I hate the ugly "Greatest Hits" cover!


4 (100%)
So I was at Best Buy yesterday and I saw one copy of Kingdom Hearts II with the original art cover and not the cheap "Greatest Hits". I remember reading the game had gone GH so I was surprised to see the original cover and the price also being marked down. I didn't think it was THAT rare at the time, so I thought I'd check out other stores before buying it. So I went to Wal Mart and all they had was the ugly GH version!

I then drove to Frys and they had about 4-5 copies of Kingdom Hearts II with the ORIGINAL cover, so I felt a bit relieved and didn't really feel the need to buy it that day. So today, I went back to Best Buy, along with the $5 off coupon, but the last original copy of Kingdom Hearts II was gone! I really should've hidden it. I don't know why but I didn't think anyone would buy it -- yes, very stupid. However, Best Buy had stocked a whole bunch of the ugly GH version too. I actually drove far to other Best Buys, thinking there might be some original copies left, but all they had were GH versions too! I really wanted the non-GH and also use the coupon but both seemed to be out of my luck. I guess I got a bit greedy and also driving around different stores, thinking I could get a good deal, but I just ended up wasting gas and costing me more!

So remember the 4-5 copies of non GH left from yesterday at Frys? Well, I went back today and you won't believe it... yeah, you guessed it. They were all gone! God must be playing games with me. I didn't even see the GH version at Frys. How can all 5 copies be gone in one day?! I just basically wasted hours. I should've just bought the damn game when I had the chance instead of going around seeing what other stores were going for it.

When I was at one of the Best Buy, I asked if they had any original covers, and the guy explained to me that they send those back to the company and just replace it with the GHs. That seemed pretty BS to me. Why would they send it back to the company? I'm pretty sure they just sell the originals off and never produce/restock those originals ever again. Seeing a whole bunch of PS2 Greatest Hits section and seeing the ugly red tag really annoys me.
This seems to be the scape goat for all gamer hate lately, but may I mention that if you see the non GH version at a EB/GS, you can use the $5 off coupon in the weekly ad and your edge card (if you have one), and get it for 17.99 - 5 - 1.70 = 11.29 + tax. Worth noting.
Least its not the DS GH cover.

I don't believe they send them back either. They usually either have a mixture of GH and non GH until the non GH sells out or they put a GH sticker on the shrinkwrap of the non GH game to make it look like a GH but once opened, it isn't
I too hate any GH cover, I like what they did with Soul Calibur 3, where they just put a greatest hit sticker on the plastic wrapping but the insert and everything was still like the regular edition. I wish they all did that.
[quote name='Thongsy']I too hate any GH cover, I like what they did with Soul Calibur 3, where they just put a greatest hit sticker on the plastic wrapping but the insert and everything was still like the regular edition. I wish they all did that.[/QUOTE]

Umm... they do that when they switch over to Greatest Hits and still have copies of the original left over. When it gets a reprint, you'll get a real Greatest Hits insert. You just got lucky!
I miss the days of the SNES and N64 Players Choice boxes, Even the PSOne Greatest Hits case wasn't that bad compared to what we've been seeing with Xbox, Xbox360 and PS2.

I wonder what the Wii Players Choice and the PS3 Greatest Hits is going to look like...

Thank god for cdcovers.cc If I ever get a Greatest Hits box I can just print out and replace the box art.
[quote name='Scorch']Least its not the DS GH cover.


To be fair, it appears that's a Konami games only label. I still think it is awesome that Konami is rereleasing the game for only 20 bucks when they could've sold it for normal price. Especially considering that Nintendo will probably only start a Player's Choice line for the DS a year after it's lifecycle ends.
[quote name='Thongsy']I too hate any GH cover, I like what they did with Soul Calibur 3, where they just put a greatest hit sticker on the plastic wrapping but the insert and everything was still like the regular edition. I wish they all did that.[/quote]

Field reps usually do this. Just look at the spine. If the Playstation logo is still white on black (not black on red) then you have an original copy, not GH.
I love people like you. Seriously. So i can buy Metal Gear Solid 2 for $10 at Kmart and then turn around and sell it for $100 on Amazon b/c its black label.
[quote name='DQT']To be fair, it appears that's a Konami games only label. I still think it is awesome that Konami is rereleasing the game for only 20 bucks when they could've sold it for normal price. Especially considering that Nintendo will probably only start a Player's Choice line for the DS a year after it's lifecycle ends.[/QUOTE]
Konami did reprint DoS with normal cover at full price.
[quote name='62t']Konami did reprint DoS with normal cover at full price.[/quote]

