I have devoid myself of video games, and most tv for the past ~6 months...

Forest Mercenary

Spending all of my time playing poker, watching poker, eating, sleeping, and hanging out with my poker playing friends, discussing or playing poker.

Can someone fill me in? Website for replacing Simpsons boxes, wha? Xbox what? Coffee/sex in GTA: SA what (never played it)? What are cool games that passed me by during my hibernation? Is Simpsons S6 the first of the "good" seasons (by good seasons, I mean the season that featured the Navy, New York, and Japan episodes).

I also have money now - what do I need to buy?

I want to come back. :)
I would say good job, but them when i read you were playing poker with having no life, you just have no life. Yeah...
Eeek - what crawled up your ass? Not anti-social - just social in other ways, such as playing poker.

I'm going to be a Senior in H.S. next year, if anyone was wondering what gave me this freedom. Also, if you say vdieo games > poker, tell me why, and why I should go back to wasting my time for no profit.
I have devoid myself ...

Unfortunately you should have spent the time studying english instead of poker.

You may want to talk to someone about your cumpulsiveness too. Not that Poker is bad, per se, as you can learn a lot about human behavior while playing for a length of time. A senior in high school, though, should be trying to get laid instead of being a recluse playing videogames or poker.

Remember, as a pre-adult your priorities should be:

Get some
Save money

In that order.
How about just reading some of the threads on the forum in the past month or so? You obviously mention several topics, so why not read them?
[quote name='Forest Mercenary']Hey dumbass, when you bring up grammar and spelling, you sure as hell should be spelling correctly yourself.[/QUOTE]

Did you learn those fantastic interpersonal skills from playing poker? :roll:
[quote name='Forest Mercenary']Hey dumbass, when you bring up grammar and spelling, you sure as hell should be spelling correctly yourself.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps you should consider anger management as well as a tutor.
[quote name='bmulligan']Perhaps you should consider anger management as well as a tutor.[/QUOTE]

I think his anger was justified. He posted innocently enough, asking about what is going on in videogames and such, and for some reason most people responded like a bunch of assbags.

If you weren't going to respond to his actual question, then why did you respond at all? Why the unprovoked hostility?
You haven't missed much. There's nothing happening in the past 6 months of videogames that is too exciting other than maybe the PSP and homebrew/emulators now being bootable from the memory card. There really has been nothing I've wanted to buy lately and the new comsoles are too far off and we know too little to be getting excited about them.
I'd say something 'cept I've been in the same situation but replace "poker" with "Halo 2". Oh and obviously trying to get laid, Class of 06 wooooooooooooot
I remember when I first started playing holdem in HS i thought i was so good. then i turned 21 went to a B&M poker room got owned a couple times. I learned twice as much playing in a B&M poker room than i ever did playing online
[quote name='lebowsky']I think his anger was justified. He posted innocently enough, asking about what is going on in videogames and such, and for some reason most people responded like a bunch of assbags.

If you weren't going to respond to his actual question, then why did you respond at all? Why the unprovoked hostility?[/QUOTE]

My response was not hostile, it was tongue-in-cheek. Both you and the OP need to grow a sense of humor.

Maybe you like kissing attention whore ass; I prefer to make light of it for entertainment purposes. I mean really, are any of these responses necessary, or more unnecessary that the original post? Want to know the news? Open the newspaper, don't go soliciting. Seriously, there are websites that let you know what's going on. There's even the front page of this one. Posting a topic like this waste of bandwiidth is just asking for a good rodgering. And god knows we can ALL use a good lick or two once in a while.

[quote name='bmulligan']
Remember, as a pre-adult your priorities should be:

Get some
Save money

In that order.[/QUOTE]

My teenage years were filled with none of those :cry: .
Poker has been sucking lately I'm kind of bored with it (aka played way to much of it) guess its good timing as all my poker buddies are off to college.
bread's done