ID check when buying M-rated game at Target?


7 (100%)
I haven't brought a game at Target since last year, but today, I went and try to buy the God of War Collection there and they had to scan my driver license to check my ID. But I forgot my ID, so they told me that they couldn't sell it to me even though I'm 23 years old. That's mess up. Anyone know when did they start doing this?
A lot of stores have been doing this for a while now. I don't see the big deal, you should be carrying around a form of identification.
The stores that don't want to get sued does this. And it is actually a pretty common practice nowadays. What you doing outside with no ID anyways. What are you, a thug! :D
Hehe I turn 17 in about 18 days. Then they can't bit*h me out anymore when I buy a game. And when they do I just call my parent over and they buy it for me then I laugh at the cashier.
[quote name='dodgeme']Hehe I turn 17 in about 18 days. Then they can't bit*h me out anymore when I buy a game. And when they do I just call my parent over and they buy it for me then I laugh at the cashier.[/QUOTE]

I've had snot nosed kids laugh or get pissy when they do get mom or dad to come give them permission. That is when I refuse to sell them the game anyway.:D
Yeah, I think it should be very common. The only time I bought a rated M game at Target was when the first God of War went GH and I wanted to get it before it went ugly red. They carded me.

I think most cashiers get a message on the register asking for the date of birth of the purchaser. I remember seeing that a lot at BestBuy. It pops up when the game is scanned.
The Target near me has been doing this for quite some time. And it's not just M-rated games. It's anything that has mature content or a mature-theme. I bought some beer mugs once with Coors logos, and they had to scan my ID. No problem as far as I am concerned. I always have my ID on me, and I have no issue with a company and its employees protecting themselves.

[quote name='emd081603']I've had snot nosed kids laugh or get pissy when they do get mom or dad to come give them permission. That is when I refuse to sell them the game anyway.:D[/QUOTE]

Now that's funny. Good for you.
[quote name='donkeydrop']How did you get to the store? Drive, right? So, how about you obey the law and carry your license.[/QUOTE]

He could have biked.

[quote name='dodgeme']Hehe I turn 17 in about 18 days. Then they can't bit*h me out anymore when I buy a game. And when they do I just call my parent over and they buy it for me then I laugh at the cashier.[/QUOTE]

Works better if you do what I did and paid a random shopper a buck or two to buy the game for me with cash. Hahaha, gotta love gettin conkers bad furday back in the day when I was a mere child.
Since when is checking ID uncommon practice and moreso why are you complaining about it? If the worker cares to keep his job, he will ask you.

Here in NY, it's illegal to walk around without any sort of identification. My friend got a ticket in fact one day when he was stopped by a cop while walking and didnt have any ID. Also what were u doing without your ID? Are you one of those people that just carry around a pocket full of crumpled cash?
Considering that EVERY store is suppose to do this it does not surprise me. Scanning it just makes the process idiot proof. They scan it and if you ate of age the transaction continues otherwise it tells the cashier you can't purchase it. It's sad that people cannot figure it out by looking (kinda like providing change when the co
outer does not tell them) but that's the society that we live in.

As for your age (23) maybe you have a baby face or something and do not look as though you are able to buy it. I have a friend who is 24 and she could pass for 16 easily.
[quote name='NJMane']Considering that EVERY store is suppose to do this it does not surprise me. Scanning it just makes the process idiot proof. They scan it and if you ate of age the transaction continues otherwise it tells the cashier you can't purchase it. It's sad that people cannot figure it out by looking (kinda like providing change when the co
outer does not tell them) but that's the society that we live in.

As for your age (23) maybe you have a baby face or something and do not look as though you are able to buy it. I have a friend who is 24 and she could pass for 16 easily.[/QUOTE]

Knowing people who work at Target (and frequently getting carded when I buy stuff there myself) .. it will ALWAYS prompt for ID if the game is rated M. You used to be able to manually override it but now you cannot (due to so many people breaking the rules/getting them sued). The only way to get through that screen is to scan/slide a valid form of ID.

