I have a reputation at my Best Buy


102 (100%)
So this is my usual Best Buy plan.. I go in, find what I want, at the same time my girlfriend is getting a GGC for me. We sometimes put the full amount, sometimes a few bucks, sometimes a penny. We always go to the same cashier as well, because this guy is a gamer and very damn cool.

So she buys the gift card, comes back in with the coupon, and I use it. I go to buy some marketplace points, and the guy goes "Ah, I knew you were here somewhere, I always know you're here when she buys a gift card" He tells me how they had a cashier's meeting about people buying the gift cards and turning right around and using them, and he told me immediately thought of his customer "red hat" since I always am wearing a red heat, and that they are instructed not to sell the gift cards to people they know are "abusing" them.

What's funny is that this time, the front end manager is the one who let my gf buy the GGC with a penny, and he told her "Hey, this will make a pretty good gag gift, very clever!!!".

I haven't used the GGC very often, but I know of one time I bought 2 or 3 of them, put the full amount on each, and then turned right around and bought 3 games with a GGC on each one.
My friend is banned from a BB from an arguement involving a warranty on a laptop.

To put it short, he laid them on the counter and told the manager it was his choice which one he wanted to suck first.
[quote name='Roufuss']
What's funny is that this time, the front end manager is the one who let my gf buy the GGC with a penny, and he told her "Hey, this will make a pretty good gag gift, very clever!!!".[/QUOTE]

Worst I have to deal with is the greeter seeing me every day.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']My friend is banned from a BB from an arguement involving a warranty on a laptop.

To put it short, he laid them on the counter and told the manager it was his choice which one he wanted to suck first.[/quote]

NIIICE! I've always wanted to do that their CS people. Most of them stick so hard to company line that its hard to tell where the sowing stitches are...
yea... so I have a similar story. Im notorious for seeing what DVDs will be on sale, then buying them before the ads are out at BB and price adjusting them come that sunday once the ads hit (so I get more money off of the dvds). Well, I do this all the time and the people who work service desk pretty much know me on a first name basis since I am in there so often... well, last week I got my first BS employee when trying to do this. Funny thing was it was their manager....

"You cannot price adjust this since you bought it before this weeks ad was out"

my response: How does that make any sense... isnt this the reason to have a price adjust policy?

her: Yes, but you would have had to buy it this week

Me: than how the hell is that an adjustment, that would be a price match

her: Im sorry sir, we have no price adjust policy (keep in mind I am standing right next to a 30 foot high sign that says clearly their price adjust policy)

me (rather pissed off): May I please speak to your manager or someone who actually understands your policy (not realizing her nametag says service desk manager)

her (responding after I drew attention/crowd to the service desk while calling her out for being a dumbass): I am the manager and I can garuntee you we have no such policy.

me: Look at the wall, it says it as clear as day... (i ask one of the other employees if I am just a blind dumbass and she goes "no, the manager is just wrong")

her: fine, ill price adjust.... but you have to understand youre getting a hell of a deal and I really shouldnt be doing this since its against corporate policy.

me (after receiving my money back on my credit card, speaking to the other employees working service desk): you should really apply for the manager position since your current one obviously doesnt know two shits about your policies/trying to lie to me about a policy not existing that is in clear site right next to me is just wrong....

Wow, i may be a dick... but seriously, I only bought hte item since I knew I could price adjust and she made it seem like what I was doing was wrong so WTF mate.
I loved being a dick to people when I worked there. fucking customers. fuck you all. Plus I got to build resentment towards BB and take it down from the inside. fuck BB.

BTW, No one cares if you do GGC everytime, its no secret to anyone that works there. The cashiers see it all day on tuesdays.
[quote name='BasketCase1080']yea... so I have a similar story. Im notorious for seeing what DVDs will be on sale, then buying them before the ads are out at BB and price adjusting them come that sunday once the ads hit (so I get more money off of the dvds). Well, I do this all the time and the people who work service desk pretty much know me on a first name basis since I am in there so often... well, last week I got my first BS employee when trying to do this. Funny thing was it was their manager....

