I did not pay $48 so my friends and I could play Uncharted 2 for 15 minutes.

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[quote name='The Mana Knight']OMG is that really you Jeff?

Glad you joined CAG (I post on the PS Blog a lot, but not as much as I use to). :D

I totally believe what you said anyway, there are some who just love to hate on Sony/PlayStation anyway they can here.
No, PSP Go is the best handheld device ever (you have to actually play one and experience it yourself to see how great it is. I liked it way more than expected after buying mine. Also, PS Home is awesome).

Btw OP, after reading through the PS Blog, it seems like it actually went very well and got a high rating:

Wow. Just wow. If I got "Sony" tattooed on my dick would you give me free bj's for life?
This is kinda bullshit. $16 is a lot to just come to a promotional event.

Maybe $5 or something for use of the theater, but he paid quite a bit.
I think the I Love Bees Halo 2 events went better than this and they were free.

Man, that was awesome.
I really wanted to go to this but couldn't get a ticket. I didn't even know food was advertised (how do you know they didn't mean Monday's VIP event?) I was willing to pay to see the game.

You were going to a Video Game tournament, not Old Town Buffet. You're paying to play the game and to see stuff on the big screen, you did. You're at a movie theater, there's a concession stand plus the Thousand Oaks theater's got a nice resturant/bar upstairs.

You got to play the game. It's not the event's fault your team lost, is it? You got to see footage on the big screen. You got swag, even if it's stuff a gamestop employee would get, it's still swag.. it's free, what did you expect them to give you, a finely tailored silk shirt?

As for why you got kicked out and why the guy put his hand on your shoulder? You were giving him an attitude, and when he asked you to leave, you refused to leave.

If you're that pissed, sell your PS3 and buy some food with it.
PLEASE post this on GAF so the Sony Brainwashed there can rip you a new one. Just for fun. Please. The amount of wahjah will be epic.

I can't imagine how that nest of Sony fans would react.
[quote name='mykevermin']
You're Jeff Rubenstein and I'm the queen of scotland.

Good evening your Majesty, if you're not too busy I'd love to be named Duke of Ayrshire :pray:
[quote name='jeffrubenstein']I'm sorry about the lack of food[/QUOTE]
What about the other stuff?
[quote name='Malik112099']A lot of you can't see the forest for the trees.[/QUOTE]

See the forest THROUGH the trees is the expression.

But who are you saying isn't getting it? He didn't get food, but it's been made clear that he got a free game. If he paid $48 for the event, he got a $60 game and a chance to meet developers as well as get a t-shirt and other swag... it wasn't up to his high standards, obviously.

He's nit picking and full of asperger rage, and I don't know what he hopes this will do. Does he want the president of Sony to fed-ex him some sushi? He's angling for something, hoping that if he complains enough, Sony will give him some presents to make him shut up.
[quote name='BoomHeadshot']See the forest THROUGH the trees is the expression.[/QUOTE]

No it isn't you idiot.

[quote name='BoomHeadshot']But who are you saying isn't getting it? He didn't get food, but it's been made clear that he got a free game. [/QUOTE]

Made clear by who? some tard pretending to be Jeff Rubenstein???
Give me a couple of minutes and I'll have Ghandi on here telling you to shop at Macy's :lol:

This thead has taken a turn for the epic.
I went to the event last night and I left happy. I didn't even win a copy of the game and I didn't even play in the tournament. I didn't walk in there either thinking that this would be like some huge demo event. I knew there'd be some talking, some showing of the game, and some Q&A. I came to see the game on the big screen, see some footage of it, see if there would be swag, and maybe win a copy of the game.

I read all the Playstation blog updates and they all lead me to believe that the VIP event on Monday was the main deal and the Tuesday thing was added to give us fans a little something so we wouldn't be gipped. So everything I read I pretty much associated with the VIP event (free food, everyone getting a game, etc).

I guess we had different expectations. I drove all the way from the San Gabriel Valley (about an hour to an hour and a half drive depending on traffic?), got myself some food at the mall, and went to the event looking to see a huge game showed on an even bigger scale. It was a sneak preview of the game. That's what everything I read about it referred to it as and it's exactly what I got.

If that is Jeff Rubenstein who really posted and you got a copy of the game, why even bitch? And by the sounds of it, you have a really bitter attitude. It's clear why security might've gotten on you. If you had a problem with the event, you should probably write people who could do something about it, not complain to everyone on the internet because you look like a giant crybaby and a doucher who makes the night sound bad for people who actually did enjoy it like myself.

