If you Paid Late fees at Hollywood video, You can get free rentals!!

So, because people had to pay late fees for being idiots and not returning their movies on time, they get free stuff? I love America. :roll:
OMG. i got an email and thought it was a scam, so i deleted it. wow... i love america, but i love dumb americans more!!
[quote name='xzafixz']So, because people had to pay late fees for being idiots and not returning their movies on time, they get free stuff? I love America. :roll:[/quote]

Isn't it great, but seriously they are an evil corporation and should bow before our collective lazyiness :wink:
[quote name='WeaponX2099'] If you lost a game or movie you can get more.


i dont understand this? what do you mean? i didnt read anything about it in the explanation
[quote name='xzafixz']So, because people had to pay late fees for being idiots and not returning their movies on time, they get free stuff? I love America. :roll:[/quote]I don't really understand either. Why do they have to give out free rentals because people are stupid. Will BlockBuster have this happen to them as well? :?
[quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='xzafixz']So, because people had to pay late fees for being idiots and not returning their movies on time, they get free stuff? I love America. :roll:[/quote]

Isn't it great, but seriously they are an evil corporation and should bow before our collective lazyiness :wink:[/quote]

They make money off us so the must be evil dammit!
[quote name='beerguy961'][quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='xzafixz']So, because people had to pay late fees for being idiots and not returning their movies on time, they get free stuff? I love America. :roll:[/quote]

Isn't it great, but seriously they are an evil corporation and should bow before our collective lazyiness :wink:[/quote]

They make money off us so the must be evil dammit![/quote]

Yes they are evil incarnite, taking all of our money and offering nothing in return. :eek:
[quote name='xzafixz']So, because people had to pay late fees for being idiots and not returning their movies on time, they get free stuff? I love America. :roll:[/quote]

Huh?? Go read the site. It says they're giving away the free rentals because they overcharged people for late fee's. They're not giving away free rentals because people were late.
[quote name='SINNED'][quote name='xzafixz']So, because people had to pay late fees for being idiots and not returning their movies on time, they get free stuff? I love America. :roll:[/quote]

Huh?? Go read the site. It says they're giving away the free rentals because they overcharged people for late fee's. They're not giving away free rentals because people were late.[/quote]

Actually I think its anyone who payed late fees, I read through the first couple pages of the fact and it says you are included in the settlement if you paid a late fee or paid a fee for a damaged item. But then I'm not a lawyer, why not fill out a claim if your wrong it only get denyed.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']We will get the free rentals in November of 2005?! WTF![/quote]

The wait only make it that much juicier, especially since I won't live near any of their stores by then.
i dont care if they are a corporation or not, this is just stupid, just another example of frivolous lawsuits are allowed to be brought to court. they waste taxpayer money, and the cost will come back to the consumer eventually, dont be suprised to see rental fees go up, just like with healthcare the main industry plagued by these lawsuits. its absolutly ridiculous to think that people should be componsated for not returning a video when its do. this is completly madning, i hope you all realize that this a sign of the downfall of america, full cycles of corruption, i hope we get attacked by terrorists again.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']Death get juicer because I wont die for another 100 years?[/quote]

arent' we hopeful I see you and that silly armor of your in a grave much sooner than you think
[quote name='iheartmetal']i dont care if they are a corporation or not, this is just stupid, just another example of frivolous lawsuits are allowed to be brought to court. they waste taxpayer money, and the cost will come back to the consumer eventually, dont be suprised to see rental fees go up, just like with healthcare the main industry plagued by these lawsuits. its absolutly ridiculous to think that people should be componsated for not returning a video when its do. this is completly madning, i hope you all realize that this a sign of the downfall of america, full cycles of corruption, i hope we get attacked by terrorists again.[/quote]

You know I was nodding my head with this post until... i hope we get attacked by terrorists again... what a great thing to say! Hopefully it is in your town too!
[quote name='iheartmetal']i dont care if they are a corporation or not, this is just stupid, just another example of frivolous lawsuits are allowed to be brought to court. they waste taxpayer money, and the cost will come back to the consumer eventually, dont be suprised to see rental fees go up, just like with healthcare the main industry plagued by these lawsuits. its absolutly ridiculous to think that people should be componsated for not returning a video when its do. this is completly madning, i hope you all realize that this a sign of the downfall of america, full cycles of corruption, i hope we get attacked by terrorists again.[/quote]

Sounds like traitor talk to me. Expect to get a call from Home-land security.
[quote name='iheartmetal']i dont care if they are a corporation or not, this is just stupid, just another example of frivolous lawsuits are allowed to be brought to court. they waste taxpayer money, and the cost will come back to the consumer eventually, dont be suprised to see rental fees go up, just like with healthcare the main industry plagued by these lawsuits. its absolutly ridiculous to think that people should be componsated for not returning a video when its do. this is completly madning, i hope you all realize that this a sign of the downfall of america, full cycles of corruption, i hope we get attacked by terrorists again.[/quote]

Umm the whole corporation daming thing was a joke, I actually think this is as stupid as many other people, but I think the terrorism thing is going a little to far, and America is being attacked because of our support of Isreal not because of our lawyers.
[quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='Michaellvortega']Death get juicer because I wont die for another 100 years?[/quote]

arent' we hopeful I see you and that silly armor of your in a grave much sooner than you think

I know the terrorists will get you in WA long before they can find me in WI.
[quote name='Michaellvortega'][quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='Michaellvortega']Death get juicer because I wont die for another 100 years?[/quote]

arent' we hopeful I see you and that silly armor of your in a grave much sooner than you think

I know the terrorists will get you in WA long before they can find me in WI.[/quote]

Well I'm afraid my town is a bit more obscure than Milwaukee so I'm afriad your wrong.

