I have found a sig quote!


68 (100%)
[quote name='Hermann Goering']Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.[/quote]

Ah, timely, isn't it? :D
Someone already had it, I forget who but it's been done.

However if you want to be a retread that's none of my business or concern.

EDIT: Aren't you one of those posters that say "Whoever makes the Nazi comparison first loses?". So..... vis-a-vis that would mean......
Why am I not surprised that someone on this board would hate the current government so much that they overlooked the fact that they were glorifying Nazi propoganda to make a point.
[quote name='Three Dollar Hooker']Why am I not surprised that someone on this board would hate the current government so much that they overlooked the fact that they were glorifying Nazi propoganda to make a point.[/QUOTE]

So just b/c someone was a Nazi means they can't be right?

this is not glorifying Nazi propaganda

this is recognizing the truth

Being evil and being smart are not mutually exclusive

pointing out the relevence of that quote certainly does NOT equate with glorifying nazi ideals

[quote name='Three Dollar Hooker']Thanks for the signature :).

I've been looking for one.[/QUOTE]

So are you actually going to try and stand on the platform of

'Nothing any Nazi has ever said regarding social behavior/conditioning can be right because they were a Nazi' ???

rock on with your black&white self!

how is the sixth grade going, btw?


p.s. Pol Pot, Stalin and Kim Jung Il have also made factually correct statements in the past... try not to let it blow your mind!!!
[quote name='Three Dollar Hooker']You're the gift that keeps on giving.[/QUOTE]

thanks for the non-sequitur

i notice that you have yet to refute even one thing i've said

i'll just take that as an admission that you posted before thinking...


anytime you want to explain to me how referencing that quote = endorsing fascism/nazi party or how it is america bashing, then I'm all ears....

everything i've said in this thread is basic common sense that any adult with the ability to reason can grasp easily

*edit* I'll also take the fact that you're not really using it as a sig that you've now realized how egregious your error was. too bad, i was hoping you would spread my wisdom throughout the boards! lmao
[quote name='Three Dollar Hooker']No, you're just not seeing it. It's still there. I'm perfectly happy to give credit to someone that will praise tyrants and genocidal regimes.[/QUOTE]

exactly my point... lol

the fact that you see it as 'praise' is quite amazing and shockingly unintelligent on your part

admitting someone has a good point is not praising them.. it's admitting they have a good point



if abu musab al zarqawi gave me good stock advice, I would take it... use it... and feel good about it.

so hilarious to see someone who is incapable of admitting they are wrong

excellent stuff

more please!!
[quote name='Three Dollar Hooker']No, you're just not seeing it. It's still there. I'm perfectly happy to give credit to someone that will praise tyrants and genocidal regimes.[/QUOTE]

also please prove that Pol Pot, Stalin and Kim Jung Il have NOT made factually correct statements in the past or remove that part from your sig

otherwise it doesn't make much sense... does it?

you're not big on thinking are you?

[quote name='Msut77']Whore, if the Nazis glorified sunshine would you lock yourself in a closet for the rest of your life?[/QUOTE]

at least in there she doesn't have to face logic or common sense...

or respond to any of my salient and well presented points

[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']
However if you want to be a retread that's none of my business or concern. [/quote]

It's so simple, but things like this never get old.
[quote name='Msut77']Whore, if the Nazis glorified sunshine would you lock yourself in a closet for the rest of your life?[/QUOTE]

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, except for Mslut. He's just an ass all day long.
[quote name='PKRipp3r']
p.s. Pol Pot, Stalin and Kim Jung Il have also made factually correct statements in the past... try not to let it blow your mind!!![/quote]


One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic.

And you can thank the Nazi's for giving us Albert Einstein... and a couple boatloads of over scientists who vacated Europe at the time.
America has more people incarcerated then Stalin did at the height of the Gulag.


And then you can always just look up the wiki of Leo Strauss


Scary in of itself, given that this guy who exalts myth over reality is the founder of the neocon movement.

