i need as much help as anyone can offer.

skulls dont fade

1 (100%)
so. i'm driving home from work this evening and all the sudden, I hear a loud pop that takes me by fucking surprise. this happened at the very moment that a car passed that was going the other direction. all i think is 'what the fuck'...i inspect my windshield and the whole upper corner is cracked...as is the whole bottom corner...i feel my shirt and there is broken glass all over me. who the fuck is stupid enough to do that shit. now i'm fucking poor as it is...what the hell am i supposed to do? this crack is huge...it's going to spread when the heat hits. so i have to get this shit replaced with money i don't have as i'm starting school again and need money for books, etc. what. the. hell. this fucking blows my mind. i wish i could go back in time, turn the fuck around and chase them down. i'm fucking sure they would lie about throwing shit to which my answer would be breaking their windows out with their fucking heads. i could've died easily...had i jerked my car, or if my window was down/had i been going a little faster, whatever it was, would've hit me right in the face.

i'm a 19 year old, very poor college psych/graphic design major. i do have a job, but i work enough to pay for school/car payments/insurance. i don't have a cell phone, because i can't afford, i barely eat, because i can't afford vegetarian food all the time. in short times are tough. i took summer classes to pick up some extra credits to assure graduating on time. now, someone has to go and do this.

this is stupid of me to do, and i feel bad asking...but would there be anyone willing to donate any sum of money to me in order to pay for this? my summer school session (on credit) is 600 dollars...this is another 300. basically...that's the money i was supposed to spend on books for next semester. if anyone would be interested please PM me, i'm truly grateful to whatever help i can get.

if my story isn't believable, i can take pictures of the car and whatever else to prove it.
Bummer man, that really sucks.

I know in Washington state you used to be able to have one free windshield replacement a year due to rocks and all the morons on the road. I don't know if this is still true or if other states have similar programs.

Why don't you call up your insurance and see if they can do anything for you? Maybe they have a similar rule or something.
Don't you have car insurace most places will cover that and it won't increase your rates well thats what i did when my windshield got smashed by a rock
My insurance company pays for cracked windows without question and without raising my rates. I've been told that sub $600 stuff doesn't really raise your rates. It has been three years since my windshield crack was fixed and my insurance hasn't gone up at all. Look into it.
[quote name='BigNick']When I had mine replaced on my old crown vic I didnt have to pay. I didne have comprehensive on it either.[/quote]

thanks, i'm gonna look into it.
I have Liability on mine (I only paid 3 grand for it, but it's nice), but when you sign up for a policy with liability they have a few extra options for you, one of which is coverage for your windows. I think it's only an extra $10 a month. It comes in handy when some jackass breaks into your car :x See if they'll cover it, and if not, ask about that option.
was it hot out and did you have the air condintoer on see the different pressue and temps can make you window bust or crack it is long and hard to explain I will try to find a link to explain it and PM you with it.
You may have full glass coverage and don't know it. It will obviously cover the replacement and I believe(not sure) that glass claims will not raise your premiums, at least with my company.
it wasn't hot out, and my ac was on the normal tempture. it was 9:30 at night and relatively cool. if it was the pressure, it would just cracked, it wouldn't have a hole in it, and glass wouldn't have flew onto me.
bread's done