I must be the only dude with a ds who thinks Meh....its....o......k...i..guess..


23 (100%)
The following contains rips on ds
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for telling the truth about nintendo's only following, fanboy's

I've played my ds for about 3 days after i got it the day after it came out. I played mario 64, sorry mario ds, and i realized something. I'm playing mario 64 without an analog stick....this blows. Then i started playing feeling the magic (coolest game for the system) and i realized, hey i just beat this 100% in 1 day...... then i played Mr. driller and realized Hey i have this game already on playstation....its the same thing.... I don't understand what all the hype is about? I constantly hear people hyping this thing up and its amazing its amazing, but i guess i just don't see the big deal with it. I can tell you that my friend has a PSP and i was sorta skeptical about it, but man after playing dynasty warriors, ridge racer, and Lumines it won me over majorily. The screen is beautiful and bright. Not cheaply back lit like the nintendo systems, sound is top notch, and video quality is awesome. I think PSP has potential to really be the next killer thing on the market, and its good because i'm sick of nintendo's crappy handhelds and there "roster" updates year after year. It's almost like ESPN and Madden this year, IMO ESPN beat the living shit out of EA sports this year and made them realize that they can't be lazy anymore, unless you buy the NFL :*( I guess what i'm trying to say is that i'm happy that PSP is awesome and i'm surprised that DS doesn't rocka little harder and i hope Nintendo is dethroned from the portable market, and they have to try.

ps i know i probably made typo's and i know i didn't gramatically correct the sentences and i don't care. :p

pps don't flame me because of my opinion debate with me intelligently and i'll listen and respond, i have an open mind but i hate when the nintendo fanboys are "OMgzROZZRZZZZZ NINT3ND0 is t3h roXzorz your a dumb WHOZOR MAYNARD" :p

almost forgot to add that:

Don't bitch about UMD"s ejecting, its retarded and no one should twist there system.
Don't bitch about battery life, i could give two shits about battery life. Two points not to argue for they are lame

This will not end well.

I don't like the DS much either. To me, it's a next level gameboy with the select button (map screen) permanently pushed in. Kinda annoying. I'll get one eventually, just for Viewtiful Joe and Animal Crossing on it.
ahhhh scorch i missed you, yeah i know i opened a huge can of worms i haven't posted in 2 months and i've been reading the portable section and laughing because there is a shit load of nintendo fanboys here, but i'm ready for the fallout babies bring it!
I have a DS also and I'm not too impressed with it. I really don't play it much. Mario 64 is ok, but suffers from lack of an analog control, and Feel the Magic is ok, but I am terrified the whole time I'm playing that I'm going to scratch up my touch screen.
[quote name='rockhero']I have a DS also and I'm not too impressed with it. I really don't play it much. Mario 64 is ok, but suffers from lack of an analog control, and Feel the Magic is ok, but I am terrified the whole time I'm playing that I'm going to scratch up my touch screen.[/quote]

I was at Wal-Mart yesterday and saw the DS that's on display and it was so scratched up that I couldn't see what was on the touch screen. The top screen, for whatever reason, was also scratched up badly. I'm not sure who felt it was their duty to totally fuck this thing up, but they did a good job.
Yeah, I'm gonna hafta agree...to a point. I love the DS for what it is - an interesting new approach to portable gaming. However, I am becoming anxious to get some new high-quality games (and not just remakes!!!) that showcase the system's power.

That being said, I am also looking forward to the PSP which i will be getting as well; which system makes the best use of it's resources will become my favorite, and I will be disappointed in both systems if either of them relies too heavily on ports and remakes.

