if you can find a PS3 thats been on the shelf more than 5 mins ill give you $1200...


if you can find a PS3 thats been on the shelf more than 5 mins ill give you $1200, says Jack Tretton CEO SCEA.


note: chances of actually getting $1200 are probably less than getting malaria in beverly hills. :lol:

Looking for an easy six hundred dollars? Well, Sony's got a deal for you! Just listen to this quote from SCEA president Jack Tretton, taken from the latest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly...

JT:"If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes, I'll give you 1,200 bucks for it."

It's right here in black and white (and yellow), folks! All you need to do is get solid evidence of the stacks and stacks of Playstation 3s currently in stores, then send 'ol Jack one of them. It's money in the bank, baby!
Apparently upon hiring for Sony's Public Relations Department, your digestive system is surgically reversed, so that only crap comes out of your mouth.
Too bad I didn't have this copy of EGM back on December 19th when we had an entire pallet of PS3s sitting at the very front of our Costco for over 9 hours (the pallet had been put out before opening, and when I came in at 1pm there were still 35+ sitting there). I think we started with about 40 that morning and ended with around 10, most of which were sold to idiots who swore they could still make a killing on eBay with them. I even saw several come back about 2 weeks later. I coulda made 24 grand overnight :(
on a side note, I like seeing the continued actions of gaming journalists acting like real journalists and not pitching softball questions over the entire interview
[quote name='jlarlee']on a side note, I like seeing the continued actions of gaming journalists acting like real journalists and not pitching softball questions over the entire interview[/QUOTE]

Totally agreed. The interviewer grilled this guy and the whole time Tretton had his deflector shields on. Typical PR crap from Tretton.
Technically, a pallet isn't a shelf. Additionally, most places don't even put them out on the sales floor. The BB near me has a sign saying "Yes we have them, buy em at the Customer Assitance Desk".
My local BB had them in 3 giant plastic lock boxes on a shelf.
My friends walmart had 4 in the display case for about a week. I think they still have two.

So that man owes me, 6K

One thing I don't get about the article if you read the 2nd question he says 9 out of 18 stores have pos3 sitting on a store shelf means its having good sales. No it doesn't, that means to me that your not producing enough to try to create a demand.
[quote name='Kayden']Technically, a pallet isn't a shelf. Additionally, most places don't even put them out on the sales floor. The BB near me has a sign saying "Yes we have them, buy em at the Customer Assitance Desk".[/QUOTE] A friend of mine works loss prevention at BB. A couple weeks ago an older couple (40s-50s) tried to steal two PS3s. :roll:
Just visited my local Target. People are more excited about the Silver Slim PS2 than the PS3. There were 3 60GBs and 1 20GB at my Target, while the Slim PS2s were gone within a few minutes of myself walking around with one.
1st day on the job at sony...

Sony: Ok now its time to get smaked upside the head with a frying pan.
New Hire: What?
Sony: Yep we have to knock all that common sense out of you.
I work at Game Crazy and we normally sell 10-15 Wiis in about 4 - 5 hours. We can sell 10 DS lites in about 6 - 8 hours. About 5 PS2s in less than 2 days......but we have had the SAME PS3 on our shelf for 5 weeks. Granite, when we get them in they do sell (about 1 per week)...but we have not sold enough to get this dusty PS3 out the door. That is our running joke when someone comes in the store. They see it and ask, "You have PS3s in?" and we respond, "Yep, and that ones been on that shelf for 5 weeks."
Like anyone 'qualified' enough to attain his position, Tretton would never pay up, because he's probably got one thousand and one varieties of equivocation and Clintonesque* verbal evasion ready to go for whoever takes him up on this offer. This is all lip service to galvanize the fanboys and to make the weak-minded second guess what they've seen time and time again with their own two eyes.

EDIT: Ah-ha! I've already spotted his 'out'. Read carefully: If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes...He's clearly setting the conditions to require ONE PlayStation3 console to occupy TWO points in space simultaneously. Impossible, even in the fourth dimension! (I think)

*--Hey, I'm 'equal opportunity' on the political tip.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Like anyone 'qualified' enough to attain his position, Tretton would never pay up, because he's probably got one thousand and one varieties of equivocation and Clintonesque* verbal evasion ready to go for whoever takes him up on this offer. This is all lip service to galvanize the fanboys and to make the weak-minded second guess what they've seen time and time again with their own two eyes.

