If you have a heart plz read!!!!

[quote name='Spoon_si']voted # 2[/quote]

You know what a Fat Ass Gamer is, right? That's right... a FAG. Any CAGs here a FAG as well? :)
Man you guys are tough!
Reading this thread could give one the impression that the OP pulled a Mickey Mantle and jumped to head of the line for liver transplants or something.

Its a freakin kitchen renovation contest from a local tv news station! The guy asked his friends at CAG to vote for him. Is there anything wrong with that? Its not like he just registered here to get you to vote. Of course the people who are running the poll will be able to see which website referred the voters to their site, in fact, it should provide them with the exact link to this thread.

I think some of you may need to lighten up a bit.

p.s. kitchen #2 is truly the nastiest one. #1 is a close second, but their pictures don't show enough of the kitchen.
I never said what he was doing was against the rules, which is why I stated he may have nothing to worry about if anyone does contact Jim Wilcox.

Of course, but Haggar had said "How awful it would be if someone were to contact the news channel's General Manager and let them know the contest was rigged"

That's a heavy implication. That's where the majority of the passage you qouted was directed.

However even if something doesn't violate the letter of the rules it can still violate the spirit of the rules which is what I think is happening.

That is where we disagree. If the OP is telling people to "vote early and vote often" then I would agree. Multiple votes is not cool and very much against the spirit of the competition. However, I see the OPs post as just an alternate distribution method of his message. Had this been sent via an email forwarded by the site's own functionality, would it be against the "spirit of the rules"? I think not.

Also for whoever said I would bias it with my illogical hatred of the OP is wrong.

You are not the only one that would have the desire to send an email to the Station GM. If you sent a message that was polite and not terribly biased, but pointed to your concern about the accuracy of the web poll, than that would be completely acceptable, and perhaps even comendable.
However, that's not the read I'm getting from most of the desenting voices... quite a few of them are very, very negative... some of them irrationally so.

I do not hate the Original Poster personally, I am simply against the Original Post.

If you do feel that the alternate distribution method the OP used to get his message out and get people to take the poll was against the spirit of the competition, I could see where you are coming from.

Jim Wilcox I am sure is an intelligent man that would simply hear what I had to say, look into this site if he so chooses, and make a decision based on that.

I would hope so... and provided your motive was not just to "screw up the OP's chances" I really don't see where there would be a problem.

The only reason I do not contact him is a fear of retaliation against this site. I don't see Jim Wilcox attempting any action against CAG for this thread itself, but he may have a problem with kids (and there are many) constantly visiting a site with ass in it's name. Like I said he is probably an intelligent, fair man. But probably doesn't mean definitely. He may be a man open to taking rash and quick action in a case like this.

While I can see where you are coming from with that, I think that is a somewhat irrational fear. You hold no standing here. You are not the site owner, nor a moderator. Because of that, the worst that could possibly be done to the site is the station sending a tersely worded letter or email demanding that CheapyD lock this thread and delete it from his server.
Of course, even that seems somewhat excessive.

Aside from the contest, it amazes me how many people out there in CAG world are mindless sheep that will just click away on any link provided to them

Or jump on the first bandwagon presented them.
Yeah, seriously what on earth do we have to lose by helping this guy out. NOTHING! There's no point in acting like an oversophisticated asshole. Just vote for him, at least don't take a massive dump all over his thread. You don't like it, fine, don't vote. No one cares about your ignorant opinion. Thanks.
[quote name='CheapyD']Man you guys are tough!
Reading this thread could give one the impression that the OP pulled a Mickey Mantle and jumped to head of the line for liver transplants or something.

Its a freakin kitchen renovation contest from a local tv news station! The guy asked his friends at CAG to vote for him. Is there anything wrong with that? Its not like he just registered here to get you to vote. Of course the people who are running the poll will be able to see which website referred the voters to their site, in fact, it should provide them with the exact link to this thread.

