I GOT THE CALL!!!! MY 360 IS HERE!!!! What game(s) should I get?


26 (100%)
So my wife hands me the phone and says, "It's Nathan from Gamestop?" :shock: I say "WHAT?!" and grab the phone.

Me - "Hello?"

Nathan - "Yes, Mr. Hernandez?"

Me - "Yes?"

Nathan - "Hey, this is Nathan from Gamestop."

Me - "You're kidding me?"

Nathan - "Hehe, no sir I'm not. I just wanted to let you know that your order is ready."


Nathan - "Haha! No sir I'm not."


Nathan - "Haha. Ok, sir. See you soon."

So after I jump up and down around the house like I just won the lottery it hits me, a) I can't leave yet because I'm waiting for UPS to deliver some gifts :shock: and, b) I haven't the slightest clue which games to get :shock:. I've stayed away from any and all 360 news because I didn't want to be dissappointed if I didn't get it before Christmas. What do you guys suggest? :dunce: My wife should be back from the grocery store in about an hour at which point I will be racing down the freeway at highly illegal speeds to get my system...
Well don't get Madden... I got a 360 today from CC. I picked up Madden 06 and PDZ: LE. I only played Madden one game but the camera is awful and you can't change it. Hopefully I will get use to it when I play more, right now I'm watching the Bengals game.
I have really enjoyed Project Gotham 3, Perfect Dark 0, and even Madden 360. I wasent very happy with Madden when I played it at zero hour but I traded for it and havent put it down since. Both PGR3 and PD0 are no brainers though, both offering tons of fun :) .
Awesome news, man! I hope you really enjoy your system. :D

What should you get? Well, if it was me, I'd get Call of Duty 2 and maybe Need for Speed. PD: Zero was good as well, but I didn't get to play it that much.
Call of Duty 2 should be packed in with the system. Get that and PGR3. Kameo and PDZ aren't good enough to warrant a purchase right now, so wait for a sale.
Perfect Dark Zero is very MEH. I'd rent it first if I were you.

My favorite game so far has been Call of Duty 2. Project Gotham 3 and NFS : Most Wanted are also really good. I've heard good things about Kameo and King Kong, but they seem short enough to be rentals.

Your first game should be COD 2. You won't be disappointed.
[quote name='mmercer13']Nba 2k6 Looks Amazing!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Unfortunately, that's where that game ends.. is at the graphics.

Chalk up another vote for Call of Duty 2!
Ok, COD2 is coming home with me soon. I might get PGR as well but I'd need to get a second controller for the wifey too. I know someone at 2KGames so I should be able to get those for free. :) Any other suggestions?
Call of Duty 2 is the type of game that is very good, but after beating it once, you won't play it again. It got repetitive towards the end of the game.

Get Condemned. I just got it today, and played it for about 4 hours. It's easily the best launch game I've played thus far and the most fun.
For me, my top purchases are Condemned, Perfect Dark Zero, PGR3 and Call of Duty 2. I own Condemned at PD0... just no 360 to play them on. So those were my most important buys, I guess.

And, yeah; Amped 3 looks like there's some fun to be had with it.
The best three in my opinion would be pdz, cod 2, and condemned. The only sports games I tried were madden 06 and amped 3 and they both seemed pretty good, madden especially.
Well can only suggest from what I got/played

Call of Duty 2 - Probably the best game on the system and is a must have, once they fix the live portions or you run into any non-laggy games it will be good on Live.

Quake IV - If you can put up with a framerate that isn't consistant in the single player and runs decently on multiplayer then It's worth a try. I would wait for a price drop though or if Raven plans on sending a patch for the framerate.

PGR 3- Simply amazing racing game. Not miles ahead of PGR2 but fixes my main gripe with PGR2: The framerate. Everything looks so butter and it plays just as smooth.

Need for Speed - Played pretty good but still would rather have Burnout or PGR. I'd pick this up at a cheaper price.

NHL2k6 - Almost identical to the XBox version, but I'm a hockey freak so I grabbed it.

PD0 - Runs and handles well but the game just seems so slooooooooooowwwww paced. Slower then Halo. I hope to enjoy this game more down the road, but I rather play COD2.

