I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out Monday, and I have a few questions...

good luck man, I'm 15 so i guess I don't have mine fully in yet but I'm freaked out about it. Oktoberfest, do they hurt when there in fully or could u live without takin em out?
Well, I think one of the reasons people's wisdom teeth are taken out because they can grow and like puncture a nerve or something...
I'm getting mine taken out because I have braces and the wisdom teeth are in the way, so my orthodontist wants them out
1) is the local anesthesia actually enough to take away all the pain that there is to the operation?
2) uh what exactly do they use to cut you open?
3) where do they cut?
4) how does it feel?
5) about how long is it?

First off don't even worry about the operation it's highly overrated and its like nothing.

1) Make sure the surgeon hooks u up with laughing gas that stuff is great. the only part of the operation that will hurt is the needles from the anasthetic. This doesnt even really hurt with the laughing gas though it just feels like pressure on your gums. After this point you're pretty much set and you'll still feel stuff from here on out but it won't hurt
2) im not sure what they use to cut you open. i had no idea they cut me open i was so hopped up on laughing gas it didnt matter.
3)they cut the layer of skin on top of the teeth if you have skin there
4) it just feels kind of weird when they drill ur teeth and crack them open (i think thats what they did) the operation never hurts though
5) it only takes about 20 minutes to half an hour

the operation for me was the easiest part. its once u get home that it sucks cause the anasthetic makes it so you cant do ANYTHING with your mouth. i couldnt even take vicodin i had to mash it up and mix it in with water and drink it. dont worry about the operation though. id almost do it again just for the laughing gas that stuff owned!
It's been over 10 years so things may have changed but here's what I remember :

Not much pain during the procedure and not much pain afterwards, as long as I took my painkillers on time. My teeth weren't impacted so I was lucky there. It was weird to sorta' feel the dentist tugging at my teeth. The bleeding was kind of a hassle and it took a while for it to stop. Dealing with the gauze in your mouth to soak up the blood is a bit gross. I had the misfortune of seeing a RoundTablePizza commercial after I got home and had this overwhelming desire a pizza. Man was I hungry!

I brought a walkman and listened to industrial music during the procedure and that definitely helped. There were a few spots where I started to feel a bit of pain so I cranked the volume up louder and that seemed to take my mind off of it.

Good luck,

Just came back from operation, it was more loud than I thought it would be. I heard a lot of grinding, cracking, and stuff. The entire time it felt like they were trying to pull out one of my back teeth. The music I brought didn't help much but it did a little bit. The procedure was probably shorter than the time I had to wait for my mouth to become numb.
[quote name='Oktoberfest']Just came back from operation, it was more loud than I thought it would be. I heard a lot of grinding, cracking, and stuff. The entire time it felt like they were trying to pull out one of my back teeth. The music I brought didn't help much but it did a little bit. The procedure was probably shorter than the time I had to wait for my mouth to become numb.[/quote]
How much does it hurt? 11 days till i get mine pulled :(
hey i have a question: you know how I'm not supposed to wear the gauze when I go to sleep? Like when I wake up, will my entire mouth be full of blood? Cause my left side is bleeding pretty bad right now

I've heard that painkillers work better at staving off pain than getting rid of it once the pain is already intense. So, taking them a little sooner might help. 'course I'm not a doctor so what the hell do I know? :)

1) is the local anesthesia actually enough to take away all the pain that there is to the operation?

Yes, during the operation, you should feel nothing. For me, for a brief second, the cut somewhere or did something somewhere that wasnt numb, that hurt, but they numbed the area in only a few seconds.

2) uh what exactly do they use to cut you open?

Not really sure, but just a basic cutting tool to slice the gum, then they have to cut the tooth. On one of mine they had to cut it in 4 pieces and pull out each root seperately.

3) where do they cut?

On the side of the tool. The cut the gum to get access to the tooth roots.

4) how does it feel?

No problem during. Afterwards it hurts like hell. They gave me vicodine, which did absolutely nothing for the pain imo, though it did make me very tired.