I think some of you may need to lighten up a bit.

p.s. kitchen #2 is truly the nastiest one. #1 is a close second, but their pictures don't show enough of the kitchen.[/quote]

Exactly. There is no reason at the moment to suspect the OP of any wrongdoing or "creative storytelling." Considering this is just a local news station, I'm not even sure how much of a bearing the actual poll would have on the results... and assuming the OP's story is true (which I have no reason to believe it isn't), this makes for a good touchy-feely feel good news story, which local news stations love.
[quote name='The Shiznit']Stop bitching! Vote if you want to or don't vote if you want to.[/quote]

Wow, that post is ever so productive. I'm sure everyone typing mean things will obviously see the error of thier ways and stop immediately!
Geez, why not throw a few more logs on a roaring fire while you're at it?
If someone actually feels the need to make a long distance call to the manager of a TV station, simply because they are a complete asshole they don't even deserve to use a phone, much less the internet. In response to people saying we shouldn't help him because he's a lurker I have to say WHO GIVES A SHIT! I used to lurk on the boards for about the first six months of my membership here. I post a lot now, but I use to just come check out the deals. Some of you douches act as though this guy has commited some heinous crime and we should all rise up against what he's doing. Maybe your family is in the constest as well....I doubt it.

I know I can be negative sometimes, but some of you guys are just going out of your way to be a complete assholes. He didn't ask us to do something illegal for him, or give him advice on doing illegal activities. Being a complete jackass is simply unnecessary in this situation. Do some of you have nothing better to do then harass a guy asking for help. Voting for what he asked will not be detrimental to ANY OF YOU. Damn, some of you are ridiculous.
If someone actually feels the need to make a long distance call to the manager of a TV station, simply because they are a complete asshole
they don't even deserve to use a phone, much less the internet.

I'm sorry, but that is a huge train wreck of a sentence.
I'm assuming that you had meant to place a period before they.
While it would be overzealous for them to do something such as make a long distance call to the station manager, I think you're begining to go a little overboard as well.

In response to people saying we shouldn't help him because he's a lurker I have to say WHO GIVES A SHIT! I used to lurk on the boards for about the first six months of my membership here.

I don't remember that ever really being an issue. The major concerns that the majority of people were arguing about were the veracity of the OP's story, and whether or not the poster thought that it was fair play to introduce an emotionally charged story to sway people to vote for him.

I post a lot now, but I use to just come check out the deals.

You know, you're displaying a huge amount of ego right now. At least a couple of people posting discenting opinions could at least make tenable case about not being inherently self-centered... the way your post is going so far, you'd stand a far lesser chance of establishing that contention.

Some of you douches act as though this guy has commited some heinous crime and we should all rise up against what he's doing. Maybe your family is in the constest as well....I doubt it.

It is an open forum.. people do have that ability. Most of the serious arguments have been more about the tone of the people holding possitions of descent, as some of them try to frame it as if the OP almost had a malevolent intent for his actions, rather than the plea for assistance that most people saw.

I know I can be negative sometimes, but some of you guys are just going out of your way to be a complete assholes.

At the moment, you aren't looking much better. Sinking down to thier level never works.

He didn't ask us to do something illegal for him, or give him advice on doing illegal activities. Being a complete jackass is simply unnecessary in this situation.

Again, the same could be said for you. When posting on a message board, people tend to respond to posts in kind, and then escalate.
Something this negative is almost begging for people who disagree with your stance to fire back another completely negative post.

Do some of you have nothing better to do then harass a guy asking for help.
You're baiting people. You're not helping your cause at all.

Voting for what he asked will not be detrimental to ANY OF YOU.
A decent point gets lost in your bombast and ire.
You're not really helping the person who posted to try to help anymore.

Damn, some of you are ridiculous.

Parting shots do no good. At this point, your post really hasn't said anything that hasn't already been pointed out... and in most cases more lucidly and effectively, and your bobast and ire do nothing more than to provoke and entice people who disagree with you to get even more negative and just start a flame war.
At that point, they actually would win, because the OP's original message really gets lost.

