I worked out for the first time in 2 years and I feel GREAT (33 lbs. down!)

Hmmm, might have to check that out. Thanks! Although, since we're moving in a month and a 1/2, buying 100lbs in weights might not be the best idea.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']If you want something really cheap, buy a water cooler jug and fill with sand or water however much you need.[/quote]Not a bad idea. Not bad at all. I've got some rubber bands that came with a set of workout DVDs I use (Billy Blanks' Bootcamp). Those things can get pretty wicked if you wrap them to increase their tension.

I just got done working out (like, a real work out) for the first time in like a week and a 1/2. Things were so freaking insane around here I just didn't have time (or didn't make the time at least). I feel so much better now. I've got some errands to run so I think I'll bike for those and keep the exercise coming and hit the shower and just have a relaxing afternoon.

My goal is to be into the 230s by next Monday (a week from now) and thus be over the 20lbs lost mark. I'll keep you posted! (This thread is great motivation for me, seriously!)
Still in the midst of my "weight gain"... have holded steady for the past couple weeks, but have noticed more definition, particularly in my abs (ive missed you 6 pack)... Ive finally got my pool cleared and cleaned (my workout schedule took lots of time away from that) so I will be adding in morning laps to my regiment, along with the 8 minute abs, then Ill continue my afternoon cardio/weights schedule...

Since losing fat and gaining weight simutaneously is one of the most difficult things to do, Ill settle for losing the fat, Im not trying to get bodybuilder big I just want another 15 lbs of muscle, which on my frame will be difficult to do.

Im taking the protien shakes, and added in other sources of high protien (I prefer beef jerky to tuna anyday)... I know it will take aa long time, but being tied to my gym for the next 10 months at least, I WILL get to my goal, just wish my wife would have the same enthusiasm as me... we go to the gym together, she rarely wants to stay over an hour
I'm unclear on the uses of creatine, protien shakes, etc. If your goal is simply to lose weight (and along with it tone up, which is kinda natural as fat gets remvoed from around the muscles), are those types of things beneficial? Or do they really only help with when you want to bulk up?
im getting serious again about this... weighed myself yesterday and was at exactly 200...(i thought id be around 210 since i havent been as strict as i was a month or two ago)..

im going to try to break that 200 barrier this week..i unfortunately dont really have time for workouts.. i just eat healthy and play bball on the weekends
[quote name='daroga']I'm unclear on the uses of creatine, protien shakes, etc. If your goal is simply to lose weight (and along with it tone up, which is kinda natural as fat gets remvoed from around the muscles), are those types of things beneficial? Or do they really only help with when you want to bulk up?[/QUOTE]

Did you miss where I said since I started taking it I run for an hour as opposed to 10 minutes? ;)
[quote name='seanr1221']Did you miss where I said since I started taking it I run for an hour as opposed to 10 minutes? ;)[/QUOTE]

all in your head, placebo effect.
Alright guys i need some help, i recently switched jobs and i am currently working at a desk in front of a computer as apposed to moving around all day. I need to find something that will fit my schedule and help me lose weight. I have read the fourm and the general consensus seems to be that creatine is bad.

I have gained probably around 30 pounds since this time last year, and it is just kinda embarrsing when the girlfriend mentions my weight.

I am about 5'7 and weight currently around 225 pounds. I have a wide frame so i do hold my weight decently well but i just want to lose this extra stuff on my theighs, butt, and stomach area.

So basically my ? Is this;
1. Whats the best way to do thing? I have an elliptical at the house, and a decent set of small weights. What would be the best way to slim down those areas i mentioned? And attempt to tone up a little at the same time?

2. Should i take any creatine or protein shakes? I have heard various things on the subject and im not quite sure what i should do.

Thanks guys any help is appreciated!
Portion control, portion control, portion control.

Seriously, even if you don't eat a ton, reduce what you eat at any given meal by 1/3 or 1/2. Keep healthy snacks around (fruit, yogurt, etc.) to keep you from being famished. This will reduce your overall caloric intake and keep your metabolism going all day long.

Get on the eliptical and roll. Just making yourself get into a regular exercise habit, regardless of what it is, will help. As it starts melting off, then you can start to zero in on zones. It sounds like you're built a lot like me (240ish, 5'9", yet weight is hidden well). The eliptical is great because it's fairly low impact.

Go on walks with your girlfriend. Her support will go a long way to helping you out, and the walks will allow you extra talk time you might not have made otherwise in addition to being some light, but constant exercise.
I hoped on the scale yesterday and I'm already into the 230s! Just barely, but I'm there! :D That means over 20lbs lost! :D
[quote name='daroga']I hoped on the scale yesterday and I'm already into the 230s! Just barely, but I'm there! :D That means over 20lbs lost! :D[/quote]

Awesome daroga - keep it up! Once you get going it becomes hard to stop - especially when you pick up a 20lb. weight and think, "holy shit I can't believe I used to walk around with this thing all day every day."
[quote name='javeryh']Awesome daroga - keep it up! Once you get going it becomes hard to stop - especially when you pick up a 20lb. weight and think, "holy shit I can't believe I used to walk around with this thing all day every day."[/quote]hehe, I know it. My goal is to be in the 220s by mid August. 10 lbs in 6 weeks seems doable and healthy.
[quote name='daroga']Portion control, portion control, portion control.

