I just got fired from GameStop


ahem...Like others said, it's a crappy situation, but if you can't prove anything, you should probably just move on to hopefully bigger and better things.
[quote name='jbroush99']Forget Gamestop, you need to sue the your local school system for letting you pass any English or writing classes you have taken.[/quote]
How did you pass?
[quote name='charlestgarcia']How did you pass?[/QUOTE]

Damn dude what he typed was a simple honest mistake. He could of used either word but accidentally used both. Don't be a dick.
[quote name='charlestgarcia']How did you pass?[/QUOTE]

there's a significant difference between a clerical error and a general disregard for the english language.
yeah but if you are going to call someone out on spelling, grammar or punctuation you better make damn sure your post is perfect otherwise it's completely deserved, IMO... all in good fun, of course...
[quote name='Eryu']That was the correct thing to do to stop the conflict from continuing and at the same time there was another employee inside so the store was not alone. Also the keyholder is the only one allowed in the store alone bit is not true. Any employee can run the the store they just can't open or close it alone.[/quote]

This is what shocks me the most. When I worked retail and was a keyholder you were not allowed to even consider leaving the store in any way, shape, or form unless another keyholder or manager was there. This was mostly because there were very good reasons why you were given that responsibility over other people in the store...that and you were 99% of the time the highest authority in the store at the moment and other workers would default to you for questions and major issues.

Then again, being a keyholder was pretty much akin to being an assistant manager of sorts and knowing about all aspects of the job and the store. Hearing that EB/GS may not make it a huge point for a keyholder to be around other than to open up and close the store while anyone at any level can be left alone to run the rest of the store isn't really shocking.

Different stores have different policies, I guess. But after having worked in a situation where 80% of the staff were running late or were waylaid due to emergencies there are times where having two people on instead of the standard six causes one hell of a mess. Whoo boy...not like corporate ever cares about those things.

Sorry to hear about you getting fired, though. That's always a bad sort of situation.
At will employment is the correct term as has been said. However, not all states follow this law, but I believe the majority do. Your employers termination of you for fear of a lawsuit would most likely be considered unlawful termination, however you will need more than a verbal reference to a phone call to prove it. Try to get something written about your termination and the reason for it from your employer. If your injuries are serious (i.e. requiring medical treatment), you could sue your employer for damages based on vicarious liability, I.E. the employer is responsible for the actions of its employee if he is acting reasonably within the scope of his employment.
Blame the lawyers for this.

Javery I'm not referring to you. I DOUBT you're the type of lawyer who sues a homeowner for a robber breaking their back in that persons house.
[quote name='Sarang01']Blame the lawyers for this.

Javery I'm not referring to you. I DOUBT you're the type of lawyer who sues a homeowner for a robber breaking their back in that persons house.[/quote]

Awww, we get blamed for everything! ;)

I don't even know how to file a complaint - seriously. I'm not a litigator nor would I ever want to be.
I agree with the GLITTER suggestion.

That and, why the hell didn't you simply beat the nutjob crackhead to a bloody pulp, then stuff him in the back room and call the cops? You should have called the cops before calling the regional/district/store manager.

Or better yet, stuffed a bunch of games down his pants and then called the cops, told them you caught him in the back room stealing inventory, and he attacked you, he seemed to be on drugs (a meth or crackhead), and you defended yourself and subdued him.

As for losing your job at Gamestop, LOLOLOL you should be extremely grateful! You no longer have to work a minimum wage virtual slave retail job under horrible conditions. You should try to make something of your life instead of working retail.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']He's gonna go from working at GameStop, to pulling in an annual salary type of job? *In best cockney accent * Not bloody likely![/quote]

Are you kidding??? He was a SENIOR 'game advisor'. I bet he could land a job at Google down here in Santa Monica making a good $50-60 per hour, they'll take ANYBODY, really. You only need to go through about, ooooh, 2 dozen interviews.

Hell, they pay their QA people something ridiculous like $20-30 an hour.
[quote name='Darwin23']uhh....what is this glitter thing?[/QUOTE]

I can't believe nobody has gleefully responded to the glitter question. I just so happened to be in the right thread at the right time and read the beginnings of the glitter thing for myself. Since then, I have referenced it several times and my girlfriend (who is generally 'straight and narrow') also thinks it's one of the funniest ideas she has ever heard herself. To the best of my knowledge, here is how I remember the "Glitter" recommendation:

Some guy was complaining about mistreatment (at Blockbuster, I think he was fired for some silly reason?). People began making suggestions of how to get even, and some CAG genius had the best idea I think I have ever heard. It went something like this:

Walk into the store with 2 large containers of glitter - one in each hand, concealed somewhat. Say nothing until you see the guy who screwed you over. Go straight up to him and yell "Glitter Bitches" at the guy while throwing glitter all over him. I think there was some spinning around and generally throwing glitter all over the store as well. Then leave.

