I need to get into dodgeball playing shape by January 3rd


18 (100%)
Me and some school chums are in a dodgeball league that starts on January 3rd, and goes all winter. We play 24 games, 3 a night, and as you may or may not know, I am not in the best cardiovascular shape. I'm 6'5, 225, and need to start some kind of program that will ensure I can dominate the competition. Plus, there will be volleyball gals watching, since their games are at the same place, and I wouldn't mind making an impression on them by making an impression on my opponents face.

Does anyone have some tips of the best way to, slowly but steadily, increase my cardio, besides the obvious "run more"? I am sure most of you will just mock and ridicule me, but this is a serious question and a serious topic.
Come January, I'll post weekly pictures of our epic battles. That's right, the elusive Vanilla Gorilla will FINALLY be revealed. Will he look like every CAG imagines he does.....you'll have to wait and see...
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Come January, I'll post weekly pictures of our epic battles. That's right, the elusive Vanilla Gorilla will FINALLY be revealed. Will he look like every CAG imagines he does.....you'll have to wait and see...[/quote]

Finally. My whole life has been in preparation for this moment.
You best put the pics behind spoiler tags for I fear that you will cripple the awe inspiring images in my mind.

Just remember when you play dodgeball that if you fill said ball with water and then freeze it the game becomes 10x more fun.
[quote name='Renzokuken']Jump rope[/quote]
I agree with this. But it can't be like when you were 5 yrs old. You have to jump intensely and not very high off the ground. Try to pass the rope 2 times under you per jump. Alternate between feet (weight is more on one foot over the other. Develop a good rhythm like Muhammad Ali (for the first 50 seconds or so:

30 mins. is an ok cardio set. An hour is better. Plus, cardio should be supplemented by plain ol' lifting weights (but focussing on the negatives to build muscle mass). Also, if you can find an indoor swimming pool, swim. That'll burn off a lot of the fat.

Don't freak out when it seems like your weight is increasing in the first few months as muscle is denser than fat. You'll eventually peak out after a month or so (if you're strict) and really start to lose weight since your ratio of fat to muscle volume is decreasing. The best you can hope for by January is fat loss but to see any significant inkling of definition, it'll be at least a 6 month long process. You'll have developed muscles, to be sure, but it won't be noticable by January.

Also, the one thing people neglect when they try to work out is food. You need to eat the right kinds of food to reduce fat. You can work out like the greatest athlete in the world but if you're stuffing your maw with McDonald's burgers and greazzzzy fries 24/7, you're negating all that effort. Focus on high protein, low carbs in the first 3 months. Start working carbs back in after that as your body has started to burn more calories.
[quote name='jaykrue'] Focus on high protein, low carbs in the first 3 months. Start working carbs back in after that as your body has started to burn more calories.[/QUOTE]

Oh, and if you're going for the high protein diet make sure you drink a lot of water. Otherwise, your kidneys will hurt like shit.
[quote name='Renzokuken']Oh, and if you're going for the high protein diet make sure you drink a lot of water. Otherwise, your kidneys will hurt like shit.[/quote]

Yes and definitely yes.:hot:
Swimming is great. I can't recommend jumping rope personally, since it gives me shin splints. If you live near mountains, either jog or bicycle in the higher elevations. Or go hiking up some canyon trails.

And as for water that was just mentioned, drink at least half as many ounces as the number of pounds you weigh each day. So you weigh 225 lbs.? Drink a minimum of 112 oz. a day (3.5 quarts). And eliminate all soda/carbonated beverages and sugar or alcohols. Basically, go all water with the occasional low fat milk.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Does anyone have some tips of the best way to, slowly but steadily, increase my cardio, besides the obvious "run more"? I am sure most of you will just mock and ridicule me, but this is a serious question and a serious topic.[/QUOTE]

Run more. Seriously.
Jaykrue has a pretty comprehensive post; work with that. For my money, I'd only add a couple of other points: 1) If you're doing cardio, sometimes less is more, particularly with running or rope work. Sometimes you're better off performing well over that 30 minutes than doing "alright" over 60. It's also easier to psych yourself into doing what you should with regularly, when you know it isn't that long of a commitment, and regularity is the key. 2) Your ass is 6'5" -- you're going to get nailed left and right during this game, just because you're probably the biggest target on the field. Worry less about dodging and try to make some unexpected catches when the ball's incoming. You ain't "Matrix"-ing out of the way of the ball, no matter what your cardio fitness is like, so just accept that you're going to be pelted. 3) I guess I can't suggest you actually play some Wii Sports? I have a friend who trains for full-contact MA tournaments and he incorporates a surprising amount of Wii Boxing into his training. Seriously.
Dodgeball really isnt that much about being in great shape. You need to be able to throw like a fucking spartan to get anywhere.
VG, given the history of your posts, the only way you'll be in any passable shape is if you are the actual dodgeball itself.

