I HATE Pricematching At Wal-Mart


CAG Veteran
Went in today to pricematch Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike for $20 instead of $30 with a Frys ad.

Long story short....it took like 25 minutes to pricematch the game. I had trouble at first because $10 is too much of a difference so the guy calls in another lady who has the codes or whatever, then the lady calls in another lady becasue she messed up, the guy then tries to mark it at $20, etc etc lots of screw ups later I finally pay $21 and leave the hell out of that damn store.

I HATE shopping at Wal Mart...it is always full of people, especially rude people, and it takes hours just to buy one single item either because they have a problem at the register or the cashiers have a problem.

$10 too much of a difference? Isn't Wal Mart like superloaded to go through all that trouble. Bleh.

On the other hand, Bestbuy has never given me any trouble pricematching, even when Sears had a misprint of Ace Combat 5 selling for $5 when it recently came out. I went to Wal Mart and it was a definate no, they even called up Sears and told me it was a misprint and whatnot so I went to Bestbuy and even asked the guy if I could pick uo two copies, no problems there.

That's why I only go to Wal-Mart for the things you can't find anywhere else. Wal-Mart has the most worthless people working there. The only nice person at my Wal-Mart are the greeters (you know, the people that say 'hello' to you when you walk in).
I never had problems price matching at WM. I had them price match EB on their sale of MGS3 for $20 and Psychonauts for $39.99 during their last sale.
I did the Ace Combat 5 pircematch at WalMart last year and went through basically the same trouble the OP went through, but hey, for that kind of price difference, it was well worth it. My local Best Buy are the ones that are total pricks when it comes to price matching, however.
[quote name='Oxy_Gen']
On the other hand, Bestbuy has never given me any trouble pricematching, even when Sears had a misprint of Ace Combat 5 selling for $5 when it recently came out. I went to Wal Mart and it was a definate no, they even called up Sears and told me it was a misprint and whatnot so I went to Bestbuy and even asked the guy if I could pick uo two copies, no problems there.


It's the exact opposite here.
I guess its a hit or miss depending on what store/employees you encounter.

I rarely shop at Wal Mart...I try to avoid it as much as possible. On the other hand, I love Target compared to Wal Mart, I would rather take the extra time/miles to go there.
I was once in a Wal-Mart with my brother and I asked him, "What do you think the average IQ of the people in this store is?" He responded, quite confidently, "92." The people there, customers and employees, just bother the hell out of me. In my area, they're always either rednecks or people who can't speak English worth a damn, and they all maneuver their carts in the most reckless way possible. When I visit Target, there's always a noticable difference: the store is clean, the customers are nice, and the employees are hot (at my store anyway). The good thing about Wal-Mart: the employees' incompetence is an advantage if you want to return something without a receipt. :)
your walmart price matches!!??!?!?!! that walmart over in fairlakes claims its a discount store and WONT price match. watch out for that scumbag indian guy in the electronics guy, he will argue with you on just about anything.
[quote name='Vinny']The only nice person at my Wal-Mart are the greeters (you know, the people that say 'hello' to you when you walk in).[/QUOTE]
My Wal-Mart has worthless greeters. They just stare at you when you're walking into the store. Sometimes I think they hiss at me. It's fucking creepy.
Simple solution... If you don't like pricematching at Wal-Mart, then don't. If you would like to save a few bucks, then you can expect a little wait. Any price-override at the register at Wal-Mart that is around $10 or more requires a supervisor override.

I have worked at Wal-Mart for 7 years. You cannot judge every associate by a few of the ones that suck.
I hate Walmart period, but I don't hate the employees. They get paid minimum wage, so I feel bad for them. If Walmart paid more they would have employees that actually cared about their jobs, thus they would be nicer, more helpful, ect. So in short, I think it's the companies fault. The only thing I like about Walmart in the maple syrup smell.
[quote name='ITDEFX']your walmart price matches!!??!?!?!! that walmart over in fairlakes claims its a discount store and WONT price match. watch out for that scumbag indian guy in the electronics guy, he will argue with you on just about anything.[/QUOTE]

If the store is traited as a competition store they HAVE to price match. Corporate policy states you do not even have to have an ad to pricematch. CSM's are supposed to have the ads and know what is on sale at all local competitors. Call 1-800-WAL-MART and file a civilized complaint about the store. It will go to the store manager's computer workstation and they are REQUIRED by Wal-Mart policy to respond to your inquiry within approximately 48 hours if you allow them to contact you by phone.
My guess is that the 'confusion' is part of the Wal-Mart policy. I don't think they want to price match - so what they do is act like they have no idea what they are doing and try to waste as much of your time as they can so that you will never try it again. I tried to price match to Target when I was buying baby formula a few years ago. It was 2.25 cheaper a can at Target and when your buying 10 cans at a time this adds up pretty quick. Wal-Mart wanted no part of this... every reason in the book telling me why I could not do this.

[quote name='xbox_mole']If the store is traited as a competition store they HAVE to price match. Corporate policy states you do not even have to have an ad to pricematch. CSM's are supposed to have the ads and know what is on sale at all local competitors. Call 1-800-WAL-MART and file a civilized complaint about the store. It will go to the store manager's computer workstation and they are REQUIRED by Wal-Mart policy to respond to your inquiry within approximately 48 hours if you allow them to contact you by phone.[/QUOTE]
bread's done