Right now, there are plenty of people (myself included) who have been happy to vote for the OP, and are happy to ask others to as well.
There are a couple of people who disagree, but they are a distinict minority and thier message has not yet overpowered the focus of the thread... which is to get this guy some more votes.
In a way, thanks to all of the posting going on in the thread, more people will view it, even if they are lurking, and throw some more votes this way.
Don't pollute the OP's message with ire and hatred... that's one of the few ways he could actually lose support (the other would be if he were caught in a lie about his story.)
Well said JSweeney. It seems some people just love to create controversy. Simply put, the OP is telling us his parents are in a bad financial situation and they need their kitchen remodeled. You have a choice in voting for that kitchen or not.
ok man I leave the board for a while and everyone gets all crazy. Like many other CAG I never said that you had to vote for me I just asked that you vote for my parents because or thier kitchen's condition and my sisters situation. So if you feel that the other people deserve the vote more than my parents do then go ahead and vote for them. I never once said that you have to vote for my family. But to all of the people that did vote for my family I really thank you. THXS all CAG! Cheapy D thxs for the support!!!!!
[quote name='thefuzz311']ok man I leave the board for a while and everyone gets all crazy. Like many other CAG I never said that you had to vote for me I just asked that you vote for my parents because or thier kitchen's condition and my sisters situation. So if you feel that the other people deserve the vote more than my parents do then go ahead and vote for them. I never once said that you have to vote for my family. But to all of the people that did vote for my family I really thank you. THXS all CAG! Cheapy D thxs for the support!!!!![/quote]

It'd be nice of you to hold a contest or something to repay the people that helped you. Perhaps using a random number generator to pick one of the posts in this thread, and then buying the winner a videogame.

That'd be an awfully nice thing to do.
[quote name='evilmax17'][quote name='thefuzz311']ok man I leave the board for a while and everyone gets all crazy. Like many other CAG I never said that you had to vote for me I just asked that you vote for my parents because or thier kitchen's condition and my sisters situation. So if you feel that the other people deserve the vote more than my parents do then go ahead and vote for them. I never once said that you have to vote for my family. But to all of the people that did vote for my family I really thank you. THXS all CAG! Cheapy D thxs for the support!!!!![/quote]

It'd be nice of you to hold a contest or something to repay the people that helped you. Perhaps using a random number generator to pick one of the posts in this thread, and then buying the winner a videogame.

That'd be an awfully nice thing to do.[/quote]

If you do decided to do this "random post" contest thing and I happen to win, I don't want a game, I'll be happy with a hand job from your sister.
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='The Shiznit']Stop bitching! Vote if you want to or don't vote if you want to.[/quote]

Wow, that post is ever so productive. I'm sure everyone typing mean things will obviously see the error of thier ways and stop immediately!
Geez, why not throw a few more logs on a roaring fire while you're at it?[/quote]

I was just saying people don't have to argue about it just vote or don't. I was just tired of everybody that was giving this guy grief for asking people to vote for his parents. I voted for # 2. It seems like your the one that is throwing logs onto the fire not me.
[quote name='thefuzz311']ok man I leave the board for a while and everyone gets all crazy. Like many other CAG I never said that you had to vote for me I just asked that you vote for my parents because or thier kitchen's condition and my sisters situation. So if you feel that the other people deserve the vote more than my parents do then go ahead and vote for them. I never once said that you have to vote for my family. But to all of the people that did vote for my family I really thank you. THXS all CAG! Cheapy D thxs for the support!!!!![/quote]

thats bullshit... u came here for sympathy votes and you know it. How the hell does saying your sister had an eating problem a year ago have any rational reasoning as to why your parents deserve a new kitchen? It really doesn't
My sisters sickness has to do with the fact that my parents have been through alot of stuff in the past year and a half rooting from my sis's condition. And what is even worse is that thier insurance company denied their claim for her illness.So being the decent person that I am, unlike some ppl, I decided that my parents are the one that deserve the new kitchen. Because of the fact that my parents were trying to save up to remodel the kitchen not long before my sister got sick, therefore I really think that they deserve the kitchen. So at least have some faith in society and in your fellow CAG.
[quote name='Icen']"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire[/quote]

ab·surdi·ty n. a message whose content is at variance with reason (Dictionary.com).

a·troc·i·ty n. Appalling or atrocious condition, quality, or behavior; monstrousness (Dictionary.com).