Go haves you summadat Arby's. Gotta get spherical up ins.
[quote name='Strell']VG, given the history of your posts, the only way you'll be in any passable shape is if you are the actual dodgeball itself.

Go haves you summadat Arby's. Gotta get spherical up ins.[/quote]I dedicate my first dodgeball-to-the-crotch to you, Strell.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I dedicate my first dodgeball-to-the-crotch to you, Strell.[/quote]

I'd work on just hitting people before you start naming targets
[quote name='magiic']I'd work on just hitting people before you start naming targets[/quote]I'm a way better athlete than what most on CAG would expect.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I dedicate my first dodgeball-to-the-crotch to you, Strell.[/QUOTE]

You should thank your lucky stars I'm giving you a gigantic target then.
To get in shape run, and cut out unnecessary calories (i.e. Sodas). But I'm in a dodgeball league currently and depending on what balls you use, your arm may be your most important thing to get into shape.

The balls we use are relatively light, so it's easy to throw your arm out trying to get some heat on it. I played baseball throughout high school, and my arm never hurt as much as it has after some dodgeball games.
"Hitting an opposing player with a thrown ball below the shoulders. If a player is dodging a ball and in doing so gets hit above the shoulders that player is not out. This is an acquired skill, to be able to get hit in the head, and deserves the ultimate reward of staying in the game. The thrower also stays in the game."
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']"Hitting an opposing player with a thrown ball below the shoulders. If a player is dodging a ball and in doing so gets hit above the shoulders that player is not out. This is an acquired skill, to be able to get hit in the head, and deserves the ultimate reward of staying in the game. The thrower also stays in the game."

This would've been great to know when playing dodge ball in middle school. I once got the dodge ball version of the Dick Cheney Special, and the coach said I was out. Asshole.

I think I left an indentation of the left side of my face in the ball.
my school has a dodgeball league. It's pretty insane average turn out is an easy 300 spectators. It's entertaining to watch. I video and take pictures at all the games and put them up on facebook. Let me know if any of you want to see just how out of control it can get and I will post some links.
[quote name='magiic']my school has a dodgeball league. It's pretty insane average turn out is an easy 300 spectators. It's entertaining to watch. I video and take pictures at all the games and put them up on facebook. Let me know if any of you want to see just how out of control it can get and I will post some links.[/quote]Hook it up!
You're mushy and have no stamina. You may pass out during the first 10 mins of the first game and then be shamed from ever returning to the court. No amount of training is going to get your ass in shape in just under 30 days. Well, there are ways to do it, but the people that can do it aren't you.
If you want to prove haters like that guy Jim up there wrong then you need to

1) Starting eating at least 1g/lb of bodyweight of protein per day (preferably 1.5-2g per) as well as watching your fat intake
2) Start doing HIIT training (google http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-intensity_interval_training) - this will help you during the games themselves
3) Add in some extended cardio sessions on double days to help get your lungs through those 3 game sets
4) Hit the gym and start doing some strength training (squats, deadlifts) to work on your explosive power. Also mix in some weight work to practice - if you've got a dedicated friend (friends are even better) pick up some handweights (7-15lbs depending on your current strength) and practice your dodging, catching and deflecting (depending on league rules).
5) Start stretching now. You want to be limber and flexible when the season starts.

I used to play a lot of very competitive dodgeball :) PM me if you have additional questions.
[quote name='JimmieMac']You're mushy and have no stamina. You may pass out during the first 10 mins of the first game and then be shamed from ever returning to the court. No amount of training is going to get your ass in shape in just under 30 days. Well, there are ways to do it, but the people that can do it aren't you.[/quote]Oooh, you're a badass. But hey, that's your gimmick, right? I don't fault you. The world needs posers, just like it needs sunshine and pretty flowers.
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