So, until March (when I suspect Nintendo will start cranking out better DS titles to compete with the newly-released PSP) the jury is out on this generation of handheld wars.
You know whats sorta silly is that i was looking at our computers (ebgames) and all their sorta big titles come out in march, yet and i quote, nintendo isn't worried about what sony's doing.....silly nintendo your gonna get crushed....
I find it so funny that before the DS came out everyone was saying it was gonna be superior to the PSP. Now, that it is out a lot of people are calling it "meh" and looking forward to the PSP.
I bought a DS, and was extremely displeased with it, and sold it. Then I bought another one two weeks later. I'm still really displeased with it, and I really hope Nintendo just isn't using the DS as a crutch until their "real" handheld comes out in the Gameboy Evolution. I'm going to stick with it this time though, but if Nintendo does screw us over by half-assing this system then I'm not going to be buying another Nintendo product for quite some time.
Admittedly, there havn't been any killer apps for the DS yet. Key word there being "yet". It's still early in its life. Give it time. Also, just because you don't care about battery life doesn't mean other people don't. It's ridiculous to ask people to politely discuss things, then tell them they can't discuss certain concerns they may have because you think they're stupid.
I"m not saying that the battery isn't a problem completely i'm just trying to keep the fanboys from creating a pile on about "well at least the ds has great battery life" My only response to the ds's battery life is, yeah it's great having the technology of a 10 year old system in your hand thats why it doesn't die fast.
I'd say that's quite a fair review, you gave the system a decent chance and you don't like it.

Although I must say trying to read that with your avatar was quite an experience.
Only thing I have to bitch at you about is the fact that you CANNOT beat Feel The Magic 100% in one day. You can BEAT the normal story mode, but you CANNOT beat it 100% in one day. Takes too much practice to make it through Memories and Hard mode, and find all the rabbits.

I love my DS, and all 8 games I own for it.

Well, except Sprung, Gaw damn you Ubisoft.

Gawdamn you to hell.
[quote name='Maynard']I"m not saying that the battery isn't a problem completely i'm just trying to keep the fanboys from creating a pile on about "well at least the ds has great battery life" My only response to the ds's battery life is, yeah it's great having the technology of a 10 year old system in your hand thats why it doesn't die fast.[/quote]

I suppose graphics just aren't as important to me, then.
I guess i should reprise, I'm just not impressed with the fact that nintendo released 10 year old hardware for there guts, i don't care about graphics TOO much, but i think they do matter to everyone. I just can see the ds becoming the REMAKE system, remade soul calibur, animal crossing, mario, etc.
[quote name='AdamInPlaidum'][quote name='Maynard']I"m not saying that the battery isn't a problem completely i'm just trying to keep the fanboys from creating a pile on about "well at least the ds has great battery life" My only response to the ds's battery life is, yeah it's great having the technology of a 10 year old system in your hand thats why it doesn't die fast.[/quote]

I suppose graphics just aren't as important to me, then.[/quote]

My 2 cents on the battery thing. If the DS had a proper backlight as well it would be a lot more battery-drained. The backlight on the DS really isn't that good. I thought it was great until recently I took a trip to the Chumash casino it's a three hour drive, and in the Sun you can't even see the game. Now, I knew that the sunlight would give it a blow in the clarity department, but this was really bad. For some reason the DS's screen seem to cause more glare than the GBA ones ever did.
[quote name='Maynard']I guess i should reprise, I'm just not impressed with the fact that nintendo released 10 year old hardware for there guts, i don't care about graphics TOO much, but i think they do matter to everyone. I just can see the ds becoming the REMAKE system, remade soul calibur, animal crossing, mario, etc.[/quote]

It seems everytime a thread is made praising the PSP, it's mentioned how the DS is all remakes and ports.

