I'll recommend a movie just for you!

I'll bite though it's looks as if you won't be able to get to me.




The Piano
Like : Moulin Rouge, Chasing Amy, Mulholland Drive, Pulp Fiction, Memento, Gladiator, Nurse Betty, Terminator 2, Conan, Red Sonja, Beastmaster, Hellboy, Underworld, Xmen 1 & 2
Hated: Chicago, Reservoir Dogs, Dogma, Ultraviolet, Fun with Dick and Jane, horror movies, Beastmaster 2, Xmen 3, Underworld 2

Like: The Last Unicorn, Sleeping Beauty, Secret of Nimh, Beauty and the Beast, Robin Hood (Disney)
Hated: Snow White, Finding Nemo, Bugs Life, An American Tail, Ice Age, The Swan Princess
[quote name='bobomallone']
Silencer - Who doesn't like seeing people get shot? Backed with a good story it's hard to resist. Kudos for the graduate, not nearly enough people have seen it. And don't feel bad for not liking things in the top 250, a lot of those don't deserve to be there. I also completly understand you not liking mulholland drive...its one of those you have to see quite a few times to start to grasp

1. The Departed
2. Goodfellas
3. City of god[/QUOTE]

Good picks, but I have seen all three. The Departed & City of God were both great. Goodfellas I saw when I was younger so I don't think I fully appreciated it at time of viewing.
Recent list:
1.[SIZE=-1]Undisputed II: Last Man Standing (flash kick & the guyer kick need a say more? )
2.Childern of Men (reminds of Killzone & Gears of War great camera angles)
3.Smokin Aces (Alicia Keys can act,also Ryan Reynolds can play a serious role..for now.)

Waste of TIME!!!

Recent List:
1.GrandaMa's Boy (Boringgggg - Great cover,though. )
2.Dead or Alive Movie ( PG-13, Hayabusa is so weak,sword-fighting? there's NONE in the game so why is it here? lasty Cory Yuen what happen?)
3.Sorry, I have nothing for an thrid movie

I'm game.

Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl
The 25th Hour
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

Tomb Raider
The Ring
I'll give 5 each:

Like - Lost in Translation, Fight Club, Ginger Snaps 2, American Beauty, Office Space

Hate - Soul Plane, Braveheart, Gladiator, Vanilla Sky, Scarface

* Braveheart
* Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit
* Memento


* History of Violence
* War of the Worlds
* Meet the Fockers
*Star wars (All of them)
*Minority Report
*Saving Private Ryan

*Psycho (all of them)
*Any of the Harry Potter films
*Happy feet

I'll also give a second list

*The Usual Suspects
*Little Miss Sunshine

*Gone with the Wind
*The Incredibles
* The Producers(The new one)
Hey guys Just got off work. I'm going to see letters from iwo jima in a few minutes so i wont be able to respond till tonight, but i WILL respond to each and everyone of you!
Matrix 223 - You like the stylish shooters. Acting, plot, and art direction I would
assume are a big deal for you. You hate bad super hero movies...who doesn't? Here's what
I would recommend.

1. Tombstone
2. Unforgiven
3. L.A. Confidential

Reality's Frindge - I love Scanner darkly just due to it's art style. Read the book, its awsome as well
The entire
thing reminded me of the old ah-ha video in the 80's. The fact you hate the scary movie/teen
movie thing doesn't surprize me. However you liked history of the world, which leads me to
believe you like parody movies...just good ones!

1. Airplane
2. Robin Hood: Men in tights
3. Shaun of the dead (only if you're a fan of old zombie movies.)

Starman9000 -
your loves have me excited, your hates were a shot in the heart. You don't like movies
based around a twist, or an overcomplicated idea.