I would pick up Call of Duty and PGR3. Those are my top two picks from what I've seen and played. If your looking for another game get Condemed.
CoD2 for campaign, PDZ for multiplayer, PGR3 for racing, and do yourself a big favor and make sure you have at least 400 LIVE points to spend on Geometry Wars!!
Congrats, hope you enjoy it as much as I am. I highly suggest you pick up Call of Duty 2, Condemned, and Project Gotham 3.
I dont know if finances are an issue for you, but just keep in mind DOA 4 has a release date for the 28th and Full Auto has a release date for February 14th...

Chalk up a vote for Call of Duty 2 and Condemned.

If you loved the N64 Perfect Dark and just want a glossier version of that game with different stages buy it. The AI is off N64 caliber most of the time and so is the voiceacting and the way it syncs up....

As for holiday purchases in general...If you own a PS2 and don't own Shadow of the Colossus you are doing yourself a disservice....
I second COD2. I have to disagree with the comments regarding replay value. After beating it on regular, give it a shot with veteran. You won't be disappointed.
Any of these would be quality choices:

Perfect Dark Zero (LE or regular)
King Kong
Call of Duty 2
Amped 3
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Kameo: Elements of Power
Project Gotham Racing 3

It just depends on what type of game you like.
Well, I got it home finally. I ended up buying PGR and a used copy of Ghost Recon 2 - Summit Strike. I had hoped to get a used Halo 2 just to see the "HD" version but they only had the disc. I just hope I get to play it soon. I have to cook a lasagna AND a batch of cupcakes for Christmas eve dinner and midnight mass... There's just never enough time to play...
[quote name='daphatty']Well, I got it home finally. I ended up buying PGR and a used copy of Ghost Recon 2 - Summit Strike. I had hoped to get a used Halo 2 just to see the "HD" version but they only had the disc. I just hope I get to play it soon. I have to cook a lasagna AND a batch of cupcakes for Christmas eve dinner and midnight mass... There's just never enough time to play...[/QUOTE]

Lasagna and cupcakes? That's certainly nontraditional, but sounds fun nonetheless.

Since you have to eat, not cooking is out of the question.

OTOH, I think your preferred metaphysical being would understand if you skipped a day to play your 360. ;)
It look like I'm too late to vote, but I love Kameo and COD2. But the best games are Smash TV, Geometry Wars and Billiards. Pick up a few points cards for stocking stuffers!
Call of Duty 2 if you can stomach the 1,000,000,000 war game. Condemded is super short, and extremely repetitive. Personally, the games I like best are Tony Hawks' American Wasteland, Kameo, Need for Speed Most Wanted, Gun, Amped 3, and Perfect Dark Zero.
Well, so far so good. PGR3 is a cool arcady racer. Live is excellent. Gaming in 1080i is unbelievable. I'm mostly satisfied with the gaming so far and I look forward to picking up a few more games.

However, I'm irritated at the fact that the USB port spring mount is broken. Removing the face plate allowed both the spring and the VERY THIN plastic mounting pin to fall onto the floor. A minor quip to be sure but a quip nonetheless. MS will be hearing from me on Tuesday.
[quote name='daphatty']So after I jump up and down around the house like I just won the lottery it hits me, a) I can't leave yet because I'm waiting for UPS to deliver some gifts :shock: and, b) I haven't the slightest clue which games to get :shock:. I've stayed away from any and all 360 news because I didn't want to be dissappointed if I didn't get it before Christmas. What do you guys suggest? :dunce: My wife should be back from the grocery store in about an hour at which point I will be racing down the freeway at highly illegal speeds to get my system...[/QUOTE]

based on your posts I would go with...
Madden 06
Call of Duty 2
Project Gotham Racing 3
Condemned: Criminal Origins
From what I have played....

Condemned - Excellent graphics, really cool first person hand to hand combat (It never really got repetitive for me...I kept looking forward to the next fight), a bit short but very enjoyable throughout.

Perfect Dark Zero - I found the single player missions extremely disappointing and boring. Buy this if for the multiplayer and Live aspects.

NBA2k6 - I loved the game on PS2/XBOX....and I love it even more on XBOX360 with the upgraded graphics/on HDTV.

PGR3 - Great graphics and gameplay. Car selection is a bit weak however. I find this game very addicting as well....I keep playing to buy more cars to look at in my garages.
bread's done