And if you don't have your ID on you, then you are a bumbling idiot to begin with.
They seem kind of random. I remember when I bought the Fallout 1 and 2 combo pack or something way back in 2002 or so they check my id. Then they didn't for the next few years, even when I work there, there wasn't a prompt or anything for it. I did get carded a couple of months ago for some random game, had to scan my id in.
I'm 29 and they asked for ID for Godfather II and Red Faction on clearance. I just said, "My ID?" as it caught me off guard. But I whipped it out anyway.

Hell, I get carded LESS with alcohol. Oh well, just doing their jobs.
the registers won't progress unless the cashier scans the card.

there's some kind of huge prompt on the screen that says scan id or something when an M rated game is scanned.
Good for you. Little douche bags get their panties in a knot when employees are just doing their job. Maybe someday they will actually have some form of responsibility and actually "get it".
The irony of it is, he laughed at the cashier when HE had to get mommy or daddy. Really hardcore this one is.

And as far as OP, it's been that way for a while. Georox is right, should always carry ID. I'm 35 and still get carded.

[quote name='emd081603']I've had snot nosed kids laugh or get pissy when they do get mom or dad to come give them permission. That is when I refuse to sell them the game anyway.:D[/QUOTE]
Whenever I hear people getting upset over being carded, I think about that "threw it on the ground" bit from Andy Samberg. "You wanna ID me!? I'm an adult!"
I work at Target part time and we do have to card EVERYONE for buying anything rated "mature". This can range from Mature Video games, Alcohol, and even some medicine like Robotussin and Dimatapp.

Please don't get frustrated with the cashiers. It's the software that tells them when they need to see and scan some sort of ID in order to continue with the transaction.

I've had hell of a lot of customers get frustrated and take their anger on other cashiers and I as if we were idiots. We're just doing our jobs people, don't blame the cashiers, blame the software/Target.
[quote name='Squarehard']The stores that don't want to get sued does this. And it is actually a pretty common practice nowadays. What you doing outside with no ID anyways. What are you, a thug! :D[/QUOTE]

Why would the stores be sued if they sold an M-rated game to a minor?
[quote name='_heretic']Why would the stores be sued if they sold an M-rated game to a minor?[/QUOTE]

Are you serious? It's like you're Brendan Frasier in Blast From the Past.

Parents sue all the time because Lil' Johnny gets himself one of those violent Grand Thefts without their permission. Hell, some even try to sue when they buy the game themselves.
[quote name='_heretic']Why would the stores be sued if they sold an M-rated game to a minor?[/QUOTE]

Fined, definitely. But sued? Wouldn't doubt it with parents these days. They want everyone else to do the parenting for them, and everyone wants financial compensation for everything.
I work at a Target in Georgia, and definitely can attest to the having to enter date of birth. Being that I like to stay employed, I always follow the rules and have only had 1 person be angry that I asked for ID (because he was 16 and wanted to buy Modern Warfare without his parents knowing), where most others actually appreciate that we do it (most are uninformed parents buying games, but not all, especially during the holiday season).

I actually am currently on vacation in Hawaii, and when I visited the honolulu target, I was surprised to find out that they actually have to get a supervisor to override a manual date of birth entry if the ID won't scan (GA driver's licenses have a barcode, but it doesn't work at POS systems). My store definitely isn't that strict, but I think the idea of checking ID for a game is a minor hassle that shouldn't really bother anyone.
[quote name='emd081603']I've had snot nosed kids laugh or get pissy when they do get mom or dad to come give them permission. That is when I refuse to sell them the game anyway.:D[/QUOTE]
I like when they get an attitude. that's usually when I work some smooth talking.
had some gangster wanna-be in my store one time wanting to buy GTA4, but too young. He had a pissy attitude. So he got his G-Ma. I'm very polite to her, smiling. Ring up the game.
"Oh ma'am, by the way, I just wanted to let you know that this game is rated mature for adults over the age of 18. It contains violence, sexual content, sexual themes, horrific language, etc."

