I'm On Wheel Of Fortune!!!

Phoenix Audubon

Hey, y'all.

Earlier today, I was a contestant on "Wheel of Fortune". Yes, the one on TV...that "Wheel of Fortune."

How did I do? I did...well...
...I won't go into any details about what happened on the show. If you'd like to watch it, my episode airs April 9th.

However, I will dish on the happenings before the show.

In all, there were 16 of us; 15 actual players, and 1 standby, in case someone didn't show up, or could not play during the day. I actually was a standby contestant in 2006; they promised me the next time they called, I'd be on the show for real.

So, one of the stage hands came for us, a woman--she's small, but very stern and sarcastic. I figured that's because she's had to deal with difficult contestants in the past...anyways...

They lead us into a small room. And, for most of the day, that's where we stayed. They had to keep tabs on us at all times, to ensure we weren't cheating with someone on the outside. Fortunately, no one got "cabin fever".

We filled out a few forms--for information about, for game integrity, y'know, legal stuff. Then they explained the rules to us. All the while, there's various food available to us--granola bars, fruit, pastries, etc, as well as water, sodas, and coffee. I tried to keep my intake to a minimum--in 2006, I had a short cappuccino from a nearby Starbucks, and the rest of day, I felt like going to the bathroom....Every. Fifteen. Minutes. I thought, "They'll never call me back after that." Fortunately, I was wrong. ;) But I digress...

So, we have plenty of time to mingle, so I talk to the rest of the group...nice bunch.

First, they gave us a tour of the studio. Let me tell y'all...that saying about how cameras add 10 pounds? Well, you can also say that they add 10 square feet, as well. Everything you see on TV--the puzzle board, the wheel, even the distance from the wheel to the puzzle board--it's all smaller in real life. :eek: That's Hollywood magic, for ya'...even though we were in Culver City, but again, I digress...

We all get to spin the wheel...it takes some effort to spin it, lemme' tell y'all. They do this to see how we look and act on camera. This is where the contestant coordinator tells me something they'll tell me all day...you'll find out what it is after April 9th.

Everyone (except the standby guy) got makeup...and I'll admit it, I needed it. The week before, I started breaking out right on my forehead. I managed to control it, but there were still quite a few red spots this morning. But those makeup ladies did a good job of covering them up. Perhaps I should invest in some of this "concealer" potion...err, product. :p

Before we went to rehearsal, we got put into groups of who would play each show. I got paired with an interesting pair...watch and you'll see. Let me put it this way--you can tell which one's me. ;)

Then, they decided in what order our groups would play. They have a very scientific method to do this: they have a bucket with five golf balls, each with a number. One person from the group picks a ball. Ta-da. The other guy in my group picked ball #3, which is how we ended up on Wednesday's show.
Afterwards, they had to pick who stood in which color on the stage--red, yellow, or blue. Again, there's a very scientific method for this: they have a brown plastic bottle with three little red ball-things (they weren't perfectly round). If you got a 1, you were on the red side. A 2, yellow side. And 3, blue side. I was hoping for #3. I got...#3! Schweet! :D

Oh yeah, one funny thing did happen...after I had used the bathroom, I saw two women walk past me; there was a small Asian woman, and another woman...I didn't get a look at her face (or I can't remember it), but she says "Hi," to me. I thought it was kinda' odd, but I go back to the waiting room. A couple of other guys are staring at me. I'm all, "What?" And he's all, "Don't you know who that was?" I was, like, "No."

"That was Vanna White!"

Whoops. Ah well, it's not like I haven't seen before without her makeup. No biggie.

So we go to back to the stage for what is essentially a dress rehearsal. We spin the wheel some more, and now we get to practice the game a bit by trying to solve a puzzle. I did manage to solve the puzzle I was given...but it didn't count. A portent of things to come? Tune in and find out!

Oh yeah, one more thing they told us...even though most of us had family in the audience (including me), we weren't allowed to make ANY contact with them before or during the show, at the risk of disqualification. Again, to prevent cheating. They really pounded us with that one.

Well, I think that's all I've got. Us contestants sat in the audience while we waited for our turn to play.

So, watch this post after April 9th; I'll give a recap, plus some commentary as to what happened as well.

Stay tuned!
Looking forward to it, I'll check it out. CAGs seem to be showing up on TV more and more these days. Thankfully it's all been legal so far.

All I could think of when I saw the topic title was this:
[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']I am officially jealous.

Did you snort any coke off of Vanna's ass with Pat?

Um, no...but on April 7th, I think you see Pat eat a bowl. (Not what you're thinking. ;))
Yeah I've been on the set- it's tiny, and you guys cheat since they have a list of letters that lights up so no one picks the same letter twice in one round.
Awesome. First Beauty and the Geek and now this.

It was always my dream to be on a gameshow like that. I think I could do quite well in Jeopardy.

Hope you did well OP. Upload it to Youtube if you can because I want to see it but will probably not be able to.
Very cool!

I have one question, though - do they encourage you guys to buy vowels or something? I can't even count how many times I've seen contestants buy vowels right before solving the puzzle when the puzzle is already perfectly solvable. Always made me scratch my head.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']All I could think of when I saw the topic title was this:

I'd like to solve the puzzle. Is it naggers, Pat?

Seriously though, hope you won alot, Phoenix.
Nice! I would like to be on Deal or No Deal since you don't have to answer any trivia or solve anything. I think everyone who's been on lately has some sort of sob story though.
Ha, that's awesome. And great write up in the OP so far. Very interesting read.