Oh this is of course a joke, I'm sure thanks to modern technology you'll live a very long time. I'm afraid we need only one crazy Iheartmetal type rant a thread.
I DARE the terrorists to bring a fight to Milwaukee I DARE them, the Ghetto will make black hawk down look like Mr.Rogers neighbor

on topic Hollywood video is sort of lame for free videos anyways. I wonder If I can ebay them now for future delivery?
Yeah there is a ghetto in Milwaukee. One time I went to the mcdonalds by The Rave since i was hungry before a concert, I walked in and was the only white guy in there. I was scared.
[quote name='EddieBelfour'][quote name='WeaponX2099'] If you lost a game or movie you can get more.


i dont understand this? what do you mean? i didnt read anything about it in the explanation[/quote]

If you returned a damaged rental, or if you lost a rental and paid something more than the initial rental charge, you may have paid a product charge in addition to the late fee.
Per the FAQ's section
Um, I currently owe them over $300, mostly for one movie. I didn't realize it, but I kept Twister, on VHS, out for over a year back in 2000. That came to almost $300, then they let me rent (recently) Chronicles of Riddick, and I kept that out for like 2 months. So I have alot of late fees...
[quote name='alteredbeast']Um, I currently owe them over $300, mostly for one movie. I didn't realize it, but I kept Twister, on VHS, out for over a year back in 2000. That came to almost $300, then they let me rent (recently) Chronicles of Riddick, and I kept that out for like 2 months. So I have alot of late fees...[/quote]

Damn, bub. That's a lot to owe. I owe maybe $15-20 bucks because sometimes keep outs games for 2 weeks at a time.
Well I used to work there, so my account has no personal information for them to come collect (that is the way I set it up). I feel it is fair that I can't rent there anymore (because of my debt) since when I worked there I stole probalby $1000 worth of stuff in 3 months. Ah...those were the days...
[quote name='iheartmetal']i dont care if they are a corporation or not, this is just stupid, just another example of frivolous lawsuits are allowed to be brought to court. they waste taxpayer money, and the cost will come back to the consumer eventually, dont be suprised to see rental fees go up, just like with healthcare the main industry plagued by these lawsuits. its absolutly ridiculous to think that people should be componsated for not returning a video when its do. this is completly madning, i hope you all realize that this a sign of the downfall of america, full cycles of corruption, i hope we get attacked by terrorists again.[/quote]
:shock: Holy shit dude, that's the worst thing you coulda said, With all that's going on in America right now, that's really not something you should be saying over video game and movie rentals! Think about all the people that have lost friends and family to terrorists and maybe you'll think twice about speaking out your ass and being a retard
[quote name='alteredbeast']when I worked there I stole probalby $1000 worth of stuff in 3 months. Ah...those were the days...[/quote]

Yep, that's something to be proud of. Be sure to put that on your application for your next job.
hmm, i figured some people might be mad about the terrorist comment, the point was that people in america take everything that we have for granted, it isnt until something extremely drastic (for example 911) that people stop and think about what we have going, most people dont think that frivolous lawsuits hurt this country but in many ways its been as a big problem as terrorism the past decade... anyway the point is the country needs a slap in the face... and as for homeland security they can come talk to me if they want, we can hang out and watch some seinfeld i have nothing to hide
This is kind of bullshit. I have never gotten a late fee at Hollywood Video. Now shouldn't I be the one getting the free rentals?
actually, my buddy and i have had to deal with hollywood numerous times. we'd rent, drop off the movie ON TIME, and then next time show up with a late fee and no way to prove otherwise. i stopped going to hollywood years ago as a result, and signed up for netflix.

funny how quickly you side with the company without knowing what the heck you're talking about. thing is, since it's not something you can easily prove, the courts didn't see evidence of their wrongdoing. don't know if this was the specific allegation, but i can see how a court would excuse them for this kind of practice and yet they still have been wrong.
[quote name='iheartmetal']i dont care if they are a corporation or not, this is just stupid, just another example of frivolous lawsuits are allowed to be brought to court. they waste taxpayer money, and the cost will come back to the consumer eventually, dont be suprised to see rental fees go up, just like with healthcare the main industry plagued by these lawsuits. its absolutly ridiculous to think that people should be componsated for not returning a video when its do. this is completly madning, i hope you all realize that this a sign of the downfall of america, full cycles of corruption, i hope we get attacked by terrorists again.[/quote]