It seems everytime a thread is made praising the DS, it's mentioned how the PSP is all remakes and ports.
[quote name='Chris in Cali'][quote name='AdamInPlaidum'][quote name='Maynard']I"m not saying that the battery isn't a problem completely i'm just trying to keep the fanboys from creating a pile on about "well at least the ds has great battery life" My only response to the ds's battery life is, yeah it's great having the technology of a 10 year old system in your hand thats why it doesn't die fast.[/quote]

I suppose graphics just aren't as important to me, then.[/quote]

My 2 cents on the battery thing. If the DS had a proper backlight as well it would be a lot more battery-drained. The backlight on the DS really isn't that good. I thought it was great until recently I took a trip to the Chumash casino it's a three hour drive, and in the Sun you can't even see the game. Now, I knew that the sunlight would give it a blow in the clarity department, but this was really bad. For some reason the DS's screen seem to cause more glare than the GBA ones ever did.[/quote]

I think the DS screens look great, but that could be because I'm so used to the SP. And the sunlight thing is true, you can't see shit in direct sunlight. Not that I can ever see myself playing in direct sunlight.
Sadly all this bitching back and forth is just as gay as it was 3 months ago.

The DS will eventually have cool original games as will the PSP. The first year of any systems life is plagued with crap games just as the last year is, has no one realized this yet?

Being an early adopter means having patience to wait for developers to truly understand what they want to do with the system after they;ve exhausted all the obvious special feature whoring.
[quote name='Alpha2']Sadly all this bitching back and forth is just as gay as it was 3 months ago.

The DS will eventually have cool original games as will the PSP. The first year of any systems life is plagued with crap games just as the last year is, has no one realized this yet?

Being an early adopter means having patience to wait for developers to truly understand what they want to do with the system after they;ve exhausted all the obvious special feature whoring.[/quote]

Until I posted, everyone was agreeing with the OP. And I already gave the "wait and see" speech, so you can save it.
[quote name='Alpha2']Sorry but I have my own mind so I couldnt give a shaq-fu either way what you posted. No offense.[/quote]

I'm just saying, you came into this thread whining about all the bitching that's going on, and there isn't any. Everyone is giving their honest, fairly educated opinions on which handheld they like. You saw the topic title and just came in hell-bent on telling us all off for something we aren't doing.
[quote name='Maynard']I guess i should reprise, I'm just not impressed with the fact that nintendo released 10 year old hardware for there guts, i don't care about graphics TOO much, but i think they do matter to everyone. I just can see the ds becoming the REMAKE system, remade soul calibur, animal crossing, mario, etc.[/quote]

Yes, because I think we were all playing dual-screen, touch-pad enabled video games over a wireless Internet 10 years ago. :roll:

I know you think you're the first to call the DS disappointing, but you're not. Not by a long shot. I'm actually getting quite sick of seeing these threads. I will give you props for actually owning one and playing it for a few days before making that declaration, but still. Anyone who passes final judgment on a system that's been out less than two months needs to settle down. I would also point out that you've played the PSP even less than you've played your DS, so it's obviously going to seem more novel. Once you own one and become more familiar with its faults (and pay $40-$50 for a game), you may rescind your generous appraisal.

Furthermore, you label the DS "the remake system," but do you seriously think the PSP will feature all original games? Or even a majority? If anything, I think the fact that its technology so closely mirrors the PS2 dooms it to host a constant stream of ports from that console. And it's not like Sony has never hosted a sequel or remake on its systems. Because the DS hardware is so different, developers are FORCED to develop different games for it. I can easily see identical PSP versions of Xbox, GCN, and PS2 titles lining the shelves with no changes whatsoever. If that excites you, great. But if I want to play set-top console games (and pay set-top console prices), I'll play them on my set-top console.
it's getting to be that every time someone makes a thread on either of these systems it's done in an effort to discouage other people from buying the other system, THAT's what I'm commenting on.

I'm saying it's too early to run around expecting either system to be mind blowing based on the first run of games. When someone comes along saying how unimpressed they are with a system less than 2 months old it make me want to say "REALLY? no shit?!" in the most sarcastic voice possible.
[quote name='Alpha2']I'm saying it's too early to run around expecting either system to be mind blowing based on the first run of games. When someone comes along saying how unimpressed they are with a system less than 2 months old it make me want to say "REALLY? no shit?!" in the most sarcastic voice possible.[/quote]

Tybee, right on bro.

Ridge Racer? Dynasty Warriors? Weren't you complaining about ports, anyways?

