I want an iphone

unless you're looking to jailbreak it, you really don't have any options. walk into the AT&T or Apple store and sign up.
You might want to check out the smart phone competition. Many phones have a featureset and UI that rivals the IPhone for a reduced price.

Sure you may not get the appstore but I read a story the other day that most people don't even use their downloaded apps more then once.
Why wouldn't you want an iphone?

A pre ... A storm ... A Zune ... oh wait, not a phone ...

None come close to the iphone and the App store ...
youre not going to get a deal. your choices are to either buy a used one off craigslist or ebay so you dont have a contract or buy one from att at a discounted price and get locked in.
[quote name='HeSaveDave']How can I get a good deal/plan? :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

As other have stated your not going to get any better deal on an iPhone then when you first sign up with at&t. You get a $400 discount off retail when 1st signing up so go that route. Plan wise. If you work for an employer that has a FAN with at&t then you will get a monthly service discount off your voice plan and data plan. If you want me to check for you I can. Just send me your employers name. If your company has a parent company please give me that one also.
You don't want an iPhone. You NEED an iPhone.

You won't get a better deal than signing up for a new contract on AT&T, though. And to those saying check out other phones, don't kid yourself. I used the Palm Pre a couple of days ago and I wanted to smack it on the ground.
[quote name='etcrane']Why wouldn't you want an iphone?

A pre ... A storm ... A Zune ... oh wait, not a phone ...

None come close to the iphone and the App store ...[/QUOTE]

I will take my G1 with a real keyboard.
[quote name='help1']You don't want an iPhone. You NEED an iPhone.

You won't get a better deal than signing up for a new contract on AT&T, though. And to those saying check out other phones, don't kid yourself. I used the Palm Pre a couple of days ago and I wanted to smack it on the ground.[/QUOTE]

I own a Palm Pre. It's amazing. Once you get use to gestures and multi-tasking the iphone feels like an Atari 2600.

My company gives all employees free iphones with plans. The look on my IT department manager's face when I told him "no thanks" to the free 3GS was priceless.

But I will admit that for a gamer the iphone is the best (if you can call those fun games). You'll just pay through the ass for an AT&T plan and a slow-ass network. You can't even come close to my plan on Sprint on any other carrier without working for the carrier.
[quote name='etcrane']Why wouldn't you want an iphone?

A pre ... A storm ... A Zune ... oh wait, not a phone ...

None come close to the iphone and the App store ...[/QUOTE]

I second this and although I think 199 for the 16gb 3gs was a deal, if you are looking for something cheaper good luck. Apple know what they have and can charge what they want because of it.

Ive had a Instict=D, htc pro=c-, and pre=b-

I used a friends Storm=b-,

Iphone 3gs is an A+

Not a fanboy, just a realist...I tried everything to avoid AT&t but no dice

But now that I have them, they really arent as bad as I thought.
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Check with your local dealers. My lady works for at&t and said they have $50 refurbished 3gs iPhones. Forgot if she said that was with a contract er not.

Yes you get a disc. On monthly bill depending where you work.
Yes the iPhone is a much better entertainment phone. Because they've been around longer and because of the internal memory of the iPhone, apps are FAR superior to other phones apps. I have a G1 and I have all the apps I need to perfectly customize my phone exactly how I want to, but I was envious of my lady and her new 3gs because her game apps were so pretty compared to mine.
I do love my qwerty (hate using two hands to type but it's better than the soft keyboard which is also what you get with the iPhone). The G1 and I believe other T-Mobile HTC phones are still OpenSource as opposed to the iPhone which allows for filesharing (apps for me aren't as pretty but at least they're free!). I personally don't like the iPhone as it's not as customizable but it definitely deserves props!

As far as Sprint's Palm Pre... the lady's uncle had that phone and we were messing with it for comparison's sake and it just didn't have enough options for me. Plus it's ugly. The lady said the apps were horrible and that it was ugly. Besides, Sprint is going Bankrupt!!!! Bwaahaaahaa
There really is no cheap way of getting the phone. The data plan isn't worth the $30 a month for people like me considering I have wifi at home, work, and school. I had to buy my phone off ebay and JB'd it to turn off the 3G and Edge functions so I don't get charged up the ass.