1. Breakfast at tiffany's. This is a stretch I know. However, you enjoyed dr. strangelove
so classic movies don't bother you. yes it's a bit of a romantic film, however it is well
done. You owe it to yourself to see it.
2. Lolita. Another Kubric film most people havn't given another look. It's a bit
uncomfortable to watch, but very good and rewarding.
3. Aliens. Has nothing to do with robocop, but it's always reminded me of it for some

Thebob101 -

good mix of movies I got to say. No surprize you hated puppet master. You hated cabin
fever because you treated it as a stand alone movie. It was made as a tribute to horror

1. Oldboy. Anyone who likes memento will like this movie.
2. Wizard. Weird mix of fantasy and propiganda.
3. Mists of Avalon. If you dig the excalibur mythology, there was a made for tv series
on tnt i believe based on the book. Definatly worth checking out.

Zewone -
All three of the movies you listed as likes are all about revenge. And the movies you hated
are undisputable bad movies. So here it goes, 3 revenge films.

1. Lady snowblood. It's what kill bill was based on in large parts. The sequel wasn't as
good however.
2. Sympathy for mr. vengeance. So much can be said about Park Chan-wook's revenge trilogy
but you don't see revenge in as many ways as you do with mr. vengeance.
3. Falling down. Revenge not in the normal way, it's not revenge on a person or an act,
but society.

Thongsy - You saw kill bill on dvd. You bought into the hype but didn't see in the theater, and that's why you hated it, just so you know. It was an amazing theater experience IF you didn't buy into the hype, everyone else got screwed out of the experience. I havnt seen Fallen Angels or better luck tommorow, but after reading about them on IMDB, I'll give you a few quick suggestions.

1. Attack the gas station. Good korean comedy about a couple of kids who take over a gas station.
2. Infernal affairs. Just as good as the departed, well because it basicly IS the departed
3. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter... and Spring. I dont recommend this movie to a lot of people for a good reason. It's really deep and open to interpretation. It's a thinker, but you seen to like foreign film quite a bit. You may not fully enjoy it, but you will respect it.

ReaperZero -
You are completly all over the place. You like the movies that are marketed towards teens.
I mean no disrespect, but I doubt you're over the age of 21 and it shows. loving fight club,
but hating requiem doesn't make a lot of sense, they are filmed very much the same way. So
rather than giving you movies you'll like now, I'll give you movies that you WILL like.
You have potential, so listen up.

1. Rashomon Yes its foreign, yes it's black and white, yes its over 20 years old.
It's also an unforgettable movie. Now you will not appreciate it. In a few years or if
you just want to make a conscious effort to try to open yourself up to a broader range of
cinema, this movie is it.

2. Tai Guk Ki Brotherhood of war. I've recommended it several times on this thread for
good reason. I will flat out just say it, it's better than saving private ryan. If you
like war movies, or a well crafted story of loyalty, it's a must. This will be a good
introduction for you for foreign film. In the last 5 years hollywood has been trash, asian
cinema has been booming lately, especially in korea.

3. Oldboy. More korean cinema, hurray! This is fight club on steroids to put it lightly.
It makes you like a dirtbag character, and makes you feel the horror he goes through.

enlighten yourself.

Dopa345 -

1. Lawrence of Arabia. You like a good epic. This seems right up your ally
2. Jacobs Ladder. Good mental thriller. Tons of great cameos as well.
3. The usual suspect. Keeps you're mind reeling just as much as memento did.

Kittycatgirl2k - You like films that are artsy, flashy, and well done. You tend to dislike films
that are over produced, and on the opposite side, you hate films that are too independant
and gritty.

1. Love me if you dare. You seem like a person that enjoys a good romance story. Me and my
girl love this movie. It's so much like childhood romances. You'll love it.
2. Lost Highway. You liked Mulholland drive and other movies that take a bit of thought.
This is my favorite lynch film, we really need a good stateside release. Again like MH,
you need to watch it a few times to fully grasp the concepts behind it.
3. Seven. This will cure your illness of hating horror movies. Some claim its a suspense
film, but the argument is made the only difference between suspense/thrillers and horror
movies is the rating the critits give it.

Melhavic -
Bad action movies seem to be your forte. Let me broaded your horizens a bit. Still lots
of action, but with a lot more substance.

1. Leon the professional. It has a bit of that Lolita feel to it, with good hitman action
2. Die hard. Never underestimate the staples.
3. Shiri. Korea's blockbuster, hard to go wrong with this one.

