I want to start micro brewing but dont know how .. any suggestions?


77 (100%)
As the title suggests, I need a new hobby (other than video games, tv, and reading). And since I'm a borderline alcoholic and a fledgling beer connoisseur, I figure what better hobby to take up then brewing my own beer. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get started .. i.e reading resources, equipment, etc? Or if its even worth taking up as a hobby?
Get two different bottles of beer. Pour both bottles into a clean bathtub. They'll be doing it during the two weeks so try not to look. Then, boom, two weeks later a tubfull of beer. Grab straw and enjoy.

Quillion at this site homebrews sometimes. He told me of this site http://www.homebrewmart.com/ The only real thing I know about brewing is cleanliness is a huge must. Everything needs to be sterile.
Well I would talk to the Chemestry department. They know how to brew bear from scratch and make drinks. They should have things on 10% alcohol and stuff like that.

About what the previous poster said you would need yeast and alcohol and leave it over night. This is how insulin ( that stuff which is in your bodies ) is made.

So try that expriment. I forget how to do it correctly. But you need yeast.
we did it in classroom one time when I was in third grade I think. With this you can create various types of alcohols and other related products I forget how.

About the water I would reccomend going up state since the water is sweet there the last time I went was probably 1997. So the water might be diffrent from the pump now.
I was going to suggest you start with one of those all in one beer kits like prmononoke linked. Seems like a really good first step even if you have higher aspirations.
http://www.ratebeer.com/ is a good resource for learning the "talk" of beer snobbery. You'll pick up words like "toffee," "mouthfeel," and "lacing." It's fulla pretentious assholes (but you gotta be one if you wanna be a beer snob, which, if you're homebrewing, you will be).

www.beertools.com is another good resource. I think it may be subscription only, though.

http://www.listermann.com/ is a great place that sells good stuff and puts together their own kits of fantastic beer. A word of warning: kits, especially these, are underhopped in order to appeal to a broader base of beer makers. If you buy a kit (let's say an IPA in particular), but some extra hops of the same variety as are included in the kit. Plan on doubling the amount.

If you want a kit, fuck that Mr. Beer shit. The best resource is the $50 Brewer's Best kit. It has *everything* you need except for bottles and the ingredients. To be sure, because of bacterial growth in cuts in the plastic, the fermentation bucket it comes with is good for a few uses; the rest of the kit will last a long time, but you'll eventually want to upgrade to a 6 gallon glass carboy.

Most of all, read a lot of books (he's an AWFUL writer, but Charlie Papizan's books ("The Joy of Homebrewing"?) are a great resource), ask a lot of questions (and don't be afraid to ask a "stupid question," because it could be the difference between a shitty/ruined batch and an amazing one), be very patient, follow the directions perfectly, and most importantly, thoroughly clean and sanitize everything. Even you.

Good luck!
"Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff outta my brain. Remember when I took that wine tasting lesson and I forgot how to drive?"

Be careful when learning how to brew beer!
bread's done