I don't like Prince of Persia.


I can't see why people like that boring game. It's just like any other game but, OOOOHHHH! YOU GET TO CONTROL TIME! (sarcastic) Who cares!? Someone please tell me why you actully like this game. Or are there more people out there that actually think that this game suckes and is WAY, WAY OVERRATED?
First of all, how far are you in the game? I hated the game at first too, but it just became awesome later.

Second, have you played the original PoP games at all?
Well, in a matter of hours you have managed to piss me off twice. Again, you are a loser, no wonder you were banned from GameFAQs.
why do I like the game? It's damn sure not because I can control time, I barely even used that feature, I liked the game because the puzzles were fun to solve and the story was well done. I like puzzle/platform games and this is one of the best. It's not for everybody, there's no guns or stuff blowing up or hookers in it, and it doesn't start with Madden in the title, so I can see why the general public may not take to it.
I think the game is too close to "art" for most people to "get" it. Same thing with UBI's other failing holiday title, Beyond Good and Evil. They are just too intellegent, too well thought out with stories that are too deep for the 'average' gamer that wants to see boobs, gore or sporting events. You don't have to have played the original PoP's to *get* the new PoP at all I think. Its one of the best puzzle/platformers in years and its a shame the game is so short, then again it adds to the replay value. =)
kittycatgirl2k, I think you are onto something there.

POP reminds me a lot of another "art" title, ICO which is a good thing.
Yep, and you don't have to worry about dragging around Yorda by the hand so she doesn't absent-mindedly walk off a cliff or something.

I kid, I kid. I really liked Ico.
Man, peope are always complainting about what's popular no matter what it is, if Jesus himself came back and took away all the suffereing in the world there would still be a dude at the back of the crowd going "Pftt, I figured he'd be taller, I mean, he IS the Son of God and all"
From what I've played of it, I really liked PoP. I especially liked how the narration of the story continues as you play the game instead of being constantly interrupted with a ton of cinemas. The voice-acting was done very well too. The time control in the game also works, and isn't some glorified Matrix ripoff (Max Payne and bullet time).
I loathed the demo with a passion.

I sincerely believe that 10 years from now, this game will be remembered as the game that fooled everyone.

But to be fair, the last time I brought this up, I was reassured that the final version is very different from the Demo.

Right now, I've simply don't have time to waste on a game I already know I don't particularly enjoy to give it a second chance. I have a huge yet to be played backlog thanks to Kaybe/Circuit City/target.not to mention a huge backlog of games I know I definitely will enjoy and want desperately-- mostly older releases.

Maybe someday I might pick up the xbox version solely for the unlockable old school games,but it would have to be less than $10.
Don't trust Minx...
She's just like Yorda! Trying to make life difficult for all of us! :)

No! I'm kidding! Seriously!
Put down that hammer!


I got it and Splinter Cell for $39.99 and I still almost feel ripped off. The game is so repeditive, you move to different rooms and then about every 3rd room has the same puzzles as the ones before. Right now I'm at about 93% and I'm totally bored.. this is one of those games you cant wait to beat just so you never have to play it again. It's a good concept but needs a lot more originality and level design.
I actually just finished this game last night, and I loved it. Parts of it is very puzzle oriented, but jumping and running across walls is alot of fun. I enjoyed figuring out "Oh, so you jump THERE and do THAT!" In that respect, it's a bit like the old good Tomb Raiders, but, without so much swearing at the game and frustration, since the control isn't as sluggish, and you can rewind time if you just jumped wrong.

The combat is alot of fun, though anticlimactic at the end of the game. The last sword is a bit cathartic, but ruins combat from then on.

I would have liked to see a few more secrets in the game, of finding a hidden ledge, and there is something to unlock, even if it was an art gallery or something like that.

I also liked the banter between the two of them, it helped move the game along, considering it was mostly puzzles, and not a lot of plot movement for most of the game.

