I got into a fight today at WalMart

you have quite the memory for detail, but it seems as though certain elements of your story may be flawed. i have 4 wal-marts in my city, and in none of them are the magazines remotely close to the clothing, indicating that the statement you made about kicking the soulja boy into the clothing racks seems a bit far fetched, as well as the fact that he somehow managed to get to the sports/camping/hunting section, which in my case happens to be in the rear of the store while the editorials are near the front, and throw a gps at you, i don't know, seems fishy sir, seems fishy...
You were already losing me but I literally stopped reading when I got to this:
"now, normally i try to avoid violence - mostly because my awesome Puerto-Rican Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu skills"

Bet you look like Neopolian Dynamites brother, he's training to be a cage fighter...
[quote name='JimmieMac']none of it happened.[/QUOTE]

Bottom-line, that's all that matters.

Some parts were okay, but the real treat was the little CAG warfare that occurred after the fact.
[quote name='PKRipp3r']i turned back to the crumpled loser who was starting to rouse from his coma of nut pain and said triumphantly as i stepped over him "I need a price check...." then stopped to push him back to the ground with my foot as i continued "... on bitches."[/quote]

This last part made it EPIC WIN in my book. I was following it with disinterest until I LOL'ed hard.
...So my friend tells me a story one day. He says that he's lying in bed asleep and hears a loud noise. He wakes up to a large fat guy standing over him and pouring scalding hot gravy on himself! He says yo dude wtf you doing in here and I say I just came to see ya.....I'm ole gregggg
[quote name='Master Wong']Ping Pong... is not the macarena. It takes patience. She is like a fine, well-aged prostitute... it takes years to learn her tricks. She is cruel, laughs at you when you are naked, but you keep coming back for more, and more! Why? Because she is the only prostitute I can afford. [/quote]

I laughed, cried, stared in astonishment, covered my eyes in horror, cheered, blushed, gawked, and cried again just while reading the thread. Then I read the OP and laughed some more. I need more Fridays like this.
Banky > You.

I've been around this place as long as most longer than some and WSB has always been hilarious.

Makes me wonder, where did BigNick and MANIMAL go?
I liked it. The grammar... was not so great, and I expected to be "Bel-air'd" but the story was still good.
Since I work for Wal-Mart I lol'ed.
People need to lighten up, or atleast make posts to compete with his. I'm not a fan of the OP, atleast till I read this post.
[quote name='ZForce915']Banky > You.

I've been around this place as long as most longer than some and WSB has always been hilarious.[/QUOTE]

Was this really necessary? The answer is no.

Makes me wonder, where did BigNick and MANIMAL go?

Not sure where BigNick went off to. I miss his antics. As for MANIMAL, he finally got the boot IIRC.
[quote name='apokalipze2']It was funny. People need to lighten the fuck up:roll:[/quote]Seems like there's a lot of people on these forums who take it way too seriously, be it debating obesity like you're trying to win a Pulitzer Prize, or flipping out when someone makes an obviously lighthearted joke thread.
[quote name='ZForce915']Banky > You.

I've been around this place as long as most longer than some and WSB has always been hilarious.

Makes me wonder, where did BigNick and MANIMAL go?[/QUOTE]

I was just asking that myself days ago.
No, I'm pretty sure he's been on his knees infront of a black man atleast once.
[quote name='JimmieMac']This story is like when somebody tries to tell you about a dream they had, it may be funny and/or interesting but I drifted in and out as I read it and I'm not even sure how it all played out but I do know this, none of it happened.[/quote]
[quote name='daphatty']Was this really necessary? The answer is no.[/quote]

Was this thread really necessary?
bread's done