"You cannot price adjust this since you bought it before this weeks ad was out"

my response: How does that make any sense... isnt this the reason to have a price adjust policy?

her: Yes, but you would have had to buy it this week

Me: than how the hell is that an adjustment, that would be a price match

her: Im sorry sir, we have no price adjust policy (keep in mind I am standing right next to a 30 foot high sign that says clearly their price adjust policy)

me (rather pissed off): May I please speak to your manager or someone who actually understands your policy (not realizing her nametag says service desk manager)

her (responding after I drew attention/crowd to the service desk while calling her out for being a dumbass): I am the manager and I can garuntee you we have no such policy.

me: Look at the wall, it says it as clear as day... (i ask one of the other employees if I am just a blind dumbass and she goes "no, the manager is just wrong")

her: fine, ill price adjust.... but you have to understand youre getting a hell of a deal and I really shouldnt be doing this since its against corporate policy.

me (after receiving my money back on my credit card, speaking to the other employees working service desk): you should really apply for the manager position since your current one obviously doesnt know two shits about your policies/trying to lie to me about a policy not existing that is in clear site right next to me is just wrong....

Wow, i may be a dick... but seriously, I only bought hte item since I knew I could price adjust and she made it seem like what I was doing was wrong so WTF mate.[/QUOTE]

How much did you end up saving? It's only 10% off the difference right? I don't buy DVDs but I'm guessing they come out about $20 then drop to $13-15 the following week?
To avoid this I typically but a couple extra GGC's whenever I'm in there and just put like $5 on them.

I have, however, on multiple occasions bought one, walked out, walked back in and used it. Seems perfectly logical to me.
There is 6% tax here so I put $15.89 on the gift card, get a $19.99 game which comes out to $15.89 after the coupon. Putting a penny on the card just seems stupid to me and only draws attention to youself.
[quote name='Demontooth']There is 6% tax here so I put $15.89 on the gift card, get a $19.99 game which comes out to $15.89 after the coupon. Putting a penny on the card just seems stupid to me and only draws attention to youself.[/QUOTE]

Putting $15.89 doesn't draw attention?
[quote name='jm2u']I loved being a dick to people when I worked there. fucking customers. fuck you all. Plus I got to build resentment towards BB and take it down from the inside. fuck BB.

BTW, No one cares if you do GGC everytime, its no secret to anyone that works there. The cashiers see it all day on tuesdays.[/quote]

You do realize that being a dick to everyone just makes it harder for you, right?
[quote name='DeathDealer']What is this you guys are talking about? do you get a discount by paying with a gift card?[/QUOTE]

Search "gamer gift card" shortened GGC in deal discussion and you'll get many threads.

It's a gift card you can put any amount on, and inside the case the gift card comes in is a coupon for $5 off a game $19.99 and up.
[quote name='botticus']Worst I have to deal with is the greeter seeing me every day.[/QUOTE]
That is the WORST. During major sales (like the most recent CC $9 one), I see the same employees three times during a 36 hour period. My shame isn't enough to keep me from going out to buy cheap games, though it is enough to get me to walk along the sides of the store to avoid employees like I'm a criminal.
[quote name='nwaugh']That is the WORST. During major sales (like the most recent CC $9 one), I see the same employees three times during a 36 hour period. My shame isn't enough to keep me from going out to buy cheap games, though it is enough to get me to walk along the sides of the store to avoid employees like I'm a criminal.[/QUOTE]
:rofl: Been there. At CC as well. And TRU. And EB. And GR. I am ashamed. I'm pretty sure half the retail employees on the east side of Cleveland recognize me. Damn you, CAG.
[quote name='ne2eire']How much did you end up saving? It's only 10% off the difference right? I don't buy DVDs but I'm guessing they come out about $20 then drop to $13-15 the following week?[/QUOTE]

sometimes it adds up quite nicely.... like the items I was price adjusting were the seinfeld dvds which were on salefor 20 a few weeks ago at target. Ended up costing about 17 dollars each dvd after tax rather than 21 dollars.... and if you multiply that by the 5 sets I got it ended up saving me 20 bucks by price adjusting rather than price matching.
That's what the GGC is for. They shouldn't bitch about you using something they make available to all customers.
[quote name='Roufuss']So this is my usual Best Buy plan.. I go in, find what I want, at the same time my girlfriend is getting a GGC for me. We sometimes put the full amount, sometimes a few bucks, sometimes a penny. We always go to the same cashier as well, because this guy is a gamer and very damn cool.

So she buys the gift card, comes back in with the coupon, and I use it. I go to buy some marketplace points, and the guy goes "Ah, I knew you were here somewhere, I always know you're here when she buys a gift card" He tells me how they had a cashier's meeting about people buying the gift cards and turning right around and using them, and he told me immediately thought of his customer "red hat" since I always am wearing a red heat, and that they are instructed not to sell the gift cards to people they know are "abusing" them.