MidnightRain - I'm gonna take a wild stab and see the ring in the theater and you never gave it a serious chance. Not the best horror movie ever, but it IS good. You havnt told me a lot about what you like or hate as far as movie selection, every single thing you picked has been pretty general. So in response you get general answers.

1. Godfather
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. City of god

Thank you and good night!

sblymnlcrymnl - You hate a grand epic but love a good story. You are definatly willing to get
involved with a story, even if it has a more complex story. Let me find something that
may fullfill this for you.

1. Akira Kirosawa's Dreams. Beautiful visuals, extrordinary camera work, mixed with
storys from A.K.'s dreams. Sounds a little weird, and it is, but very fullfilling.

2. Oldboy. As much as I recommend it, there are so many people who havn't seen this movie.
It has it's problems, but the story sticks with you, and watching it again and again only
makes the story deeper and deeper. It's not about the twist, it's about why the twist had
to happen.

3. The Maltese Falcon. An oldie but a goodie. Good detective book/film. If you liked
Hotel Dusk, you'll love this.

sgs89 -
What is up with the memento love? Seriously. I love the film, but everyone is tagging it. Props on wallace and gromit, doesn't get enough credit. And just for the dislike of history of violence i will be recommending another cronenberg film. I need to write an article about that man so more people can understand the genius of what he does. All his films are based around a central theme, we just dont see that anymore in hollywood.

1. Videodrome. It's sorta like jacobs ladder...but with beta max tapes. I am, and always will be enthralled with this movie.
2. Sparticus. My personal favorite epic movie. Plus its a Kubric movie to boot.
3. Wallace and Gromit shorts. Check out the other W&G shorts, they are just as good as were rabbit
Sorry about being so late, but got back from Letters from Iwo Jima late, and got called into the office today so I had to make you wait just a little. Just a quick note, I don't claim to know EVERYTHING about cinema, however I think I can quickly prove myself to know quite a bit. And the reason I keep recommending a lot of the same movies, is because when people really love a movie they really want to recreate that experience, which isn't possible, but there are only a select few movies that have that power. Oldboy, seven, memento, and tai guk gi just happen to be some of the more popular ones that are good, that I would recommend. I also don't want this thread to be a flame war of what movie is good and what movie is bad, it's all up for interpretation, however, respect one another, and some films that I HATE, I still respect, like Lost in Translation. Sorry had to get that out of the way

Darthbudge - you like a movie where the hero has very little chance, and yet still manages to pull it off. There are a ton of these movies obviously, however so very few are done well.

1. Tai Guk Gi, brotherhood of war. If you thought Saving Private Ryan was good, I still stand by this is a better movie all around. This will be a MUST for you!
2. The Life Aquatic. Dry silly humor. Great performance by Bill Murry.
3. Black Christmas 1974 I'm not a huge fan of psycho either, it falls into one of those movies I respect, but don't really enjoy. However This may put a bad taste in your mouth for black and white horror, don't let this be the case. This will creep you out, if you take it seriously.
InFERnal affairs is the chinese movie that the departed is based on
inTERnal affairs is a 1990 hollywood movie staring richard gere and hopefully will never be remade
[quote name='bobomallone']InFERnal affairs is the chinese movie that the departed is based on
inTERnal affairs is a 1990 hollywood movie staring richard gere and hopefully will never be remade[/QUOTE]

oops. misread that. Mou Gaan Dou it is!
While I doubt you have a vaster film knowledge than me, I'll give it a shot. I have to warn you though, I've seen a lot of the movies you're recommending.

Boogie Nights
Back to the Future
South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut

Black Knight
The Banger Sisters

Here's three more of each:

Ed Wood
Fight Club

Rush Hour 2
The Wizard
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']While I doubt you have a vaster film knowledge than me, I'll give it a shot. I have to warn you though, I've seen a lot of the movies you're recommending.

