If there were never another videogame released...


15 (100%)
I'd still have decades worth of games that I've never touched. My collection is approaching 600 games and over 300 I've probably never played. I have a problem. Anyone else in this bad? O:
At one point I was at just over 200 games that I hadn't played. I finally realized just how ridiculous that was and I've only bought maybe 2-3 games in the last 3 years. I've also become a lot less forgiving when starting a new game and will stop playing and move on to the next game a lot easier than I used to. Time is just too valuable to spend so much of it playing games.
Shit bro. That's a lot of unplayed games haha! I've only got five or six games that I haven't played yet. But this is what the holiday season is for!
There's no reason to own that many games (unless you like collecting them) or even have a remotely large backlog. You guys seem to have the same problem I have in that they aren't enough interesting games that make you want to play them through entirely, yet unlike me, you buy and store them in a backlog regardless because you get "good" deals. Figure out what games you want, and aren't just "oh hey it might be cool and it's only $19.99."

And it's not even a money thing. Unless a game has my interest truly captured before it is even released, I'm not going to touch the thing -- there's nothing shittier to do during a day then to waste time on a game that is merely "okay."

If you have trouble staying focused on one game, it's probably not your cup of tea. Get into MMO, get competitive with a fighter, find an online game with some friends -- something that you can always fall back on while waiting for titles that matter. I may sound uptight on this, but I'm a broke college student so when I play something, I make sure it's something great.

You can always pick up those "eh" games (like for me, the new Castlevania) for like $10 less than a year after they release. You're usually always getting jipped by jumping on deals for games you won't play. I'm currently plowing through games left and right because I'm on break; beat starcraft II, 20 hours into FFXII, 10 hours into FFIX, keeping my SSF4 skills on point, playing LoL with my buddies every so often, just dug myself into Prince of Persia 2008, halfway through Super Meat Boy, and since I still have Baldur's Gate II and Persona 3 Portable, I won't be spending a dime until Tactics Ogre comes out in Februray because that shit is going to be amazing.

That's how I work, anyways.
Sounds like you have too much money more than a time management problem (lucky, and not really a problem). Subconsciously, I think you know you're not going to play through your backlog and you're more into the collecting and scoring a "deal" aspect.
Its true, I do love collecting games. I have quite the nice display setup of various things spanning across 2 bookshelves. But yeah, A LOT of my games come from yard sales. So I'd say hundreds of my games are probably totaling out at like 50 bucks.

I love yard sales. >_>
bread's done