That's usually when the grandparent freaks out that their innocent grandchild would want such a game and refuse to buy it, pissing the kid off even more :lol:
Sometimes afterwards I even throw in a "Yeah, the language is horrible in this game. I'm a 25 year old man and the language in this game made me blush".
A store would most definitely get fined if they sell mature-theme products to a minor. I think that is what people were suggesting earlier. But sure, they could get sued, as well. People sue for everything and anything these days. There are simply certain dirtbags out there that are looking for a quick payday. So, if they catch you doing something that could "harm" them, rather than turn the other cheek like in days past, they will try and sue you. Some ambulance-chaser will take the case. And maybe they will get lucky and win a few bucks.
[quote name='myl0r']I like when they get an attitude. that's usually when I work some smooth talking.
had some gangster wanna-be in my store one time wanting to buy GTA4, but too young. He had a pissy attitude. So he got his G-Ma. I'm very polite to her, smiling. Ring up the game.
"Oh ma'am, by the way, I just wanted to let you know that this game is rated mature for adults over the age of 18. It contains violence, sexual content, sexual themes, horrific language, etc."

That's usually when the grandparent freaks out that their innocent grandchild would want such a game and refuse to buy it, pissing the kid off even more :lol:
Sometimes afterwards I even throw in a "Yeah, the language is horrible in this game. I'm a 25 year old man and the language in this game made me blush".[/QUOTE]
Don't you think you're taking your job a little too seriously? Stories like this remind me of Paul Blart: Mall Cop.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']A store would most definitely get fined if they sell mature-theme products to a minor. I think that is what people were suggesting earlier. But sure, they could get sued, as well. People sue for everything and anything these days. There are simply certain dirtbags out there that are looking for a quick payday. So, if they catch you doing something that could "harm" them, rather than turn the other cheek like in days past, they will try and sue you. Some ambulance-chaser will take the case. And maybe they will get lucky and win a few bucks.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, this is what I was trying to say in fewer words on the first page. I believe there was a HUGE uproar about this for GTA III and GTA: Vice City. I'd look up articles but really, I don't feel like it. lol
[quote name='lmz00']Don't you think you're taking your job a little too seriously? Stories like this remind me of Paul Blart: Mall Cop.[/QUOTE]

I don't think he is at all. I do the same exact thing sometimes. Even better than refusing to sell it to them is explaining to grandma or grandpa how "terrible" the game is to the point that they wouldn't dare buy it for them. The kids really really get irritated then:lol: Of course grandma and grandpa can't be the one's to give the ok to purchase it anyway, IT MUST BE MOTHER/FATHER/LEGAL GUARDIAN.
[quote name='lmz00']Don't you think you're taking your job a little too seriously? Stories like this remind me of Paul Blart: Mall Cop.[/QUOTE]

If you were ever put in the position, you'd react the same way. Or you'd bitch about the customer. Trust me, retail has it's days... I've worked in retail for 7 years, and you get the same BS almost every day... but when the holidays roll around, you get these kids that try and squeak it by the system to get an M-rated game and react all huffy with a temper tantrum when they are too young to buy it.

Instant gratification. It's a wonderful thing. ;)
[quote name='lmz00']Don't you think you're taking your job a little too seriously? Stories like this remind me of Paul Blart: Mall Cop.[/QUOTE]
as said by others, no, I was not taking my job a bit too serious.
in the area I was in, and with the "No returns on used games" policy that Game Crazy has(my former employer), it was recommended by my boss that we warn every parent buying a M rated game what the game had in it. Most parents don't even look at the rating, kids just give them the game and they look at the price.
So anytime a parent brought up GTA4, I told them why it was rated mature. Pissing off annoying brats was just a bonus
There is no law in place that I know of that restricts sale of games to minors. It's more of a store policy, so I can't see why a place would get fined. By whom would they get fined? The courts have shot down any laws that have ever been put before them, mostly in California, as unconstitutional.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']A store would most definitely get fined if they sell mature-theme products to a minor. I think that is what people were suggesting earlier. But sure, they could get sued, as well. People sue for everything and anything these days. There are simply certain dirtbags out there that are looking for a quick payday. So, if they catch you doing something that could "harm" them, rather than turn the other cheek like in days past, they will try and sue you. Some ambulance-chaser will take the case. And maybe they will get lucky and win a few bucks.[/QUOTE]
Who would fine them? As far as I'm aware, every bill that's attempted to make it illegal to sell M-rated games to minors has been shot down or found unconstitutional.
I don't really have a problem with the ID check, although as has been pointed out :there is NO LAW requiring it.
I do, however, have a problem with them scanning my license. Checking my DOB is one thing, but Target doesn't need all the info a scan pulls. I make them call a manager and override.
[quote name='pulsar0510']I don't really have a problem with the ID check, although as has been pointed out :there is NO LAW requiring it.
I do, however, have a problem with them scanning my license. Checking my DOB is one thing, but Target doesn't need all the info a scan pulls. I make them call a manager and override.[/QUOTE]