Some of you do realize that it's okay to like both of the handhelds anyways, right?

"Being an early adopter means having patience to wait for developers to truly understand what they want to do with the system after they;ve exhausted all the obvious special feature whoring." - Amen, Alpha. Amen.
How about you look at the launch list of the games coming out for PSP and amen that? The launch for DS blew my balls, it was released early to capitalize on christmas, they pushed all there games back till march (psp releases then wow WEIRD *sarcastic voice ever*) i think after two months it should have something thats going to sell the system, every other system has always launched with it's signiture game that sells its system? I'm just pissed because when i got my ds i was expected a hell of alot more than a gimmick touch pad and Mario 64X4.
Mercury Ignition Entertainment < orginal title
Dynasty Warriors Koei
FIFA Soccer Electronic Arts
MVP Baseball Electronic Arts
NBA 2005 989 Sports
NBA Street EA Sports
NFL Street 2 EA Sports
Need For Speed Underground Rivals Electronic Arts
Ridge Racer Namco
Spider-Man 2 Activision
Tiger Woods PGA Tour EA Sports
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade Sony Online Entertainment < original title

sony seems to be getting launch right to me, i believe theres a game everywhere in there, i'm just really really surprised they didn't re release crash bandicoot warped, wait that came out on PS1.......that would have been weird hunh?
Maynard,........... I'm a fanboy,... but I agree with you.

After playing the DS for a while, I found it to be extremely primitive.

The lack of an analog stick is just plain retarded!

The PSP looks great,... and that's all fine and dandy,... but it's too expensive, the medium will never fall in production price, and memory sticks are also too much.

For MP3s and movies, you might as well fork out another $100, and get a 20GIG ZEN, or LYRA. You can play ROMS on them, and put whatever you like in them.

Personally,....... out of all 3 consoles,... I dislike my PS2 the most.
I never play it!

Sure there are tons of exclusives,... but they are developed using tactics, and not devotion.

Devs know that they can just put out a subpar title, with lousy graphics, no surround, no ProScan, and an Online logo on it,.... and it'll sell well.

Why??? Because everyone owns a PS2.

Sure there are some real gems on the PS2,... but only because developers/publishers know which system has the largest user base.

Shit,......... if only 15-20% of all PS2 owners in America bought a single turd, ie: Headhunter, .... it would be considered a profitable title.

This generation,... Micro$oft and Nintendo have truly devoted their time and resources into their consoles. Every game offers superior graphics, sound, and accessibility.

Has $ony put out a game in house, that even comes close to M$ or Nintendos????
I think not!!

You are the kind of guy who will go where the games are plenty.
If there weren't exclusivity windows,... M$ would be #1,... hands down.

$ony has had MANY years to procure 3rd parties. Capcom, Konami, and the others have no reason to budge. The PS2,.. no matter how underpowered, will always sell more games.

A developer these days, only cares about margins.

M$ and Nintendo have not budged on their stand on quality, and customer satisfaction.

The DS has its flaws,... but at least it is unique, and innovative.
With more titles, and possibly an adapter for analog,... I think it will please the people who matter most.

The intelligent consumer, who knows and trusts Nintendo. The people who see that it is an attempt to enhance their playing experience.

The PSP is just a marketing whore.
It will do well,... but people don't want to play great looking and sounding games on a 5 inch screen, with 2 speakers.

Do you??

I'd rather save my money for the XBox2 or the Revolution,... as they cost the same. Then,.. I can play my games the way they were intended.

I honestly don't know any NORMAL person, who spends more than a few hours on their GBAs,... and that's if they are on a trip.
Mostly, they'll play their handheld for 30-60 minutes, during lunch, or in between classes.

Why would I want to play an RPG on a handheld, that can't support my addiction, due to battery SUCKAGE???

Gran Turismo??? Shit,... I always drive, so playing a realistic driving game in the passenger seat would be absolutely TURDTACULAR!!