What's funny is that this time, the front end manager is the one who let my gf buy the GGC with a penny, and he told her "Hey, this will make a pretty good gag gift, very clever!!!".

I haven't used the GGC very often, but I know of one time I bought 2 or 3 of them, put the full amount on each, and then turned right around and bought 3 games with a GGC on each one.[/QUOTE]

I'm not familiar with what you are talking about- although I think it's complete crap if they alow the "melvins" or whoever they think are the dumbasses that provide them profit to do it and not other people. You make me want to go do that to my Best Buy just because they are jerks to customers who might actually try to get a good deal.
[quote name='kev']To avoid this I typically but a couple extra GGC's whenever I'm in there and just put like $5 on them.

I have, however, on multiple occasions bought one, walked out, walked back in and used it. Seems perfectly logical to me.[/QUOTE]

I've certainly done that, though here recently I'll just bring the GGC to the counter, tell the cashier the truth, and more often than not they'll just let me use the coupon without going through the gift card process.
wow, i wish i was aware of this sooner.

after reading this I feel stupid for buying ANYTHING there that is 20 bucks or greater, and not using a gift card
[quote name='kurrptsenate']wow, i wish i was aware of this sooner.

after reading this I feel stupid for buying ANYTHING there that is 20 bucks or greater, and not using a gift card[/QUOTE]

:wave: Welcome to CAG! Be sure to get your friends to join!
[quote name='kurrptsenate']wow, i wish i was aware of this sooner.

after reading this I feel stupid for buying ANYTHING there that is 20 bucks or greater, and not using a gift card[/QUOTE]
The GGC only applies to video games, so don't feel too bad.
[quote name='Demontooth']There is 6% tax here so I put $15.89 on the gift card, get a $19.99 game which comes out to $15.89 after the coupon. Putting a penny on the card just seems stupid to me and only draws attention to youself.[/QUOTE]

Here's the reason why I don't put the full amount on the card anymore:

I bought two games at BB when they dropped to $19.99, I threw something like $32 on a GGC. Got the games, a few days later I realized I would NEVER play them, it was a universal price drop anyways, so I brought them back, expecting to get my money back.

I forgot I put the full amount on a GGC, and I got $32 back on a gift card. Yea, I ended up spending it, but I wanted that cash back to go to a different store and get stuff cheaper (i.e Circuit City).

From now on, I won't put the full amount on it so I won't be stuck with a $32 gift card again.

And yea, $16.04 (the price after tax) draws just as much attention as 1 penny.

Luckily there is one cashier at BB who is awesome that let me keep GGC'ing. I just thought it was funny Best Buy is trying to stop someone from "abusing" the GGC, since I didn't think it was possible to abuse a gift card.
[quote name='kurrptsenate']i take it you can only use one coupon per purchase, correct?[/QUOTE]

Yep, which is why I've done three transactions back to back with three GGC's.

No wonder I have a rep at my Best Buy ;)
i would LOVE for someone at the local best buy to try to deny me a use of the card. They really should change their policy if they don't want people taking advantage of their "deals"
I'd love to see the leg that BB would try to stand on to stop people from "abusing" the GGC. Since, last time I checked, if it's something available for sale, it should be something that anyone can purchase and use. :whistle2:s

They'll probably use the "person non grata" crap to refuse service to people and kick them out for "abusing" the GGC.

I've used dozens of them at BB, even well before I came to CAG, and I've never been denied, including the use of multiple ones at once, as long as I have one per item, it works like a champ.
I ususally put $5 on a GGC. It just saves me the hassle plus if I buy one $19.99 game I have two coupons left after I use the 3 gift cards on the one game.
[quote name='botticus']:rofl: Been there. At CC as well. And TRU. And EB. And GR. I am ashamed. I'm pretty sure half the retail employees on the east side of Cleveland recognize me. Damn you, CAG.[/QUOTE]

These people see so many customers a day, that MAYBE one remembers you. :D
[quote name='rodeojones903']These people see so many customers a day, that MAYBE one remembers you. :D[/QUOTE]

No, you'd be surprised, employees are good about remembering who comes in on a regular basis, espically if it's every day or multiple times a day, and if you have something that makes you stand out.