This is the kind of crap we retail guys deal with that makes us act the way we do sometimes. I am nice and polite to every single customer I deal with until they give me a reason not to. Now don't get me wrong, It doesn't take much of a reason. The way I look at it is I go out of my way to be incredibly friendly and helpful to each and every customer I deal with. If I am going out of my way to help someone I don't understand their need to be difficult/rude/mean.

If I were a cashier and had a customer refuse to allow me to scan their d/l for their date of birth, that is a case of a customer being needlessly difficult and the kind of customer I would not go out of my way to help.

There are often times when people ask for items which we are out of stock on. If they were rude and/or not friendly with me then "I'm sorry ma'am/sir I am out of that right now." If they were nice and polite then "I'm sorry ma'am/sir I am out of that right now but let me see what I can do to help you out today." From that point there are quite a few things I can do to get them what they want. It all depends on how they treat me as to how helpful I can be.

Not acknowledging someone who greets you as you walk through the door-RUDE
Talking on a cell phone while trying to talk to an employee about what you want-RUDE
Chewing a big ass wad of gum while talking-RUDE
Letting your child run rampant in a store-RUDE
Saying I want/need instead of do you have or I would like please-RUDE
I could go on and on but these are the biggest ones that immediately put me in not so helpful mode. /end rant
[quote name='meds']This is the kind of crap we retail guys deal with that makes us act the way we do sometimes. I am nice and polite to every single customer I deal with until they give me a reason not to. Now don't get me wrong, It doesn't take much of a reason. The way I look at it is I go out of my way to be incredibly friendly and helpful to each and every customer I deal with. If I am going out of my way to help someone I don't understand their need to be difficult/rude/mean.

If I were a cashier and had a customer refuse to allow me to scan their d/l for their date of birth, that is a case of a customer being needlessly difficult and the kind of customer I would not go out of my way to help.

There are often times when people ask for items which we are out of stock on. If they were rude and/or not friendly with me then "I'm sorry ma'am/sir I am out of that right now." If they were nice and polite then "I'm sorry ma'am/sir I am out of that right now but let me see what I can do to help you out today." From that point there are quite a few things I can do to get them what they want. It all depends on how they treat me as to how helpful I can be.

Not acknowledging someone who greets you as you walk through the door-RUDE
Talking on a cell phone while trying to talk to an employee about what you want-RUDE
Chewing a big ass wad of gum while talking-RUDE
Letting your child run rampant in a store-RUDE
Saying I want/need instead of do you have or I would like please-RUDE
I could go on and on but these are the biggest ones that immediately put me in not so helpful mode. /end rant[/QUOTE]

well said. I concur on all levels.
I actually am currently on vacation in Hawaii, and when I visited the honolulu target, I was surprised to find out that they actually have to get a supervisor to override a manual date of birth entry if the ID won't scan (GA driver's licenses have a barcode, but it doesn't work at POS systems). My store definitely isn't that strict, but I think the idea of checking ID for a game is a minor hassle that shouldn't really bother anyone
I would just like to mention off-hand that when I went to said target on MY vacation in october, I was severly dissapointed with their selection of clearence games.

But yeah, I've only worked one short retail job before, but being on the other side certainly offers some perspective. I'm not hiding the remaining product from you sir, we're really sold out!

I can't say I fully agree with meds though, I would also get pissed when people give you lip, but I can't say I would ever deny them service because of their social faux-paus. It's a rather slippery slope to old-man grizzledness when you assume everyone does everything you don't approve of out of anger or spite.
the whole game rating thing is retarded. If you get influenced by GTA and go jack some cars, it aint the game's fault. No, its just that ur kid is RETARDED.