Sure,... it'll be used as an MP3 player, and a multifunctional organizer, and such,.... but the gaming will be merely for impressing friends, who don't have the kind of money you just wasted on a PSP, to share in the astonishment.

I'll buy both, eventually,... but right now, the DS is not where it should be,... and the PSP is not that interesting at that price.

Since I'll be in Japan this Spring,... I might have to pick up a PSP.
I hear there are so many people with them there, that you can play multiplayer at any time of the day, just sitting at a cafe.

Unfortunately,... I haven't heard about the DS's userbase as of now.

We'll see.

OH............ and the "REAL" Maynard FAQing ROCKS!!!!!!
You're just ok.

[quote name='Maynard']How about you look at the launch list of the games coming out for PSP and amen that? The launch for DS blew my balls, it was released early to capitalize on christmas, they pushed all there games back till march (psp releases then wow WEIRD *sarcastic voice ever*) i think after two months it should have something thats going to sell the system, every other system has always launched with it's signiture game that sells its system? I'm just pissed because when i got my ds i was expected a hell of alot more than a gimmick touch pad and Mario 64X4.
Mercury Ignition Entertainment < orginal title
Dynasty Warriors Koei
FIFA Soccer Electronic Arts
MVP Baseball Electronic Arts
NBA 2005 989 Sports
NBA Street EA Sports
NFL Street 2 EA Sports
Need For Speed Underground Rivals Electronic Arts
Ridge Racer Namco
Spider-Man 2 Activision
Tiger Woods PGA Tour EA Sports
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade Sony Online Entertainment < original title

sony seems to be getting launch right to me, i believe theres a game everywhere in there, i'm just really really surprised they didn't re release crash bandicoot warped, wait that came out on PS1.......that would have been weird hunh?

I expected that i would get attacked by one nintendo fanboy a whole bunch....

Games to play/finish:
Paper Mario 2, Baten Kaitos, Zelda: Four Swords, MGS: Twin Snakes, Skies of Arcadia Legends, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2, Chrono Cross, Mario 64 DS, Pokemon Fire Red, Mario Power Tennis :-({|=[/quote]

Why'd you have to do that? I try to defend your thread to Alpha and you bitch at me for owning a Gamecube and DS? I never attacked you, I just gave my educated opinions. I was just voicing my faith in Nintendo to deliver quality games. As far as I'm concerned, you can shove it, as there are plenty of people hyped about the PSP that are a lot easier to converse with.
i knew this thread would turn to this....

i edited i apologize for attacking you i thought you wrote something different it was actually someone else my mistake and i apologize.
[quote name='Maynard']i knew this thread would turn to this....

i edited i apologize for attacking you i thought you wrote something different it was actually someone else my mistake and i apologize.[/quote]

There wasnt really a need to defend him though. I own both a PS2 and a Cube and two GBAs (one SP). They all live happily together in my room and I'm pleased with each one of them (actually, the non SP GBA is more like the retarded one with special needs).

The thing is they all had shit for the first few months of their lives, and when I buy the DS and the PSP it will be for the potential they embody, not neccesarily for the games on th shelf right now. The only reason I dont have a DS right now is because I'm waiting for differnt colors. The PSP is just a matter of waiting for the thing to come out in the US.
I don't know, i'm pretty pleased with the DS. I like the games I have so far and it seems like every week they announce another game that i'm really going to want in the future. GBA games look awesome on it and I think the touch-screen/microphone were good ideas. I can see how some people might want analog, though.

I also have an interest in the PSP. It personally doesn't matter to me which one is more successful. To me, both systems have already announced enough games to fill my interest in the portable market for a long time. I think it's funny that people get so worked up about either system, because when you think about, owning either system really isn't important. Most of the biggest complainers here will end up buying either a DS or PSP and completely forget about it when the Xbox2, Playstation 3, and Revolution come out.
The DS obviously was released to meet Christmas demand. The launch games are not that great -- and to be fair, the developers haven't had the time they need to create quality software. It will get better. I think once Nintendo allows the DS to hook into the Internet it will make it big.