[quote name='djkunai']Yeah I've been on the set- it's tiny, and you guys cheat since they have a list of letters that lights up so no one picks the same letter twice in one round.[/QUOTE]

And yet people still do.
[quote name='Warner1281']Congrats OP. Now I wanna see CAG's on the following shows:

Moment of Truth
Biggest Loser
I'm going to gain 200 lbs to join that show. Or wear a fat suit. I actually really like that show for some reason.
I've always wanted to be on a game show, I think its funny the people who go on Jeopardy and have to answer tough trivia questions, and then people go on wheel of fortune, and win more money basically playing the game Hangman, lol

I've always wanted to go on the price is right but with drew carey hosting now I've sort of lost interest.

when I was little I wanted to be on Nick Arcade so bad (anyone remember that?)
My wife loves Wheel and when we lived in Nashville, they had tryouts for some shows that were going to be filming in Nashville. We ended up going to 3 different tryouts and never even got our names called.

The tryouts are set up like mini-Wheel games. They play around 4 sessions of games and within each session (which I think happen every 10-15 minutes), they pull around 10 names out of hopper. Those 10 people go onto the stage and play a quick game of Wheel. They have producers or talent people (or someone) taking notes at how the people play and how energetic they are, etc.

I think it took around 4 hours for a complete tryout and we did that 3 times! That was 12 hours wasted. We did get free tickets to the taping of the Nashville Wheel shows and that was pretty cool to see.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Very cool!

I have one question, though - do they encourage you guys to buy vowels or something? I can't even count how many times I've seen contestants buy vowels right before solving the puzzle when the puzzle is already perfectly solvable. Always made me scratch my head.[/quote]

Yes, they did repeatedly remind us that buying vowels is a good thing--it prolongs your turn, it helps you fill in the blanks, and such...they also mentioned buying them "smartly"--as an example, if you see "NG", more than likely there's an "I" preceding them, so we should buy it, in hopes that it pops up elsewhere.

I used vowels to my advantage...:lol:
[quote name='Scorch']You going to tell us your name so we can watch out for you on the show?[/quote]

Well, I could, but wouldn't it be more fun to play, "One of these things is not like the others"? :lol:

If not, here ya' go:
My name is Saul,
and not Jamie or James. ;)

[quote name='bmsdaddy']He will be player #3, blue player. Show airs Weds., April 9.[/quote]
Ah yes, right you are. :)
Damn, my grandmother loves this show so I will probably make sure to watch it with her on that day. Always wondered what happened behind the scenes so thank you for your insights kind sir.
I'm bumping this topic, as my episode airs this week. My episode is Wednesday...but, if y'all can, try and watch Monday and Tuesday, as well. There's...an interesting pattern that developed, that I continued...see if you can spot it. (That is, if they show the episodes in order.)

If you need to know which station airs WOF, check out http://www.wheeloffortune.com.

[quote name='Malik112099']how the hell do you cheat on WoF?[/quote]

Earpiece, maybe? To have people in the audience (that you know) tell you the answer to the puzzle?
I want to set up two tvs in one room. I'll watch Wheel of Fortune on one, and beat you in Smash on the other.

I'll change all my taunts to BUY A VOWEL!
[quote name='Strell']I want to set up two tvs in one room. I'll watch Wheel of Fortune on one, and beat you in Smash on the other.

I'll change all my taunts to BUY A VOWEL![/quote]

Ha-ha, is that a threat? ;)

I can actually do that--the TV in the living room can display 2 inputs at once(except for the DVI, which the 360 is connected to). So, half the room can watch me on Wheel, and the other half can watch me get whipped on Smash. Delicious.:)

That is, provided I get home from college fast enough. Whaddaya' think?
[quote name='Phoenix Audubon']
That is, provided I get home from college fast enough. Whaddaya' think?[/quote]

Well, you did win the car right?
[quote name='Strell']I want to set up two tvs in one room. I'll watch Wheel of Fortune on one, and beat you in Smash on the other.

I'll change all my taunts to BUY A VOWEL![/quote]

Ha-ha, is that a threat? ;)

I can actually do that--the TV in the living room can display 2 inputs at once(except for the DVI, which the 360 is connected to). So, half the room can watch me on Wheel, and the other half can watch me get whipped on Smash. Delicious.:)

That is, provided I get home from college fast enough. Whaddaya' think?
[quote name='Phoenix Audubon']
That is, provided I get home from college fast enough. Whaddaya' think?[/quote]

Well, you did win the car right?
Well, tonight is the night and I almost missed it because it's on right now and I just turn my TV on. Low and behold it's a black dude on my screen. Nice to see some other black CAGs and on TV no doubt.
[quote name='cdeener']Well, tonight is the night and I almost missed it because it's on right now and I just turn my TV on. Low and behold it's a black dude on my screen. Nice to see some other black CAGs and on TV no doubt.[/quote]

His show is on the 9th.
[quote name='Rocko']His show is on the 9th.[/QUOTE]

Pay me no attention my good friends I was thinking of the date for something else and thought this was on the same day.
[quote name='Rocko']His show is on the 9th.[/quote]

You're right, Rocko. However, cdeener, since you saw tonight's episode, perhaps you took notice...;)
Let's see. Dude in blue won....didn't win the big prize....


Pattern thus far:

Finalist doesn't win final puzzle, had a chance to win $30K.

That's all I see for now.

Oh, I am paying attention. I'm chargin' mah lazers.
Phoenix (Saul), great job on Wheel! It sucks that you didn't win the final puzzle, but I swear you said "kinnned" Offer right before the buzzer which should have counted as far as I'm concerned. You used the K.

Anyway, you smoked those other guys and had great luck with the wheel. Congrats!
bread's done