If it wasn't for CAG...


To celebrate my CAGiversary, I would like to thank the site and its members for making me a Cheap Ass Gamer. If not for CAG, I would have spent more money for fewer games and never found some of the gems that was posted on this site.

I would like to hear some ways other members are thankful for this site.

If it wasn't for CAG...
I would have never known that K-Mart has a 50% off sale
I would not hunt in Target Clearance so often
I would not have gotten Taiko: Drum Master for $20
I would not have known about so many of the various B2G1 sales
I would not have spent $15 or less for so many games in my entire gaming career, even for games I don't want. This has become an addiction.

CAG has been a double edged sword, helping me find cheap deals on so many games, but making me spend more on games I wouldn't have thought about buying. I look forward to many upcoming deals.

The doubled edged sword of CAG is something I think about all the time. Sometimes I try to not visit the site when I'm online, but it's so hard. The problem is, I end up buying things like Shaman King: Master of Spirits for 50% off, even though I have no interest in that game other than it supposedly being simliar to Castlevania.

Oh well, it's helped me score great deals like Resident Evil 4 for 9.98, Guilty Gear Isuka for 9.99, Star Fox Assault for 10.00, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat w/ Bongos for 10.00, and many many other excellent deals.

Thank you CAG!
If it weren't for CAG, I wouldn't have gotten over 100 PS2 games for free (between trade in prices, pricegrabber rebates, B2G1, etc.). I also wouldn't have anything to look forward to each day when I'm bored at work. Between keeping up to date on Cheapy's adventures in Japan, people's adventures (or mis-adventures as they may be) wth various sales, exploits, and the such. Overall I think this site has made my tight ass become a cheap ass.
If it weren't for CAG, I probably would still be spending $30+ on each game I buy. Right now, it's hard for me to spend more than $20 on any game.
If it wasn't for CAG:
I would still trade in games for low-ass amounts of money.
I would still pay $50 for some games.
I wouldn't of got $200+ back in Pricegrabber rebates.
I wouldn't be getting 4 or 5 game mags a month for free.
I would still have a collection of 17 games for 3 systems.
I wouldn't have a better sense of humor.
I probably would have no use for the computer if I didn't have CAG.
If it weren't for CAG:

I would still be buying most of my games at full price
I wouldn't be looking at the Sunday BB/CC/Target ads religiously
I would still have a fairly small collection of games
I wouldn't have tried branching out into different genres of gaming
I would still be broke, I just wouldn't be broke with a bunch of games
I wouldn't have a stack of guides that I bought for a penny, even though I don't have the game that goes with most of them

I actually told myself to stop visiting this site so I could save up my money. As you can see, I just couldn't resist.
If it weren't for CAG, I would have saved a lot more money since I wouldn't have brought all these games from clearance that I never play, but of course, I would never find out about all these coupons and deals in the first place.
If it weren't for CAG:

I wouldn't know so many other people that looked for cheap deals.
I wouldn't be able to get so many games on the cheap.
I wouldn't be able to tell most of the people that work at major retailers about deals that they are going to have before they even know about them.
I wouldn't have as much fun finding out about games.
I wouldn't have as much fun with a community of people that like some of the same things I like.
bread's done