You are the equivalent of a baby crying foul just so you can get a tit in your mouth to suck on.

ETA: If you were so bitter about not getting enough time to play the MP, you should've downloaded the demo last week and practiced like hell for this to stay in longer. Almost everyone excited about this game hasn't been able to put it down. Are you really a fan or some troll trying to make a good thing sound bad?
Wow, I didn't think there were that many Sony fanboys here. I always pass off the whole SDF stuff as nonsense. I guess I was wrong. Yea, if I read that blog post I would've assume there would have been some food, nothing fancy or anything but random junk food. I'm sure if the OP knew there wasn't going to be food he might've still gone and grabbed something before getting there. It seems a lot of what happen was unprofessional if I take it at face value.
All of this over some food. And they said free food, so you didn't pay for the food hence you did get what you paid for.

No offense (actually take a little offense), but this seems like someone who just wants a few minutes of internet fame and some free stuff to "apologize." This smells of just trying to make some bad press till they send something to shut you up. Otherwise why post it on every website.
[quote name='BoomHeadshot']
He's nit picking and full of asperger rage[/QUOTE]

You've just described all the SDF kids in this thread that would soak in a pool of hot elephant piss if Sorny said it was a jacuzzi.
[quote name='happy']All of this over some food. And they said free food, so you didn't pay for the food hence you did get what you paid for.

No offense (actually take a little offense), but this seems like someone who just wants a few minutes of internet fame and some free stuff to "apologize." This smells of just trying to make some bad press till they send something to shut you up. Otherwise why post it on every website.[/QUOTE]


It's the vibe I totally got.

This has nothing to do with being a fanboy. I posted since I paid the same money, went to the same exact theater, and didn't have any issue. We walk out with 2 different recaps of the event. It's my story vs. his.
op were there any hott gamer chicks at the event? if so you could have made it worth your while by chating up a few of them.
[quote name='jeffrubenstein']A key part of the story is missing here: Saticoy walked away with a full, retail copy of Uncharted 2.

I'm sorry about the lack of food, saticoy, but I hope that this in some way went towards making up for that.


[quote name='mykevermin'] You're Jeff Rubenstein and I'm the queen of scotland.[/QUOTE]

Jeff's identity has been confirmed and his posts will now reflect that. Welcome to CAG, Jeff. Hope you stick around.
[quote name='CheapyD']Jeff's identity has been confirmed and his posts will now reflect that. Welcome to CAG, Jeff. Hope you stick around.[/QUOTE]

Is it confirmed saticoy received the game? It's still unclear at this point.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']OMG is that really you Jeff?

Glad you joined CAG (I post on the PS Blog a lot, but not as much as I use to). :D

I totally believe what you said anyway, there are some who just love to hate on Sony/PlayStation anyway they can here.
No, PSP Go is the best handheld device ever (you have to actually play one and experience it yourself to see how great it is. I liked it way more than expected after buying mine. Also, PS Home is awesome).

Btw OP, after reading through the PS Blog, it seems like it actually went very well and got a high rating:

Did you jizz in your pants while typing this post? Jesus Christ.
Didn't realize you had to pay $16 bucks and did not receive anything. I'd be pretty pissed to. Sorry you missed out on the VIP event man!

I went to the Thousand Oaks Muvico event (on Monday). And it was a friggen blast. Did not read OP's post, but it was one of the best events I have been to.

I had plenty of food and drinks and got a free copy of U2 and won 3rd place in the tourney = signed posted.

No problems here.

[quote name='QiG']Wow, I can't believe they'd charge to promote a game...[/QUOTE]

They didn't. I didn't pay ONE dime (I live right across the street also, so didn't have to pay for gas). And I got about $100 worth of free stuff/food.

Tuesday was just for the UNINFORMED that didn't KNOW HOW to get into the free VIP event. To bad you missed out OP...

[quote name='drduranduran']
Upon leaving, I filled out the stupid survey and ripped that event a new one. It was poorly advertised and poorly executed on almost every front.[/QUOTE]
Come on man. You got a FREE game a WEEK before it is released. I think that is worth it.
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[quote name='mykevermin']^ :rofl:

Drat! I kinda knew that was gonna happen.[/QUOTE]

How's my Duke-ship coming along?? :D

Damn, maybe I should start believing everything I read on the internet :whistle2:k
[quote name='DarkNessBear']

Tuesday was just for the idiots that didn't want to try to get into the free VIP event. To bad you missed out OP...
The ironing of you calling anyone an idiot is delicious. Also, some of us don't have all day to hang around the PSblog for a chance to score tickets to an event. Hell, I didn't even know there was an event until you raved about it a couple nights ago on CAG.