I wish the DS had analog control - I haven't got used to the touch pad and the thumb-stylus thing yet. Has anyone found this to work well yet?

The PSP should do fine too. Its nice that we have choices.
Well, actually I was playing DS last night, and I can say if it gets games it will be good. It's a nice piece of hardware. I only have two complaints...

1. The screens are a little too small for my liking. It just seems like the screens could have been at 3.1 inchs, at least. I mean the GBA was 2.9", and the DS is 3".
2. The back light could be brighter.

Now, if it was just one or the other it would be fine, but having a weak backlight on the small screen makes it really hard to play against certiant lighting. Especially on games that you really need to see in detail, outside, like on a car trip.

Great post. Someone finally gave some real reasons instead of just hooting and hollering. As for me I am pretty much done with the debate...I will probably end up with both systems at some point anyway. I will probably wait a little while on the PSP though. I own the DS now and I'm having fun with it.

One last thing....if I based my thoughts about the PS2 on the launch titles I would have sold it or threw it away. Just have some patience. It appears a lot of people here don't. Then again if you don't have patience sell the DS and get a PSP....no one is tying you down and forcing you to have something you don't want.
well having the PSP for about 3 weeks now, I gotta say that PSP is very impressive right off the bat. But after a while, the games are really just PS1/2 games. Jaws will drop when they see the Ridge Racers opening cinema. But the fun level that the games provide will not exceed the ones already available on the consoles. Portability wise, it's not that great because of the load times and most of the games out there aren't really portable games. Lumines is still great though.

The good thing is that I have DS as well so I go back and forth when I get bored of 1 hehe.

I'm waiting for my DS to surf the web, that would be cool. :p
[quote name='Maynard']How about you look at the launch list of the games coming out for PSP and amen that? The launch for DS blew my balls, it was released early to capitalize on christmas, they pushed all there games back till march (psp releases then wow WEIRD *sarcastic voice ever*) i think after two months it should have something thats going to sell the system, every other system has always launched with it's signiture game that sells its system? I'm just pissed because when i got my ds i was expected a hell of alot more than a gimmick touch pad and Mario 64X4.
Mercury Ignition Entertainment < orginal title
Dynasty Warriors Koei
FIFA Soccer Electronic Arts
MVP Baseball Electronic Arts
NBA 2005 989 Sports
NBA Street EA Sports
NFL Street 2 EA Sports
Need For Speed Underground Rivals Electronic Arts
Ridge Racer Namco
Spider-Man 2 Activision
Tiger Woods PGA Tour EA Sports
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade Sony Online Entertainment < original title

sony seems to be getting launch right to me, i believe theres a game everywhere in there, i'm just really really surprised they didn't re release crash bandicoot warped, wait that came out on PS1.......that would have been weird hunh?[/quote]

This is as far as I have read of this thread so far....

So everyone pretty much hypes Sony up because they are a company and release early to capitalize.
Nintendo of course is going to get their system out early to get the hype fromt he holidays. If Sony could have they would have.

Sonys "big list of launch games" First we will see what actually launches. Then lets look at the actual DS games available at launch in March. I for one would rather have more time to play the 8-10 games then ease into more games through march.

This is really a useless topic until the two systems are out here.

As far as Japan DS is the number one console and the games are in the top for sales (just under GT4)

The other thing to discuss are these.
Load Times. Seriously portables are played short periods.
Complicated 3D games are not going to be an easy thing to get into.

Here is a thread I posted with reviews to each ssystem that were pretty in depth.