Boogie Nights
Back to the Future
South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut

Black Knight
The Banger Sisters[/QUOTE]
You disappoint me. I thought you were going to name 3 movies starring yourself that you love and 3 movies starring yourself that you hate.
[quote name='bobomallone']

Starman9000 -
your loves have me excited, your hates were a shot in the heart. You don't like movies
based around a twist, or an overcomplicated idea.

Oh, I like movies with overcomplicated ideas, I just hold them up to a higher standard and am not easily impressed by concept alone. I don't really hate Memento, I moreso resent all of the over-the-top praise it gets (I thought it was very clever for about the first hour, but then I really just got bored, should probably give it another go). I do hate Boondock Saints though and dislike Donnie Darko, especially after hearing the director talk about it.

Thanks for the recommendations, I like Aliens and Lolita, never seen Breakfest at Tiffanys, even though I try to watch a lot of classics. There's just so much out there and my to-see list grows much faster than my seen list.
Thanks for the response, I added those two movies to my list, as well as Oldboy (from the other responses, I was intrigued)
I have seen Seven (though its been awhile) and love it very much so you were right on with that suggestion. Was hoping for an animated movie suggestion too but will take what I can get. I love anime but didnt have any of those on the animation list for a reason though.
Thanks again.
1. Empire strikes back (all star wars films - but this is the best)
2. Equilibrium
3. Boondock Saints

Saturday Night Fever (any love movie basically)

another set:
The Dead Pool
House of Wax (original)
The Prestige

Cold Mountain
[quote name='bobomallone']ReaperZero -
You are completly all over the place. You like the movies that are marketed towards teens.
I mean no disrespect, but I doubt you're over the age of 21 and it shows. loving fight club,
but hating requiem doesn't make a lot of sense, they are filmed very much the same way. So
rather than giving you movies you'll like now, I'll give you movies that you WILL like.
You have potential, so listen up.

1. Rashomon Yes its foreign, yes it's black and white, yes its over 20 years old.
It's also an unforgettable movie. Now you will not appreciate it. In a few years or if
you just want to make a conscious effort to try to open yourself up to a broader range of
cinema, this movie is it.

2. Tai Guk Ki Brotherhood of war. I've recommended it several times on this thread for
good reason. I will flat out just say it, it's better than saving private ryan. If you
like war movies, or a well crafted story of loyalty, it's a must. This will be a good
introduction for you for foreign film. In the last 5 years hollywood has been trash, asian
cinema has been booming lately, especially in korea.

3. Oldboy. More korean cinema, hurray! This is fight club on steroids to put it lightly.
It makes you like a dirtbag character, and makes you feel the horror he goes through.

enlighten yourself.[/quote]
Technically you are correct, as I don't turn 22 for another week, and I thank you for taking the time, but the only one I believe I'll watch is Oldboy (and the other 2 in the trilogy), since Netflix seems to think I'll rate it about 4 stars, while it seems to think the others you mentioned will be a waste of my time (2-3). Make no mistake about it, Netflix's rating system is pretty spot on when it comes to guessing what I'll think of a movie. Not so much at recommending me movies I'm actually interested in though.

I have consciously made efforts to try to appreciate foreign movies, older movies, anime, black and whites, silent movies, and musicals. These are just movies I can't enjoy but under the rarest of circumstances. Moreover, I seriously doubt that I'm going to have some sort of moviegoing epiphany and suddenly get an urge to watch shit-tons of these types of movies and suddenly see the light. If they were my primary interest, perhaps, but they aren't. They're something I simply watch to have fun, and to escape from reality.

This is probably why I didn't take very kindly to Requiem (I didn't hate it per se, I'd just rate it a 2 or 3 out of 5), I hypothesize, because it was too realistic and wasn't as good as I expected after the mountain of praise bestowed upon it.