I can see how this game may not appeal to you if you don't like that kind of game, but if you like that genre, this is an excellent game. I'm looking forward to another game made in this style. Hell, there are alot of 3rd person games that I wish I had such freedom of movement and control of as the Prince.

And as to replayability, I DO plan to play it again (hell, I ripped through it in 5 days). I just have to finish Beyond Good and Evil and Splinter Cell first.
im really wiht staind, except i sold it on ebay to some guy smoking crakc who actually thought the game was worth it for 23 bucks. He obiously hasnt been to cheapassgamers.com yet.lol
i feel the same way after all the good reviews i decided to get it. Like others were saying it is like run and complete a puzzle going from one end on an area to the other, then fight the same type of enemies and rinse and repeat. Yawn I just went and started playing Zelda Ocarina of Time on this bonus disk I got, now that game rules....
oh yeah and P.S , how many years is it going to be untill we see something so amazing and original that it changes the way we think and play videogames. I am getting a little annoyed at all the crap on the market at this point.
ICO's influences on Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time are immediately obvious to anyone who has played that classic.

But, whereas ICO was an "art for art's sake" kind of game that was a labor of love by its dev team (which is why it wasn't a commercial success...), PoP:TSoT was designed with mainstream appeal in mind.

There's really no hope for this medium to evolve if people don't "get" PoP:TSoT for what it is.

Well, I should rephrase myself. It's not the medium's fault if the consumer is too obtuse to understand it.
There's also no other game where you get to run ACROSS walls (matrix attempted, but badly thought out), and the rewind time is only useful once youve screwed up, or dont want to lose so much health in a battle, etc. vaulting over enemies is extremely fun, with wall rebound attacks etc, and the dagger of time. The whole story is well put together, and theres a certain kind of majesty and grace that the prince has, perhaps the way he runs across the walls, swings from flagpole to flagpole, and tiptoes across a bar while fighting demons. In a way it does give it an artsy feel, because he's just got so much grace for being a prince, and he can pull off stunning moves. He's just so cool, which makes it really a treat to play (IMO). Anyone else ever played this game that knows how I feel? Its a matter of taste, really, and I'm glad Ubisoft has released a game that has so much pure potential and talent. Also, its NOT overrated, if anything its underrated, this game should be selling like hotcakes, regardless if its short or not (beyond good and evil- need i say more).
To be honest, I couldn't care less about the time-controlling element of the game. IMO it's a cheap gimmick that doesn't add to the game at all.

However, everything about the game is perfect. The puzzles are very cool, the gameplay mechanics (running on the walls, etc.) are superb, and the combat is quite simply the best I've ever seen. And I don't usually play a game for the story, but man is this one's captivating. If you don't like this game, I honestly have no idea why unless you didn't give it a good try.
Oh, and to those who say this game is "too short," I challenge you to find one game that's anything like this one that lasts longer. This is an adventure game, people, not a freakin' RPG (Ico is only about 7 hours!). Not only that, the replay value is outstanding. Personally, I got about 11 hours out of the game the first time around, and am already playing it for the second time. Add in the factor of getting it for $40 along with one of the other fantastic games in this generation (Splinter Cell), and this is one of the best values I could ask for.
[quote name='The Cheapest Ass Gamer']To be honest, I couldn't care less about the time-controlling element of the game. IMO it's a cheap gimmick that doesn't add to the game at all.

However, everything about the game is perfect.[/quote]

OK. This...is crazy talk. First off if everything about the game is perfect how exactly does it have cheap gimmicks in the gameplay? That doesn't sound perfect.

Secondly, it adds a lot amount to the gameplay. Are you telling me you don't get a rush everytime you get hit for major damage, reverse time, then dodge the blow the second time? Also, it's huge having replay for the platforming elements, it makes it so much more fun to explore and try things without having to run and check GameFAQs because you're so afraid of dying and having to start over. Imagine getting through the more difficult sections if you died everytime you missed a jump. No fun at all.

So. In closing, you're wrong. But I'm open to discussion. Unless it's about you being right, cause we've dealt with that.
bread's done