If BC isnt a concern, is there any reason to get a 60GB over an 80GB?

No reason to concern yourself with 60 vs 80 if there is no desire to play some of the odd titles that arent supported by software emulation with the 60. Get whatever is available or go with a 'potentially' higher resale value and grab a 60.
Ok then... follow-up question.

If I have a sealed 60, is it worth the hassle of returning/rebuying for an 80 to get Motorstorm? (the price for both units is the same).
no, it's not worth it.

If you want more HDD Space, buy your own, and swap it out.

Keep your 60gb unit. It's complete.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']60 gig may have more resale value in the future because of BC. Personally, I wouldn't buy one w/o it.[/QUOTE]

Resale value is about the only advantage 60gb package has.
[quote name='Tirade']Ok then... follow-up question.

If I have a sealed 60, is it worth the hassle of returning/rebuying for an 80 to get Motorstorm? (the price for both units is the same).[/quote]

I say if it's not much hassle and you couldn't care less about BC, return it. It's 20 gigs and motostorm for free! And if you don't like motostorm, you could sell it and get $30 back.
If you don't care about BC at all, why not get the fourty gig, you'll save a hundred which you than could use to upgrade your hdd or use to buy whatever game you want. Personally I would go with the sixty over the eighty because I don't care about motorstorm at all and twenty gigs of extra space is not worth having full BC.
The 80GB works with 75% of PS2 games, just FYI and it works well, I've never had an issue with big name games (SotC, Ico, DMC3) and smaller ones (God Hand, HL).
Thanks for the insight guys...

I picked up a PS3 with the WalMart deal Blu-Ray deal (actually 2 PS3's). The first one was an 80GB but it was DOA (well it worked for 30 seconds and then nothing), so we took it back and all they had was a 60GB left so we took it.

Debating on swapping it for an 80GB to get Motorstorm, so that was dilemma. It wouldnt be much of a hassle, but we would have to wait until one of the wal-marts gets some in stock. My son does have a PS2 but I want him to play his PS2 games in his bedroom and leave the PS3 in the living room.

I guess the other possibility is to hold on to it until Christmas.. Ive heard/seen rumours of a $350 price for the 60GB at certain Wal-Marts... maybe it will go nationwide and we can get the difference back if it happens within the next 90days.
If that's the case, just keep the 60 gb. It's not worth the hassle to wait a week or two and keep checking just to get Motorstorm. Stick with what you have and get some of those great games out there like Ratchet and Uncharted.
I'd also consider that (typically) horrible wait in line at Walmart to return something. You've already been through it once.

That'd be reason enough for me to say, "I'll just keep the 60GB and buy Motorstorm when it hits $30"
[quote name='PenguinMaster']Is the loss of some backwards compatibility that you may eventually use worth $26?[/quote]

I think that sums this up and really makes the point.

I never thought of it that way. I guess if you factor in the gas as well it might be closer to $20 (or even less if you buy a used copy off Ebay)

As for the point on the 40GB, thats something to think about too.
True, you do lose the memory card reader and 2 ports...

I don't really care too much about the memory card reader myself (I've an upgraded 20GB unit) and other than convenience, I'm not so sure missing two USB slots would be all that much of a hassle (although one of my 4 sometimes has a memory card reader in there...heh.)

If I were buying today, I'd get a 40GB and a giant HDD. ;) Because I've got enough entertainment center space to keep my PS2 plugged in. :)

...but if I already had a 60, the hassle of returning isn't all that worth it (unless you planned on going the 40GB giant HDD route...)
I kept the 60GB and its staying sealed until Christmas morning. The extra controller I ordered during the Amazon $20 BF special arrived yesterday and the Sony BR Remote I ordered for $10 is on its way.

Unless some spectacular deal pops up between now and Christmas, we will stick with the 60GB.
bread's done