Either find the phone used, or pay a disgusting amount to at&t. If you choose the latter, you might as well just buy it new since you have the money to blow on a $30 data plan anyways.
[quote name='uhoh_evo']

As far as Sprint's Palm Pre... the lady's uncle had that phone and we were messing with it for comparison's sake and it just didn't have enough options for me. Plus it's ugly. The lady said the apps were horrible and that it was ugly. Besides, Sprint is going Bankrupt!!!! Bwaahaaahaa[/QUOTE]

Name options it didn't have that you need.
Name a better looking phone out right now (hint - there isn't one).
The apps are awesome that I have, maybe the lady knew nothing about the homebrew app store?
Palm is rolling out huge updates almost every month adding tons of features.
The only thing the Pre currently lacks is OpenGL support so it can do 3D/Gaming, but I have never relished the idea of gaming on a phone.

Sprint is going bankrupt? Link please.

You should be smart enough to know that even if Sprint (or any carrier) went bankrupt, they would just be acquired by another carrier and your plans would be grandfathered. Bottom line is, though, you get far far more features with a Sprint plan for cheaper than any other carrier - and they have been proven to have the fastest network.
The fact that every Sprint plan comes free with free calls to any mobile phone (of any carrier) now makes everyone else's plans laughable.

Android and the Pre are both so much more open-source than iphone/at&t that I don't quite understand iphone customers. I mean seriously, they just got the super new advanced feature of MMS last week. Welcome to 2002 iphone users!
Hmmmm ... Palm & Sprint ... maybe we should start taking bets on which one will take the dirt nap first ;-)

I'm not trying to sound like a fanboy, but realistically the Pre is Palm's last hurrah ... in an industry dominated by RIM and with Palm fledgling now after their fall from the top, it's hard to recommend a Pre over an iPhone. Now in a year, maybe I'll be changing my tune ... but right now, Apple & RIM are still the safest choices for your money.

Oh, and the iPhone records video and has in-phone editing ... plus yes, now it has MMS ... so uh, how's the video editing on the Pre?
[quote name='thrustbucket']Name options it didn't have that you need.
Name a better looking phone out right now (hint - there isn't one).
The apps are awesome that I have, maybe the lady knew nothing about the homebrew app store?
Palm is rolling out huge updates almost every month adding tons of features.
The only thing the Pre currently lacks is OpenGL support so it can do 3D/Gaming, but I have never relished the idea of gaming on a phone.

Sprint is going bankrupt? Link please.

You should be smart enough to know that even if Sprint (or any carrier) went bankrupt, they would just be acquired by another carrier and your plans would be grandfathered. Bottom line is, though, you get far far more features with a Sprint plan for cheaper than any other carrier - and they have been proven to have the fastest network.
The fact that every Sprint plan comes free with free calls to any mobile phone (of any carrier) now makes everyone else's plans laughable.

Android and the Pre are both so much more open-source than iphone/at&t that I don't quite understand iphone customers. I mean seriously, they just got the super new advanced feature of MMS last week. Welcome to 2002 iphone users![/QUOTE]

There recently was an article on yahoo(taken for face value) about the top 15 companies that were headed down the tubes. Sprint was 4th.

I do agree that no other carrier Ive had compared to the amount i paid on sprint and now with the free moble to moble....even better deal. I still like them and the only reason I left was for the iphone. If they go under, Im sure someone will grab them. Maybe Tmoble
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[quote name='etcrane']Hmmmm ... Palm & Sprint ... maybe we should start taking bets on which one will take the dirt nap first ;-)[/quote]
I won't take that bet but I will bet on whether or not WebOS or Sprint would just end up disappearing and somehow their customers would end up screwed. I would bet that they would both be acquired before that happened. Nokia is already looking at buying Palm to replace aging Symbian with WebOS.

I'm not trying to sound like a fanboy, but realistically the Pre is Palm's last hurrah ... in an industry dominated by RIM and with Palm fledgling now after their fall from the top, it's hard to recommend a Pre over an iPhone. Now in a year, maybe I'll be changing my tune ... but right now, Apple & RIM are still the safest choices for your money.

Name one carrier or Mobile OS who's owner went under and all their customers were screwed because of it. It won't happen. There is no danger in your cell phone carrier or phone OS company going under. Your phone won't suddenly stop working. Your OS won't suddenly stop getting supported. Someone will pick up the ball and run.

WebOS is too critically acclaimed to just be tossed out because Palm runs out of money, to think otherwise is naive.

Oh, and the iPhone records video and has in-phone editing ... plus yes, now it has MMS ... so uh, how's the video editing on the Pre?
About as good as playstation emulation (which was working less than a month after it's release) - in homebrew and not official.