Seriously, even if you don't eat a ton, reduce what you eat at any given meal by 1/3 or 1/2. Keep healthy snacks around (fruit, yogurt, etc.) to keep you from being famished. This will reduce your overall caloric intake and keep your metabolism going all day long.

Get on the eliptical and roll. Just making yourself get into a regular exercise habit, regardless of what it is, will help. As it starts melting off, then you can start to zero in on zones. It sounds like you're built a lot like me (240ish, 5'9", yet weight is hidden well). The eliptical is great because it's fairly low impact.

Go on walks with your girlfriend. Her support will go a long way to helping you out, and the walks will allow you extra talk time you might not have made otherwise in addition to being some light, but constant exercise.[/QUOTE]

Definantly dont overeat, and if at all possible, eat small meals throughout the day... your basically signalling to your body that every few hours , you will feed it again, so it burns it off quicker

I also use the elliptical often, with my knees, I need low impact workouts that will burn fat from me... I love a jog in the park, but it does wear my knees down quickly, and it is so damn hot here right now (generally in the 90's), Im famished after about 20-30 minutes... for exaple, yesterday was my cardio day, I did elliptical for 65 minute no problem, then a few hundred crunches, then 15 minutes on the stationary bike... wasnt the least bit tired afterward, came home and swam for a half hour.
My biggest problem was for two years in grad school not only did I have a sedinary life (school for 5 hours, library job for 4 hours, homework for 2-4 hours), but my eating was horrid. It's a really small school and food is really, really good. So I'd eat a reasonable breakfast at like 7:00, eat nothing till 1:00 or so and be famished, eat way more than I needed to for lunch, feel almost sick at work that afternoon, then 5:30 rolls around and dinner is served. I'd eat even though I wasn't hungry cause I knew I would be later. Rinse and repeat.

That's a sure-fire way to gain 45 pounds in 2 years. Needless to say, I'm not doing that anymore. I'm always actually hungry when I eat, and if I'm not, I just don't. It's amaingly stupid how excited I can be to sit down for a good dinner and be legitmately hungry.

I was such a moron. But now it's going the other way!
I figured I'd bump this thread to see how everyone else is doing. I just my 3rd month of working out 6 days a week and I'm feeling pretty great. I just got back into doing cardio, I started slacking for whatever reason.
I think I lost a couple of pounds this week...but that was due to the stomach flu. Ugh.

Still, I did start running about 3 times a week. I really want to get a jump rope, though, since I hate running.
I'm still holding strong at 198. I need to change my routine to stimulate some more weight loss. I'm still going to the gym 5 times a week so motivation isn't a problem - I think I've lost as much as I can without getting guidance from someone who knows about dieting/exercise. I still feel great though!
[quote name='mykevermin']Is your routine pretty consistent? (i.e., are you doing the same exact exercises each MTWTF)?[/quote]

yeah, and I need to switch it up. I vary my exercises (barbells-free weights) but I always hit the same muscle groups every third day (plus I run every day).
Definantly switch up your routine... generally my five day one off routine allows me to be off a different day off each week (today is actually one of those days :)) and while the general focus of each day remains consistent, the particular workout regimen changes, which is important to me because I thrive on variety. Even when I stop by the park to run, I never run the same route.
thnaks 4 the tip!? ive just recently started working out again had 2 take a 2 month hiatius because of an ankle injury at work?! anyone taking Hydroxycut hardcore? i wanna switch to Miracleburn?! ive also been taking iso pure (dam it taste like shit!)

[quote name='Ranger Rick']Whey is protein (Whey Protein). Taking whey protein will aid in the repair of muscle, so it will correspond to "weight gain", however it will be a good weight gain. Also the weight gain really isn't that much, maybe
[quote name='xenoman80']thnaks 4 the tip!? ive just recently started working out again had 2 take a 2 month hiatius because of an ankle injury at work?! anyone taking Hydroxycut hardcore? i wanna switch to Miracleburn?! ive also been taking iso pure (dam it taste like shit!)[/QUOTE]

Eat right and do some cardio..there is no reason to take that shit.
[quote name='afedock']Eat right and do some cardio..there is no reason to take that shit.[/QUOTE]

True. Hydroxycut hasn't worked since they removed the Ephedra. If you want to burn fat that bad, take an ECA stack.

