I Spit On Your Grave - Preorder $9.99

Decent movie, a lil rough, but overall more tasteful than the original premise could have allowed for. I was surprised.
[quote name='PopcornBandit']I have it pre-ordered on Amazon. I hope they price match.[/QUOTE]

That's what I'm hoping. I shot them an email hoping for a partial refund, didn't happen.
You guys could just preorder from BB too. Just in case BB raises the price later, then at the last minute if Amazon doesn't price match you can cancel from Amazon. If Amazon does price match, then just don't pick up the one from BB and let it time lapse and you won't be charged.

I enjoyed the movie, but I think I'm fine with my old DVD of it for now. I don't think HD will add much to the grittiness of the film, but for those who don't own it currently and are interested, that's a great price. Maybe if I see it for like $5 one day I'll bite.
[quote name='Mikerocosms']You guys could just preorder from BB too. Just in case BB raises the price later, then at the last minute if Amazon doesn't price match you can cancel from Amazon. If Amazon does price match, then just don't pick up the one from BB and let it time lapse and you won't be charged.


Eh, not worth the effort to me. I made a 100$ order with amazon credit, I'd rather take the 5$ hit then go to Best Buy and spend real money.
I'm anxious to see how this blu-ray turns out. An independent film made in in 1978 for under $80,000… delicious.

The commentaries included in this are incredible, especially Joe Bob Briggs'.
(As bizarre as it sounds) I grew up with this film and each of the commentaries made me love and appreciate this film all the more. Amazing.

I already have this, along with the 2010 remake, on pre-order through Amazon.com, but I may have to pull the old double-order method to take full advantage of this offer.

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - U • P • D • A • T • E - / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

So after placing an order for I Spit at Best Buy, I received several emails from them saying my pick-up date has changed form Feb. 8 to Feb. 3, then 1, then 1, then 2. Weird.

On a whim, I stopped by to check on it and see what the deal was. The CS line was long so I checked out the Blu-Rays to see if they happened to have any copies there. They did have one copy of the 2010 remake there for $30 but I left it there knowing I wasn't going to have time to watch it tonight and Amazon would be sending it to me cheaper on Tuesday.

Anyway, I finally make my way to CS and they said they did have it already picked out out for me. Nice!

It wasn't until just now when I arrived home that I realize they gave me the remake! I did see in the store that the top sticker said "I Spit On Your Grave" as well as the paper print-out wrapped around and taped to the movie.

So I just placed another order for the 1978 original on the website and canceled my Amazon orders. I'll wait until Tuesday to pick it up in case they try giving me the remake again I can tell them no and make sure I get the correct one this time.

PS - Is it wrong for me to keep this now, knowing they gave me the wrong title? I know it's their mistake, but it's also my responsibility to acknowledge it. What's the consensuses on this?
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[quote name='Seasick Pirate']

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - U • P • D • A • T • E - / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

So after placing an order for I Spit at Best Buy, I received several emails from them saying my pick-up date has changed form Feb. 8 to Feb. 3, then 1, then 1, then 2. Weird.

On a whim, I stopped by to check on it and see what the deal was. The CS line was long so I checked out the Blu-Rays to see if they happened to have any copies there. They did have one copy of the 2010 remake there for $30 but I left it there knowing I wasn't going to have time to watch it tonight and Amazon would be sending it to me cheaper on Tuesday.

Anyway, I finally make my way to CS and they said they did have it already picked out out for me. Nice!

It wasn't until just now when I arrived home that I realize they gave me the remake! I did see in the store that the top sticker said "I Spit On Your Grave" as well as the paper print-out wrapped around and taped to the movie.

So I just placed another order for the 1978 original on the website and canceled my Amazon orders. I'll wait until Tuesday to pick it up in case they try giving me the remake again I can tell them no and make sure I get the correct one this time.

PS - Is it wrong for me to keep this now, knowing they gave me the wrong title? I know it's their mistake, but it's also my responsibility to acknowledge it. What's the consensuses on this?

Exact same thing happened to me. I just finished preordering the old one again and thought I would share the good news. Seems my BB wasn't the only one who messed up.

I personally don't give a flying fuck if I did something wrong to my BB. They've given me tons of grief over coupons and several other issues that I'm glad to stick it to them once in a while.

Now do I condone others to do this? I ain't your parent. Do what you think is right.

[quote name='Mikerocosms']Cool, but I still got 2010 version for $10.70. Not to mention that for .70 cents more I can have the original version tomorrow.


My Best Buy put them out last week, I got a copy then.
Best Buy got my second order correct, so I was lucky enough to snag the classic and remake for under $20. I'm happy.

This means I have now bought I Spit On Your Grave on 4 different video formats. Good grief.

On a side note, walking into Best Buy I saw I Spit On Your Grave on the self with the tag for It's A Funny Story underneath it… it took me a moment that was the name of another movie, and not them describing I Spit.
[quote name='Seasick Pirate']Best Buy got my second order correct, so I was lucky enough to snag the classic and remake for under $20. I'm happy.

This means I have now bought I Spit On Your Grave on 4 different video formats. Good grief.

On a side note, walking into Best Buy I saw I Spit On Your Grave on the self with the tag for It's A Funny Story underneath it… it took me a moment that was the name of another movie, and not them describing I Spit.[/QUOTE]

I too got both for $20. Not too shabby.

[quote name='Mikerocosms']I too got both for $20. Not too shabby.


Lucky, I ordered mine awhile back on Amazon for $14.99, so I got both for $25. The remake should come in the mail today.
bread's done