I am really thinking about selling my PS3 60 gig, what do you think??


I really been thinking about it, to this point I have bought/played most of the PS2 games I wanted to play using BC, I gathered a pretty damn good library of PS2 games(best of the best/rare ones), which would also need to go if I sell the PS3.

I mostly want to sell it because It just hit me, I don't really use the BC and
the rest of the features of the 60 gig anymore, but in the end I just bought it to play PS3 games.

Yeah I never even seen a blu-ray movie on my PS3 lol, ya odd but I am not really a Movie buff, I am just a gamer:cool:.

The issue is, how much can I ask for it? and should I use Gamestop offer(ends next week) or should I sell it to anybody here who is interested?
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I'm selling mine because I never use the B/C and I wouldn't mind getting a Slim. I also think it's going to die soon. Since you do have those rare PS2 games though, I'd say buy a PS2 and just leave it in the box.
I want to sell mine as I feel the 60GB is sort of loud at times. Plus, I have ZERO PS2 games, so B/C is a non-issue for me. I'd almost be willing to trade straight up for a Slim. The one thing I have to research is how my gameshares would transfer. I know I can do a backup of my HDD, but then what after that....
If you like the new slim better then i say go for it. You'll still likely get good value for your 60gb. Personally, I'm keeping mine. I don't use the BC much either, but I don't like the way the new one looks. It runs perfectly, and I'm not that concerned with the higher power draw. Plus, it wasn't but a couple months ago I upgraded it to a 320gb 7200rpm, so I'm pretty satisfied with it.
If you do decide to sell it, don't sell it to Gamestop. They will give you $150, when you could get $250-300 if you sold it on the Internet or craigslist.
Gamestop sells the 60gb for 330 refurbished so I would go for $300 if you do sell it. Question is down the road would you regret selling it or not? While you might not be using the BC now, it doesn't mean you might not want to pop in a PS2 game later on.
I'm in the same boat, OP. It's rare that I find myself using the BC, but the memory card readers are kind of nice... I suppose I could just get a USB reader though. A slim does sound sweet. Not sure what to do either.
[quote name='bballplaya210']I was thinking of doing the same thing and just getting a slim but it may be to much of a hassle with my gameshares.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that was my other issue. Plus, some of my Gameshare are so old I tried to login and the password changed on the account...thus, I may be SOL when the time comes to deactivate it. I would probably lose a few games.

I want a quieter PS3 and something that could save money over the long run with power consumption. I don't think the slim looks much nicer...the new logo is rather ugly, looks cheap almost. But, smaller and quieter would be nice.
I've been toying with the idea of selling my 60gb ps3 too, but probably wont due to the following:

1.) Grown to like it.
2.) Picking up a slim seems to be a downgrade for me.
3.) Trading one console for another version for the same console seems kinda redundant, isn't it?
4.) The "what-if" factor of "what if I want to play a ps2 game, and I don't own a ps2?"
5.) I like to keep a somewhat minimal collection of consoles in the living room.

So... those are my thoughts on the matter. Might change in the future (hopefully not that near in the future), but I'm happy with my fatty right now.
I've had my 60GB up on Craigslist for the better part of the week, and I still can't get any takers, even after offering to sell it for a scant $300. Oh well, at least the thing puts out enough heat to keep my house warm in the winter.
I own a 60GB & I just can't understand why anyone would get rid of it only to get a new PS3. Especially at this particular point in time where it is a buyer's market. Nobody wants to spend more than $300 for a PS3 system now because of the Slim's new arrival. Nobody cares about the huge advantages the 60GB systems have. Not right now anyway.

If you just can't live without selling/trading your 60GB for whatever reason then first try the internet, etc. If that gets you nowhere then drop your price to $250 & then $200. At least you'll be getting more than GameStop gives for a trade in. But seriously, just wait it out. I think the selling price of BC PS3 systems will rebound in the future.

BTW, there really should be a sticky thread explaining the importance of deactivating every single user account on each PS3 before getting rid of it (trade, sell, whatever). If that isn't done you're completely screwing the orig. owner of each user account out of a precious trade slot.
I ve had mine up for awhile on CL...was offered 340 for just basics....paid only 200 for the 60gb, tempted to become a slim owner. Dont use the bc much, although it is nice to have, or any of the media slots, not even sure what they are for.
[quote name='osugsxr']I ve had mine up for awhile on CL...was offered 340 for just basics....paid only 200 for the 60gb, tempted to become a slim owner. Dont use the bc much, although it is nice to have, or any of the media slots, not even sure what they are for.[/QUOTE]

o_O 340 and you are still only thinking? Id be happy to get around that for mine, and I have a 80gb.
i wouldnt even think of offering over 300 for a used BC PS3. seriously, take the 340. hell, take 275 and be happy with it. the more time passes, the less people will care about BC.
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