I dont like ID checks when buying games. It happened once and it was really shocking to me because its a GAME not liqs or ciggerettes or stripper. For those that work in retail and give the youngins a hard time. Think back! U used to be one of them and maybe not quite as a dickwad but i am sure u would be pissed too if you were trying to buy modern warfare 2 and couldnt because of an ID check.
Following store policy is one thing but purposely going out of your way to make a kid feel miserable about not being able to purchase a game due to DOB is another.

Also, if you work in retail you must realize that people are assholes. gotta know how to deal with a holes and make it thru your shift.
[quote name='mr_burnzz']the whole game rating thing is retarded. If you get influenced by GTA and go jack some cars, it aint the game's fault. No, its just that ur kid is RETARDED.

I dont like ID checks when buying games. It happened once and it was really shocking to me because its a GAME not liqs or ciggerettes or stripper. For those that work in retail and give the youngins a hard time. Think back! U used to be one of them and maybe not quite as a dickwad but i am sure u would be pissed too if you were trying to buy modern warfare 2 and couldnt because of an ID check.
Following store policy is one thing but purposely going out of your way to make a kid feel miserable about not being able to purchase a game due to DOB is another.[/QUOTE]

Not really. Some of us had parents who taught us what the word no means. If kids want to do shit behind their parents backs, tough shit, stores wizened up.
[quote name='georox']Not really. Some of us had parents who taught us what the word no means. If kids want to do shit behind their parents backs, tough shit, stores wizened up.[/QUOTE]

My parent taught me what no means. I understood and did what i wanted anyways to a certain degree. KIDS have access to google and the words 2 girls 1 cup or redtube. i dont think modern warfare or GTA is going to get worse than that. Stores may have gotten smarter for legal reasons but its just a stupid obstacle that hardly does anything when it is so easy to bypass (kid having someone else buy it or going to another store without that policy).
They asked me years ago. I mean years ago at Walmart. This really shouldn't be nothing new. I guess it was around 6-7 years ago.
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[quote name='georox']Not really. Some of us had parents who taught us what the word no means. If kids want to do shit behind their parents backs, tough shit, stores wizened up.[/QUOTE]

I was gonna pick apart the other guy's rambling posts, but I think this is sufficient enough.
[quote name='mr_burnzz']the whole game rating thing is retarded. If you get influenced by GTA and go jack some cars, it aint the game's fault. No, its just that ur kid is RETARDED.

I dont like ID checks when buying games. It happened once and it was really shocking to me because its a GAME not liqs or ciggerettes or stripper. For those that work in retail and give the youngins a hard time. Think back! U used to be one of them and maybe not quite as a dickwad but i am sure u would be pissed too if you were trying to buy modern warfare 2 and couldnt because of an ID check.
Following store policy is one thing but purposely going out of your way to make a kid feel miserable about not being able to purchase a game due to DOB is another.

Also, if you work in retail you must realize that people are assholes. gotta know how to deal with a holes and make it thru your shift.[/QUOTE]
I'm guessing you were that kid who always tried to buy an M rated game and was always denied because of ID checking if you feel this badly about ID checking and video game ratings(also, going crazy because of GTA is not the reason for the ESRB's creation). That or you're still underage.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I was gonna pick apart the other guy's rambling posts, but I think this is sufficient enough.[/QUOTE]

It was hard, but all that time playing WoW taught me how to translate idiot into English. It also gave me a brain tumor.
[quote name='eddie291']I'm guessing you were that kid who always tried to buy an M rated game and was always denied because of ID checking if you feel this badly about ID checking and video game ratings(also, going crazy because of GTA is not the reason for the ESRB's creation). That or you're still underage.[/QUOTE]

no, i am 25 and the ps3 i bought months ago is my newest console since sega. or the psp i got in 2008. so the last time i bought a game was before the rating system existed. It's not that i feel that ID checking is a bad thing. i think its just useless. which i suppose is bad. but whatever.

Its just that the guy that worked at target in the previous post seemed like he blatantly gave the kid a hard time. I mean, yea the kid was a douche but kids ARE douches. No need to go out of your way to torment him further.
bread's done