I'll have a more detailed post up later as to why it was such an embarrassment of an event.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']The ironing of you calling anyone an idiot is delicious. Also, some of us don't have all day to hang around the PSblog for a chance to score tickets to an event. Hell, I didn't even know there was an event until you raved about it a couple nights ago on CAG.

I'll have a more detailed post up later as to why it was such an embarrassment of an event.[/QUOTE]
Yea - I guess if I paid 16 bucks for the event and didn't get squat I'd be pretty pissed to.

Wow saitcoy, I was gonna post saying that I feel for you but unfortunately because your money was going towards the overall event (which should have included swag, raffle, food, and overhead cost to the organizer of the event) and not just the aspect of the event was most important to you (food) that the organizer owed you nothing but an apology for their mistake.

Instead after reading that you won a copy of the game all I have to say is QQ some more and go make a sandwich.

EDIT: It looks like you even got a personal apology from a dev, I would count your experience as a victory, first off you got the game, second you got more than should be expected in the form of a personall apology rather than a canned apology email sent to you by PR.
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[quote name='mykevermin']You're Jeff Rubenstein and I'm the queen of scotland.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mykevermin']^ :rofl:

Drat! I kinda knew that was gonna happen.[/QUOTE]
Are you going to change your title to reflect your ascension to the throne, your Highness? :D
Yea, I think that's what bugs me about this situation. "Refreshments" is a pretty generic term so caveat emptor , but for Sony to have the balls to charge for what is basically a (mis-managed) marketing promotion is rather lame. It would have been like James Cameron charging people $10 to watch 20 minutes of "Avatar" on "Avatar"-day.
Yes - but internets, remember. They did botch day two (for some) but day one was amazing and it is amazing that they were able to pull it off.

But, then again. It is the internet and talking about positives is SO boring.
Not exactly a marketing promotion that can be done for free unless press is there in my mind. As far as I know this was solely to give hardcore fans a chance to play and possibly win the game early, that sounds like something you charge for in my eye. They can afford to give away free thing at places that the press are covering for the off chance that it gets them a little more coverage by the media mentioning that there was free food or drinks or that they were handing out a cool something at this booth.
If you're going to use this post as way of getting Sony's attention I suggest that you avoid rambling and just outright say why the event wasn't representative of what was advertised. If I was in the same situation I would be just as upset, but at the same time you should focus on reporting the issue to Sony in a concise manner instead of assaulting them with 38 emails.
[quote name='shrike4242']Are you going to change your title to reflect your ascension to the throne, your Highness? :D[/QUOTE]

Fair enough. I did bail on playing through Haze, so the least I could do is haze...myself.

Well - turns out the OP is an ass.

Enjoy Uncharted 2, you ungrateful SOB.
^ I dunno. Maybe he was telling the selective truth, but that doesn't change that the event was not entirely as advertised.

Now, don't get me wrong. I wouldn't pay $16 for that kind of event since it's just a promotional tool. But if I did, I'd expect to see/get what was promised.

I mean, yeah, it's just food in the end, but it's the principle that counts.

I'm also quite curious how we know for certain that dude got a copy of the game. Jeff R. may have said so, but does he remember everybody who got a copy by name? Can he link them to their online profiles?
Op signed up for a glorified tourney and expected to be able to play the game for more than 15 minutes. To my knowledge, tourneys are fast-paced and filled with "hardcore gamers" that take themselves far too seriously. Sounds like you were expecting a completely different experience. I'd have to imagine that even a gaming expo isn't going to let you play for much more than 15 minutes when there's an entire line of people waiting to play.

If you got a copy of the game though, then shame on you for coming here to bitch and complain, because now you and your friends can play the game all you want. Can't believe how much you complain about the lack of food either. When I go to a concert and find out that one of the bands dropped off at the last minute, I don't start bawling my eyes out over it. Stuff happens - plans change. It's the risk you run when you go to any kind of event. Would you rather have had the entire event be canceled, only to be left with tickets that you could not get refunds for? I would have tried to make the best out of it and met some of the developers and perhaps get them to sign some of the swag. You could have even sold stuff like that on ebay and gotten some of your money back.
I have no idea what to make of this thread. I don't even have a PS3 or any sony product for that matter, but Uncharted looks damn good. If the event was about Uncharted, you got what you payed for. If it was about food, you didn't!
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