I'm Giving Away 4 SCII Guest Passes and 40 days of WoW! Click here to sign up!

so i just got my new 360 mic :D
but no help from anyone from CAG :(

otherwise gaminglagoon is still an awesome site. they have a lot of free offers that credit more then 1 point! so starting doing gaminglagoon to get your free gaming stuff!
bumpity bump! btw guys. u can post testimonials on 3rd party forums (like cag) and post blogs and u get points after you get your prize!!
stop spamming on my thread -.- and besides. u can also custom order 1600 ms points from amazon if u want, if u find a deal where its cheaper than 20$

and besides, on gaminglagoon u get 20% from ur referrals, not 15% like from points2shop
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it is pretty easy. all u gotta do is accept all cookies and disable all firewalls. and make sure you let every image load. you never know where the tracking cookie can be. just make sure you follow the directions completely. also. dont do too many offers at one time cuz that might screw it up. i also suggest u clear your cookies after each offer

edit: r u from long island? i am too :p
[quote name='Mr.Ice Cream']i wish i could get referrals[/quote]

make your own thread
sensporky u gonna sign up for gaminglagoon?
i dont no i got an account on prizerebel n some other site i forgot da name of but i guess il try it out, n if u didnt already try prizerebel u can sign up off my referral
ummm. i think i hid it. did u sign up? lemme check under my referrals. and sry i already signed up for PR

edit: unless you're stevestolly, i dont think u signed up under me
hey guys this is my first time doing something like this and I need a simple site where I just have to fill out surveys...read emails...do polls etc...anything that doesn't require referrals :D GamingLagoon looks pretty good, should I use that?
i've see that maybe like 4 of u cagers signed up for gaminglagoon! however none of u guys did anything yet....

heres a little help

Look what I can do!


Internet Explorer
First: turned off Avast AntiVirus
Second: Disabled Firewall
Third: Enabled ALL cookies
Forth: Deleted all current cookies/temp internet files
Fifth: Logged onto my gaming lagoon account with IE
Sixth: Did the offer in full
Seventh: I used monkey greaser (ONLY if you are using firefox)
Seventh: Clicked Completed
Eighth: Cleared my cookies

After 10 minutes I got it approved

Another way to do it is like this

First: turned off Avast AntiVirus
Second: Disabled Firewall
Third: Enabled ALL cookies
Forth: Deleted all current cookies/temp internet files
Fifth: Logged onto my gaming lagoon account with Firefox
Sixth: Enable the grease monkey script found further down in this thread.
Seventh: Complete the offer in full clicking on all highlighting tracking cookies
Eighth: Click completed on the offer in gaming lagoon
Ninth: Clear cookies

Programs that help

Originally Posted by Tichinde925
I suggest you use the program:


What it does is, it will delete any and all temporary files.
You can also use it to permanently remove files on your next start up.
Its like the program "Move on Boot", but better.
Its perfect for clearing cookies and the like.
Just click: Tools ---> Delete Temp Files ---> Choose which Temp Files you wish to delete, then delete away.
Its also great for deleting viruses / worms / trojans.
If your Anti-Virus / Anti-Spyware programs cant delete a program, use Killbox!

Its so much better than using IE or FF to delete cookies.


Originally Posted by poopkiller55
Have your offers been not approving lately dispite all your efforts? Want to make sure you get the points for your effort? Are you sick and tired of it and want your offers to approve more!?

Well here it is... the Tracking Pixel Finder

Step 1: Download Firefox if you don't have it already http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/
Step 2: Install GreaseMonkey on Firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748 and restart Firefox
Step 3: Go to Tools>Greasemonkey>New User script in Firefox
Step 4: Make the:
Name:Tracking Pixel Finder
Description: Finds tracking pixels in a webpage and highlights them.
Includes: (Just type * into this box)
Excludes: (Leave this blank)
Then Press Ok and a text editing program should pop up
Step 5: Copy and paste this into the text editing program that popped up

// ==UserScript==
// @name Tracking Pixel Finder
// @namespace www.gaminglagoon.com
// @description Finds tracking pixels in a webpage and highlights them.
// @author Poopkiller55 & ajpatl
// @homepage www.gaminglagoon.com

// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
var css = "@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); img[width=\"1\"], img[height=\"1\"] { border:solid 25px green !important; }";
if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof addStyle != "undefined") {
} else {
var heads = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
if (heads.length > 0) {
var node = document.createElement("style");
node.type = "text/css";

Step 6: Save
Step 7: You can make sure my script is enabled by going toTools>Greasemonkey>Manage user scripts

Hope it gets more of your offers approved and post any replies


^^ Revised by ajpatl

Tips and Suggestions

I suggest doing one offer at once (3 at most) and waiting until it approves, it brings me a 100% approval rate.

If an offer gets disapproved for any reason or is pending for more than the usual time don't worry. I suggest not doing anymore offers until 7 days is up. I know thats a long time, but in the long run it will be worth it. Do a virus scan, do a disk clean up (Disk clean-ups can be found by going to start ---> accessories ----> system tools -----> disk cleanup)

This may help with offers, I'm not sure but I always use it. If an offer is pending for 3-4 days or gets disapproved, just wait for it to deny (if it hasn't already) and make the offer available again (by going to denied offers) and re-try it.


Please remember to let each page load fully, the tracking cookie could be anywhere. Let it load fully before clicking next and before clicking completed.

Best of luck!
Here are some other tips that I will add as users say them or as I think of them. I should have done this a long time ago but just forgot I guess and remembered because someone just posted a support thread about it. Anyways here are some more tips
Tip 1: If you are doing an offer that requires you to do X amount of pages, feel free to do more, this sometimes helps the acceptance rate as some pages may not register or count to the total needed. Better safe than sorry, do more than needed.
Tip 2: If a survey asks you to sign up to another thing as part of completing the initial survey, make sure you do it fully and completely using the same REAL info.
Tip 3: Take your time, don't rush. Always wait until each page FULLY loads so you don't miss any cookies on that page.
Tip 4: (Maybe) I have heard that once you have completed an offer you can refresh that page to double check that you get the needed cookies. I have not tested this myself so try at your own risk
bread's done