In summation, there are plenty of happy fun dictatorial strategies that the current government and administration can accused of, let's stop overusing the same tired old cliches!
[quote name='zionoverfire']Exactly:

One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic.

And you can thank the Nazi's for giving us Albert Einstein... and a couple boatloads of over scientists who vacated Europe at the time.[/QUOTE]


that kind of simplistic, child-like thinking sends a chill down my spine

when people just shut down at the mention of certain word(s) as if they are imbued with some kind of evil power that is unleashed by speaking/writing them... wth???

this kind of thinking/living leads to a state where those things that scare people are just never mentioned... they pretend the scary parts don't exist - which allows them to grow unchecked and unchallenged in any way

just the VERY NOTION that one can't bring up the Nazi party without noting obviously that they were the eminent global evil force of their day, REINFORCES the very techniques that are touched upon in OP's new sig

By treating another person AS a Nazi.. for DISCUSSING Nazis in an open and honest way (i.e. that we benefit from SS derived technology every day) is actually (drumroll please) ACTING LIKE NAZI

things that make you go 'hmmmmmm'

also people who refute the idea of Natural Selection out of hand always appear to be (imo) the least evolved

i take this as proof of the existence of God, and his sense of humor
[quote name='PKRipp3r']agreed

that kind of simplistic, child-like thinking sends a chill down my spine

when people just shut down at the mention of certain word(s) as if they are imbued with some kind of evil power that is unleashed by speaking/writing them... wth???

this kind of thinking/living leads to a state where those things that scare people are just never mentioned... they pretend the scary parts don't exist - which allows them to grow unchecked and unchallenged in any way

just the VERY NOTION that one can't bring up the Nazi party without noting obviously that they were the eminent global evil force of their day, REINFORCES the very techniques that are touched upon in OP's new sig

By treating another person AS a Nazi.. for DISCUSSING Nazis in an open and honest way (i.e. that we benefit from SS derived technology every day) is actually (drumroll please) ACTING LIKE NAZI

things that make you go 'hmmmmmm'

also people who refute the idea of Natural Selection out of hand always appear to be (imo) the least evolved

i take this as proof of the existence of God, and his sense of humor[/QUOTE]

yeah, well, Jewish people don't always think rationally when it comes to the Nazi regime. I still get lectures from my Dad a couple times a year about the Holocaust and I'm 24-- he still doesn't think I get it ;) If I were to ever use a nazi quote as support for an argument about the bush administration, I'd probably get smacked up a lot, despite any logical value the statement may have.

I agree it's frustrating, but try not to let it get to you, I doubt you'll convince 3 Dollar Hooker to get the core idea of what you're saying (or what evanft is saying) just out of principle...as simple of a concept it may be.

on a similar note: I was flipping through Quotations From Chairman Mao this weekend-- there's a lot of good stuff in it! Too bad he didn't put any of it to practice in any logical way and ended up fucking that place horribly :lol:
[quote name='Apossum']yeah, well, Jewish people don't always think rationally when it comes to the Nazi regime. I still get lectures from my Dad a couple times a year about the Holocaust and I'm 24-- he still doesn't think I get it ;) If I were to ever use a nazi quote as support for an argument about the bush administration, I'd probably get smacked up a lot, despite any logical value the statement may have.

I agree it's frustrating, but try not to let it get to you, I doubt you'll convince 3 Dollar Hooker to get the core idea of what you're saying (or what evanft is saying) just out of principle...as simple of a concept it may be.

on a similar note: I was flipping through Quotations From Chairman Mao this weekend-- there's a lot of good stuff in it! Too bad he didn't put any of it to practice in any logical way and ended up fucking that place horribly :lol:[/QUOTE]

haha, true about Mao
and also true about upsetting the Tribe.. i'm a member so point taken

i do know people who are reform that get upset over the same thing

i'm always willing to step up and present the same case to them though... unless they are just unwilling to listen to reason and/or logic

i also know Catholics who will physically attack you (no joke) if you 'insult' the Pope in front of them

makes me want to doodle Allah
bread's done