I appreciate your hyperbole, but the extent of your exaggeration is misleading. Someone else not getting a kitchen remodel is not an atrocity. Someone else losing their life, or the life of a loved one, as a direct result of an unjust and unwarrented malicious act would be appalling, atrocious, and monstrous.
I appreciate also your passion for justice and fairness in this event. Your posts disagreeing with what you percieve as unjust and unfair treatment are courageous because you are in the minority in your perception, and minorities are often persecuted. I disagree, but I support your right to passionately say it and believe it.

The arguments for both sides have been made, and no new debatable points have been presented. The OP and his supporters have used methods they deemed necessary to gain support, and his adversaries have done the same. Both groups have followers, intelligent or not, lurkers or not, sheep or not. And now both groups have used arguments targeting both cognitive and emotive "pressure points," which are both necessary to stimulate people into action.

I do appreciate the concern that I am being mislead by the OP, but I assure you that I, and the rest of our CAG community, can make their own decisions wisely. I would encourage us all to just cool our jets, go to the site, and vote for whoever we percieve has the most need.

And thank you, OP, for the opportunity to serve someone other than myself.
You know... CheapyD has approved of this and I say if CheapyD approves of a thread it has a right to be here. So to all you that are mouthing off about the OP, this thread obviously has Cheapy's stamp of approval.
Forums are a community where one can offer help and ask for help, the OP asked for help and those who chose to help did.
Good luck OP.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']You know... CheapyD has approved of this and I say if CheapyD approves of a thread it has a right to be here. So to all you that are mouthing off about the OP, this thread obviously has Cheapy's stamp of approval.
Forums are a community where one can offer help and ask for help, the OP asked for help and those who chose to help did.
Good luck OP.[/quote]

True he is well within his rights to post here asking for votes, you all who voted are well within your rights to do that, and those of us who feel it is against the spirit of the rules of the contest have a right to voice those opinions. In all honesty whoever wins doesn't make a lick of difference to me, I'm not voting for him but neither am I going to go out of my way to screw him over. I was just offering an opinion on the situation, and some people who aren't even the OP took it very personally. Now I must admit JSweeney has some of the most well thought out, concise, and polite disagreements with me and for that I commend him.
[quote name='CheapyD']Man you guys are tough!
Reading this thread could give one the impression that the OP pulled a Mickey Mantle and jumped to head of the line for liver transplants or something.

Its a freakin kitchen renovation contest from a local tv news station! The guy asked his friends at CAG to vote for him. Is there anything wrong with that? Its not like he just registered here to get you to vote. Of course the people who are running the poll will be able to see which website referred the voters to their site, in fact, it should provide them with the exact link to this thread.

I think some of you may need to lighten up a bit.

p.s. kitchen #2 is truly the nastiest one. #1 is a close second, but their pictures don't show enough of the kitchen.[/quote]

Words of wisdom. Honestly, this topic was manipulated into a flame war for the sole sake of being a flame war, it seems, and there's a sick quality to this one. A can't believe that a thread as innocent and good-natured as this one has been twisted into such a hateful and mean-spirited little back-and-forth by...certain people. Absolutely astonishing. This is the perfect example why I'm not too big on forums. Some people will bring hate and mean spirits into whatever they can.

Honestly, there are people that would turn "Look at my cuddly new kitten I adopted!" into some sort of verbal war on the path to oblivion.

Really, seeing this thread turned into what it has become really disappointed me, more than any other such "flamification" I have seen recently. It makes me wonder about my fellow CAGs. *Sigh.*

What did I do when I saw this thread? I clicked the link, and picked totally based on what I saw. Personally, I didn't think any of them were totally *horrible*, but my decision to vote for #2 was my own. If you don't want to vote, don't, but for goodness' sake, and I mean that literally, leave it at that, and spare thefuzz311 your cruelty and mean spirits.