The iphone didn't have nearly as many apps, or an appstore, three months after it's release, so Palm is doing pretty good - I really doubt it will take them 3 years to implement video.

But hey, I can easily add multiple exchange accounts and juggle several programs at the same time with ease.... but who's comparing....
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About as good as playstation emulation (which was working less than a month after it's release) - in homebrew and not official.

The iphone didn't have nearly as many apps, or an appstore, three months after it's release, so Palm is doing pretty good - I really doubt it will take them 3 years to implement video.

But hey, I can easily add multiple exchange accounts and juggle several programs at the same time with ease.... but who's comparing....

The iPhone came out how many years ago? It's called technological advances of course palm would be able to implement things in 2009 quicker than apple could in the early 2000s. Look at the smartphone market as it is today. Literally EVERY phone is chasing the iPhone. Look at the phone motorola is about to release. It's almost identical. Rim jocks the iPhone with the storm and... Fails. The pre's os is nice but the hardware is disgustingly flimsy and just FEELS cheap. The only phone I could wholeheartedly recommend outside of the iPhone is the nokia n900 and that's not coming cheap...
Fair enough.

Apple has 10,000+ employees. Palm has 1,000. I like underdogs. I like my Pre - a lot. I could have a free 3GS and I don't want one.

I don't feel my Pre FEELS cheap, and even if it did, it wouldn't make me not like it. I don't judge a phone on how it feels, I judge it on how it operates and what it can do.

I haven't owned a Storm (Verizon sucks too much) , I don't like the concept of a clicky screen.

I do like having the newest phone OS on the market built from the ground up by former Apple employees working for a company now run by the Apple exec responsible for Apple's success today.
I like watching it grow.
I like watching what each new frequent update adds.
I like how open Palm is with their software, how unrestricted they are to developers, and how friendly they are with homebrew.
I don't like Apple as a company. I don't like AT&T. I am not real fond of GSM.
That's why I like the Palm Pre.

I can't imagine switching to any other phone that I know of. The only contender would possibly be a ZuneHD phone, if it existed.
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[quote name='thrustbucket']Fair enough.

Apple has 10,000+ employees. Palm has 1,000. I like underdogs. I like my Pre - a lot. I could have a free 3GS and I don't want one.

I don't feel my Pre FEELS cheap, and even if it did, it wouldn't make me not like it. I don't judge a phone on how it feels, I judge it on how it operates and what it can do.

I haven't owned a Storm (Verizon sucks too much) , I don't like the concept of a clicky screen.

I do like having the newest phone OS on the market built from the ground up by former Apple employees working for a company now run by the Apple exec responsible for Apple's success today.
I like watching it grow.
I like watching what each new frequent update adds.
I like how open Palm is with their software, how unrestricted they are to developers, and how friendly they are with homebrew.
I don't like Apple as a company. I don't like AT&T. I am not real fond of GSM.
That's why I like the Palm Pre.

I can't imagine switching to any other phone that I know of. The only contender would possibly be a ZuneHD phone, if it existed.[/QUOTE]

SO your reason for not wanting an iphone has nothing to do with the phone itself? You just like the idea of what the company does/is doing/has done and thats why you choose your phone? Tell you what....I just started a company and it has 1 employee and we are growing/changing. Our phone is free but costs $500 a month to use. It's ok cause you can watch us, the underdog, grow and shit.
Thrust u hve to admit that the pre doesn't feel nearly as durable or able to withstand accidents as other phones on the market even palms own pro is constructed up to par.
I love WebOS, hate the Pre.

I've spent a lot of time with a Pre, and can you really admit that it feels as sturdy/quality as an iPhone?
I have a pre and it blow my friends iphone away. if you are heavy into phone games though the iphone kills the pre. Pre is more of a professional business phone.
[quote name='bmac1775']zunehd, now thats an idea![/quote]


but seriously, I want an I-Phone too. Not because I want it for my self, I would never buy it for my self, but because I want to buy it and take it and sell it overseas.
I been trying to figure out what is the cheapest way to buy an I-phone, and from my Calculations, the cheapest way is to do a contract with ATT, pay 200 dollars for the 3GS I-Phone, then get their cheapest plan which is $69.99, then after a 30 days exactly, or a month in other words, cancel the contract, pay the $175 Cancelation Fees, and keep the phone.
So you spending about $475-500 dollars to get the 3GS I-Phone, which I think is bullshit to pay 500 dollars for a damn cellphone.
I am wondering, how much is the Google G1 without any contracts?
Palm is an underdog? Uh ... were you here during the 90's?