For me, they first two days after, were just a lot of pain. No matter what I did, my mouth really hurt. On day three it stopped hurting unless I applied any pressure (i.e. closing my mouth and letting my teeth tough really hurt). But so long as I didnt move, they pain was less. On day 5 they pain had subsidded a lot. I still couldnt really chew, but there was less pain. Also at this time they started filling the wholes with some sort of medicated gauze which made me very confortable.

5) about how long is it?

About 45 minutes for them to remove my two lower ones. I have to get the uppers done next years since my dental plan coverage capped out.
"hey i have a question: you know how I'm not supposed to wear the gauze when I go to sleep? Like when I wake up, will my entire mouth be full of blood? Cause my left side is bleeding pretty bad right now"

Do not sleep with the gauze, or you could choke on it. After a couple of hours, the blood will clot. Once it clots be very careful not to break them open or it will be painful.
When I had mine taken out I was knocked the hell out. I had all 4 and an impacted moller (sp?) taken out.
They hooked me up to a heart monitor gave me an IV and gassed me. Not even 30 seconds later I was out. The time it took? I can't remember.
I woke up to nurses talking about Brad Pitt. (scary)
They shoved me in a chair for about 5 min while my fiance drove the car around to the back of the building and they shoved me out the back door.
I dripped spit and blood all the way to the pharmacy. Took the gause out about 45 min later.
Unfortunately the meds they gave me made me sick. I puked a little bit after I took them and had to wait a day for new meds. But I never felt any pain at all when I was without them so it didn't really matter. I don't even think I took any of the new meds.
They told me not to drink thru a straw for a few weeks and eat light foods like jello and aplesauce. So I had a whole bunch of jello in the fridge and I stayed in bed for a few days.
I went back to work the next week and first day I was back was having really bad earaches so I had to leave work. My doctor told me to go back to the surgeon who took my teeth out. The surgeon said I had dry sockets and gave me some stuff for them. He shoved some kinda of flavoured gause up in the sockets and it cleared right up. Tasted nasty too >.
[quote name='Oktoberfest']
the surgeon said that this is life threatening so he said i shouldn't do that[/quote]
Youshouldn't worry about it. I had local and it's possible that you'll still feel the pain, but it's nothing excrutiating. I think I actually got less anesthesia than other people who've had local (They said they felt nothing, while mine still hurt). At most it'll make you wince. Cutting doesn't hurt, but it's when they pry the teeth out is where it hurts if they haven't erupted yet. If you're in SJ and ur doc is Timothy Hoang, then you'll be fine.
They put me on NO2 and I was completely retarded for the whole thing, the actual operation was like a drug trip... a legal one at that.

For a few days it will hurt, and you will live off of ice cream and other soft things, it's not too bad though.

The doctor uses some kind of mini spinning blade to slice the gums, it's very scary until you're completely gone, if they put you on drugs that is.
[quote name='Rahma']Just hope you never get a dry socket those things hurt like a bitch.[/quote]
I think I'm starting to have that... jaw hurts like crazy (until I take painkillers)

Ohhh I'm swelling up... I look soo fat
AAHHHH!!! I get mine pulled friday, any last words of wisdom??? I have this perscription mouthwash stuff that I am using and my surgeon told me to take pain reliever the day before the surgery and the day of the sergery.
Just got mine done today
I will tell more about it later if anyone wants to hear, but I think I have finally stoped bleeding after 10 hours
I was perscribed oxycodone, is that the same as Oxycotton or whatever that drug is that everyone overdoeses. BTW I am not a dumbass and I am not going to do anything retarded with it I was just wondering
it was cake. they knocked me out.
it took no more than 30 minutes then the wheeled me into a car and i was on my way. my bro rove me to the tata shop had some work done, took the gauze out went shopping. I ran into the girl I was kinda seeing and she couldnt tell anything had happened to me.
no pain nothing, I was really nervous to eat so I had literally almost nothing to eat for three days.
dont know if it makes a difference but an oral surgeon did mine not a dentist.
bread's done