='jimmywolf13']dunno the answer but is $6 really that bad of a price for what their giving? that you feel the need too save a possible $1-2 dollars don't be too charitable now ....[/QUOTE]

Welcome to Cheap Ass Gamer.
[quote name='KryllFood']You've also got to take into consideration that the previous producer also declined involvement in the documentary. You don't know if they were planning to do a whole segment delving deeper on what happened but he refused to be a part of it which seems incredibly likely since his face was blurred in all of the photos.[/QUOTE]
He was not offered the opportunity to participate in the film, steam actually had to issue a corrected version because the filmmakers originally, erroneously said on the initial copies "Note: Phil Fish's ex-business partner asked not to participate in the film" (which was the opposite of the truth) and later changed it to "Note: Phil Fish's ex-business partner was not asked to participate in this movie"
I like how this bundle has individual keys, like the last one should've.
Gah, I just bought Grimrock recently, too :) Not a bad bundle overall, so I'll bite when I get paid tonight. I'll probably gift out some of the duplicates, too.

What's the scoop on the DLC for Binding of Isaac? Is that a separate Steam code or integrated within the game? I already have BoI but haven't (in true CAG backlogger tradition :p) installed or played it yet.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']
Any news of Fez actually coming to PC?[/QUOTE]

it's a really bland and boring game imo, you're not missing much

also, in for shank 2 for 1$ and whatever games they add later
[quote name='NeoGutsman']Gah, I just bought Grimrock recently, too :) Not a bad bundle overall, so I'll bite when I get paid tonight. I'll probably gift out some of the duplicates, too.

What's the scoop on the DLC for Binding of Isaac? Is that a separate Steam code or integrated within the game? I already have BoI but haven't (in true CAG backlogger tradition :p) installed or played it yet.[/QUOTE]

The game and DLC are integrated into one key.
Pretty stoked by the fact that I bought Grimrock and DD Collection some time ago, plus got Shank 2 in another bundle (the Canadian one, IIRC), but I've donated for the cause nonetheless... they'll be fine Christmas gifts for my friends :)
Now... shall we start speculating on the bonus games, already? :bouncy:
Although Issac was ported to Linux for an earlier HiB, it's DLC never got ported. It *is* a flash game so you could hack it, but it's nice to get it officially.
[quote name='Junpei']Pretty stoked by the fact that I bought Grimrock and DD Collection some time ago, plus got Shank 2 in another bundle (the Canadian one, IIRC), but I've donated for the cause nonetheless... they'll be fine Christmas gifts for my friends :)
Now... shall we start speculating on the bonus games, already? :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

Typically it's been the last bundle so incoming THQ bundles keys! :lol:
If I don't pay the BTA price, can I still get the hidden unlocks later on? Great price, too bad I own both the games on BTA price.
[quote name='dejeckt']If I don't pay the BTA price, can I still get the hidden unlocks later on? Great price, too bad I own both the games on BTA price.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Mooby']Typically it's been the last bundle so incoming THQ bundles keys! :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yay, hope it'll be Metro 2033! :applause:
[quote name='asheskitty']Although Issac was ported to Linux for an earlier HiB, it's DLC never got ported. It *is* a flash game so you could hack it, but it's nice to get it officially.[/QUOTE]

Too bad it still runs like crap - I had hoped that they would have taken the opportunity to improve pefrormance just a bit, but nooo...
[quote name='seamoss']Too bad it still runs like crap - I had hoped that they would have taken the opportunity to improve pefrormance just a bit, but nooo...[/QUOTE]

That's the reason I've been holding back till now, especially with a total overhaul in the making... I tried an... *a-ehm*... "copyright free" version of Isaac when it came out back then and, despite enjoying it immensely, was a little more than concerned for my laptop, since its fans started whirling like crazy after mere minutes.

But I wanted to show my (discounted :bouncy:) support for the developer, and I'll make sure to snatch the remake at full pr... nah, who am I trying to fool? I'm always a CAG after all, but I'll buy the revision anyway :cool:
It had to be while I was traveling, didn't it? Just learned 2 things. My mobile browser doesn't like the humble page and making my phone into a mobile hotspot with a weak signal chews through battery. First bundle purchased from the airport.
bought this for BTA. i already owned dungeon defenders vanilla but couldnt pass on all the DLC so its a good buy for me. hopefully the added games later will be as nice too to make my purchase even better.
Given that I already own Dungeon Defenders (meh), Grimrock, and BoI+DLC, and that I don't want to pay more for duplicates (so bloody sick of doing so)... I'm in for a couple of dollars.
You know, after further review, there isn't a single game in this bundle that I didn't already own and would have bought if indie bundles didn't exist. I'm hoping that bonus game(s) that they reveal next week have some nice surprises. But at the moment, this bundle kinda feels like a bit of a dud.

Don't own Snapshot. Wouldn't buy.
Own Binding of Issac. Wouldn't buy now that I know what it's like.
Don't own Closure. Wouldn't buy.
Don't own Indie Movie. lol No.
Don't own Shank 2. Wouldn't buy.
[quote name='The End']
Don't own Snapshot. Wouldn't buy. same
Own Binding of Issac. Wouldn't buy now that I know what it's like. I bought it a while ago since it from the same guys that made SMB but I haven't played it
Don't own Closure. Wouldn't buy. Already own on PSN, haven't played it either
Don't own Indie Movie. lol No. I own it, found it kind of entertaining
Don't own Shank 2. Wouldn't buy. almost pulled the trigger on it during big picture sale, glad I waited[/QUOTE]

wouldn't call it a dud myself there is a few games in it that I was planning to buy on the upcoming steam holiday sale
I guess I should have read the op. My question was answered by that. Thanks LazyTriangle... I didn't know they were doing individual keys for now.
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[quote name='asheskitty']720p& 1080p but still all 8-bit blocky[/QUOTE]

so compression is high. Worth getting still?
[quote name='asheskitty']I haven't watched it. 8-bit blocky was a joke.
96 min
720p = 1.3 GB
1080p = 2.4 GB
compression ratio looks okay[/QUOTE]

Cool. Thanks for the info.
[quote name='Junpei']Yay, hope it'll be Metro 2033! :applause:[/QUOTE]
Not sure if serious, but I have an extra Metro 2033 key if you want it. After the Amazon THQ bundle, Humble THQ bundle, and Metro giveaway, I'm not sure that many people are still looking for it. :lol:
bread's done