And both AT&T and Verizon suck but Sprint is an incredible company?

What, is it bizarro world day and I didn't get the message?
If you go to college you can check on AT&T Premiere to see if your .edu email address qualifies for a discount. I am getting a 15% discount on data & txting, which isn't much, but it helps make the plan a little bit more reasonable.
I don't think it's still active but when the 3GS came out you could order through bing.com and get 35% cashback. That saved me $70 on my 16gb model. These things sell themselves so they never offer a promotion and At&t with the exclusive contract has no reason to ever improve. As a normal customer you can figure $97 a month for the cheapest available package. That gets you 1500 txt, 450 day/5000 nights with rollover.

I'm definitely not a Apple person, I never owned anything Apple and never really wanted any as they were overpriced but the iphone has completely won me over. It's they best money i've ever spent on anything probably ever given what i've got and will get out of it. So many great apps, ipod and so much stuff to do plus it's very fast and i'm a net whore on it. My Palm & Blackberry friends always talk shit but then they always talk about wanting to get one.
[quote name='$hady']As a normal customer you can figure $97 a month for the cheapest available package. That gets you 1500 txt, 450 day/5000 nights with rollover.

Is that just for texts and calls???

I have t-mobile. I have a regular phone, but i get unlimited text and calls for like 50/month.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']Is that just for texts and calls???

I have t-mobile. I have a regular phone, but i get unlimited text and calls for like 50/month.[/QUOTE]

That's for everything: taxes/fees, unlimited data plan, smallest available minutes package and then 1500 txts. Only other available txt options are 200 for $5 or unlimited for $20.

I went from a near unlimited Razr package for like $50 total and honestly I think it's worth the extra. Every smartphone you buy will have a $30+ data package.
my wife and i both have iphones and we share 750 minutes (free nights/weekends/mobile to mobile/rollover) with unlimited data and text and with my company discount (21%) my monthly bill is right at $140 a month.
[quote name='Malik112099']my wife and i both have iphones and we share 750 minutes (free nights/weekends/mobile to mobile/rollover) with unlimited data and text and with my company discount (21%) my monthly bill is right at $140 a month.[/QUOTE]

Same plan with a 15% discount, that means my shit is going to be close to 150 a month. The first bill I received included a partial of last months so that was hard to figure out the norm.
[quote name='justin37']Thrust u hve to admit that the pre doesn't feel nearly as durable or able to withstand accidents as other phones on the market even palms own pro is constructed up to par.[/QUOTE]
I will admit that any phone with moving parts will inherently feel less "sturdy", of course. I have dropped mine several times though, and it works fine.
My friend dropped his iphone once, has a big crack in the glass screen.

Sturdiness is inconsequential to me though, as I would never get any $600 smartphone without insurance. ($7 on sprint). You can replace it for almost any reason within your 30 days too (And I did, just because I could).

[quote name='manthing']I love WebOS, hate the Pre.

I've spent a lot of time with a Pre, and can you really admit that it feels as sturdy/quality as an iPhone?[/QUOTE]
Feels sturdy is irrelevant, the Pre doesn't break or stop working any more than any other phone. If you think it does, please post the data.

You could make the same arguments about PS3 / 360. But it's all about the software today, which is why I prefer my 360 over my PS3.

If sturdiness was a Factor for me I'd have bought the rubberized shock proof Sanyo.

[quote name='etcrane']Palm is an underdog? Uh ... were you here during the 90's?[/quote]
They are the underdog now. They have teetered on bankruptcy for a couple years now. It's exciting to see what Apple's former exec and former Apple employees come up with to try and resurrect it and get it back in the game - and it's exciting to be apart of it.

And both AT&T and Verizon suck but Sprint is an incredible company?
For what they all offer and what they all cost, absolutely.

I have 3 lines that share:

1500 anytime minutes
nights and weekends start at 6pm.
Unlimited data and text (Sprint is routinely proven to be the fastest network)
Free calls too and from any mobile phone carrier.
I pay $14 a month for insurance (lost, broken, replacement plan)
+16$ in taxes/fees

Show me any carrier that comes close to that.

The only thing At&t and Verizon do beat Sprint at routinely is customer service. I guess that matters if you call your cell phone provider all the time.
bread's done