Not sure if I do thet story justice but suffice it to say it was one of the funniest and greatest imaginary sequences I have ever read. If anybody ever actually does do that and gets it on camera...
[quote name='chosen1s']I can't believe nobody has gleefully responded to the glitter question. I just so happened to be in the right thread at the right time and read the beginnings of the glitter thing for myself. Since then, I have referenced it several times and my girlfriend (who is generally 'straight and narrow') also thinks it's one of the funniest ideas she has ever heard herself. To the best of my knowledge, here is how I remember the "Glitter" recommendation:

Some guy was complaining about mistreatment (at Blockbuster, I think he was fired for some silly reason?). People began making suggestions of how to get even, and some CAG genius had the best idea I think I have ever heard. It went something like this:

Walk into the store with 2 large containers of glitter - one in each hand, concealed somewhat. Say nothing until you see the guy who screwed you over. Go straight up to him and yell "Glitter Bitches" at the guy while throwing glitter all over him. I think there was some spinning around and generally throwing glitter all over the store as well. Then leave.

Not sure if I do thet story justice but suffice it to say it was one of the funniest and greatest imaginary sequences I have ever read. If anybody ever actually does do that and gets it on camera...[/quote]

Nothing is harder to clean up than glitter. Nigh impossible.
That's it... ? I was hoping for something better like this...

There's really nothing you can do. I suggest taking actions to protect yourself, this drug addict might try going after you when he needs his next fix.
[quote name='chosen1s']I can't believe nobody has gleefully responded to the glitter question. I just so happened to be in the right thread at the right time and read the beginnings of the glitter thing for myself. Since then, I have referenced it several times and my girlfriend (who is generally 'straight and narrow') also thinks it's one of the funniest ideas she has ever heard herself. To the best of my knowledge, here is how I remember the "Glitter" recommendation:

Some guy was complaining about mistreatment (at Blockbuster, I think he was fired for some silly reason?). People began making suggestions of how to get even, and some CAG genius had the best idea I think I have ever heard. It went something like this:

Walk into the store with 2 large containers of glitter - one in each hand, concealed somewhat. Say nothing until you see the guy who screwed you over. Go straight up to him and yell "Glitter Bitches" at the guy while throwing glitter all over him. I think there was some spinning around and generally throwing glitter all over the store as well. Then leave.

Not sure if I do thet story justice but suffice it to say it was one of the funniest and greatest imaginary sequences I have ever read. If anybody ever actually does do that and gets it on camera...[/quote]

Thanks for the explanation. I thought maybe it was some obscure movie reference or something...

I worked for Gamestop back when they were Funcoland. The pay sucked and since it was retail the hours blew as well but I have to say at least I got to work with something I was interested in. It was a good job that payed the bills while I was in college. For a retail job it wasn't too bad IMHO.
[quote name='Chitown021']Thanks for the explanation. I thought maybe it was some obscure movie reference or something...

I worked for Gamestop back when they were Funcoland. The pay sucked and since it was retail the hours blew as well but I have to say at least I got to work with something I was interested in. It was a good job that payed the bills while I was in college. For a retail job it wasn't too bad IMHO.[/QUOTE]

The job is insanely easy. There are much worse places to work. I worked at Software Ect/GS when I was 16 and stayed there for almost 7 years working my way to ASM while in college. If anyone thinks that working at EB/GS is a shitty job and or hard work, you are really going to be in for a surprise later on.
[quote name='rodeojones903']The job is insanely easy. There are much worse places to work. I worked at Software Ect/GS when I was 16 and stayed there for almost 7 years working my way to ASM while in college. If anyone thinks that working at EB/GS is a shitty job and or hard work, you are really going to be in for a surprise later on.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the next step up would me a stocker at a grocery retail chain, that shit is fuck ed up and you have to have your stuff filled and filled NOW, even on a batshiat'in crazy traffic sunday!
[quote name='Darwin23']uhh....what is this glitter thing?[/QUOTE]

If you need to ask... then you don't need to know. ;)

In all seriousness it involves taking damn glitter and throwing it around the store, on the counter, at the employees, etc etc etc.
[quote name='Darwin23']uhh....what is this glitter thing?[/QUOTE]

A joke that has been run into the ground on CAG.

