I am drawing an airship


CAG Veteran
So I've really been into drawing airships the last few days.

Anyway, I am doing a drawing of a little airship. Well, it's actually pretty big, but the drawing is not that big.

Either way, here is a little work in progress thread. I also like watching other peoples art unfold, so I thought maybe you cats would too.

I'm doing it in a really loose style, not worried about straight lines, trying to keep it very organic.

First up here is the piece with the background texture and a bit of the ship in progress. Being built as it were! :D


More details!


And even more... I am taking a break to relax and eat some food. Let me know what you think.


We are cooking now, the airship is getting pretty close to being finished, just need to add a bit more.


Woo, the airship is pretty much done I am thinking. Perhaps I'll change a few small details as I look at it more. Next update will focus on the background.


A bit of ye olde background filled in. Looks like a interesting place to visit so far I think.


Hmm, bit more background yea?


Add in the rest of the background, another airship off in the distance and we are all done.


I'll post up a few close up shots showing all the detail, a few other jules verne-esque/steampunk type sketches, plus a desktop wallpaper in a bit as well.
Yea, the antenna is pretty funny. Ripped straight out of the fabric of time, it would seem.

I like it. It lacks that FF look I favor, but still it is nice.
Thanks everyone!

The people on that airship like watching a bit of tv after a long day of adventuring. What's so crazy about that? :D
Very cool. How's about doing something in landscape format and scanning it for use as wallpaper? Actually anything like what you're doing would be great as a wallpaper. A blank, but textured background and then maybe your art on the bottom corner of the page. I'd definitely use it.
Seriously, Kidnemo, I want your work as wallpaper. The same background in widescreen form (preferrably in 1920x1200) with the art in the bottom right quadrant with your signature. That'd be awesome. Wish I knew how to Photoshop.
It's very cartoonish, I can picture it on a Saturday morning cartoon.

That's a good thing! The picture is great!

What type of paper are you using?
I wish I were able to draw well. Oh well. Good job, OP.

It's really neat being able to see the progression of a detailed drawing. Kind of reminds me of one of those, "Can you find 10 things that are different in these pictures," type of thing.
i like your style, OP , very laid back and comic-y look :) airship looks sweet! it was awesome watching it unfold while i was scrolling down, unfortunatly, im terrible at drawing and im too impatient :p i used to mess around with pastels, but im out of paper and my pastels are getting worn and mixed :(
[quote name='crystalklear64']Probably gonna sound strange, but it has a very British feel to it.[/quote]

Completely agree. It's remanicent of the Montey Python cartoon segments. (Which, ironicaly, were done by Terry Gilliam, an American.)
I call for a series of "I am Xing an X" threads with awkward pictures IMMEDIATELY.

"I am typing a sentence"

"I am drinking a liquid"

"I am shitting a lot"

All jokes aside, the drawring is appealing and nicely detailed. Just need to work on that dragon's head. It's stuck between childlike roundness and having a threatening look that makes it look awkward and not fit with the playfulness of the rest of the airship.
great work seriously. man do I wish I could draw. I can imagine and picture some great stuff..... it just doesnt translate....at all.
Thanks for the great comments everyone.

re: desktop wallpapers - sure, I will put up a big ole image when the final is done

re: what paper are you using - this is all done in photoshop CS using a wacom tablet. All done at 300dpi using a normal round 3px black brush. The background texture is something I tossed together in about ten minutes. I wanted to give the entire thing a weather/jules verne/victorian type of vibe which I've been infatuated with lately.

And the people saying they can't draw... it's all about practice. Some people are naturally gifted artistically, but that is a very, very, very small percentage.

You just need to practice all the time. I cut my chops drawing in the margins of nearly every assignment I ever handed in during school, much to the dismay of my teachers. heh

Next update will be coming later on today!
[quote name='crystalklear64']Probably gonna sound strange, but it has a very British feel to it.[/quote]
The first thing I thought about was the Beatles' Yellow Submarine.

Good job OP. I really dig your stuff. Maybe I'll post a picture I'm working on later.

Here is a picture I'm working on in Painter. Its still in the beginning stages.



EDIT 2: I added another pic
First post updated with a new WIP shot.

Xevious - Looking good, I've never used painter. I need to try it one o' these days.

[quote name='ZerotypeX']looks nice kidnemo. Are you going to add color to it or just keep it black and white?[/QUOTE]

Probably keep it as is, but who knows. Mostly just doodling and seeing where it takes me. :D
I've seen your updated work on this piece back at your Comit7 site. This is going to replace my long-lasted desktop.
[quote name='Kidnemo']First post updated with a new WIP shot.

Xevious - Looking good, I've never used painter. I need to try it one o' these days.

It has a high learning curve but you can do a lot of things with it. If you are a student, you can get it for $100. I recommend checking it out.
Looks sweet. I think adding color would take away a bit of the charm it has. It reminds me of this art book I have in the library.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Looks sweet. I think adding color would take away a bit of the charm it has. It reminds me of this art book I have in the library.[/quote]

He might get away with a little bit of color but for the most part I agree with you.
'nother update!

One or two more and this sucker is done I think.

[quote name='Plac1d']I've seen your updated work on this piece back at your Comit7 site. This is going to replace my long-lasted desktop.[/QUOTE]

I love your avatar btw, what's it from?
That's fucking awesome. Airships never get enough attention it seems.

I love the crisp, well-defined lines and parchment background.
[quote name='Kidnemo']I love your avatar btw, what's it from?[/quote] Just stole it and tweaked it a little (to remove the S) after I seen this. Just curious, what is the resolution of your work while drawing before you scaled it down for uploading? (Unless this is 1:1, then mind no attention to this)
The final completed image is updated in the first post.

I will make up a desktop wallpaper, plus I'll post up some of my other similar sketches to it when I have a few minutes.

Thanks for looking!

[quote name='Plac1d'] Just curious, what is the resolution of your work while drawing before you scaled it down for uploading? (Unless this is 1:1, then mind no attention to this)[/QUOTE]

The original image is 300dpi at 4 by 4 inches. Not sure why I did it that small, because I had wanted to print it out when I was finished, but by the time I had noticed I was too far into it to resize it. I might try printing one out at 8 by 8 just to see how it looks.

Thought some of you might like to check these out. They are all quick doodles (none take more than five or six minutes) that I do in the morning to 'warm up' my work day.

They all either inspired, or were inspired by the main airship drawing in the original post.






This robot pic I really like how it turned out, and I think the next full size piece is going to be a robot "cross-section" pic like this one:


Thanks for looking!
Looks awesome man. Love the style and fun nature to it. Very Dr. Seuss meets Groening.

I added a quick change to it, it has nothing to do with the drawing itself but just the perspective. Being this drawing is not bound to our notion of perspective it cant be compared the same, but elements ill call creative perspective can still be used.


So in the red thats the basic ship shape you have. The viewer is looking out straight in the scene and we have to tilt our head to see up to the ship, so we are looking up at it.

The yellow is about where the eye line sets up at, and its as if we are standing on a distant one of your hills next to a TV antenna ;)

So the Horizon line in blue is way below the eye line and the ground plane would be down behind your bridge and i dragged your clouds down to where they would set.

Keep up the work and passion for it. If you have the passion you will find the way to apply it.
bread's done