[quote name='Maynard']How about you look at the launch list of the games coming out for PSP and amen that? The launch for DS blew my balls, it was released early to capitalize on christmas, they pushed all there games back till march (psp releases then wow WEIRD *sarcastic voice ever*) i think after two months it should have something thats going to sell the system, every other system has always launched with it's signiture game that sells its system? I'm just pissed because when i got my ds i was expected a hell of alot more than a gimmick touch pad and Mario 64X4.
Mercury Ignition Entertainment < orginal title
Dynasty Warriors Koei
FIFA Soccer Electronic Arts
MVP Baseball Electronic Arts
NBA 2005 989 Sports
NBA Street EA Sports
NFL Street 2 EA Sports
Need For Speed Underground Rivals Electronic Arts
Ridge Racer Namco
Spider-Man 2 Activision
Tiger Woods PGA Tour EA Sports
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade Sony Online Entertainment < original title

sony seems to be getting launch right to me, i believe theres a game everywhere in there, i'm just really really surprised they didn't re release crash bandicoot warped, wait that came out on PS1.......that would have been weird hunh?[/quote]

Maybe you were posting in code or something, because what I see on that list is a bunch of sports and racing titles and not much else. This is the same stuff you can get on any console. That's great if you like sports games and like to travel, but if I buy a PSP, it's going to be for the same reason I'd buy a PS2: RPGs. And I don't see much there for me at launch. So you wait a few months until you get the games you want on the DS, and I'll wait a few months until I get the games I want on the PSP, and we'll both be happy. :wink:
[quote name='davidmt']The DS obviously was released to meet Christmas demand. The launch games are not that great -- and to be fair, the developers haven't had the time they need to create quality software. It will get better. I think once Nintendo allows the DS to hook into the Internet it will make it big.

I wish the DS had analog control - I haven't got used to the touch pad and the thumb-stylus thing yet. Has anyone found this to work well yet?

The PSP should do fine too. Its nice that we have choices.[/quote]

Yeah, despite my bitching I should make it clear that I currently own a DS and at some future date would like to own a PSP, because I know it will eventually have some games I'll like (even though they haven't announced anything that piques my interest yet). It just irks me when people do the either/or thing (and I'm probably as guilty as the rest, though usually in reaction to baseless trash talk about the DS). Choices definitely are good.

As far as using the thumb stylus, I really have managed to get the hang of it on Mario 64 DS. It was definitely awkward at first (and still can be on occasion), but I was thinking back and when the N64 itself first came out people complained endlessly about how tricky it was mastering the analog control.

Plus, you must admit that using the stylus to aim/look around while you move in Metroid is genius.
[quote name='Tybee']Plus, you must admit that using the stylus to aim/look around while you move in Metroid is genius.[/quote]

I've said that if Microsoft would look at Nintendo as a lesser evil and side with them, Halo DS would cause the universe to implode (if not for the multi alone).
[quote name='evilmax17'][quote name='Tybee']Plus, you must admit that using the stylus to aim/look around while you move in Metroid is genius.[/quote]

I've said that if Microsoft would look at Nintendo as a lesser evil and side with them, Halo DS would cause the universe to implode (if not for the multi alone).[/quote]

Actually, Microsoft has tried repeatedly to buy Nintendo. Not so thrilled with that idea.
[quote name='Tybee'][quote name='evilmax17'][quote name='Tybee']Plus, you must admit that using the stylus to aim/look around while you move in Metroid is genius.[/quote]

I've said that if Microsoft would look at Nintendo as a lesser evil and side with them, Halo DS would cause the universe to implode (if not for the multi alone).[/quote]

Actually, Microsoft has tried repeatedly to buy Nintendo. Not so thrilled with that idea.[/quote]

I agree there...it takes WAY too long for Microsoft to get things right. XP is the first OS that isn't a piece of crashing trash. Not too mention they would beat out all of the creativity of the Big N. The thing that people tend to forget about Nintendo is they have been around a REALLY long time, they made some of the first really good arcade games, and they are the company that everyone ends up copying. History has proved that. It seems everyone wants Nintendo out of the hardware buisness but I think that would be the worst thing that could happen to video games at this point. Sony and Microsoft don't produce a lot of original ideas.
bread's done