Well I know that, but I remember also seeing the ugly box version for 20 bucks at Best Buy.
I used to hate it and if both are available for same price I'll get the regular, but now if it comes down to it I'll get a greatest hits version of the game since ultimately I buy the game to play it and not to stare at the cover. I've gotten the same way about disc only used copies of games recently too.
[quote name='CaoPi']threads like this remind me seeing why FF7 an original sold for over 100 :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yup. I honestly don't care unless the same works and its complete. Though I did somehow end up with a mix-mash of the one Silent Hill game on the PS2 with one of the two being GH and the other not (the cover/manual).

GH or Non-GH--- same difference. To a collector? $95 difference.
You silly guys. Your comments are funny, but you are way overexaggerating things.

There is not one game anywhere, where the GH version is $5 and the Regular version is $100. Thats just silly. A regular FF7 will sell for $60-70 and the GH version maybe $20 less.

I will willingly buy a GH game under only two conditions. If the original version just cant be found anywhere, or if the GH version has extra content.

What I generally do is this: Once a game has been announced GH, ALL copies of the game drop to $20. I try to find a regular version at that new GH price. Of course you can usually only do that when the GH status is first announced. After a short while, you'll only be able to find the GH packaging.

If you think you can buy MGS2 for $10 and sell it for $100. Your gonna be sitting on a big pile of unsold games.

If GH packaging makes no difference to you then good for you. I wish it didnt matter to me too, lol. Some people dont even care if they get a case and manual either, disc only is fine for them. But for me, and many others it does make a difference.

I guess this is one of the major differences between game collectors and game players. Collectors still play games of course, but non collectors are freed from alot of the minutae that collectors obsess over. =D
[quote name='Scorch']Least its not the DS GH cover.

Is it my eyes, or does that say "Konami's Bestest"?
[quote name='Scorch']Least its not the DS GH cover.


I thought that looked a little weird, and then I saw someone added an extra picture of a box on it. Made me snicker.
I agree with smalien1, did you buy it just to admire the beautiful cover art? It has Disney characters on it for God's sake! Just put it away somewhere where you can't see it, and play the game.
I dislike greatest hits, it is just something about the cover and the red coloring. Some games get their cover art shrinked whiles others are covered over...bleh

I agree with Puffa's conditions on purchasing greatest hits. I am not going to spend 100 dollars on a game if the equivalent can be purchased at one-fifth of the price.

Cheers :)
I don't see why it is so mysterious to some people that the original release has higher demand and worth.

Some people highly value old postage stamps. Make sense out of that one.
Aren't the manuals for the greatest hits games printed in black and white? That's what I dislike the most about them. I really like looking through the illustrations in the manuals.
[quote name='DQT']Aren't the manuals for the greatest hits games printed in black and white?[/quote]

Nope. You might be thinking of the SNES and Genesis Majesco re-releases, which did have black and white manuals (and that was lame).
[quote name='smalien1']Why don't you just play the game?[/quote]

Why dont you just enjoy gaming in whatever way you want and leave others to do the same?
[quote name='DigitalSpace']Nope. You might be thinking of the SNES and Genesis Majesco re-releases, which did have black and white manuals (and that was lame).[/quote]

I guessed that because I saw that my greatest hits version of Spyro, FFT and Chrono Cross all had colorless manuals. But so did my non gh copy of Marvel vs Capcom and Mega Man 8.

You're pretty right that GH doesn't determine whether the manuals are colorless though.
[quote name='DQT']I guessed that because I saw that my greatest hits version of Spyro, FFT and Chrono Cross all had colorless manuals. But so did my non gh copy of Marvel vs Capcom and Mega Man 8.

You're pretty right that GH doesn't determine whether the manuals are colorless though.[/QUOTE]

Only certain games, I have FF7 in GH and non GH, my GH has a colorless manual and my non GH has a very pretty GH manual

Anyone feel FF7's manual is the best FF instruction manual period?
[quote name='Puffa469']
If you think you can buy MGS2 for $10 and sell it for $100. Your gonna be sitting on a big pile of unsold games.[/quote]
Ok, fine. I exaggerated a bit.