Real classy. I hope you enjoy Guantanamo Bay.
Actually the lawsuit came up because a lot of HV's were charging people late fees for stuff returned on time. This happened alot at our local HV until the settlement occured and nearly everyone was laid off, but don't feal bad, those pricks deserved it :)

Next time I suggest reading first before you jump to conclusions.
[quote name='iheartmetal']i dont care if they are a corporation or not, this is just stupid, just another example of frivolous lawsuits are allowed to be brought to court. they waste taxpayer money, and the cost will come back to the consumer eventually, dont be suprised to see rental fees go up, just like with healthcare the main industry plagued by these lawsuits. its absolutly ridiculous to think that people should be componsated for not returning a video when its do. this is completly madning, i hope you all realize that this a sign of the downfall of america, full cycles of corruption, i hope we get attacked by terrorists again.[/quote]

Cause and effect. Healthcare costs are not on rise because of lawsuits, lawsuits are the result of a pending problem, not the cause. Preventing the consumer from filing suit is not going to solve it.

Healthcare costs are high because it has outreached its economic value. Insurance being offered is a large cost, as the insured pays a higher amount for each uninsured claim that goes through. Eventually the cost reaches too high, causing less insured and more uninsured, effectively raising insured costs more. Add to this a profit margin that allows companies to retain 20% or more of their profits (larger than ANY corporate company in the country) and you see the effects when profit is lumped onto an already high cost from a government protected industry that sees no reason to lower its costs.

Prescriptions in other countries are HALF of the cost here, yet the manufacturer is the same, the product is the same, the cost is the same. Greed is a very large problem in healthcare. A frivolous lawsuit is much harder to file as a small person vs. a large company and win. It's much easier for a corporation to take advantage of lawsuits to force settlements (DirectTV, RIAA) as most of us don't have the time or money to fight a case in court. "Frivilous" lawsuits work both ways.

In regard to video rentals, Blockbuster did get sued for its practices years ago, not because they charged late fees, but because they charged a late fee AND a daily fee with no end to the fees. One could pay $300+ for a late video, and if in error, there was no way for the customer to prove otherwise. People settle because they cannot afford the legal battle. I'm sure the case with this here is that the price being charged for damage items is WAY beyond a reasonable level, and in that case I have to agree that there needs to be a reasonable cost, or that the fees are stated very clearly in rental agreements (as often they are not).
I don't think this is a great settlement, because the coupons are Rent 1, Get 1 Free Coupons. It still is a free rental, but not completely free like one would be lead to think.

Just like GameCrazy... they tout their "Free Rental w/ Any Pre-Order," but you end up receiving a "Rent 1 game, get 1 free" coupon. I hope that they don't give out "Rent 1, Get 1" coupons for their "12 Free Rentals w/ Game System Purchase" deal. Anyone know about this?
This has happened at Blockbuster and Movie Gallery. I'm not sure about BB but at Movie Gallery the "problem" was they were charging per day late fees. I think it was $2 per day for new releases. So, if you rent a five day new release, bring it back five days late, you're paying a $10 late fee on top of a $3 rental.

Now they are "rerental fees" or some bullshit like that. So, now you pay $3 for a one night rental and - guess what? - $3 a night for late fees. Good deal.

(Granted, the late fees for five night rentals are better if you're an extreme late-taker-backer.)
[quote name='rebenns'][quote name='alteredbeast']when I worked there I stole probalby $1000 worth of stuff in 3 months. Ah...those were the days...[/quote]

Yep, that's something to be proud of. Be sure to put that on your application for your next job.[/quote]

It was a rather interesting situation. From the 2 assistant managers on down stole, daily. The manager was never there, acting as the district manager. I just got hired into the middle of that. So, first night I closed, everyone went shopping. That was the least of what went on there...

Anyway, it was an interesting experience.
Of course, I'm not saying I'm not a theif...just it was an exceptional situation.
man, i hope they do this for libraries. my family and i have spent a ton of money on late fees there. i want free rentals from them too.

yes i'm kidding.
[qiheartmetal wrote:
i dont care if they are a corporation or not, this is just stupid, just another example of frivolous lawsuits are allowed to be brought to court. they waste taxpayer money, and the cost will come back to the consumer eventually, dont be suprised to see rental fees go up, just like with healthcare the main industry plagued by these lawsuits. its absolutly ridiculous to think that people should be componsated for not returning a video when its do. this is completly madning, i hope you all realize that this a sign of the downfall of america, full cycles of corruption, i hope we get attacked by terrorists again.

I really hope that if terrorists were to attack our great country again they knock on your door first for that remark[/quote]
[quote name='iheartmetal']i dont care if they are a corporation or not, this is just stupid, just another example of frivolous lawsuits are allowed to be brought to court. they waste taxpayer money, and the cost will come back to the consumer eventually, dont be suprised to see rental fees go up, just like with healthcare the main industry plagued by these lawsuits. its absolutly ridiculous to think that people should be componsated for not returning a video when its do. this is completly madning, i hope you all realize that this a sign of the downfall of america, full cycles of corruption, i hope we get attacked by terrorists again.[/quote]

I'll ask the terroist to attack you then. Go talk about your pollitical jarble at some other forum that here at CAG.
bread's done