I hate Pawn America!


20 (100%)
Went to a couple of pawn shops today looking to find some older games since pawn shops usually sell them super cheap.

This store had a ton of NES, SNES and N64 games in a glass case sitting so you could read the top of the cart. As I was looking over the nine zillion copys of Madden 96 I see another pile of like 7 SNES games sitting under a bunch of crap only one of them was facing up and I can tell from the artwork that it is Secret of Mana.

So after waiting about 15 minutes for some slap ass to help me he grabs the random stack and puts them with the rest of the games so I can see them and BAM:

Secret of Mana
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy III
Secret of Evermore
Breath of Fire
Soul Blazer
7th Saga

Since this guy was in the middle of helping someone else out I have to wait another 15 minutes for him to give me a price.

He said he normally goes to EBgames.com or Gamestop.com and finds the used prices for games and takes 10% off.

So he comes up with Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy III being worth $60 - $70 a piece cart only!!!! and the others for around $20 each....

I wanted to jump the counter and kick the guy in the nuts.
So I guess I will have to go back tommorrow and hope this guy is not working. I like how employees make up thier own prices at some of these places.
I couldn't agree more. I really hate when Pawn Shops pull that crap on you. Here are my "I hate pawn shops" stories:

1) The "NES" pawn shop - They had TONS of NES games, all marked at $10 or above. I asked the guy if he could come down on any of them and he says "No, we can't keep them in stock at $10 each." I told him I thought he had to be kidding, and he just smiles a self-righteous "I-have-all-the-power-and-you-can-do-nothing-about-it"-smile and sticks to his guns. On other occasions I tried to barter with them on PS games or other ridiculously overpriced games and got nothing. Finally one day I got together with a buddy of mine who had a bunch of "leftovers" from his Ebay business and had him call to see what they'll give for these NES games that are so valuable they can't keep them in stock - "Very little, they don't sell very well and are old games..." That really burns me.

2) A pawn shop I used to go to got progressively Ebay-savvy. I moved away for 1.5 years and when I moved back I dropped in. I ask the guy how much Tecmo Super Bowl is for the NES (All NES games used to be $2). The guy LOOKS IT UP ON EBAY RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME and says "$12". My thoughts - If they want to sell on Ebay, FINE. Sell on Ebay. If they are too lazy to sell on Ebay they should not expect Ebay prices.

These reasons, plus increasing Ebay stupidity (Completely incorrect comments - "Chrono Trigger is worth $75 on Ebay!") on the part of pawn shops are why I have all but eliminated pawn shops from my routine...
Do they actually think game collectors goto Pawn Shops to spend $60-$75 on a game they can buy at a local game store/ebay?
Amazing... I've scored some great deals at pawn shops, like Tekken 5 and Dynasty Warriors 5 for 10 - 13 bucks a piece.

Pawn shops are awesome if you are looking for newer games, since most shops around here just have a lump sum - "All ps2 games 10.99", for instance, and you can find some semi recent games among all the crap half the time.
[quote name='Roufuss']Amazing... I've scored some great deals at pawn shops, like Tekken 5 and Dynasty Warriors 5 for 10 - 13 bucks a piece.

Pawn shops are awesome if you are looking for newer games, since most shops around here just have a lump sum - "All ps2 games 10.99", for instance, and you can find some semi recent games among all the crap half the time.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the Pawn America's I've been to are usually pretty decent. What's funny is that some of them will raise their prices for a while, get a huge inventory built up, realize their prices are ridiculous, and then suddenly everything is $10-15 for current gen again.
few months ago they had ALL DVDS 3 bucks each. that was an insane day.. Also i got FIREFLY complete series set for 3.97. The worker didnt know they was to charge 3.97 per disc so they sold the box set for 4 bucks.

i found lego star wars ps2 mint for 10 and mariocart double dash for 8 just last week
I've been going nuts at pawn shops lately, I've been finding loads of stuff. However, there are the occasional ones where they charge WAY too much (old PS2 games for $25 a pop) at which point you smile and head for the door.
[quote name='The Cheapest Ass Gamer']I guess the OP was pwned...[/QUOTE]

Nah, I can believe him that they would want to charge those prices. I said most, but not all, have reasonable prices. There's one Pawn America by me that still wants to charge $40 for Halo 2.
This reminds me of a NES sale I almost had. This kid in my German class was getting rid of his NES, said I could have everything for $20. I'm like, okay, sure, why not. A week or two later I ask to set up the deal and he's all like, okay, I'll drop them off at your house for $50.

I was like shwaaat? You're messing with me right? Apparently he looked on Ebay....
[quote name='The Cheapest Ass Gamer']I guess the OP was pwned...[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I felt pwned at the time because until this genious started looking these up I was thinking "score of the year?" (for me at least) in my head..

The thing that really bothers me is there is like 5 pawn americas within my driving area for games. This is the only one that I have had this happen at. There is another pawn america less then 10 minutes away that sells all older games for $3 and I picked up a bunch of psone games there.

Since this is one of the stores that the so-called "pawnbrokers" make up prices on the spot I will have to go back tommorow and see if someone reasonable is working.

One thing I don't understand is this pawn shop happens to be in a sort of ghetto area. I don't know who they expect to buy old video games at way over e-bay value. In fact while I was in line waiting for this guy to check prices some really "friendly" looking guy pop'ed in the door, asked if they sold hand guns and when they said no, he left...
If I have to ask for the price (and this isn't just one item without a price, they're all like that or prices are hidden) then they're usually more than I want to pay.
Yeah, always best to ask how they price their video games before wasting your time. I was in one a few days ago with no prices on anything and the guy told me the games are typically $10-15 but he has to look them up. (I assume he looks at eb or gs or maybe ebay.) So I just left. While I was in there the cops showed up over some guy who had bought a laptop that same day for $250 'as is' that apparently didn't work for crap. Felt bad for the buy but the pawn shop stuck to the 'as is' on the receipt and wouldn't give him a dime back. Guy had a thick accent and claimed they told him something different at the time of sale. Sucks for him I guess.

Places that price their games individually or not at all generally do not have good prices.

If they had wacky low prices, those games probably would have been snapped up before you found them by somebody else.
There's one good pawn shop near me and I pick up some decent PS1 deals (all ps1 titles are $5). Luckily the employees there seem to be clueless on games, or at least older games.
Dam, the couple pawn shops I hit up in Wis. had some really good deals on all the snes games, all games were $6, but they had some crazy video game sale going on i guess, which made all snes games less than $2 a piece. I managed to pick up Super Mario All-stars and Doom for $3 and some change. But I have yet to check a local pawn shop over here. Might hit one up tomorrow just to see what they charge.
i went to a pawn shop today Cash america and almost fell down laughing at their prices on dvds.

They wanted 40 bucks for a used scratched up KING OF THE HILL Season 4
At Jerry's Pawn Shop in downtown Atlanta I got N4S Underground 2 (ps2)back in May for $10. They had a whole box of them.....hhhmmmmm. I guess someone did a quick snatch and grab when the sales clerk at an EB or Gamestop went to the backroom for a second. I can't tell you how many times I go to an EB or Gamestop (strip mall locations) and all the employees are in the backroom and people could simply walk in and take something.
bread's done