Also see: magazine rack.
[quote name='The Dord']Yeah, the next step up would me a stocker at a grocery retail chain, that shit is fuck ed up and you have to have your stuff filled and filled NOW, even on a batshiat'in crazy traffic sunday![/quote]Ugh, that just reminded me of the factory job I had for two summer in a food packing plant. One day we literally packaged up 16,000 lbs. of, get this, ham salad. It was horrible, smelled like crap, and we had to move fast to get it all done. Yuck. I showered like 4 times that evening and could still smell it. At least the pay was decent.

I don't know that I'd call EB/GS jobs "easy." Boring, maybe. Having to sit around most of the day with only a few customers? No thanks. I'd much rather have a job where I'm doing something most of the day, rather than just watching the clock. Although, you can keep the ham salad. ;)
i know a guy that worked at a frito lay plant. chips get dumped into their packages via a chute and conveyor belt system. his job was to keep the belt free and clear of stray chips that didn't find their way into the bag. he had a choice between wiping said chips to the floor where he would have to eventually sweep them up or eating them off of the belt. he went with the latter.
[quote name='Roufuss']A joke that has been run into the ground on CAG.

Also see: magazine rack.[/QUOTE]

yea it's an inside joke here at CAG...however no one has ever admitted to doing it
because of the high probability of getting busted by the cops.
I suggest getting some liquid nitrogen and a few cans of white cheapo shaving cream.

Use the liquid nitrogen to freeze the shaving cream bottles and then cut them open, revealing a solid white tube of compressed shaving cream.

A few moments before closing, have someone go into this GameStop and hide them in corners of the store. When they come in in the morning, depending on how many cans you hid, the store may be filled to the brim with shaving cream. Hilarious!

Note: this is in no way to be taken seriously and I have no idea if it would actually work.
you can hide lunch meat somewhere in the store...maybe in a game display case? a few days later the smell will keep everybody out of there.
[quote name='jer7583']I suggest getting some liquid nitrogen and a few cans of white cheapo shaving cream.

Use the liquid nitrogen to freeze the shaving cream bottles and then cut them open, revealing a solid white tube of compressed shaving cream.

A few moments before closing, have someone go into this GameStop and hide them in corners of the store. When they come in in the morning, depending on how many cans you hid, the store may be filled to the brim with shaving cream. Hilarious!

Note: this is in no way to be taken seriously and I have no idea if it would actually work.[/QUOTE]

I would like to know if that would work. Maybe we could get Mythbusters to try it out.
Too bad that shaving cream myth isn't true. I'll still tell it to people, in hopes that someone will make an ass out of themselves for trying it, due to the meager results.
Have to say yes you have a case. Rodeojones903 is incorrect...no offense. Just because a lawyer, or several lawyers, refuse to take a case does not mean it does not hold water, is not a legitimate case, or that you could and should recieve money for their wrongful actions. Perhaps those lawyers are too swamped with other cases, perhaps they did not get the whole story, perhaps they are looking for bigger and better cases with more money, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. The fact is the OP does definitely have a case. I am not one to say sue, but here yes I say sue Gamestop. You will not be an overnight millionare but you will get something for your wrongful termination. pain, suffering, discrimination, etc. Furthermore, most lawyers will respresent you for nothing down if you have a solid case. It sounds like you do. Try calling a few lawyers, most consultations are free, and they will tell you if they are not over the phone anyway. Good luck, and sorry to hear about what happened.
I appreciate the feedback but I feel as though I will move on and find something else later. After all it was only a retail job that didn't even pay over ten an hour. Still, it is messed up how much I put into the company and how they let me go over me being attacked by another employee. I do not care about it anymore. I will continue playing games and giving the big finger up to corporations.
Oh when you’re down and you’re looking for some cheering up
Then just head right on up to the candy mountain cave
When you get inside you find yourself a cheery land
Such a happy and joy filled and perky merry land
They’ve got lollipops and gummidrops and candy things
Oh so many things that will brighten up your day
It’s impossible to wear a frown in candy town
It’s the neck of lovely candy cave
They’ve got jellybeans and coconut with little hats
Candy rats, chocolate bats, it’s a wonderland of sweets
Buy the candy train to town and hear the candy band
Candy bells, it’s a treat, as they march across the land
Cherry ribbon stream across the sky and to the ground
Turn around, it astounds, it’s a dancing candy treat
In the candy cave imagination runs so free
So now Charlie before you go into the cave
[quote name='Eryu']I appreciate the feedback but I feel as though I will move on and find something else later. After all it was only a retail job that didn't even pay over ten an hour. Still, it is messed up how much I put into the company and how they let me go over me being attacked by another employee. I do not care about it anymore. I will continue playing games and giving the big finger up to corporations.[/QUOTE]

Rule one of working at a company is that they don't care about you ever. If they act like they care thats just cause they want more productivity out of you.