It's not as if I'm the lowest form of moviegoer out there is it? I have at least tried to educate myself further on the genres and styles I'm interested in. It's not as if I'm watching dreck like You Me & Dupree opening weekend, or at all ever, and writing rave reviews of it on IMDB. Not who I am at all, next movies on my Netflix queue as a matter or fact are the Quiet, the Baxter, Thumbsucker, Six String Samurai, followed by Krzysztof Kieslowski's three colors trilogy. I'd say I'm pretty far from being as bad as you seem to think I am.
[quote name='bobomallone']sblymnlcrymnl - You hate a grand epic but love a good story. You are definatly willing to get
involved with a story, even if it has a more complex story. Let me find something that
may fullfill this for you.

1. Akira Kirosawa's Dreams. Beautiful visuals, extrordinary camera work, mixed with
storys from A.K.'s dreams. Sounds a little weird, and it is, but very fullfilling.

2. Oldboy. As much as I recommend it, there are so many people who havn't seen this movie.
It has it's problems, but the story sticks with you, and watching it again and again only
makes the story deeper and deeper. It's not about the twist, it's about why the twist had
to happen.

3. The Maltese Falcon. An oldie but a goodie. Good detective book/film. If you liked
Hotel Dusk, you'll love this.
[/QUOTE] I own Dreams, but haven't seen it. Time to bump that up. I saw Oldboy a few years ago (whenever it was released on DVD in Korea) and really enjoyed it. I'll have to check out The Maltese Falcon. Thanks.
Alright, I'll bite. I'll give a few classics for each along with a few more recent...

Citizen Kane
Fight Club
Office Space
The Count of Monte Cristo (recent adaptation)
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Dr. Strangelove

Two Weeks Notice
Napoleon Dynamite
Assualt on Precinct 13 (Both versions)
Die Another Day
VIP freak - You really didn't give me much to work with, besides liking science fiction or dumb comedys. So I'm going to assume the worst, start here

1. One flew over the cucu's nest
2. American Beauty
3. American History X


I Am William H. Macy - It's not knowing or heck even seeing more movies. It's not about having the bigger e-peen, it's the fact that I happen to know I do have a vast knowledge of film, and am good at recommending movie based on their current selections.

While I doubt you have a vaster film knowledge than me, I'll give it a shot. I have to warn you though, I've seen a lot of the movies you're recommending. If you're tired of seeing movies I've already recommended I'll throw a few at you, you probably havn't seen.

1. Taxi Driver. Not that obscure I know, but most people skip over this gem for one reason or another.
2. Das boot - great war film that most people wont invest 3+ hours into
3. 3-iron - good korean love story

Honorable mensions
Salo, The dreamers, Save the green planet

kittycatgirl2k - I know very very little about anime, so I usually don't recommend anime to people who know anime. However I'll throw a few your way that I enjoyed

1. Akira
2. Spirited away
3. Princess Mononoke
I'm sure you've seen these already and I didn't help much otherwise, but glad you got something out of it!

Calamityuponme - I'm not gonna try to make you watch a bunch of love films, because it's not what you're about. lets give you the action you need.

1. Memento - everyone seems to love it now I guess, so be a cool kid and join the crowd.
2. Leon the Professional - Truly puts boondock saints to shame. A good movie but there are far better out there.
3. Lock stock and two smoking Barrells - If you liked boondock, or snatch, you'll dig this.

Reaperzero - no you're not THAT bad, but I do see a lot of foreign films in the local theater. I see people leave ALL THE TIME just because its subbed. Happened last night at Letters from Iwo Jima. People are unwilling to give something different a chance. The fact you are going to disreguard 2 of the movies that i recommended kinda proves it. I think you're missing the point that almost all current movies blatently steal from these older movies. Nobody notices...and why? Because people are afraid to enjoy the classics. It doesn't make you a bad person, but you are limiting yourself. Have fun, if you ever want to take the plunge into black and white or foreign there are tons of movies to step you through it.

sblymnlcrymnl - If you liked oldboy check out sympathy for lady vengeance. Just as good imo, just a bit different.

Quillion - You've been the first person to mension good ol' Citizen Kane...grats.

