I think im addicted to Fallout 3.


70 (99%)
I cant stop playing this game. I love it. I actually want to get every trophy, do every quest, explore every town. I just cant get enough of it. I was very close to missing work for a day to play the game. Is there anything wrong with that? :)
I was trying to figure out which game to start next...oblivion or Fallout 3. I bought Fallout CE for 18 bucks and its been on the shelf ever since. Sounds like a fun game.
I was lucky enough to start playing this game during my thanksgiving break. I spent many nights up until 8am playing this game.
Think that's what happens to everyone who has played it :p

Except my brother, he hated it. I think he's crazy! (But he was also pretty bad at it)
Is this game as great as everyone hypes it up to be? This is the only game I'm considering picking up from the Amazon PS3 event.. only at a decent price of course.
I very much enjoy it. Many hours staying up late. As you can see by my 4 AM post. I own it for PC, but find using the 360 controller to play is a bit easier because the keyboard key bindings are a bit awkward. I'm about 50-60 hours in, already maxed at level 20, but still wandering to find and explore new stuff. DLC should really add a good bit more to it.
Very much a Fallout 3 "addict" and broken steel has rejuvenated the game big time for me, been playing it non stop the past few weeks, gonna get to 30 and finish up till the next dlc...
[quote name='mydecember1985']I very much enjoy it. Many hours staying up late. As you can see by my 4 AM post. I own it for PC, but find using the 360 controller to play is a bit easier because the keyboard key bindings are a bit awkward. I'm about 50-60 hours in, already maxed at level 20, but still wandering to find and explore new stuff. DLC should really add a good bit more to it.[/QUOTE]

I personally find the PC version better overall, especially with the better graphics, fewer bugs, console commands, user mods, cheaper price and auto-run feature.

Just so you know, you can use the XBOX 360 controller on the PC version if you buy the PC wireless adapter or you have a wired 360 controller.
[quote name='MCNE']I was trying to figure out which game to start next...oblivion or Fallout 3. I bought Fallout CE for 18 bucks and its been on the shelf ever since. Sounds like a fun game.[/QUOTE]

They're both great games. The dark brotherhood quests in Oblivion are the most fun you'll have out of either game, but I feel that Fallout 3 is a tighter experience overall with better pacing. I personally didn't like fighting in the Oblivion Gates.
[quote name='Osiris11235']They're both great games. The dark brotherhood quests in Oblivion are the most fun you'll have out of either game, but I feel that Fallout 3 is a tighter experience overall with better pacing. I personally didn't like fighting in the Oblivion Gates.[/QUOTE]

Although they're kind of a staple of the TES series, I've never liked the dungeons or oblivion gates that much... just too repetetive.

Basically the way I see it is that Oblivion gives you more to do, but the stuff Fallout gives you is way deeper and more complex and polished. For example, there's alot more people to talk to in Oblivion, but you have alot more to talk about with people in Fallout. Personally, I love them both... I've played Oblivion since launch, and am still too sidetracked with other missions to finish the main quest!
I beat it on the 360 the week it came out. I haven't been interested in it since. I traded it and i only have a PS3 now. I miss elements from Fallout 1 & 2. The DLC didn't look like something that i wanted to waste money on.
I'm making the same Oblivion vs. Fallout decision. Most of what I've heard makes it sounds like Fallout is 'better' but it is far from a slam dunk and both are great games.

For me it might depend on what price Fallout gets listed at. If it is $30 for either, I'd get fallout. If Fallout was $40 or $45, higher than my gift cert, I'd lean to Oblivion which is listed at about $30 right now
I was addicted to this game for a few weeks too. Then I just stopped playing and haven't gone back. Not sure why.

As far as Oblivion Vs. Fallout 3 goes, Oblivion bored me. I thought Fallout 3 was a ton of fun though. Might be the setting, couldn't say for sure.
I think I'll give Oblivion a try first. I've had it a lot longer and Fallout CE was really cheap. Actually looking forward to both.

Thanks for the info.
[quote name='whoknows']I was addicted to this game for a few weeks too. Then I just stopped playing and haven't gone back. Not sure why.

As far as Oblivion Vs. Fallout 3 goes, Oblivion bored me. I thought Fallout 3 was a ton of fun though. Might be the setting, couldn't say for sure.[/QUOTE]

I liked Oblivion better for the exact same reason, I preferred the setting. Although a post-apocalyptic version of the city I live in was certainly nice too.

Really, everyone should definitely play both, so the order is largely trivial.
No VATS or other targetting system in Oblivion. It's first person hack and slash with blocking.

The leveling system is different in Oblivion with the tagged skills and such. You get much more freedom in Fallout. And you gain experience in Oblivion based upon what you do in the game which can screw you later on. If I remember correctly, you could prevent your character from reaching a higher skill level in sneak by jumping in one place too much for example.
I was really into Fallout 3 for a while but I just stopped playing. The whole game is so gray and often times feels very repetitive. I always got lost too.
I've had it on my shelf for awhile now, but resist playing because I have other games to finish first and I don't want to fall pray to the "Fallout effect".
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