If you don't vote for Obama, you're a racist...

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You're not a dumbass, OP :(

Let's make every reply just a vote on whether he's a dumbass or not.

So far it's 1-1. This is the showdown of the century.
[quote name='Clak']You're a dumbass.[/QUOTE]

Could you be more childish? I understand you're a liberal zombie, but is it possible for you ever to have a rational discussion with someone who doesn't think like you? Or are you as ignorant as this woman and think the only reason this race is close is because of racism?

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Could you be more childish? I understand you're a liberal zombie, but is it possible for you ever to have a rational discussion with someone who doesn't think like you? Or are you as ignorant as this woman and think the only reason this race is close is because of racism?


Bob Hope? Could you be more out-of-touch?

Zombies = Republicans
Vampires = Democrats

Also American Psycho is making fun of Republican assholes like you. In case you didn't realize it.

LOLZ...the only nutbag here is the OP. He doesn't have an actual problem with the legislator, but he has a problem with the one he imagines in his head. fucking hilarious.
The other day I heard on the radio about how Obama is six points ahead according to the CBS poll, despite the struggling economy. No incumbent president has won re-election with 8% or more unemployment since FDR, but Obama might pull it off.

Neither Obama or Romney know anything about the economy, and Obama gives people the warm fuzzies and he got Osama killed. He'll win in November.

If race is a factor, there's a positive and a negative effect. There is a positive effect for anti-racist whites and blacks, and a negative effect for racist whites. It probably all washes out in the end. It's neither good or bad. If something like African-Americans for Obama can exist then a hypothetical organization called Anglo-Americans Against Obama is fine.
[quote name='Spokker']
Neither Obama or Romney know anything about the economy, and Obama gives people the warm fuzzies and he got Osama killed. He'll win in November.[/QUOTE]

I have always hated this idea that someone actually knows the economy, like there is some sort of playbook that will make everything okay. But if one is keeping score historically, fucking nobody understands the economy and those who are seen as economic sages are usually proved wrong in 10-20 years. Hayek and Keynes were wrong (except in their very broad assumptions, which really tell us nothing). Even Samuelson was continually wrong, and Monti seems to be seeing his sage status being eroded. Economists cant even agree on the money multiplier. Worse, when some bloke finds the "right" way the economy works, something comes along and fucks up his day, like Fischer Black and Myron Scholes in 1987.
[quote name='Spokker']The other day I heard on the radio about how Obama is six points ahead according to the CBS poll, despite the struggling economy. No incumbent president has won re-election with 8% or more unemployment since FDR, but Obama might pull it off.

Neither Obama or Romney know anything about the economy, and Obama gives people the warm fuzzies and he got Osama killed. He'll win in November.

If race is a factor, there's a positive and a negative effect. There is a positive effect for anti-racist whites and blacks, and a negative effect for racist whites. It probably all washes out in the end. It's neither good or bad. If something like African-Americans for Obama can exist then a hypothetical organization called Anglo-Americans Against Obama is fine.[/QUOTE]

Polls aren't really an important factor right now. Mid-late September is when you should really start paying attention to polls since people really start to pay attention around that time. Before that it's really 'politics? fuck that noise.'

Also remember that famous Carville saying "It's the economy, stupid." Unless there's a war going on, the economy IS, and will always be the #1 issue in the minds of voters. People really won't give a shit about Bin Laden being killed 18 months ago come November unless something like that happens. Between now and then it'll just be more mud slinging that no one pays attention to until the Conventions around.
Saying that Romney is appealing to racists (which is what is in the article) is not the same saying that you are racist if you dont vote for Obama.

The state senator that the article is about is correct. He is absolutely appealing to racists. Romney himself and his surrogates have adopted the strategy of talking about how foreign he is. Thats the dog whistle to racists.

I'm not sure why you would need to make a special effort to appeal to them though. A Democratic presidential nominee hasnt won the white vote since like Johnson. I guess it may make them like you or associate with you more, but its not like they were going to vote for the other guy.
It's not being childish to call a dumbass a dumbass, you dumbass.

edit-[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Saying that Romney is appealing to racists (which is what is in the article) is not the same saying that you are racist if you dont vote for Obama.
The problem with the claims in the OP's article is that it attributes Romney's recent gains to racists. That doesn't make a lick of sense... wouldn't the racists have been for the other guy this entire time? Or did they just recently figure out Obama isn't white?
[quote name='UncleBob']The problem with the claims in the OP's article is that it attributes Romney's recent gains to racists. That doesn't make a lick of sense... wouldn't the racists have been for the other guy this entire time? Or did they just recently figure out Obama isn't white?[/QUOTE]

I think some people may have used the recent Supreme Court decision as a sign to rally against Obama and convinced even more people to join the anti-Obama brigade.

Edit: Since it's only a poll, this could simply mean the same people who would vote against Obama anyway are more invested and bothering to take polls as well, instead of just shunning all exterior parts of the process until the day of the election.
Listen, Romney is the Republicans John Kerry. He is a liberal Massachusetts Republican who helped draft the blueprint for the same law that all of the nutjob base of the Republican party hate. I think they know that they can't win so no one with any real chops decided to run. Also, even if they did win they don't want to be responsible for cleaning up GW's mess. This way, after eight years of a stagnate economy, they can blame the Democrats as most ignorant Americans will have forgotten about the Bush era which plummeted us into economic turmoil.

If you are a Republican, and are voting for Romney, explain why. I can only assume that you are filthy rich and want to ensure tax loopholes will continue and your Swiss bank accounts will remain untouched. The only other reason I can think of is that you are a racist.
Romney and Obama are both suck and are not the best choices for this country at the current time and moment, but we are stuck with both of these jokers. You have to vote for the lesser of two evils. So i'm probally going to vote for Obama once again. I find Romney to be a out of touch pomous d-bag not saying Obama is any better, after the shit job Romney did to my native Taxachusheets.
[quote name='ID2006']I think some people may have used the recent Supreme Court decision as a sign to rally against Obama and convinced even more people to join the anti-Obama brigade.[/QUOTE]

That may be the case - but then it's not racism that would explain the Romney-surge in the polls. Unless someone was like "Man, I really hate that black president guy, but I was gonna vote for him anyway until this health care thing passed." Still doesn't make sense.
[quote name='Clak']It's not being childish to call a dumbass a dumbass, you dumbass.[/QUOTE]

It's very childish and pretty ignorant, especially when the person you're calling a dumbass probably has more intelligence in his foot than you have in your whole body. Go back to pumping gas, while I go get my doctorate. You liberal pieces of trash on this site really just make even trying to discuss politics not even an enjoyable venture. You use to mock that guy Pliskin, when you're as bad, if not worse, than he ever was. I don't even know why I bother trying. There's a legitimate article with an absurd comment made by a politician, and the only thing you filthy guttersnipes can do is insult the person who posted it, because it dared to shed a poor light on your Democratic messiah figure.
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