EDIT: Ah-ha! I've already spotted his 'out'. Read carefully: If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes...He's clearly setting the conditions to require ONE PlayStation3 console to occupy TWO points in space simultaneously. Impossible, even in the fourth dimension! (I think)

*--Hey, I'm 'equal opportunity' on the political tip.[/quote]

no his real out is in saying if youve seen a ps3 on the shelves. the reality is like alot of people have pointed out they dont leave gaming consoles out like that you tend to have to take a ticket or somethign and get it brought to you so the shelves the ps3s are on you wouldnt see unless you worked in the store.

all in all the guys a raving douchebag i understand its company ettiquite not to bash the hand that feeds you but cmon be honest. at least say

"yeah compared to sales of other consoles and even the ps2 sales of the ps3 have been slower than anticipated but the 2 systems i mentioned in comparison to the ps3 cost considerably less athan a ps3 so when you compare the price of our consoles to those other consoles were not doing too bad"

and then go into some crap about how once we get a solid lineup of games and consumers see the true power the ps3 has to offer people will be lining up to get a taste of true next gen gaming.

all in all though considering ps2 sales are still strong and steady sony wont be hurting for money hell im sure theyre seeing a decent profit on ps2 console and game sales alone.
[quote name='jer7583']Apparently upon hiring for Sony's Public Relations Department, your digestive system is surgically reversed, so that only crap comes out of your mouth.[/quote]

Hey, at my local Fred Meyer they are sitting on actual [highlight]shelves[/highlight]. They are inside locked cases but they are, indeed, on [highlight]shelves[/highlight] within said cases. And they aren't just sitting there now, they were sitting there a few weeks ago too. And, here's the kicker, EVEN 2 days before Christmas there was one sitting on the [highlight]shelf[/highlight] for the entire day. Was there early afternoon, was still there at 10pm. It was gone next time I went in on the 28th or so, but it was definitely there for more than 5 minutes, and this was well before the interview.

The funny thing is they still say "1 per customer" above the PS3 [highlight]shelves[/highlight]. You'd think they would drop that by now. But I suppose if they continue to limit it they won't get the moron who thought he struck it rich buying them all, storing them in the back of his truck or in his smoke-filled house for a week or two while they don't sell for his $1200 BIN on eBay, and then trying to return them all :rofl:.

lokizz - I agree. I just happened to read this whole article last night and the guy was just arrogant and full of crap the whole way through. There were many more graceful and subtle ways for him to spin the issue that would have made him, Sony, and the PS3 look better.
Well, there's the secret to get PS3 sales and tie-in ratios up - pay you $1200 in vouchers for the system in games every time you see one.

By the time this is over, the PS3 will have had the most successful fourth and fifth months in videogame history.

I read that interview last night and I was amused when I read that particular quote. Overall I thought the interview was excellent. The questions were tough and serious, and I hope the gaming journalists continue to do more cover stories like this.
[quote name='schuerm26']anyone know where the full article is?[/QUOTE]
March 07 issue of EGM.

I read it and couldn't believe how much bullshit was coming out of dudes mouth.
Tretton is definitely full of shit, but there is a little disclaimer right next to it that states the interview was done in January. It may not matter, as I remember PS3s being pretty common then too, but hey, the more you know.
[quote name='jer7583']Apparently upon hiring for Sony's Public Relations Department, your digestive system is surgically reversed, so that only crap comes out of your mouth.[/quote]

lol! I have to say I have seen several PS3 sitting on the shelf for days.
Overall it wasn't a terribly bad interview. Sure it was a lot of PR crap from the guy, but you can't expect anything else. It was still interesting to see how exactly he worked his spin on everything.

But that particular bit is pretty bad.

They had sidebars with different categories of people and how they would evaluate the PS3's launch and a few of them are very harsh. For example a video game producer complaining that Sony didn't get some sort of spec sheet out until later than promised and then only in Japanese so they had to hire a translator. Yikes. Guy went on to talk about how Microsoft is a dream to deal with compared to Sony. Tretton had to have been pretty pissed when he saw the mag.
bread's done