[quote name='secretvampire']"Abandon your post?" The guy got assaulted by a junkie, who cares if he left? It's fucking GAMESTOP, not Iraq.[/quote]
[quote name='CocheseUGA']They've changed the meaning since I last looked at it then. A 1999 law here referenced 'right to work' as what is now called 'employment at will'. I apologize.[/quote]

Thanks for the apology, but the term Right-to-Work and its relevance in federal and state laws go all the way back to the 1950's and in some states before. Some democratically controlled states/legislatures have tried to disparage the term (which has always referred to preventing forced unionization) by intentionally misusing the term in it's application with other laws. [IE Kentucky, where Right-to_work has been used in place of the correct term AT-WILL]

I know what I am talking about, my Dad is an Attorney and I have one family member who works specifically in the field employment law. I also have taken post grad-level classes in both contract and employment law.

It's not surprising; this term is commonly confused (sometimes intentionally) with "At-Will," hell it was on a final I had. Just remember it's "Fire At-Will' not "right-to-fire".

To the OP, good luck and I hope things work out for the better for you. Often times bad fortune leads to good opportunities.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Thanks for the apology, but the term Right-to-Work and its relevance in federal and state laws go all the way back to the 1950's and in some states before. Some democratically controlled states/legislatures have tried to disparage the term (which has always referred to preventing forced unionization) by intentionally misusing the term in it's application with other laws. [IE Kentucky, where Right-to_work has been used in place of the correct term AT-WILL]

I know what I am talking about, my Dad is an Attorney and I have one family member who works specifically in the field employment law. I also have taken post grad-level classes in both contract and employment law.

It's not surprising; this term is commonly confused (sometimes intentionally) with "At-Will," hell it was on a final I had. Just remember it's "Fire At-Will' not "right-to-fire".

To the OP, good luck and I hope things work out for the better for you. Often times bad fortune leads to good opportunities.[/QUOTE]

It's Georgia. The government fucks up a lot. What are you going to do?
[quote name='paynus']you can hide lunch meat somewhere in the store...maybe in a game display case? a few days later the smell will keep everybody out of there.[/quote]

Now, I don't agree with any of this, but this is simply a personal fantasy of what I would do if I wanted revenge for what happened to you. I have NEVER done this nor do I advocate any of the following. That said...

To hell with lunchmeat. If you are going to do something like this, use seafood. In particular I HIGHLY recommend shrimp, because their size to smell potential is very low, meaning they give you a LOT of HORRIBLE smell/bang for your buck.

just get a bag of frozen shrimp, they can even be the tiniest ones, and strategically place them around the store in inconspicuous spots. Even better if you can get them into empty NEW game display boxes, because it will be next to impossible to determine where it is coming from unless they open every single game box.

And you can always go back and give them a 'refill' every month or two. Put a couple in the magazine rack, around the demo game machines, etc.

If you want to do the ABSOLUTE worst, get a 1 gallon (or smaller or larger, but must be glass) GLASS jar and put a few pieces of frozen chicken in it. Then pour some dairy product into it, either milk, or yougurt, or sour cream, etc. DO NOT FILL IT COMPLETELY. Fill it about 3/4 full or a little more so there is air in the jar. Then seal it TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT. Sneak it into the store and hide it somewhere that it will be able to 'ripen' for a month or longer without being noticed. Preferable somewhere warm and in sunlight, but really that only speeds the process up.

In a month or so, the food products will have gone so bad and the bacteria/cultures in them will have produced so much gas as a byproduct, that the glass will crack, spilling a liquid that smells so horrendous it will never, EVER come out or lose that smell.

The best places for placement would be in the ceiling (if the place has easily moved ceiling tiles) or behind a computer server or row of servers/computer rack. In a retail store, the closer you can get it to the checkout counter/employee area, the better.
bread's done