Listing 1: KONAMI Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty [PlayStation2]
Listing ID: xxxxxxxx
Quantity: 1
Buyer's Price: $83.88

Listing 1: KONAMI Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty [PlayStation2]
Listing ID: xxxxxxxx
Quantity: 1
Buyer's Price: $75.77

Listing 1: KONAMI Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty [PlayStation2]
Listing ID: xxxxxxxxxxx
Quantity: 1
Buyer's Price: $75.62
[quote name='smalien1']Why don't you just play the game?[/QUOTE]

You know I normally don't mind or care for the "greatest hits" releases when its just a simple bar on top saying "greatest hits." But the Konami DS one is just so god awefully bad that even I would not buy it based off of that alone. YUCK.
I know for a few Square Enix games like FFX and Kingdom Hearts that the GH versions have manuals in black & white rather than in color. Not sure about others.

But specifically regarding Kingdom Hearts, I noticed for both Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II that the GH's artwork isn't the same quality as the original. The original versions have kind of a shiny, glittery cover. The GHs ones have a more plain faded color.
Nothing worse than the platinum hits covers for 360, where they reprint the whole cover then stick a picture of the original cover on it. Those boxes look like the rental boxes from hollywood video
Wow! I didn't think I would get this many replies.

I'm glad the majority of the people understand the value of Non GH here.

I'm sure kids who just want to play the game could care less, but obviously to a collector, this is a huge issue.

It also depends a lot on the game. If it is a classic like Metal Gear Solid or FF7, I would not want a cheap GH. If it's some cheap sports game like NBA Live (not that I would want that), I could probably care less (although I'd like to keep the cases looking organized and not in different colors); but then again you know those games would never make Greatest Hits anyway. I'm sure people can buy a bootleg copy of something and get the same movie or gameplay but most people rather have the original, genuine version. GH is basically a cheap copy. There are some rare exceptions, though. Like Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition REMIX, which is a different game than the original, can only be bought with the Platinum Edition, so in that case, I would just buy that.

I keep my games on a display case, so I actually do have to look at the case every time before I play it. I take care of games very well, so even if I never play it years later, it will still have value. GH versions are easy to find, not to mention ugly, so even if you take good care those, chances are they will not sell by much.

I just bought MGS3 Subsistence yesterday (awesome game! Would never buy a GH version of it). Why hasn't that game hit GH yet? I think that's definitely a game to keep sealed to make money in the future.
I remember when I was like this. Funny that it only lasted about a month. Now I don't give a fuck. During that month I would just buy games to buy them. I wouldn't play them which made me wonder why am I wasting money on shit I don't use? I then sold off most of them and only keep games I really really like.
[quote name='Radioactive_Man']I remember when I was like this. Funny that it only lasted about a month. Now I don't give a fuck. During that month I would just buy games to buy them. I wouldn't play them which made me wonder why am I wasting money on shit I don't use? I then sold off most of them and only keep games I really really like.[/quote]

That's what I plan to do. I mean, I will only buy games that I want to keep (not just collect and never play), so if you're going to keep something for a long time, you might as well get the better version out there.

I just joined this forum recently and that "SHAQ-FU" censore is hilarious! Haha
[quote name='Radioactive_Man']I remember when I was like this. Funny that it only lasted about a month. Now I don't give a fuck. During that month I would just buy games to buy them. I wouldn't play them which made me wonder why am I wasting money on shit I don't use? I then sold off most of them and only keep games I really really like.[/quote]

Yeah same here.. I used to care.. and want all my games to be black label. Then two things happened:
1. SH2's GH version was better than the non-GH & Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution came out
2. I realized I was just wasting money trying to get the older version and it was really pointless being so concerned about my shelf being color coordinated. :)
OP you should try looking at another store I remmember the walmart I went to yesterday had at least 5+ copies of a KH non GH.
All the KH games have nice shiny boxes boxes when they first come out. Even the GBA one. I'm just glad I can buy new good games (for the most part) for 20 bucks or less whenever I feel like it.
bread's done