1. Run Lola Run - I think you'll enjoy this. A Bit different, and not the best film ever made, but definatly worth the watch.
2. North by Northwest - If you enjoyed CK, you'll like this as well
3. Capote - You'll like it especially since you liked breakfast at tiffany's, or have see the movie In cold blood...or read the book for that matter
[quote name='bobomallone']sblymnlcrymnl - If you liked oldboy check out sympathy for lady vengeance. Just as good imo, just a bit different.[/QUOTE] I've seen that one too. :lol:

I haven't gotten around to Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance yet, though. And I have it right here ...
[quote name='bobomallone']VIP freak - You really didn't give me much to work with, besides liking science fiction or dumb comedys. So I'm going to assume the worst, start here[/quote]

It's ok, I don't need your advice. I was following everyone else because I didn't know how this thread worked.
OK, I'm gonna give this a shot, but I think I'll give a few extras, just in case... It's hard to come up with movies I don't like, because I usually find something to like about any movie I see, or I just don't see it if it doesn't look interesting.

The Thin Man Series
Army of Darkness
Kentucky Fried Movie
Duck Soup

American Beauty
There's Something About Mary
Princess Mononoke (Please don't think I don't like anime, I was just trying to come up with disappointing movies.)
Dr. Strangelove (Don't hate me, but the only part I found funny was Peter Seller's rebellious arm. I guess I just didn't get it.)
[quote name='whoknows']You disappoint me. I thought you were going to name 3 movies starring yourself that you love and 3 movies starring yourself that you hate.[/QUOTE]
Well I was in Magnolia and Boogie Nights, does that count?

(also I was thinking of naming Thank You For Smoking as one of my hates, because I truly did hate that movie)
I'll give it a try:

Last Samurai
Fight Club
Ace Ventura
Pee Wees Big Adventure

Saw 1/2/3
Dukes of Hazzard
X-Men 3
This seems really interesting...

The Incredibles
Pulp Fiction
Pan's Labyrinth
Spirited Away
Fight Club
Cable Guy
Ace Ventura

Apollo 13
American Wedding
Matrix 3
Series of Unfortunate Events
I like:
Beavis and Butt-Head Do America
Star Trek: First Contact

I hate:
National Treasure
X-Men: The Last Stand
Fight Club, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Memento, Spies Like Us, Garden State, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Boondock Saints, The Royal Tenenbaums, Tony Takitani.

do not like:
The Da Vinci Code, About Schmidt, Ghost Rider (the most recent release), Pieces of April.



The Crow

To Sir With Love


WHite Chicks

King Kong ( the recent remake)

The last 2 matrix films ( which should have been one film and not stretched to 2 so it counts as 1)
Operation Condor
House of Flying Daggers
Bourne Identity
Last of the Mohicans

Fight Club
Kingdom of Heaven
Inside Man
I'll give this a go.


The Thin Red Line
Children of Men
Legend of Drunken Master
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack
A Scanner Darkly


Anything by David Lynch
Because I Said So
Wild Wild West
Osamu Tezuka's Metropolis
Likes- Taxi Driver, V for Vendetta, Oldboy, Twilight Samurai. Ive seen alot of movies and tried to pick some from different catagories sort of.

Dislikes- Hostel, Saw, Team America, Scary Movie and mostly all newly released thrillers. yet I dont dislike many movies and will watch anything.
I like:
To Kill a Mockingbird
Macross: Do You Remember Love?
Groundhog Day

I dislike:
Mortal Kombat: The Journey Begins
The Good Girl
Pink Floyd The Wall
This is pretty neat. Here I go

Vision Quest
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

V for Vendetta
Run Lola Run
The Color Purple
[quote name='levi333'] Dis:
Inside Man[/QUOTE]

You've gotta be fucking kidding me levi. How the heck could anyone dislike Inside Man?
like: v for vendetta, lock stock & two smoking barrels, house of sand and fog

hate: heartbeeps, age of innocence, the wizard of oz

pan's labyrinth
superman returns
stephen chow movies (kung fu hustle, fight back to school, etc)
oceans eleven


cars (disney)
miami vice (2006)
oceans twelve
bad boys 2

ps. i've already seen oldboy ;)
I'll try and make it hard...

Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai
12 Angry Men

Dog Day Afternoon
bread's done