You want some REAL good advice? Start eating more dairy products. You'll be surprised.
I've dropped 15 pounds myself that I gained afyter being laid up from a toe injury. I got about 3 or 4 left to lose and i think it is all situated in my gut. I've actually just done it on playing basketball 4 times a week and running 3 times a week. With pushups and situps thrown in. Looks like I m ay need to step it up to lose that last 4 pounds
Reality's Fringe;3232774]True. Hydroxycut hasn't worked since they removed the Ephedra. If you want to burn fat that bad said:
I think Tha Fringe works for the dairy council or something. That, or he'z havin tha funz wit us:
[quote name='Lobsterjohnson']I was told to cut back on dairy as it is the hardest thing for your body to digest. That's just what I've been told. What's your reasoning for eating more?[/QUOTE]

Dairy products have the highest Biological Value protein sources. Whey, Casein, Egg Albumen: Those are all dairy based.Poor Digestion is usually only an issue for the lactose intolerant.

If you want some anecdotal evidence, I go through about 4 gallons of skim milk, 1.5 tubs of fat-free plain yogurt, 1 pound of Colby cheese, two tubs of fat-free cottage , and probably over a pound of whey isolate every week (1.5 Grams of protein per bodyweight at least) and I'm fine. In fact, I've cut my bodyfat by almost 6% from a year ago(I'm around 200 or so pounds now, and about 13% BF. I used to weigh almost 240 and had 0 muscle mass). The key is not to eat a shit ton of dairy at once, as your body can only digest so much lactose at once. Spread it out over 6+ meals a day, get reduced-fat varieties, and it's all good.

Diet(not dieting) is just as, if not more important, than your exercise program. If the dairy council wanted me to endorse milk, I'd do it right quick.
How accurate do you think those calorie counters are on exercise machines?

Mine says I'm burning 900 calories in 45 min on the elliptical. That's at 8 of 10 resistance and between 55-60 rpm. It does work up a good sweat and get the heart going, it just seems a little exaggerated. That's what I do everyday.
[quote name='jer7583']How accurate do you think those calorie counters are on exercise machines?

Mine says I'm burning 900 calories in 45 min on the elliptical. That's at 8 of 10 resistance and between 55-60 rpm. It does work up a good sweat and get the heart going, it just seems a little exaggerated. That's what I do everyday.[/QUOTE]

They're an ok gauge, but they're far from accurate.They don't take into account your cardiovascular ability, lean mass, and bodyfat all of which have an effect on how much energy you expend (ie. a Really fat person may only be doing a resistance of about 6, but his body has to work much harder to keep up and will burn more calories. A very muscular person, though they may seem to have an easy time with what they're doing, may be burning more than indicated due to a higher metabolism and their lean mass. Muscle burns calories just by existing.).

The best thing to do is to go for time/distance and not calories. If you're having an easy time, adjust upward and vice-versa.
I started a high intensity training program. I run for 5 minutes, then sprint for 30 seconds, do a cool down run for 2 minutes, sprint for 30 seconds, etc.

I do a total of 10 sprints, and then do some jump roping.

Man can I feel it a lot more over long distance running.
ive been using mega man vitamsn from gnc and every time i burp i taste it!? kinda nasty. im about 2 taking those fish oil pills. i understand there really good 4 u, but has the same side affect with the tasting in the burps. nasty!
[quote name='xenoman80']ive been using mega man vitamsn from gnc and every time i burp i taste it!? kinda nasty. im about 2 taking those fish oil pills. i understand there really good 4 u, but has the same side affect with the tasting in the burps. nasty![/quote]
The Isopure Chocolate actually tastes pretty good. Just use a regular sized glass and fill it up 3/4 way, 2 scoops and stir for a bit. Tastes fine to me at least.

I was taking the Mega Men's vitamins but I thought they tasted (or smelled) like Count Chocula. I'm taking the GNC vitamin pack now but it still has that vitamin in it, never tasted nasty though.
Well, I've been working out for about 9 months now, some weeks are better than others, lol. Anyway, I'm down to 200 from 215. But you have to factor in the fact that I also put on some muscle mass so I'm sure I lost more than 15 lbs of fat. I work 2nd shift and I usually go out after work (around 2a.m.) and run through suburbia in the dark. Other than that, I've been hitting the weight bench, doing push ups and sit ups.

I would also like to note that I have my "physical entrance exam" for the police academy in October. If all goes well then I start the police academy in early 2008.

And, for the record, I'm 6'-3".
So in addition to the high intensity program 3 days a week, I'm lifting/doing ab work the other 3 days of the week, and eating a LOT better (no beer at all) and not eating at night.

Needless to say, I can barely move. My ab region was so sore yesterday, it was difficult to bend over and pick things up.
I surprised myself today. I decided to "max out" on the bench. I haven't done it in a long long time but I was feeling good today. I usually do my last set at 185 lbs. for 12 reps. Today after I finished that I put 225lbs. on there and lifted it 4 times without really struggling. Take that Kevin Durant!
Hey that's pretty good Javery. I was just about to ask how much the people in this thread usually bench. Personally I'm up to doing 3 sets of 8 reps on 165 lbs. I haven't tried to max out in a while but I imagine it's somewhere between 195 and 200. What about you guys?
bread's done