Thank you.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge'] What did I do when I saw this thread? I clicked the link, and picked totally based on what I saw. Personally, I didn't think any of them were totally *horrible*, but my decision to vote for #2 was my own. If you don't want to vote, don't, but for goodness' sake, and I mean that literally, leave it at that, and spare thefuzz311 your cruelty and mean spirits.
Thank you.[/quote]

This is to me a real key part of my grief. You came to this post, looked at the kitchens, and picked the one you think needed most help. If that was all that was going on I wouldn't have any issues. But it seems 99% of the people who voted for him said, he's a CAG so I voted for him.
I too after a long time reading the flame war this has become am truly sickened by what this thread has become, and also sickened at myself for what part I've played in it.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']You know... CheapyD has approved of this and I say if CheapyD approves of a thread it has a right to be here. So to all you that are mouthing off about the OP, this thread obviously has Cheapy's stamp of approval.
Forums are a community where one can offer help and ask for help, the OP asked for help and those who chose to help did.
Good luck OP.[/quote] :applause: Well said!
my fucking kitchen looks worse than all three of those combined.....why am i not on there...i have all sorts of sob stories i could tell
[quote name='Icen']"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire[/quote]

Funny, the first person I thought about when I saw this quote is George Bush. But thats for another thread.
[quote name='Xevious'][quote name='Icen']"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire[/quote]

Funny, the first person I thought about when I saw this quote is George Bush. But thats for another thread.[/quote]

[quote name='evilmax17']
I'm thinking about starting up a new thread saying "Omg if you have a heart, you'll listen to my sad sad story. My little brother has lymphoma, and all he wants is a new PSP. It would bring so much joy into his little life, and if you had any human decency at all, you'd all paypal me $1 to try and get him closer to his dream."[/quote]

No reason to beat around the bush. Go to www.quack-quack.net and donate a buck so I can buy a new computer.

oh yeah, my brother has cancer.
[quote name='Rich'][quote name='evilmax17']
I'm thinking about starting up a new thread saying "Omg if you have a heart, you'll listen to my sad sad story. My little brother has lymphoma, and all he wants is a new PSP. It would bring so much joy into his little life, and if you had any human decency at all, you'd all paypal me $1 to try and get him closer to his dream."[/quote]

No reason to beat around the bush. Go to www.quack-quack.net and donate a buck so I can buy a new computer.

oh yeah, my brother has cancer.[/quote]

that is the saddest story ever! ill buy you a new computer!
i voted for option 2, your kitchen is winning! it looks sort of like queer eye for the straight guy. get your new kitchen!
hey guys its that time again!!!! I need everybody to go to the site again and put some more votes in.
We are just down by quite a bit!
Dont forget that you can vote once a day!
Thxs again to all the ppl who have voted and guys have a fantastic day.

ps..... to all the haters, go hate somewhere else lol
[quote name='thefuzz311']hey guys its that time again!!!! I need everybody to go to the site again and put some more votes in.
We are just down by quite a bit!
Dont forget that you can vote once a day!
Thxs again to all the ppl who have voted and guys have a fantastic day.

ps..... to all the haters, go hate somewhere else lol[/quote]

I don't mind you asking ofr us to vote once, but to ask us to cheat and vote multiple times? Have you no dignity? Now I'm voting for #1.
[quote name='Rich'][quote name='thefuzz311']hey guys its that time again!!!! I need everybody to go to the site again and put some more votes in.
We are just down by quite a bit!
Dont forget that you can vote once a day!
Thxs again to all the ppl who have voted and guys have a fantastic day.

ps..... to all the haters, go hate somewhere else lol[/quote]

I don't mind you asking ofr us to vote once, but to ask us to cheat and vote multiple times? Have you no dignity? Now I'm voting for #1.[/quote]
Oh, and you're doing the right thing by voting for #1? That one doesn't even look that bad. I voted again OP... still down by 2%. Free bump ;-)
[quote name='thefuzz311']hey guys its that time again!!!! I need everybody to go to the site again and put some more votes in.
We are just down by quite a bit!
Dont forget that you can vote once a day!
Thxs again to all the ppl who have voted and guys have a fantastic day.

ps..... to all the haters, go hate somewhere else lol[/quote]
yeah, you are going a bit too far now.
Option 1 doesn't seem too bad, so I assume someone from that family also either begged for votes on the Internet or cheated via some sort of script.
bread's done