Mine is a red hat ;)
[quote name='Roufuss']No, you'd be surprised, employees are good about remembering who comes in on a regular basis, espically if it's every day or multiple times a day, and if you have something that makes you stand out.

Mine is a red hat ;)[/QUOTE]

Mine is sunglasses. I always walk into the store with them on even if it's a cloudy day and I sometimes keep them on in the store just for added effect.
[quote name='ne2eire']Search "gamer gift card" shortened GGC in deal discussion and you'll get many threads.

It's a gift card you can put any amount on, and inside the case the gift card comes in is a coupon for $5 off a game $19.99 and up.[/QUOTE]

Every gift card?
[quote name='Daddy']Every gift card?[/QUOTE]

no, it is a special giftcard (Gamer's Gift Card) which has the coupon clearly visible on the back.
Ahh the shame...That feeling in the pit of your stomach subsides when you clean house on a store and get a great deal...I remember way back when at Babbages(Now GS) they had the most liberal return policy...ever...You could buy an SNES game, and take it back with no exceptions, no 14 day period, nothing...I used to take games back like 9 months after they were released in the box with the receipt, and they would give you cashback...it was sick...Anyhow, the return policy was so liberal, that you could return any game without a receipt for credit...So I would buy games at like Kmart, get sick of them and return them to Babbages for credit, get a new game, rinse, repeat....

One day I am returning games(mind you, I did this like every weekend for 2 years) and the guy asks me the usual, so what's your reason for return? yadda yadda yadda, as long as you bought this here, you can return it for credit...So I'm like cool, yeah I bought it here, I'll take my $70 credit slip(Yes kiddies, long before "next gen" games sold for $60, 16 bit games sold for $70+)...He turns the game around, and it's got a kbtoys sticker on it, he banned me from Babbages for life...I was so embarrassed that I used to skip walking through that part of the the mall entirely...

Ahh, the memories...That was the scam of all scams...If only CAG was around back then.....
[quote name='Roufuss']So this is my usual Best Buy plan.. I go in, find what I want, at the same time my girlfriend is getting a GGC for me. We sometimes put the full amount, sometimes a few bucks, sometimes a penny. We always go to the same cashier as well, because this guy is a gamer and very damn cool.

So she buys the gift card, comes back in with the coupon, and I use it. I go to buy some marketplace points, and the guy goes "Ah, I knew you were here somewhere, I always know you're here when she buys a gift card" He tells me how they had a cashier's meeting about people buying the gift cards and turning right around and using them, and he told me immediately thought of his customer "red hat" since I always am wearing a red heat, and that they are instructed not to sell the gift cards to people they know are "abusing" them.

What's funny is that this time, the front end manager is the one who let my gf buy the GGC with a penny, and he told her "Hey, this will make a pretty good gag gift, very clever!!!".

I haven't used the GGC very often, but I know of one time I bought 2 or 3 of them, put the full amount on each, and then turned right around and bought 3 games with a GGC on each one.[/QUOTE]

Crap like this is the reason why, a long time ago, I stopped even trying to put any amount on the GC. I realized that it was much easier to just take the coupon out of the case, carry the case and GC separately to the check out and then just use the coupon. Never had a problem, never will...
we used to do that to K-mart all the time. My friend got too carried away with it, and eventually made the store completely change around their return policy
It is always a good scene when I cut people off at Gamestop fo abusing the return policy. They posture and get mad but I get even madder at their playing dumb when I cut them off from their fourth exchange in a month on the same credit.

I just get offended at the posturing, I do not understand it, I mean, you got to play eight quality games on the same hundred dollars. Like pulling the pig from the feed bucket, so sad.
Employees really won't care either way, but management does. I don't buy a lot of games at BB because a lot of times I find them better elsewhere, but when I do use the GGC it's not a big problem because I bought like 10 of them a while back (it only cost a dime) and I just have them waiting in stock at home whenever a game gets a price drop.

I mean, now I have GGC in stock at my home, and it only cost me ten cents, and I don't have to go through the trouble of exiting/entering the store a few times. And the employees at the register don't recognize me because I bought them a while back ... and for all they know, it was a gag gift. Works for me. No shame involved.
[quote name='Roufuss']No, you'd be surprised, employees are good about remembering who comes in on a regular basis, espically if it's every day or multiple times a day, and if you have something that makes you stand out.

Mine is a red hat ;)[/QUOTE]

mine is being a smart ass and telling them things they didn't even know about their own store :lol:
bread's done