I just ripped some kid off at school

Hmmm a deal is a deal. Heck if he wanted money for it, that was his decision. Even if it was an elementary kid heh heh. I'm guessing it was someone in his school...who probably stole it anyways. Well I'd pay that much for an extra copy.
school = college?
school = elementary school?
school = junior high school?

If they are elementary school, shame on you, taking advantage of minor >(

If they are junior high school and upper, well, you're lucky and I pity the guy who sold you the Zelda disc! :)
My school deals:
Midnight Club II for PS2 scratchless with case $ manual - $15
4 x 14" Chrome HubCap Spinners for my '87 Accord - $15
Sold Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 for Dreamcast for $60

My only bad deal:
007: Agent Under Fire for PS2 used without manual - $10, I know, I was probably drunk or something... I can't remember

School is like a physical eBay, one of the prime places to look for cheap stuff.
How'd he decide that $1.60 was the price? I mean why not round up to $2.00 or down to $1.00, why $1.60. Was that all the money you said you had on you or something.
Hell Thats a great deal. Hey its all suplly and demand! if the kid was hungry he can't eat a zelda disc can he. It was a good move for both I guess. Starve to death or play zelda! I think he made the right move! :)
My lunches have always been $1. The most logical explanation is that about 40-50% of the school is at or below poverty level. Oh well, just means more food for me.
Man, I'm old. Lunch was $.75 when I was in school. Of course, that was the crappy school lunch, we always got Pizza Hut personal pizzas for $2.50.
Damn where did you people go to school? Lunch was much more expensive for me. In middle school it was 2.50 and in high school it could be as much as 4.00 depending on what you got. I was not a cheapass luncher.

I agree with the "school is physical ebay" comment. I was always melching, dealing, and swapping with anyone who had anything cool. A friend of mine gave me a five foot cardboard display from the metal gear VR missions game for nothing. He even drove it to my house. Too bad its probably in a landfill somewhere now. It got crushed the last time I moved.
[quote name='Tespo125']
Sold Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 for Dreamcast for $60

Pretty nice... But I wonder in a few years how much that game is going to be worth. I'm surprised it's worth $40ish now, what with PS2 and XBox ports.
Its going down rapidly in price. I hope it stays that way since I chewed my copy (its really crappy condition)

My only REALLY good school deal was about a week ago some 10th grader (my age) gave me Suikoden II for lunch money (1.50) best investment ever
Yeah my lunch is actually $2.50 but the reason he decided on $1.60 is cause we wanted ice cream and a donut which is $1.60

I'm gonna be trading in the zelda disc though since I'm getting one from Nintendo :)

Or should I just have two?
Man those are some awesome deals, 1.60 for zelda and 1.50 for suikoden 2, makes me wish I was still in school. No not really.
Man...what middle schooler actually brings a gamecube game to school?!? I understand about GBA games because you can bring a GBA to school...but a GC game???
Simple, same reason I did. After school meant going to a friends house having some pizza and playing games all day long (usually called Friday nights).

Edit: Of course they were 64 games since the cube wasn't out yet.
Speaking of school there was a kid with a backpack ful of GBA SPs selling them for $20 a pop. Although I'm pretty sure he stole them all.
My kid's school has 4.50 lunches. I could call a damn taxi from work, have him pick up a damn value meal at Wendy's a couple exits down 101, and deliver it to school every day for that price.

I pack their lunches for them, needless to say.
[quote name='sandrockgundam219']$1.60 for the zelda collector's disc :D[/quote]

Looks like that kid ripped you off if you planned on selling it - I just saw the local EB selling it for $44.99 preowned.. they would've given you at LEAST $25 for it.
[quote name='Scorch'][quote name='sandrockgundam219']$1.60 for the zelda collector's disc :D[/quote]

Looks like that kid ripped you off if you planned on selling it - I just saw the local EB selling it for $44.99 preowned.. they would've given you at LEAST $25 for it.[/quote]

I think sandrockgundam219 BOUGHT it for $1.60, not SOLD it.
[quote name='PrinceNeil']Man...what middle schooler actually brings a gamecube game to school?!? I understand about GBA games because you can bring a GBA to school...but a GC game???[/quote]

My first period teacher, my senior year, let me bring my XBox to school and skip every class to play it.. then she wrote me an excuse note for the classes.

I installed Vice City on her laptop once and she yelled at me, though. I came back during lunch and caught her playing it.
Yep I bought it off of him and I got one in the mail from the big n. I'm gonna go take the one I got now and trade it in at eb when my sealed one comes in.
bread's done